The ancient world is a mystery in many ways. We know very little, when judged against the length of time the civilisation existed, about the ancient Egyptians and how they lived. Developer Time of Virtual Reality (TVR) has chosen to speculate on Egyptian society in upcoming co-op shooter Ancient Amuletor.
The title is set in a world strongly inspired by the style, art and mythology of ancient Egypt. The player can choose a hero character to play as, each of whom have different abilities and attributes to match differing play styles. The videogame can be played solo, or in co-operative mode with friends. The aim is to defend the magical crystals that maintain balance in the world of Ancient Amuletor.
The developers have so far finalised four different hero types. Archer, Gunner, Mage and Puppeteer. It is possible to switch to a different hero even while in the middle of a fight if the player finds that a different skillset is required. Two heroes have been given names and backgrounds so far; Lia Ilphukiir is an elf from a realm called Alfheim, a ranger captain who fights with a bow and arrow, thus filling the Archer archetype. Katie Clarke is a human scientist and inventor who created her own custom guns. She can also use wild fire for area of effect damage and fits into the gunner niche.
Ancient Amuletor was created with Unreal Engine 4 and designed to have a simple and intuitive arcade style that is easy to pick up and play without extensive tutorials. The developers are hoping to make Ancient Amuletor available some time in summer 2017 for PlayStation VR.
A trailer for the title is available to view below. Further information can be found on the Ancient Amuletor official website.
VRFocus will bring you further news on Ancient Amuletor and other PlayStation VR titles when it becomes available.