Epson Reveal Two New Products In Smart Glasses Line At Augmented World Expo

California is playing host to this year’s Augmented World Expo (AWE) and as you might expect there are a number of stories coming out of the event. New deals and new augmented reality (AR) products are being announced, including Epson. The Japanese technology company is best known for its printers and scanners. However it has also been developing its own line of smart glasses for sometime. These are the Moverio line of products, the last of which we reported on VRFocus was the Moverio BT-300, which marked the third generation of AR hardware and which was announced at the 2016 Mobile World Congress (MWC) held back in February last year.

Today sees the addition of the two devices to the Moverio family, the first being the BT-350 set of smart glasses which acts as an improved version of the BT-300. Powered by a quad core Intel® Atom™ X5 processor and by Android 5.1 ‘under the hood’, the BT-350 is set to retaining the benefits of its predecessors visual quality whilst increasing build durability and increasing flexibility with greater adjustment capabilities to have a more comfortable and secure fit. Such as the addition of adjustable nose pads to take in to consideration those who are already wearing glasses. The durability of the 350 is highlighted by the target market being use in high-use public arenas such as in museums as well as in professional sectors such as the medical, logistics and manufacturing industries. Lenovo also revealed that an array of accessories for the BT-350 will also be made available, listing the aforementioned nose pads, a customizable neck straps and, for when it gets a bit too bright, “flip-up style shades”.

The BT-350 is to be joined by the Moverio BT-2200, in similar form an upgrade to the existing BT-2000 series of industrial-focued smart headests. The BT-2200 takes into consideration feedback given, and is set to include the addition of a new hinge that is designed to go over the top of helmets with a front brim. Allowing users to flip the smart glasses up and down as needed and for the the glasses to remain securely fastened.

Epson also revealed that both sets of smart glasses are due to release at select retailers and will be orderable on the Epson website next month, June 2017 with a list price of $1,399 (USD) for the Moverio BT-350 and $2,999 (USD) for the BT-2200.

“Demonstrating Epson’s ongoing leadership and commitment to the market, the Epson Moverio BT-350 are the first production-volume smart glasses designed for a busy, commercial environment where the glasses are shared by users,” commented the Product Manager for Augmented Reality Solutions at Epson America, Michael Leyva on the news. “We are also the first to offer an innovative docking station for easy smart glasses management.”

Said dock, the Quint Controller Dock for the Moverio BT-350, will ship at the same time for $699 (USD). VRFocus will bring you more news from AWE as it is revealed.