Chapter 2 Of A-Tech Cybernetic Now Available

When it comes to videogame adversaries there’s a simple rule. If it’s not zombies, it’s robots and if it’s not robots it’s probably demons of some description.  You can usually count for one of the three being the cause of all the ruccus going on in the storyline of whatever it is that you’re playing. Another contender for that list are mutants, although in some cases they crossover with zombies. The most notable instance probably being in SEGA’s classic lightgun franchise THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD, where they make a point of not mentioning “the z-word”.

It’s mutants that are on the rampage in A-Tech Cybernetic, XReal Games’ virtual reality (VR) first person shooter (FPS) for both the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. Earlier in the month the title, which has been out on Early Access since March, was revealed to have a second chapter in development and that would launch at some time this month. The update being the latest edition to the videogame’s story mode that was added to A-Tech Cybernetic following fan feedback.

In Chapter 02 – System Warning: Attention the mutants are continuing to cause havoc and it’s up to you to use your bullets in order to put them in their place. The update for the second chapter also brings with it new animations, narrations, weapons and enemies as well as an update to the title’s demo and a “full rework” of the first chapter. The development team have also laid some groundwork for a potential third instalment of the story.

A videogame that has been built exclusively for VR, in A-Tech Cybernetic you get to freely explore a futuristic complex that, unfortunately, is in the grip of a mutant invasion. You’ll need to call upon your full arsenal of weapons be they physical weapons or out of this world powers not to mention get a bit creative in order to deal plenty of damage and fight off the rampaging horde.

“We wanted to see first if we were indeed on the right track with our game.” Said Dániel Harsányi, CEO at Xreal Games earlier this month on the subject of adding the story mode. “As the VR gaming scene is quite new, there are no working patterns that has stood the test of time and it is also changing rapidly: just a year ago exploring a highly detailed, interactive environment was basically enough for many players as VR was still a new thing. Today it’s different, VR is getting closer to the classic PC games market considering players’ demands. That is why we wanted to explore their needs and find out what they expect from a good VR game. That’s how our story mode got into the game.”

The full patch notes from XReal Games for what is version can be found below. VRFocus will bring you more updates on the title including details of Chapter 3 when they are revealed.

Chapter 1
  • We completely ditched the previous narrative, both the voice acting and the story. Yaaaay. (Sorry guys who actually liked it). Now it contains strong language, so faint hearted beware!
  • Removed the “flashback” scene. It made no sense.
  • Added a new introduction period where you gradually get access to the features of the game.
  • Added some hand-holding to the first corridor (“what the hell am I supposed to do”)
  • Serious (according to our GFX team, go see for yourself) graphical improvements to the main chamber.
  • Overall removed every obstacle from the main path, you can play using only locomotion (some areas are still only accessible with teleport but they aren’t needed for the story)
  • Removed many “where the did these come from” moments
  • No more facetearing maniacs running from the rooms that merge with your body because they are so fast.
  • Somewhat improved loot, more HP in the later stages of the map. (and overall more LEWT)
  • Improved pathing and corridor layout (You won’t stuck on everything, maybe only on every 2nd or 3rd object.
  • The Network (the matrix-thingy) drops you out automatically after completing the task. Which is now much more obvious.
  • Object clipping, like lights and fires is fixed

Chapter 2

It’s finally implemented. We won’t go into details because explore it for yourself, but we can tell you it was seriously reworked based on your feedback. When you find ways to break it please message us and we will include your name in the next patch notes (Eternal fame, infinite money etc. might come with it).

