VRTV: Nina Heads into the Snow for the Arktika.1 Preview

Nina heads into the frozen wastelands of Arktika.1 in order to give her verdict on the current version of the game.

Arktika 1 is set in a dystopian future where climate change has wrecked the world and reduced the available habitable areas down to a few strips of land by the equator. The player character is located in a colony somewhere in Russia called Arktika.1, which must be defended from enemies and wild beasts.

Movement is handled with a fixed-point teleportation system and the various different types of guns can be reloaded by twisting the controller sideways. 4A Games also worked on the Metro franchise, so much of Arktika.1 will feel familiar to players of those titles.

The title is planned for release on the Oculus Rift with Touch some time in Q3 of 2017.

You can watch Nina’s preview video below.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Arktika 1 when it becomes available.