AMD’s Roy Taylor on New GPUs, Tools, & Consumer VR Pods


I had a chance to catch up with AMD’s Roy Taylor, VP of Alliances, Content, and VR, at VRLA to hear more about AMD’s recent announcements, their open source philosophy, their support for VR storytellers, and the upcoming VR on the Lot event on October 13 & 14th that will be helping to educate the film industry about VR.


AMD has made a number of different announcements over the past couple of weeks at both SIGGRAPH and VRLA. They announced some new Radeon Pro graphics cards designed for professional visual effects creators, as well an open source VR video stitching software called Project Loom (to be released on GPUOpen later this summer), as well as rebranding and open sourcing their ray tracing program ProRender, which is a rebrand of FireRenderer.

At VRLA, AMD announced that they’re bringing VR demos to the masses in public spaces like malls and movie theaters in partnership with Awesome Rocketship. In order for VR to be successful AMD is helping to support initiatives to make more accessible for consumers to try. AMD also announced the least expensive VR-ready PC that meets Vive’s and Oculus’ minimum specifications with the CYBERPOWERPC Gamer Xtreme VR for $720 now available on Amazon.

Radeon Pro is being sold to visual effects professions and VR storytellers:

Here’s a teaser trailer for the Awesome Rocketship VR demo pods that AMD will be helping to bring to malls, movie theaters, and other public areas where people gather:

And here’s several of my tweets from AMD’s SIGGRAPH presentation highlighting some of their important announcements:

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Music: Fatality & Summer Trip

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