Vuzix Release Business Outlook for 2017

VRFocus have covered a lot of Vuzix’s recent activities. They are in the middle of a big push of their new M300 Smart Glasses technology, partnering with several other companies to provide their product and services. Vuzix has now revealed how it hopes to continue to grow over 2017.

Vuzix announces in the report that they will be moving much of their manufacturing to Asia for further flexability. The company has also received approval to begin distribution of the M300 Smart Glasses in Japan, which should begin shipping in Q2.

A $1.1 million (USD) deal with Toshiba is also announced within the report. Toshiba are working with Vuzix on a customised version of the Smart Glasses, which is expected to begin production in the Autumn.


The report identifies several priorities for the company for 2017. Namely:

  • Increase M300 production with a goal of achieving 1,500 units a month in Q2, while completing our planned transition of manufacturing to Asia to lower costs and further increase our production capacity
  • Broaden our enterprise distribution channels through additional VARs (value added resellers) and other strategic agreements
  • Deploy automated waveguide replication equipment that will allow for volume production along with improved precision and performance
  • Broaden intellectual properties including the filing of numerous new patent applications
  • Prioritize, support and actively engage new interests received from select OEMs


  • Manage the growth in operating costs, so that along with our expected increase in revenues we can minimize the funds required for operations as we move towards profitability

Vuzix M300

The report concludes with the following statement from Vuzix: “We should be at the forefront of helping to evolve the world of mobile computing and AR with technology that connects the digital world to the real world through fashionable AR smart glasses. We believe Vuzix is now positioned well on the capital front to execute on our plans in 2017 and grow our business.”

VRFocus will continue to bring you news about Vuzix and other VR industry names.

Vuzix Partners with KDDI Vist@Finder for video transmission

Vuzix, creators of a series of augmented reality (AR) Smart Glasses like the M300 series, have partnered with KDDI Vist@Finder in order to allow images captured by the camera mounted on the Vuzix Smart Glasses to be transmitted securely.

KDDI Vist@Finder is a system that allows images and videos taken my smartphones, tablets and laptops to be sent securely over networks without compromising the image quality. The system allows for several functions, such as AR overlays with live audio and video streaming and hands-free transmission. With the partnership with Vuzix, the system now has the capability of recording and transmitting from and to Smart Glasses.

As VRFocus has reported before, Vuzix is partnering with a number of companies to supply their product for a range of commercial functions such as RFID scanning and quality control.

Vuzix M300

“Vuzix is excited to pair up our next generation M300 Smart Glasses with KDDI Vist@Finder remote operations supporting system to enable hands-free video transmission via Smart Glasses,” said Paul Travers, President and Chief Executive Officer at Vuzix. “Our M300 Smart Glasses feature a 13-megapixel, 1080p video and image-stabilized auto-focus camera that is ideal for relaying high-quality video content remotely in the field.”

Vuzix will be demonstrating how the new system works on the M300 Smart Glasses at the KDDI booth at CeBIT, a technology expo on Hannover, Germany on 20th March through to 24th March 2017.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on Vuzix and its Smart Glasses product.

Vuzix showcase new Smart Glasses at Stuttgart Trade Fair

The line of Vuzix smart glasses has appeared in several stories on VRFocus, hoping to find success with their Android-powered Augmented Reality (AR) Smart Glasses. As such, Vuzix teamed up with several manufacturing partners to display the product at the LogiMAT 2017 Trade Fair in Stuttgart, Germany as part of its VIP programme.

The company’s new M300 Smart Glasses are designed for enterprise use, as such, several of Vuzix’s enterprise partners were demonstrating the functions of the product at their stands. Such as NxtBase Technology, who was demonstrating the M300 use as an RFID scanner, or PCData, using the glasses with their DistribAR software for use in warehouse order distribution. Ubimax, meanwhile, will be showing how the M300 glasses can be used for quality control inspection and assembly assistance.

Vuzix M300

“Vuzix continues to take our award-winning smart glasses solutions to the next level and demonstrate how to increase productivity in specific vertical markets such as logistics,” said Paul Travers, President and Chief Executive Officer at Vuzix. “Vuzix offers one of the largest portfolio of software solutions for the logistics markets because of its VIP and VAR programs. The return on investment is clear in the logistics vertical, thanks to the proven increase in process speeds of up to 30% via hands-free computing, while at the same time reducing the overall error rate, and reducing training time.”

The LogiMAT Trade Fair took place from 14th March through to 16th March 2017, and was focused around Distribution, Materials Handling and Information flow.

VRFocus will keep you informed on developments with Vuzix Smart Glasses and other AR products.

Vuzix In Shares Sale To Fund Next Moves

It has been a busy few months for augmented reality (AR) eye-wear creators Vuzix. From August we saw them team with Amimon where their tech was used in drone racing, went to CEDEC and IFA , they released a new driver for head-tracking and added support for SteamVR. Their new M300 AR Smart Glasses have moved into the shipping stage, we’ve even seen the technology shown off on a couple of occasions. They’ve moved into new partnerships as well.


On Friday however the company released a new statement announcing the end of a new funding round. As part of their efforts to acquire funding which the company says is for supporting it’s production and distribution of the aforementioned M300 series of smart glasses as well as the M3000 line, development of Vuzix’s proprietary waveguide technology as well as for what it terms “general corporate purposes”. Two million shares in the company were offered up for sale generating $13.6 million (USD) in net revenue following the reduction from an initial $14.5 million (USD) owing to fees.

Vuzix looks set to move into 2017 in a strong position with products at the ready and capital to back it up. They’re excited about the prospects as well. Paul J. Travers, President and Chief Executive Officer of Vuzix spoke on the matter last month.

