Eve: Valkyrie – Warzone Goes Cross-Platform is This a bad Sign for VR?

Virtual reality (VR) fans may know Eve: Valkyrie from their release on the Oculus Rift in March 2016 and then consequent release to the PlayStation VR and HTC Vive CCP has slowly been adding new maps, mods achievements and improvements.

Today CCP Games announced that on September the 26th Eve: Valkyrie will become Eve: Valkyrie – Warzone, a new expansion with some major updates. Besides adding new ships, maps, weapons, with a progression system for each ship and a new game mode of ‘capture the flag’ and new wormhole with weekly challenges, the expansion also has some big new for non-VR gamers.

Eve: Valkyrie – Warzone will be cross platform. This means that for the first time, both VR gamers and non-VR gamers will be able to play together. This means if you just own a PC or PlayStation 4 you’ll be able to play alongside VR gamers on the RIFT, VIVE or PlayStation VR. It’ll cost you $29.99 to buy it, but if you already own EVE: Valkyrie you’ll be getting this expansion for free.

Andrew Willians, Lead Game designer at CCP Newcastle Studio said “ Not having access to VR hardware will no longer hold gamers back from diving weapons-first into intense and highly competitive space combat with friends.” Whilst Hilmar Veigar Petersson, CEO of CCP Games said, “ We’re starting the next step in EVE: Valkyrie’s journey by bringing this great game to an even wide audience – those who haven’t made the leap into VR yet – all while we continue to experiment with additional unannounced VR projects in development.”

Is the next step in any VR game going back to original gaming audiences? Or has the game run it’s cycle for VR and CCP want to focus on something else, and make money off this game to further experiment in VR. Or are they believe ‘cross reality’ as they coin it in the trailer, as the future? Is this what their fans have been asking for? Or is VR just not selling well enough? Or is this actually a great way to draw more players to get into VR? What are you thoughts?

Find out more in the video below.