ZephVR Blows Past its Kickstarter Goal

It was only three days ago that VRFocus reported on Weasel Labs launching its Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign for its fan system for virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays (HMDs). Today, VRFocus can report that the funding goal of $30,000 USD has already been passed with 28 days still to go.

Weasel Labs has so far managed to secure $38,766 from 364 backers and by the looks of the campaign’s popularity that amount is going to sizeably increase over the next month. Currently there are no stretch goals listed – a popular way to gain more funding – although its difficult to see what else the company could offer.

ZephVR Oculus Rift

Have you ever felt that VR isn’t immersive enough when flying through the skies, racing in an open topped car or holding onto dear life as you whizz round on a rollercoaster, then that’s the reason for ZephVR, to add a bit of wind to proceedings. Weasel Labs isn’t just blowing air into your face at high speed, like you’re inside a wind tunnel, no it is more subtle than that.

ZephVR uses machine learning to add a breeze to any VR experience. “We designed the ZephVR to recognize the sound of wind in any audio track, so the ZephVR will work pretty well with any game out of the box!,” states the team. “We did this by labeling hours of gameplay audio and using machine learning to find patterns in the sound of wind.”

The system has two modes depending on user preference, an ‘autonomous mode’ where the software will automatically activate the ZephVR’s fans to coincide with events in whatever videogame is being played. Or ‘always-on mode’ which just  adds a steady breeze to keep players cool and comfortable – great for those intense workout experiences.

The device is compatible with Oculus RIft, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR, with the backing tier for Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) headset slightly more. The $49 super early bird offer for Oculus Rift and Vive is no longer available, so you’ll have to go for the $75 tier next (which also has limited availability). After that the standard price is $89.

For PlayStation VR on the other hand, the $79 super early bird offer is still available (at time of writing). Then it goes up to $99 for the early bird and then $119 for the standard price.

As the campaign continues, VRFocus will keep you informed on the latest updates.

Windsimulator ZephVR für Rift, Vive und PSVR auf Kickstarter

Auf Kickstarter sorgt ein neues Zubehör für die Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und PlayStation VR für frischen Wind: Das ZephVR-System lässt sich einfach an den aktuellen Brillen befestigen und verwenden. Die Entwickler versprechen, dass ihre Software automatisch Windgeräusche in Spielen erkennt – eine Anpassung ist also nötig. Die Kampagne startete äußerst erfolgreich und konnte nur wenige Stunden nach Beginn ihr Finanzierungsziel erreichen.

Windsimulator ZephVR

Das System ist extrem einfach aufgebaut: Ihr erhaltet zwei verbundene Ventilatoren mit Halterung, die sich schnell an der VR-Brille befestigen lassen. Damit der Support des Systems auch für alle Spiele klappt, möchten die Entwickler den Sound verwenden, um die Stärke des Windes festzulegen. Angeblich soll die Software über Machine-Learning genau erkennen können, wann ein Wind-Sound abgespielt wird. In manchen Spielen mag dies halbwegs vernünftig funktionieren, doch ein akkurates Feedback sieht sicherlich anders aus. Vermutlich arbeiten die Entwickler mit dem Herausfiltern gewisser Frequenzen, doch eine feine Unterscheidung ist aus diesen Informationen nicht zu generieren.

Dennoch: Auch weniger akkurates Feedback kann die Virtual Reality Erfahrung verbessern. Bei vielen Spielen würde auch ein Ventilator ohne Regelung für die Geschwindigkeit ausreichen, da der Wind das Gefühl vermittelt, dass man sich fortbewegt oder zumindest nicht im eigenen Zimmer steht.

Das Finanzierungsziel von 30.000 US-Dollar konnten die Entwickler innerhalb weniger Stunden einspielen. Aktuell haben Unterstützer 30 Tage Zeit, um an der Kampagne zu partizipieren. Aktuell sind noch diverse Versionen für unter 100 US-Dollar verfügbar. Die Version für PSVR kostet 20 Dollar mehr, da sie noch eine Audio-Box und ein Audio-Kabel enthält. Alle Preisinformationen findet ihr auf der Kickstarter-Seite. Die Auslieferung ist für Mai 2018 geplant.

(Quelle: Kickstarter)

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VR’s About to get Breezy as ZephVR Launches Kickstarter Campaign

There’s no argument that virtual reality (VR) can be highly immersive with just a head-mounted display (HMD), some motion controllers and headphones. But this is only the start, with companies looking at making the tech even more engaging. Enter Weasel Labs and its new Kickstarter crowd funding campaign for a fan add-on called ZephVR.

ZephVR is a unique accessory that attaches to popular headsets like HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PlayStation VR, automatically adding wind to any videogame. Weasel Labs has achieved this using machine learning, with the accessory recognising events in a title’s audio track, activating the two fans just at the right moment. So for example, whenever a player flies, falls or accelerates they’ll actually feel it.

ZephVR Cliff (Windlands)

“The ZephVR transforms any VR experience into a multi-sensory, physically immersive adventure,” said Sean Spielberg, the company’s cofounder and CEO. “Wind is one of the most critical elements in turning a game into a reality. Until now, experiences that incorporate wind have only been available at theme parks and exhibitions.”

The accessory is the brainchild of Paige Pruitt, cofounder and CTO, Weasel Labs, after putting her head in front of a window fan whilst using PlayStation VR. “It felt so real, and I couldn’t stop giggling,” she said. “I immediately started thinking about recreating moments like this for other games.”

The campaign has launched today, seeking to raise $30,000 USD and at the time of writing has already achieved just under $25,000. While backing tiers start from $5, to secure a ZephVR unit you’ll need to pledge a minimum of $49 for the early bird offer that’s compatible with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. The PlayStation VR version costs a little more at $79.

“We think the ZephVR is a natural addition to virtual reality, just like the Rumble Pak was for the Nintendo 64,” Spielberg adds. “But wind is just the beginning. Longer-term, our technology could enable all sorts of peripherals and physical effects—temperature, vibration, rain, or anything else people can think up—so that they work with all VR content, automatically.”

As the campaign continues, VRFocus will keep you informed on the latest updates.