Hands-on With The Santa Cruz Inside Out Position Tracking Oculus Prototype

Hands-on With Santa Cruz Inside Out Position Tracking Oculus Prototype

We went hands on with the Santa Cruz prototype from Oculus, which is the current name for an early standalone mobile VR headset the company is working on that includes position tracking.

No photos or videos were allowed for the demo, and it was a brief hands-on. The device looked and felt much like an Oculus Rift. Demo providers declined to say whether the demo ran at 60, 75 or 90 frames per second, nor did they reveal the resolution of the headset. Inside the headset, I walked from one end of the room to another and back again, jumped and crouched, and the self-contained unit didn’t lose tracking. The headset displayed a sparse environment with no clear interactivity available beyond the ability to move freely around the room.  The headset featured four cameras on the front face, two pointed toward the ceiling and two more pointed toward the floor.

When I approached a wall a blue grid line came up warning me of my proximity. Tracking did have one small hiccup when I reached a corner of the room and turned quickly, but otherwise tracking was really solid and I felt no discomfort quickly taking several steps across the room. Overall, the experience felt more like a Rift that went wireless rather than a Gear VR that gained position tracking.

The headset was in a super early state, with a battery hanging on the back that got disconnected as they carefully placed it on my head.

Intel and Qualcomm are among a number of tech companies attempting to figure out how to do inside out position tracking in a way that doesn’t drain the battery too quickly. With a big reveal on ‘Santa Cruz’ at Oculus Connect by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, it is clear a self-contained mobile unit is a high priority of the company.

Mark Zuckerberg On Standalone Inside Out VR Headset: ‘We Have A Demo, But We Don’t Have A Product Yet’

Mark Zuckerberg On Standalone Inside Out VR Headset: ‘We Have A Demo, But We Don’t Have A Product Yet’

CEO Mark Zuckerberg made clear Facebook is planning a standalone mobile VR headset capable of inside out position tracking.

“We’re working on this now,” Zuckerberg said. “It’s still early.”

Like Microsoft’s upcoming Scorpio Xbox console, the announcement from Zuckerberg gives developers a long-term view of what to expect from Oculus. We hope Oculus CTO John Carmack has more information to reveal about the system in his keynote on Friday.

“We have a demo,” Zuckerberg said. “But we don’t have a product yet.”

Inside out position tracking is one of the biggest problems yet to be solved in an inexpensive VR headset. With the technology, the headset knows where it is in a room without any external cameras or base stations needed. We’ve been asking Carmack about it for more than a year, and the issue to be solved is with the amount of power the approach consumes. Nobody wants a VR headset that only lasts a few minutes before needing to be recharged and that’s the challenge Carmack will face in bringing the technology to mobile devices.

Updates to come.

PS VR Review Roundup: Great Design And Price Is Marred By Poor Tracking And Content

PS VR Review Roundup: Great Design And Price Is Marred By Poor Tracking And Content

PlayStation VR might not be out for another week but reviews for the long-anticipated headset are finally coming in. We already know that the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are great pieces of kit, but at $599 and $799 respectively, they’re far too costly for many consumers. The question facing PS VR, then, is if the sacrifices it makes to bring that barrier down to $399 still allow for a quality VR experience.

That’s what people from around the internet have tried to answer today, and reading reviews from everyone including experienced journalists that have been following VR for years to hardcore gamers that are only now getting their first taste of the tech has been fascinating. But what we want to know is simple: do people actually like PS VR? Better yet, do they recommend you buy one?

Let’s start with our own in-depth review of the device. We combed through every aspect of the headset, from design to audio to experiences. Ultimately, we were pretty impressed with what was on offer for $399, though it’s far from perfect. PS VR’s biggest weakness is its tracking issues, which are dated in comparison to the Rift and Vive.

“This may not be the most technologically advanced headset on the market, but for console gamers that want a taste of the power and potential of virtual reality, it’s hard not to recommend what Sony has created,” we concluded, stating that the future of console gaming has finally arrived.

For the most part, it seems like many reviews out there agree with us. Eurogamer’s Digital Foundry team called the device a “remarkable piece of hardware”, reasoning that Sony has “overcome most of the principle hurdles” of VR. Interestingly, the site points out that next month’s launch of the PlayStation 4 Pro might be a little too close to the launch of PS VR for many consumer’s wallets. That said, PS VR’s greatest challenge, in their opinion, is securing a worthy content library.

If you’re not up for reading, then IGN was kind enough to put a score on its PlayStation VR review, giving the headset a very respectable 8.5/10. The site states that the low resolution of the 1080p display still looks great in many games, and the design is very comfortable. Issues with tracking here another big factor here, though.

Probably the most negative take we’ve seen on the headset so far is from Gamespot. The site notes that the headset “trips up too many times” in its launch state, with games that might make people sick. They even state that it might be worth saving up for “a better reality”, suggesting that the extra $200 or $400 you’d instead spend on a Rift/Vive might be a better investment.

