Mixed Reality Map travels to Kickstarter

In a global society, it’s important that people learn about other countries and cultures from a young age. But what if you don’t have the resources required to travel long distances? The designers of WorldMapPortal think they might have the solution.

WorldMapPortal is an interactive augmented reality (AR) map that works with a smartphone app and a simple cardboard headset/viewer in order to present a way to travel all over the world by simply selecting a country.

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An AR overlay goes over the map, allowing the user to change the viewpoint by simply moving where the smartphone camera is pointing. Looking at the map through the viewer allows users to see animated 3D characters and objects that are designed to model the real-life locations and people of that country. In addition to the AR overlay, the app comes with a selection of detailed VR videos of various significant locations around the world, complete with narration that offers details and history of each landmark.

The Kickstarter reward tiers range from the Early Bird Pack for $40 CAD, which will get backers a WorldMapPortal bundle of the Map itself, a VR viewer and the smartphone app. The top tier is the Mega Pack reward tier, costing $3,600 CAD which will get the backer 100 copies of the WorldMapPortal bundle, to be distributed to schools etc.

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The designers are seeking $40,000 CAD to meet their goal. The campaign will end on 16th April, 2017. If the campaign succeeds, the team expect that distribution of the product will begin in July 2017.

More details can be found at the official Kickstarter page.

VRFocus will keep you up to date on WorldMapPortal and other MR/AR/VR Kickstarter campaigns.