Today Japanese Developer SAT-BOX is launching its next virtual reality (VR) videogame for people who aren’t good at sports. VR Sports is a multi discipline title arriving on Steam for HTC Vive.
VR Sports is designed to be a full-body VR experience for all ages and skill levels, according to developer SAT-BOX. There are seven different sports available to try:
- Bowling – Choose the weight and colour of bowling ball that is right for you. You can even turn on bumpers if you are just a beginner.
- Homerun Derby – A simplistic form of Baseball where the aim is to knock the ball as far as possible.
- Soccer – Or football to Europeans. The player is the goalkeeper, trying to prevent the ball going in.
- Basketball – A 3-point contest format where you have to maximise your score within the time limit.
- Clay Shooting – Shoot the clay pigeons as the fly through the air, just like the Olympic sport.
- Japanese Archery – Hit the bullseye, you can even hold your breath to get the best accuracy.
- Boxing – Face three different opponents and try and get a Knockout.
The game features a leaderboard ranking system so players can compare their scores with others from all over the world.
SAT-BOX were previously responsible for sword-wielding VR game Samurai Sword VR, in which the player slices and dices bamboo, vases and even fish. SAT-BOX latest effort joins in a range of VR sports titles, such as VR Sports Challenge on the Oculus Rift, and 100ft Robot Golf on the PlayStation VR. Sports is one of the growth areas of VR, with many sports and teams getting involved with not only VR games, but also VR 360-degree video broadcasting and even for training upcoming athletes.
A price for VR Sports has not yet been confirmed, but you can watch the launch trailer below.
VRFocus will bring you further new on VR Sports and other HTC Vive titles.