Earlier this month Hammerhead VR released the second episode for its virtual reality (VR) horror experience Syren 2, for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. So VRFocus thought it would be a good idea to return to the ocean depths and see what the new release entails.
The first episode arrived back in February for both headsets, with VRFocus giving it a respectable four stars, saying: “Hammerhead VR has shown it can really do VR horror some justice, but Syren needs some more polish to be a standout experience.”
That first outing was all about stealth, hiding in the shadows and behind pillars to ensure you were never spotted as most of the time you’re unarmed. For this new release the tables have been turned, and instead you can now take the fight to the syrens. This is a far more action-horror experience, where you’ll start off with a pistol then find cash to spend at a gun store, purchasing more ammo and greater firepower.
Checkout the gameplay video below, and come back to VRFocus everyday for another slice of VR goodness.