Popularity Shifts to Oculus Rift in XRDC’s AR/VR Innovation Report

Reports such as the annual Game Developers Conference (GDC) State of the Game Industry Survey can be a good indicator of where the industry is heading and what direction developers see as the best to spend their time on. Today, the XRDC has released its fourth AR/VR Innovation Report, and for the first time creator interest has shifted away from HTC Vive towards Oculus Rift.

XRDC AR/VR Report 2019 PlatformsHaving gathered data from over 900 surveyed professionals, the AR/VR Innovation Report asked developers what platforms they were working on, with 29 percent saying Oculus Rift; putting it firmly ahead of HTC Vive on 24 percent. This does also highlight a dilution in the industry, with more platforms now available. In the 2018 report, 41 percent of developers said Oculus Rift.

New kid Oculus Quest has certainly garnered plenty of attention as 24 percent of developers are working on content for the device. However, PlayStation VR with over 4 million headsets sold languishes way down the list with a rather measly 7 percent (the same as Gear VR and Google Cardboard).

Most tellingly when it comes to the future of content support, when asked about which platforms future projects would be developed for Oculus stood head and shoulders above the rest. 30 percent of respondents said Oculus Rift, while 28 percent said Oculus Quest. Even Oculus Go managed 10 percent. HTC Vive came in at 24 percent, while its high-end brethren Vive Pro and Vive Pro Eye received 17 percent and 7 percent respectively. PlayStation VR achieved 11 percent, the same as Valve Index.


VR Education: JESS Dubai

As for augmented reality (AR), the results show that for platforms being worked on Android/ARCore hit 23 percent while Apple/ARKit was at 19 percent. Support for future projects was very similar, with ARCore still sat at 23 percent while ARKit jumped slightly to 21 percent. This puts them both in closer proximity to Oculus and HTC Vive devices, evening that divide just a little bit further.

When it comes to the focus of all this work, videogames still dominate at 59 percent of all projects. Education is another important topic developers are keen on exploring, with 33 percent working on some form of teaching experience.

Profit as always remains an issue, especially in the short term. When asked about their profit forecast time-wise, only 11 percent said short term, 27 percent said medium-term and 23 percent said long term. 6 percent worryingly said never. As further announcements are made regarding the health of the VR/AR industries, VRFocus will keep you updated.

XRDC Reveals What Attendees Can Expect

Cross reality, or XR has become something of a catch-all term for the various from of immersive technology that are both available and being developed, incorporating virtual reality (VR) , augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and more. XRDC is a conference which is dedicated to innovators in all these areas, incorporating a range of industries and organisations that can benefit from immersive technology.

XRDC is due to take place on 29th-30th October, 2018 at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, where representatives from prominent companies such as Amazon, Apple, DAQRI, Google, HTC Vive, Magic Leap, Sony, Oculus and Unity will be in attendance.


Featured conference tracks at the event includes Games & Entertainment, Enterprise Training & Education, Healthcare, Automotive, Innovation and Partners. Each will feature a range of keynotes, workshops, talks and demonstrations from industry leaders.

For example, the Games & Entertainment track will feature a talk about Reinventing the RTS for VR from Patrick Lipo of Hidden Path Entertainment, the developers behind Brass Tactics, while on the Enterprise Training & Education track there will be a talk from Eric Spalding of Boeing about the challenges of creating training environments in VR or AR. These form just small sample of the events on offer.

The organisers behind XRDC are encouraging those involved in the AR, VR and MR ecosystem to get involved with the event, as attendees from a whole range of industries and backgrounds, from content creators and designers to technical experts and investors will be at the event.

Those interested in attending will need to visit the XRDC website to fill out the registration form. Early tickets cos $1599 (USD) and will be available until 28th October, 2018. After then, on-site tickets will still be available at a cost of $1699.

For future coverage of upcoming VR-related events, keep checking back with VRFocus.

