Sheffield Doc/Fest Inviting Entries for 2017 Alternate Realities Market

Sheffield Doc/Fest, aka the Sheffield International Documentary Festival (SIDF) continues to grow and evolve. Much as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) continues to.

sheffield doc fest

This year’s event, taking place across the 9th to the 14th of June 2017 will be the fourth year that VR-related content will be featured. Part of which will be that found in the Alternate Realities Market which has now opened its doors for submissions.

The Market is open to anyone looking to create VR, AR, or projects that are in any other way interactive and who might be looking for some manner of support. Be it financial, manpower related or if you are looking for assistance in areas such as distribution. The Market is set to feature, according to the event, over 300 individuals that would-be pitchers can meet with on a one-to-one bases to sell their product or vision. A not unsubstantial amount of opportunities to make valuable industry contacts.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 16th March 2017.

Along with other projects Sheffield Doc/Fest is also busy working with the European Commission H2020 programme. Beginning last month the organisation began involvement in a new project focused around compression and transcoding technologies called DDD60, which is working to make both fields cheaper and easier to use.  The project is set to run until 2018.

VRFocus will bring you more information as to what is going on at the event as the talks and attendees are announced.