Facebook launched App Lab just over a month ago with the service seeing a steady trickle of content arrive including two of its own supporting hand tracking. This week has definitely seen an uptick when it comes to new content with ten new titles added to the roster, offering a variety of indie virtual reality (VR) experiences.

Some of the new App Lab videogames available you may already be aware of thanks to them either appearing on SideQuest or you may have taken advantage of the “Waiting for App Lab” bundle which was available over on Itch.io for a limited time offering a group discount.
With their arrival on App Lab this week you get the benefits of the new distribution method, so they’re all easy to download with no sideloading required, and updates are automatic. There is a range of puzzle, shooter, action and sports titles to suit most tastes. For example, Peco Peco challenges you to build 3D jigsaw puzzles, with the App Lab release adding more models for a total of 42 jigsaw puzzles which should provide over 17 hours of gameplay with more on the way.
If you’re looking for something a little more action-oriented then you’ve got Warplanes: WWI Fighters, piloting era-accurate fighters from light scout planes to bombers through single-player, PvP and co-op multiplayer modes. Or you have Gun Raiders, a 4v4 team-based multiplayer shooter with three gameplay modes.

Hopefully, as you should be aware by now, App Lab titles can’t be found through Oculus Quest’s official store, you either need a link or have to go into the Oculus Browser, head to the Oculus website and type the exact name in. VRFocus is making that process a little easier by providing all the links below.
- Peco Peco
- Sky Squadron
- V-Speedway
- War Yards
- Warplanes: WWI Fighters
- Gun Raiders
- Solicitude Wake-up
- Jigsaw 360
- Sep’s Diner
- The Final Overs
As more VR developers chose to go down the App Lab route to get their projects onto Oculus Quest, VRFocus will keep you updated.