The Science of Virtual Reality: How VR Helps with Memory Retention

Yulio VRFocus Guest Post

Much of the current interest in virtual reality (VR) centres around how it might be a new format to better engage the brain in learning, and how this new medium impacts memory retention, and to better engage the interest of those viewing VR.

While this immersive technology certainly excels in those objectives and has the potential to significantly disrupt training and education, When it comes to making bold statements with how VR directly affects how our brain accepts and retains information, we need to go back and look into the science of how exactly virtual applications are able to do just that. 

So in today’s post, we’ll be taking a deep dive into how exactly VR helps with memory retention and the certain areas this technology seamlessly targets by looking at two studies published in 2018. 

Intro to Attention & Memory

Before we start unpacking VR and memory retention, let’s briefly take a crash course in how our brain understands, processes, and recalls information. 

Encoding refers to the brain’s natural process for converting information into a construct that will be stored in either short or long-term memory. Boundless Psychology says this is like, “hitting “Save” on a computer file”. Your brain constantly is filtering, processing, and organizing information into these categories in order to store what’s important in order to avoid overwhelming you with remembering every single piece of information. 

You have probably experienced this in school especially when cramming for tests and exams, trying to read and remember the content you need to know to pass a course. However, the key to remembering and recalling information is transitioning what you’ve learned from short term memory into long term. In order to do that, neural connections need to be strengthened through repetition and reinforced by targeting our senses like sight and sound. 

  • Improves Recall Significantly

In a study conducted by Eric Krokos, Catherine Plaisant, and Amitabh Varshney, researchers from the University of Maryland, their main objective was to explore whether participants learn better in a virtual environment versus traditional platforms like desktop computers or tablets. Specifically, their main focus was whether VR affects a person’s recall ability. Researchers immersed participants in a “memory palace”, where people recall an object or item by placing it in an imaginary physical location. With presenting information in this format, researchers made use of spatial mnemonic encoding, which in layman’s terms refers to the brain’s ability to spatially organize thoughts and memories. 

What researchers found was that participants scored at least 10% higher in recall ability with a VR application. While this number may seem small, researchers share that this finding was statistically significant, and not attributed to chance. Being able to visualize and see in an immersive space was the key to this improvement in recall results. That’s because, with VR, the experience gives participants a true feel in stepping into a space and allows them to create their own lived experiences digitally. It is the act of leveraging a person’s natural ability to sense body position, movement, and acceleration that can enhance learning and recall. 

  •  Leads to Better Focus

In the same study, participants described how immersion played an important role in helping them stay focused on the task. Since researchers were using a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) headset to compare to learning via a desktop, participants were able to use and experience hardware that provided the most immersive effect. Like the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, HMD’s fit similarly to goggles, featuring a rim that is purposely there to block out light and other extraneous stimuli we would pick up in our peripheral vision. 

This sets up the perfect environment for users to direct their full attention to the VR experience, which is exactly what participants of this study found. It was this zoning in effect that helped participants experience the “superior sense of the spatial awareness which they claimed was important to their success”. Not only did full immersion help participants’ overall focus and help them perform better, but researchers also found that all but two of the 40 participants actually preferred using the HMD for the task compared to a regular desktop. 

  • More Enjoyment with Spatial Presence

Regarding spatial awareness, the study by Yeonhee Cho from Syracuse University looked specifically into the effects of having a digital presence in VR and how it impacts memory retention. One striking finding is the function of enjoyment in memory and recall. Similar to the Krokos, Plaisant, and Varshney study, Cho was comparing learning with desktop applications and immersive VR experiences in relation to learning a second language. Cho’s participants had a mixture of genders and backgrounds but shared one thing in common: having zero prior education or experience with the Korean language. 

The findings from this study partially focused on enjoyment while learning and highlighted how being entertained affects the whole learning process. Especially when navigating unfamiliar topics or environments, Cho notes that “enjoyment reduces stress or fear”, giving participants a new sense of motivation and something to look forward to. And since VR is still heavily associated with game-based applications and entertainment, the tendency to view the hardware in this way can actually be favourable. Cho found that game-based systems use enjoyment to build confidence and motivation in users without a negative response. 

