Inspired by the ancient civilisation of Egypt and the modern design of tower defence titles, Ancient Amulator will be coming soon to PlayStation VR. Ahead of the full release, the developers at Time of Virtual Reality (TVR) and TiGames have released a free demo for PlayStation VR users to test out.
The demo consists of a single-player trial that gives players a taste of the full game by allowing them to take control of either the Archer or Mage hero to either shoot arrows at the waves of foes that comes the player’s way, or blast them with powerful magic spells.
So far, out of the two playable characters in the demo, only the Archer’s background and name has been revealed. The Archer has been named as Lia Ilphukiir is an elf from a realm called Alfheim, fighting with the traditional elvish longbow.
Developed by TiGames for VR and built using Unreal Engine 4, Ancient Amulator is designed to be an intuitive tower defence game that is easy for new VR users to pick up and play. When the full title is released, there will be four hero archetypes to choose from, Gunner, Puppeteer, Archer and Mage, all of whom will have their own abilities and play styles. The player will be able to dynamically switch between hero characters if a change of tactics is required.
Ancient Amulator uses the PlayStation Move motion controllers for maximum immersion and intuitiveness. Users will be able to cut down hordes of magical creatures and monsters of the ancient world using a bow, gun or magical staff. Upon release, there will be two modes available, single-player or co-operative multiplayer for up to three people.
Ancient Amulator is due for release later on in summer 2017. Further information can be found on the official website. A video trailer is available to view below.
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