Swiss virtual reality (VR) developer Kenzen Studios have announced that they are launching a new VR product designed to be used in malls and shopping centres for the purposes of advertising, promotion and entertainment.
The product is a compact VR set up consisting of a HTC Vive head mounted display (HMD) and a backpack PC. It was been designed to minimise cables and power outlets required and also makes it simpler to set up for the user. A customer of the shopping mall can be set up with the device which will allow them to play a short, 2-4 minute VR game, which allows the customer to gain points which can be traded in for discounts, gifts or vouchers from participating retailers. The software can also be modified to include branding and product placement.
The product was launched at Les Entilles Centre in La Chaux-de-Fonds on February 22nd and will be touring Coop Malls in Switzerland for 30 weeks.
Renato Blösch, Director of the Shopping Mall Letzipark in Zurich had this to say; “We are delighted to be the first shopping mall in Switzerland to bring this unique experience to our customers and provide this unique product placement opportunity for our partners. We anticipate a surge in attendance at our mall from the first day. Kenzan’s game manages to capture the imagination of curious customers of all generations.”
Ronny Tobler, CEO of Kenzan Studios added; “The Virtual Reality experience is all about the content. We create the ultimate illusion by combining virtual and physical objects to delight customers. In our pilots with Coop Shopping Malls we verified that a VR experience is a great crowd-puller.”
VRFocus will bring you further information on this new product and Kenzen Studios as it comes in.