  • A massive all around rework. Basically everything changed.
    Noticeably stronger enemies. Much more HP and damage (even if you play on “tea party” difficulty you might notice it).
  • Body shots do way less damage than headshots.
  • Their animations are more responsive, they react if you hit them.
  • Improved AI and overall behavior (no more running in one place)
  • Sometimes sneaking is an option (to a certain degree)
  • Melee improvements. You have to hit them properly to do damage, melee weapons are OP AF. You might throw the enemies across the room with a proper hit. But if you let them come close, you can get overwhelmed in mere seconds. High risk, high reward.
    If you just b.tchslap them they might collapse but they will get back up and get revenge for the offense.
    Brute (the big chubby guy) is much more durable now, acts like the tank he is.
  • The shooter enemy is much more dangerous now, take cover.
  • The fast enemy is tearing you to pieces in a few seconds.
  • New teleport effect on the teleporting enemy


  • Fire now damages properly and much deadlier now
  • HP station recharge is gradual and the total amount is increased
  • HP pickup health restore reduced from 50 to 20
  • Armor pickup armor given reduced from 50 to 25
  • Door opening panels are now much more consistent in both behavior and visuals
  • Multiple objects received new interaction sound
  • Force pull is now twice as fast
  • Keycards open the door consistently
  • Everything gameplay related (crates, drawers etc.) is now colored yellow, and has a distinctive lighting method
  • Everything that is not related and was yellow before was recolored to grey

A-Tech Cybernetic Gets Free Demo and New Story Mode Chapter

Developers Xreal Games quietly launched its cyberpunk virtual reality (VR) shooter A-Tech Cybernetic into early access earlier this year, but now the development team think its ready for a wider audience.

A-Tech Cybernetic is a VR first-person shooter set inside the walls of a futuristic biomedical company where you must fight off an invasion of mutants. Xreal Games say that all action is controlled by real-life body movement that allows for an intuitive control set-up for greater immersion.

The title was originally launched in Steam Early Access in March 2017, with the first chapter of the Story Mode being introduced in September. In story mode the player takes the role of a person who has awoken inside a mysterious biomedical facility with no memory of their past, but with new and incredible superpowers. The player needs to find out the secrets of their past and learn how and why they ended up in the current situation – facing an army of mutated monsters.

The development team say they are very close to completing Chapter 2 of Story Mode, and hope it will be ready for release before 11th December, 2017. The chapter 02 update is also expected to contain new animation, voice-over narration, weaponry and enemies for players to enjoy. Chapter 1 will also be getting a revamp and a tease for Chapter 3 will be included, as well as the expected bug fixes.

The whet the appetites of users, a Free Demo mode has also been released, which lets players test out part of the Story Mode. The Early Access version currently has four swarm maps in addition to the first part of the story mode and is available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on Steam, priced at £10.99 (GBP).

The Story Mode Chapter 2 trailer video is available to view below. Further information can be found on the Steam Store page.

VRFocus will bring you further information on A-Tech Cybernetic as it becomes available.

A-Tech Cybernetic To Launch Story Mode This Month

Sci-fi virtual reality (VR) shooter A-Tech Cybernetic has been available in Steam Early Access since March 2017, and is soon to add an additional gameplay mode in the form of Story Mode by the end of September 2017.

Though full details are yet to be revealed, the plot concerns robots created by humans, the A-Tech Cybernetic, and the discovery of exactly what has transpired to make the robots hostile, and Earth almost uninhabitable by humans. The story mode is set to be roughly 3-4 hours long, with horror elements to complement the FPS.

XREAL Games, the developers and publishers behind A-Tech Cybernetic have placed an emphasis on graphical beauty as well as on offering a robust challenge to experienced VR users. The development team created the title with the ethos that completing each level should be accompanied by a feeling of triumph.

At the moment only Swarm Mode is accessible, which is essentially a survival mode where the player needs to cut down as many enemies as possible. If ammo runs out, then the player will be reduced to desperately punching enemies.

Other planned features that are expected to be included in a later update include multiplayer and co-op modes and puzzles. The development team are keen to get feedback from the Steam community on what other features to add.

A-Tech Cybernetic is available on Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Only tracked motion controllers are supported at present. The title is priced at £10.99 (GBP). Further information and updates are available on the Steam store page.

VRFocus will bring you further news on A-Tech Cybernetic as it becomes available.