The Science of Virtual Reality and Memory Retention

It’s safe to say that participants from both studies echoed an overwhelmingly positive response by using VR during learning applications. However, the question still stands: does VR help with memory retention? In short, yes, absolutely. By targeting how we learn and process information, capturing our focus all while making it fun and exciting, VR checks off so many of the boxes that will make experiences unforgettable. 

While these findings are particularly useful for curriculum writers and the education industry, there are also positive implications for adults in on-the-job training and in helping people learn and retain safety procedures or crisis responses. There are also implications for VR marketing, with a tool that captures client attention and makes your product or service stand out from the crowd. VR is a new medium without a lot of studies into its societal impact but its ability to leave impressions on memory and to help with retention have significant implications across industries and verticals.

‘CalcFlow’ Studio Partners with HTC to Bring VR STEM Tools to Libraries Across California & Nevada

Nanome, the studio behind CalcFlow, the 3D visualization tool for math concepts, has partnered with HTC to bring their STEM-focused VR tools to libraries across California and Nevada.

Nanome is bringing a number of their VR tools to libraries as a part of the Vive Libraries program, which recently saw over 100 HTC Vive’s donated to public libraries in California and Nevada.

Nanome’s CalcFlow aims to make calculus easier, allowing you to use VR to manipulate 3D graphs, model concepts in 3D, and also quickly modify parameters. CalcFlow is offered as a free download, but little good that does without a VR headset.

The studio’s other offerings include NanoOnea tool to model and visualize molecules, and NanoPro, a tool that lets you do the same but with atoms, molecules and proteins in a collaborative VR environment.

“Nanome is looking forward to partnering with HTC to work towards a future of democratized science, where anyone can learn, participate, and contribute to STEM fields,” the company says in an HTC blogpost. “Immersive virtual classrooms, labs, and experiences, like the ones created by Nanome, will open the eyes of students and hobbyists around the world.”

Library goers will also be able to use the company’s new blockchain platform Matryx, which rewards collaboration in STEM by posting monetary ‘bounties’ for difficult math problems and tasks. Matryx isn’t specifically a VR app, but does integrate with other Nanome VR tools,

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Watch: SuperChem VR is a Cool Virtual Lab for Fun and Immersive Learning

Schell Games have released a trailer for their latest project SuperChem VR, an incredibly fun looking way to teach chemistry and perhaps a glimpse into the potential future for VR in education.

We’ve seen a lot of application attempt to capture some of the potential VR enthusiasts of immersive computing know VR can deliver. But Jessie Schell’s studio, responsible for the ingenious Bond-esque VR puzzle title I Expect You to Dieseem to really be onto something with their latest title SuperChemand I think it may be one to watch.

SuperChem’s concept is simple; Utilise the immersive properties of virtual reality to provide students with both a safe and fun environment in which to learn about chemistry. Doing this in VR means there’s no danger of harm from caustic or corrosive chemicals, no risk or accidental fire damage and, perhaps most importantly, you can give the user access to infinite resources and ensure maximum engagement by designing the setting to be fun and to encourage curiosity.

Designing a VR Escape Room Puzzle Game with 'I Expect You to Die'

“Teachers report that learning about chemicals, lab equipment and how to use the equipment correctly can be a slow process,” says Jessie Schell, CEO of Schell Games, “So SuperChem VR is designed to allow you to learn about these concepts in a safe, interactive and immersive way.”

The application as it stands puts the user in a futuristic space laboratory, surrounded by chemical dispensers, but also very un-futuristic, very familiar conical flasks and measurement cylinders. You can access different chemicals which are virtually synthesised on command and then mix any of them using the same physical actions you’d perform in real life. You can mad scientist your heart out, analysing the results as you go and, should you get stuck, there’s a friendly assistant to guide and prompt you in the right direction and to set you individual tasks and experiments to carry out. “This combination of an immersive and engaging environment with scaffolding for exploring chemistry allows you to have fun while learning,” says Schell.

The project was created with support from the Institution of Education Sciences (part of the U.S. Department of Education) along with the Small Business Innovation Research although it’s not clear if or how it’ll be rolled out for actual use in educational institutions. From my perspective however, the format seems like a winner and for someone like me who really struggled grappling with some aspects of science at school, despite having a keen interest, I think something like SuperChem VR would have been a real help in earning my engagement.

What do you think of SuperChem VR‘s concept and its practical uses for programs like it in education today and in the future?

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