VR Slugger: The Toy Field now available for HTC Vive on Steam

If you need some batting practice the perfect videogame for you just came to Steam and the HTC Vive – VR Slugger: The Toy Field. Poly Poly Games’ big hitter promises to be “The best virtual reality (VR) batting experience ever!”

The game takes on a cartoony art style and presentation, as one might expect from a game with the subtitle “The Toy Field”. Characters take on a chunky polygonal appearance which still manages to be charming enough. Couple this with some pretty, interactive backgrounds – including an erupting volcano – and you’ve got a fairly extreme baseball experience. Well, as extreme as baseball gets.

It’s not just a batting game though – there’s puzzles to be solved with the physics-based batting system, completing all of which will earn you an exciting Golden Bat – fancy.

There’s a Time Attack mode too, to see how many Home Runs you can hit in 30 seconds – the biggest VR baseball fans will be able to compare your scores with people around the globe and get competitive.

The game is loosely based on Yakyuban, a Japanese board game that simulates a fairly simple game of baseball, thus the cute toy-aesthetic. The game will also feature “secret triggers” in the field to help players achieve high scores. To grab VR Sluggers: The Toy Field, take a look at the game on Steam.

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