XRDC-Umfrage: Vive als beliebteste Entwicklerplattform; Rift gewinnt stark an Popularität

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Zum dritten Mal in Folge führte die Entwicklerkonferenz XRDC (früher VRDC) eine Umfrage über aktuelle Trends innerhalb der XR-Community durch. Dabei wurden mehr als 650 professionelle Entwickler/innen über ihre derzeitigen und kommenden AR- und VR-Projekte sowie Meinung befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die HTC Vive auch weiterhin als beliebteste Entwicklerplattform dient. Allerdings zieht die Oculus Rift dank massiven Popularitätsgewinnen nach und droht dem Platzhirsch in zukünftigen Projekten den Rang abzulaufen. Ebenfalls wurden Stimmungen über die Industrie sowie Fragen der Finanzierung geklärt.

XRDC-Umfrage – Entwickler/innen fokussieren sich auf den Entertainment-Bereich und Plattform-Exklusivität bleibt relevant

Die meisten Entwickler/innen spezialisieren sich weiterhin auf den Entertainment-Bereich. So liegt der Fokus auch in Zukunft auf der Entwicklung von Spielen und Unterhaltungsprodukten mit knapp 70 %. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr herrscht hier allerdings ein Verlust von 9 % vor. An zweiter Stelle stehen edukative bzw. Trainingserfahrungen mit ca. 36 %. Auf Platz drei stehen Anwendungen für Marken mit 24 %.XRDC-VR-AR-MR-Innovation-Report

Die Exklusivität von Titeln für verschiedene Plattformen bleibt auch weiterhin ein Thema, entsprechend gaben 32 % (knapp ein Drittel aller Befragten), dass ihr zukünftiges Projekt exklusiv auf einer Plattform erscheinen soll. Im Vorjahr waren es 31 %.


XRDC-Umfrage – Vive bleibt aktuell beliebt bei Entwickler/innen, deutlich mehr AR-Projekte und Oculus Rift als Entwicklungsplattform der Zukunft

In puncto derzeit genutzter Entwicklungsplattform konnte sich die HTC Vive zum dritten Mal in Folge mit 45 % den ersten Platz sichern. Doch der Trend nimmt zum Vorjahr ab, als die Vive noch mit 56 % deutliche vorne lag. An zweiter Stelle befindet sich die Oculus Rift mit 41 %, die zuletzt noch 49 % erreichte. Das größte Interesse an dritter Stelle gilt dem ARCore und fähigen Android-Smartphones bzw. Tablets mit 29 %, die dadurch die Gear VR vom Vorjahr vom Siegertreppchen ablösen.


Besonders interessant sind die Resultate über die zukünftig gewünschte Entwicklerplattform, denn hier überholt die Oculus Rift mit 41 % erstmals die HTC Vive, welche mit 39 % Platz zwei besetzt. Der ARCore für Android-Endgeräte soll mit 24 % auf dem dritten Platz verweilen.


XRDC-Umfrage – Finanzierung, Profitabilität des Marktes und Zukunftsaussichten

Die Finanzierung der meisten Projekte stammt mit 45 % aus den eigenen Unternehmen. Insgesamt 27 % aller Devs greifen auf eigene finanzielle Mittel zurück, während 21 % durch Kunden ihre Gelder erhalten.


Ob die Investitionen innerhalb des XR-Marktes sinnvoll sind und wie sicher sich die Befragten über den Markt fühlen, behandelte die nächste Frage. Demnach glauben mehr als 95 % aller Entwickler/innen daran, dass die XR-Industrie ein nachhaltiges Business ist. Derzeit sieht dies jedoch noch anders aus, denn lediglich 15 % gaben an, dass sie derzeit Profit machen. 38 % denken, dass sie mittelfristig Gewinne erzielen werden.

Zudem wurden die Experten über die Zukunft der Industrie befragt. Demnach glauben 75 % weiterhin daran, dass Augmented Reality wichtiger als Virtual Reality wird. Besonders die derzeitig hohen Kosten und das Gewicht der VR-Brillen spielen der AR-Technologie in die Hände. Entsprechend hoffen viele Devs auf die bald erscheinende AR-Brille Magic Leap One.

