VR World Congress 2017 Date Announced, Puts Callout for Speakers

If you haven’t done so already you may need to get the calendar out and start planning which events to head to in which to see the latest virtual reality (VR) tech next year. There’s CES in January, the 2017 D.I.C.E. Summit in February, and today the VR World Congress (VRWC) dates have been announced for April.

Organised by Opposable VR, next years event will be the third conference, held in Bristol, UK. The VRWC has become one of the biggest events in the UK calendar with last year featuring exhibitors including AMD, Unity, CryEngine, Samsung, HTC, nDreams, BlueGFX and DCRC.


Currently Opposable VR is looking for speakers across the following topics:

  • VR architectural visualisation
  • VR gaming
  • VR training
  • Mobile VR
  • VR engineering
  • VR development
  • 360° film
  • VR sports broadcasting
  • VR healthcare technology
  • VR/binaural/360° audio
  • VR development platforms
  • Enterprise VR
  • Social VR
  • Augmented reality

VRWC 2017 will be a three-day event running from 11th – 13th April. There are a range of tickets available starting from £20 GBP ex VAT for a single day expo pass, up to £300 ex VAT for the full three-day conference and expo pass, although at the moment there’s a very limited early bird offer of £150 ex VAT. Also available are group discounts which can save up to 20 percent off the full conference and expo pass, see the VRWC website for further details.

As further details are released on speakers and exhibitors, VRFocus will bring you the latest updates.