Deepening the immersion of virtual reality is something many creators or working on, from finding a natural form of locomotion to delivering realistic physical feedback from these virtual worlds. The latter of the two has been tackled in various forms but a common factor between a majority of the options is a high price tag. The VRgluv, currently undergoing a Kickstarter campaign, is an attempt to bring affordable feedback to HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
Despite the team behind VRgluv touting this as an affordable haptic device, it doesn’t look like the glove will be without any significant features. It is said to offer complete tracking for every individual finger and will have realistic force feedback for each as well. On top of all that, they aim to make it lightweight, comfortable, and rechargeable all while somehow being wireless as well.
For the “We Got Funded” pricing tier the project’s creators promise a pair of VRgluvs for $369 (limited to 400 pairs). The “Kickstarter” special promises a pair at $399, described as being a “20% reduction off the retail price”. If this glove operates as they say with minimal lag, this price sounds like quite a bargain. It may take a little bit more time to bring the price to a fully consumer friendly zone, but it isn’t far off from a price that allow it to be paired with the Rift and Vive in a bundle and not scare off the early adopters.
The VRgluv team says they already getting developer kits out to creators. Experiences such as Drunken Bar Fight and Abode are listed as compatible content and, considering they’ve surpassed their $100,000 goal with most of the month to go, that list should grow quickly. Stay tuned to UploadVR for more updates in the future.
Tagged with: VRgluv