Still, some of the more tech-focused channels that went hands on the with kit were impressed. The Verge, for example, didn’t like PS VR’s “substandard” Move controllers but really liked its design and content library. The review suggests that the headset is best served for getting people used to VR and paving the way for more ambitious devices to come. That’s a pretty interesting thought, but is that enough for a full purchase?

TechCrunch makes a strong case for picking one up, though, calling PS VR a “truly transformative piece of consumer hardware.” Tracking issues are flagged yet again, but the site says that “PlayStation VR finally takes the PC out of the equation and delivers positionally-tracked, high-quality VR to real consumers.”

Finally, our VR media friends over at Road to VR seem to be pretty happy with PS VR too. The site calls it a “strong start for virtual reality on consoles”, reminding us that we only have a year to wait until Microsoft releases its VR-ready box, Project Scorpio. Tracking is the headset’s “biggest weakness”, but the team was still “blown away” by some of the visuals on display inside the headset.

Oh, and if you want to get an idea about just how severe those tracking issues might be, we recommend checking out the section of the Giant Bomb livestream below.

Ultimately the internet seems to be pretty positive about PlayStation VR, but that’s just the opinions of a handful of people. The real test will be when the kit launches next week on October 13th. Will consumers be satisfied too?

PlayStation VR Review: The Future of Console Gaming Has Arrived

PlayStation VR Review: The Future of Console Gaming Has Arrived

Did you know that the PlayStation was born from a botched business deal with Nintendo? Sony and Nintendo were all set to release a collaborative game system known as the SNES-CD back in the 90s as an add-on device for the Super Nintendo. The deal went south, we were eventually treated to Zelda-based nightmare fuel via Nintendo’s replacement deal with Philips instead, and Sony eventually went on to create the PlayStation as a result. The best-selling console of this generation, the PlayStation 4, which has moved well over 40 million units since release in 2013, was all made possible by the Big N’s change of heart over 20 years ago. Funny how that works out, isn’t it?

Sony helped usher in the era of disc-based console games on the PS1, added DVD-playback support to the PS2, built the PS3 using the now-dominant Blu-ray disc format, and is once again at the forefront of technology with their rapid adoption and ferocious endorsement of virtual reality. Next week, the PlayStation VR headset (formerly known as Project Morpheus) will release to the world on October 13th and tens — perhaps even hundreds — of thousands of gamers will have their hands on a device with the power to transport them to fantastical worlds never before possible, all from the comfort of their tried and true PlayStation 4 game consoles. No beefy, expensive PC required.

Timeline of PlayStation hardware since 1995.

That may seem a bit long-winded, but that was intentional. The “Reviewers Guide” for the PlayStation VR headset Upload received from Sony a week ago includes a timeline (shown above) of the console manufacturer’s history, including blips for not only the PS1-PS4, but the PlayStation Eye Camera, the Move wands, and more. It’s been a long time coming and now Sony is finally putting all of its wacky peripherals to use in one immersive experience.

The PS VR headset is admittedly weaker in power than its higher-end competitors, the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, but its also more affordable and is squarely focused on the established marketplace of PlayStation 4 console gamers. A defined market with ease of access shouldn’t go understated.

Now that we all know of what’s inside the box, it’s time to see how it all shakes out once it’s actually on our faces.

The standard, core PS VR unit box.

Table of Contents


Ergonomics and Design

Display and Optics


PlayStation Camera Tracking and Controllers

The Games

Other Features and Topics

Greatness Awaits

Here’s what’s inside. Click here for our full unboxing.


The PlayStation VR is relatively easy to setup. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll assume you already own a working PlayStation 4 that you use on a semi-regular basis if you’re reading this review. If you don’t and you’re woefully unaware of how home video game consoles work, let me break that down for you: you plug it into the wall, then into your TV. Probably into your modem or router directly as well. That’s pretty much it.

Back of the PS VR Processor Unit.

Once your PlayStation 4 is up and running, it gets a tiny bit more complex. Inside the PS VR packaging you’ll find a little breakout box, called the Processor Unit, that looks like a miniature PlayStation 4. One end of this unit you’ll plug it into your TV — essentially moving the HDMI cord from the back of your PS4, to the back of this device. Then you’ll also hook the device to your PS4 using another HDMI cord.

From there, you just plug the unit into the wall for power, then plug the headset into the other side to complete the connection. All of the cords are labeled clearly and it’s a simple system. The most complicated part is just making sure your cable management is good, since all of the added wires can lead to a lot of clutter. I set my breakout box directly on top of my PS4, but you’re free to place it somewhere else if you’d prefer.

Size comparison between a standard PS4 (right) and the PS VR Processor Unit (left.)

It doesn’t stop there, though, as you’ll also need a PlayStation Camera for the headset to function at all and the core unit packaging does not include one. A different, more expensive bundle does, or you can purchase one separately. If you don’t have one already, it just plugs into your PS4 system directly and sits on top of your TV. It’s relatively hassle-free overall. The box includes detailed instructions for setup if you get confused and there are already videos online.

