Russian virtual reality (VR) company Fibrum first started out designing and manufacturing its own Google Cardboard style headsets, before slowly entering the software market by creating its own experiences. Fibrum then took this one step further by developing its own content distribution platform DESIRIUM, for Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR. The platform expanded onto Viveport in November, and now the VR eco-system has arrived for the Xiaomi Store.
China is a big market for VR, hence why Oculus partnered with Xiaomi to launch the Xiaomi Mi VR standalone headset – a near identical carbon copy of the Oculus Go – which proved to be instantly popular.
Xiaomi Mi VR owners will now be able to go to their online store, download the DESIRIUM VR platform and check out all the videogames and apps available. The platform features both in-house content created by Fibrum as well as a growing roster of third-party experiences. Currently, there are 15 experiences to choose from, including recently released sci-fi horror Moon: The Dark Side.
Previously, we have conducted research stating that with time, users have a tendency to enjoy long-duration content less, especially when it comes to VR. Hence, Fibrum has decided to create DESIRIUM experiences lasting for 2 to 20 minutes,” notes the company in a statement. “A wide range of such unique experiences are designed to deliver a specific spectrum of different emotions, depending on the chosen genre. These experiences are labeled as “DESIRIUM Originals” and offer highest quality standards and engagement for VR. Our main DESIRE is to create a real, sophisticated ecosystem in the industry, attract as many people as possible to the technology of virtual reality and raise the quality standards.”

The platform also offers a “Descoin” in-app currency, a savings system with bonuses. Users earn extra Descoins for taking and completing achievements within the experiences. But in case they can’t afford an experience, Descoins can be accrued by watching short commercials within DESIRIUM VR.
Fibrum managed to secure a $1 million USD investment round led by The FunCubator and NP Capital Funds in 2018 to help bring the DESIRIUM platform to life. As further details are announced, VRFocus will keep you updated.