“We envision many uses for AR both for enterprise, as well as for gamers and consumers generally. We at Vuzix have long believed that AR is the future and that it will have a tremendous impact on corporations and consumers.”

And speaking on the product line back in September commented that “Our VIPs are developing applications in most of the key enterprise markets for smart glasses. Being the world’s first second generation smart glasses, and having the advanced features set requested by our large installed base of M100 customers, sets the M300 apart from the competition. Finally, enterprises have a solution that is deployable for volume applications.”

VRFocus will continue to bring you more news and updates on Vuzix’s future plans as we move from 2016 into 2017.

For Business Or Pleasure: Vuzix Showcase Their Blade 3000 Smart Sunglasses In New Video

When it comes to augmented reality (AR) on VRFocus, two topics immediately spring to mind owing to their frequency of new and of discussion. The first is Pokémon GO, Niantic’s free-to-play AR game for mobile which has captured the imagination of millions. The second is Vuzix, the award winning American firm and wearable technology creators. Each have had their fair share of stories on the site in 2016 and, midway through November, it looks as though we’re not finished with either of them this year yet. With news on each this last Friday alone.

Vuzix Blade 3000

Today though is Vuzix’s turn again in the spotlight. After releasing a video previewing it’s AR technology to be showcased at CES 2017, Vuzix has also released a trailer for it’s Blade 3000 Smart Sunglasses. The trailer showcases some of the functionality you can expect to enjoy with the glasses that operate as “a hands free extension to your smartphone”.

“We envision many uses for AR both for enterprise, as well as for gamers and consumers generally. We at Vuzix have long believed that AR is the future and that it will have a tremendous impact on corporations and consumers.”said Vuzix President Paul Travers, in a statement.

Vuzix hope to prove that their Android powered, but iOS and Android connectable system will prove an exciting and viable alternative to smartwatches and similar wearable gadgets. VRFocus will bring you more technology news from GDC 2017 and in the weeks leading up to it. Come back soon for the latest headlines.

See How Vuzix’s AR Technology Looks In Action In New Video

Depending on who you ask it’s a toss up as to which has had the best year, virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR). Despite VR having the more obviously important 2016, with multiple retail hardware launches crossing PC, console and mobile. Long awaited software launches both for entertainment and creativity and still things like Oculus Touch on the horizon. Others though would argue that AR should take the crown for best 2016, based purely on the impact of Pokémon GO alone. A mass-appeal AR title (though there is still disagreement about how much of an AR game it truly is) which successfully broke the glass ceiling and connected with the end audience in a way VR has, arguably, still failed to do. Apple head Tim Cook siding with AR over VR has also been seen as a potential game changer and is notable as the California-based tech conglomerate prepares for it’s inevitable step into the industry; presently being “in an exploration phase”.

To say that all the excitement in AR has been Pokémon GO‘s doing would be doing a disservice to the companies in the industry for whom 2016 has been a particularly busy year. One you can include in that number is Vuzix, whose year has included numerous trade show demonstrations, new partnerships, new updates and new products.

Vuzix M300

Their latest update is a video showcasing their AR technology in action. Captured via an iPhone, the footage offers a look at how Vuzix’s latest generation of proprietary waveguide see-through optics actually look like when in use. Vuzix President and Chief Executive Officer Paul Travers, is quick to confirm that this is but a simplified way of seeing the tech in action. As well as confirms his company’s hopes for the future.

“We strive to be at the forefront of the adoption of this unique technology and are proud of our latest waveguides and Cobra II projection engines used in this video. As great as this video looks, the cellphone’s camera that shot this does not do justice to the vibrant imagery the viewer sees when looking directly into the waveguides. We envision many uses for AR both for enterprise, as well as for gamers and consumers generally. We at Vuzix have long believed that AR is the future and that it will have a tremendous impact on corporations and consumers.”

VRFocus will be there to report on the continued developments of AR and of Vuzix into 2017 and beyond. Why not follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or YouTube for the very latest.

Vuzix Partners with Austria’s ANYLINE to Deliver Mobile OCR Reading

Augmented reality (AR) smart glasses manufacturer Vuzix, which makes the M100 and M300 models, has recently announced a new partnership with Austria’s ANYLINE to provide owners of the headsets with the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) application.

OCR allows users to read text, whether that’s reading across a room, a license plate on a car, or a gas meter in a manufacturing plant for example, which is then inputted instead of using voice recognition, typing, or button scrolling. ANYLINE demoed the technology using the Vuzix Smart Glasses at the AWE Europe conference in Berlin, Germany last week.

Vuzix M300

ANYLINE is solely focused on fast and accurate text recognition, which can be difficult to accomplish, requiring  higher processor power and camera resolution. ANYLINE will now leverage the new Vuzix M300 to provide this experience at the speed and accuracy demanded in enterprise environments.  The software development kit (SDK) can be adapted to client specific needs, or can be used with several pre-optimized applications.  Current use cases span scanning passports for the United Nations, to reading utility meters for large energy providers.

“We are excited to add the ANYLINE OCR application to the Vuzix developer toolkit. While currently available on the M100 Smart Glasses, the new Vuzix M300 was specifically designed with 3-times the processing power and a significantly higher resolution camera to empower applications like this to deliver the quality and speed required by enterprise,” said Paul Travers, President and CEO of Vuzix.

In September Vuzix began shipping its Design Validation Test (DVT) units of the M300, but only to VIP developers and enterprise partners.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Vuzix, reporting back with any further updates.