(Quelle: XRDC AR/VR Innovation Report [Angabe der eigenen Daten nötig])

Der Beitrag XRDC-Umfrage: Vive als beliebteste Entwicklerplattform; Rift gewinnt stark an Popularität zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

XRDC’s 2018 AR/VR Innovation Report Finds HTC Vive Still Most Popular for VR Developers

Over the last couple of years the XRDC (previously branded the Virtual Reality Developers Conference (VRDC)) has released an annual report on the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) industry. Now in its third year, the 2018 XRDC AR/VR Innovation Report has been released, offering insight into the rapidly growing and diverse industry including HTC Vive still being the most popular headset among developers.

XRDC 2018 Innovation Report

A big focus of the report – and one consumers and industry professionals will both take a keen interest in – is the popularity of the head-mounted displays (HMDs) currently on the market. Ever since the first report in 2016 HTC Vive has dominated this sector, and while its lead may not be as big as in previous years it’s still the most preferred headset to develop for.

45 percent of developers selected HTC Vive as their platform of choice with Oculus Rift remaining in second place at 41 percent. Previously in third position, the Samsung Gear VR has massively dropped attaining 19 percent, while Android phones and tablets using Google’s new ARCore toolset took the mobile headset’s place with 30 percent of the vote.

Interestingly, when respondents were asked about which platform their next project would be released on, Oculus Rift came in first at 41 percent, followed by HTC Vive at 39 percent, and Android devices using ARCore at 29 percent. This alters the previous years report which had HTC Vive ahead, highlighting a possible Oculus Rift resurgence in the next year.

XRDC 2018 Innovation Report - platforms

As for where these projects would be focused, videogames and entertainment still came out on top with 70 percent while training and education achieved a healthy 36 percent of the vote.

While recent reports hint at a supposed decline in VR interest, it seems that AR currently has the opposite effect. With 30 percent of developers are using Android’s ARCore toolset, and 24 percent making AR experiences for iOS devices using Apple’s new ARKit toolkit, 75 percent of the industry professionals surveyed believe AR will be bigger than VR, in the long term.

“Location-based AR and MR data will be ubiquitous as soon as the threshold for seeing it in a natural, unobtrusive way is significantly lowered,” wrote one respondent. “VR, with its physical threshold of having to immerse oneself and shut oneself out from one’s surroundings, is more similar to reading a book. Both are viable mediums, but very different.”

To see the entire XRDC’s 2018 AR/VR Innovation Report for yourself head here to download it. For any further updates on the industry, keep reading VRFocus.

VRDC Rebrands as XRDC, Call for Submissions Announced

As immersive technology grew so did the amount of dedicated events to the technology. The Virtual Reality Developers Conference (VRDC) began life as an addition to the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2016, and still takes place alongside as well as having a Fall event. Now the VRDC has been rebranded as XRDC to more broadly encompass the rich diversity of immersive experiences now available. For this years Fall event organisers have now opened the call for submissions.

XRDC Header

Spanning augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR), XRDC is now accepting session submissions pertaining to healthcare, education, and training applications as well as both videogame and non-game entertainment-immersive development.

Sessions will be organized into five tracks: Games & Entertainment, Education & Training, Innovation, Healthcare, and Partners.

Games & Entertainment is for those who wish to expand their knowledge in this particular area, whether you’re a programmer, designer, producer, artist, or in business development. Education & Training is dedicated to the most innovative and exciting advancements in AR, VR & MR training and educational applications. On the Innovation track experts breaking ground on the frontier of XR development will give talks and panels across a range of industries including construction, retail & commercial, industrial design, and more.


Healthcare will look at AR, MR, and VR solutions to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes, providing training and data solutions for healthcare providers, and immersive treatments and therapies for patients. Whilst the Partner track aims to provide session content that enables companies to communicate the value of their tool or service and educate developers on how to use the technology.

Tickets aren’t currently on sale with the 2018 passes and prices coming soon. The call for submissions to submit a session for XRDC is open now until 4th June at 11:59 pm PT. XRDC will be held 29-30 October, 2018 at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.