Watch the First 15 Waves of VectorWars Played on HTC Vive

Red Iron Labs’ VectorWars launched last week and is now available to play in a variety of ways. VRFocus took some time to get hands-on with the videogame in VR with a HTC Vive. Check out the first 15 waves of the campaign mode in action right here.

VectorWars screenshot

A modern arena-based shoot-‘em-up videogame, typically known as a ‘twin stick shooter’ these days, VectorWars eschews modern graphics for a retro-flavoured experience. The videogame is available at a budget price and can be downloaded via Steam now.

Red Iron Labs has other VR titles in the works – indeed, VectorWars isn’t the studio’s first VR title – and VRFocus will be sure to keep you updated with all the latest releases.