Peter Jackson’s Full ARKit Demo Released

At this year’s Apple development conference, the WWDC, Sir Peter Jackson’s newly established augmented reality (AR) studio offered a small glimpse of what they had been working on using Apple’s ARKit. Further details of that demo have now been revealed.

Head of Wingnut AR, Alasdair Coull spoke to BBC Click about what the studio had been working on, offering a more complete look at the ARKit demonstration. Viewed with an iPad camera, a landscape unrolled like a map on the surface of a table. Buildings popped up, showing what appeared to be a small American farmstead. People emerged from buildings to casually walk around and chat to one another, then suddenly, high-tech ships descend from the sky and begin to attack; One of the occupants of the farm goes flying off the table are fire and explosions pepper the AR landscape.

The demo was built with a combination of Unreal Engine 4 and Apple’s ARKit. Actors were motion-captured to give the miniature people in the demo the smoothness and realism needed.

As Coull told BBC Click: “Peter Jackson and his partner Fran Walsh, they’d seen some AR demos of some new hardware and were really excited about the creative possibilities. They’re amazing storytellers and they wanted to take their experience and use their skills and take them into this new medium.”

It seems that developers are only just starting to scratch the surface with regards to what AR and ARKit is capable of. BBC Click asked Coull if there were any plans for an AR experience using the Lord of the Rings universe and characters. Though Coull said there were no current plans, it is unknown what the future holds for Wingnut AR.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on developments involving ARKit as it becomes available.

Lord of the Rings Director Peter Jackson’s Wingnut AR Studio Uses Apple ARKit

Apple’s WWDC 2017 conference has been a fairly low event, without all the grandeur that Google’s I/O show had but that doesn’t mean to say it was any less interesting. While it long been suspected that Apple has been working on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies the news today has been somewhat unexpected – mainly due to the company being so secretive. As part of the keynote ARKit was unveiled and to properly showcased the software Wingnut AR was brought on stage to showcase what it had built.

Wingnut AR isn’t some random indie studio specialising in AR tech, in fact it was founded by acclaimed director Peter Jackson, the man behind The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. It wasn’t Jackson who took to the stage but Creative Director Alasdair Coull, who along with another Wingnut AR member demoed an unnamed project that came to life in real-time on the stage.

Wingnut AR 1

A scene rolled out on the table with animated characters, vehicles and buildings, all rendered using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4 – seemingly proving quite popular with developers. The level of detail and quality of the graphics is apparent straight away, with the entire environment looking as good as a proper videogame running on a console or PC.

Things then liven up with explosions and chaos galore, the characters then start to run about and one even fly’s off the edge of the table. This is all while the guy with the iPad moves around, moving further back to get a wider viewpoint and then moving right up close to get a good look.

While the content wasn’t interactive – merely viewable – it did demonstrate the possibilities that AR, Unreal Engine and ARKit could create. Coull finished by saying that an AR experience from Wingnut AR would be launching on the app store later in the year.

For the latest VR and AR updates from Apple, keep reading VRFocus.