A couple of weeks ago VRFocus reported on developer Tag of Joy announcing the upcoming release of augmented reality (AR) title Monster Buster: World Invasion. Today, the monster collecting and fighting videogame is now available on App Store for iPhone and iPad.
Monster Buster: World Invasion will naturally be paralleled with last summers mobile AR hit Pokemon GO, which garnered a massive amount of players as they went into the real world to catch the illusive creatures. Tag of Joy’s title does just the same with players having explore their surroundings to capture mischievous creatures roaming their neighborhood.
But Monster Buster: World Invasion does differ from Niantic Lab’s experience in several ways. Whilst you do have to collect and fight monsters In order to collect the creatures, players face-off their own monsters against the wild ones and use character’s special moves to defeat the untamed beasts. In doing so players’ monsters gain experience with each fight and with each new level reached can increase their luck, attack or defense skills.
Whilst exploring the real world in order to discover new monsters, players will also come across treasure chests and ingredients to create booster cookies and drinks. Additionally, Quick Fight matches allow players to fight monsters without going anywhere. This allows them to gain experience and collect loot, but does not offer the option to capture new monsters.
“We hope that the forty quirky monsters in Monster Buster: World Invasion will win the hearts of the players and encourage them to go outdoors and play,” said Šarūnas Ledas, CEO at Tag of Joy in a statement. “The game is casual enough to appeal to most people but we believe that the elaborate crafting system, exciting battles and customizable monsters will really grab players’ attention.”
While currently available for iPhone and iPad, Monster Buster: World Invasion to come to Google Play for Android devices in June.
For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.