Following that assortment of wires and cables, you can finish the setup process with a bit of software bootup. Click through the prompts on your screen and you’ll eventually start the calibration process. This is where things can get a little tricky, as Sony actually recommends sitting approximately 5-feet away from the camera with up to 5-feet of space behind you. This is partly to ensure you don’t hurt yourself by moving around blindly, but also partly due to the necessities of the camera to make sure it doesn’t get confused trying to keep up with your movement.

After all that, you’re good to go. The PlayStation 4 will handle updates, so downloading and installing new firmware isn’t necessary.

Front-facing view of the PlayStation VR headset.

Ergonomics and Design

When compared to the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, the PlayStation VR looks similar at first glance. There is a large hunk of material on the front that obscures the face of the user almost entirely, delivering a design that’s reminiscent of science fiction literature and films from years’ past. Sony continued that lineage — especially considering its original Project Morpheus moniker — and even made sure to include some fancy LED lights right on the headset itself.

However, the biggest difference between this and other headsets on the market is that it’s based on a headband design, rather than a strap that clamps the unit to your face. In the case of the Rift and the Vive, you’ll use a combination of velcro straps to tighten and loosen the headset to your face, with a cushion covering you that can often be difficult to get just right. As someone that wears glasses, it’s often uncomfortable and frustrating to use those headsets for more than a few minutes. I’ve discovered ways to make them feel comfy, but it’s not always easy.

In the case of the PS VR, you simply place the ring of the headband on top of your head, slide the back part downward so it sits on your cranium at an angle, with the forehead pad gently resting atop your face. The material feels similar to a reptile’s skin, but it’s much softer and glossier. It also doesn’t soak up sweat as easily. Press the button on the back to loosen and tighten, twist the nob to fine-tune, and then press the button underneath the headset to slide the actual lenses closer or farther away from your eyeballs. That’s it.

That all adds up to one of the most comfortable and easy to use VR headsets created to date. The simple sliding of the lenses makes it beyond easy to peak out from the VR world to check your phone, inspect your surroundings, or just let your face breathe a bit. Much easier than having to unstrap or rip off the other headsets on the market.

A quick look at the insides of the PlayStation VR headset.

In terms of comfort, long sessions were never an issue for me as long as I put the headset on correctly. Since the headset weighs about 12.9oz, if you don’t slide the back part down and keep it adjusted on your face, the pieces at the back where the two halves connect can press against your temples and become uncomfortable.

But that wasn’t an issue if I, as I said, put it on correctly. It never bothered my neck, despite the fact that it’s incredibly top heavy like other headsets.

I did notice that the lenses tended to fog up more frequently than the Rift or Vive, which is likely due to the fact that when not in use, the headset got cold while unplugged from my game console. It didn’t sustain a constant warm connection. But since it comes with a microfiber cloth and the sliding lens design makes it so easy to reach up and wipe the lenses, it didn’t really bother me much. After about 5 minutes of use, fogging stopped being an issue.

A close look at the lenses of the PlayStation VR headset.

Display and Optics

The PlayStation VR uses a single 5.7” 1920 x 1080 resolution full-color OLED RGB display split between two eyes to deliver stereoscopic 3D content. The display refreshes at a rate of either 90Hz or 120Hz, depending on the application itself, with a latency of less than 18 milliseconds.

That’s the nitty gritty details, but what you really want to know is what it’s like to actually use. In my experience, the visual fidelity was great. Obviously, you can tell a difference between the clarity of the PS VR when compared side-by-side with the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, but the difference is, overall, not very dramatic. Objectively, the PS VR is a lesser experience, but subjectively, it didn’t equate to a noticeable impact on my entertainment.

That being said, there are areas that present a downgrade in terms of overall resolution and FOV. The Oculus Rift and HTC Vive both feature a 2160 x 1200 display with a 110 degree field of view (FOV,) whereas the PlayStation VR is only 1920 x 1080 with a 100-degree FOV. To put that more plainly, the Rift and Vive both have more pixels in their screens and a wider area for viewing content. That means sharper images and less black space on the outskirts of the viewing area. Clearer imagery and larger vision add up to increased immersion.

After spending time in the PS VR, the decreased FOV and lower resolution stopped bothering me, but coming from the higher-powered headsets initially, it was apparent enough to point out.

The HTC Vive (left) and Oculus Rift (right.)

Depending on the application, resolution become a bit of an issue. When playing DriveClub VR on the provided demo disc for example, I had a lot of trouble reading the gauges on my car’s dashboard. Even if I leaned in to get a closer look, the numbers were fuzzy and it was difficult to decipher. The same goes for street signs I passed during a car chase scene in The London Heist on PlayStation VR Worlds. None of these things were really necessary for my enjoyment of the game’s in question, but the lack of fidelity was relatively obvious.

At the end of the day, when I wasn’t examining aspects of games to see how their clarity holds up and I instead decided to focus on playing the games and having a good time, my eyes glossed over the inefficiencies.

Side view of the PlayStation VR headset.


While the concept of virtual reality may seem like a primarily visual experience, the truth is that sound is just as important in delivering an immersive piece of content. Through the usage of audio cues in games, developers can get you to turn in certain directions, or video producers can make you feel even more immersed in a space than ever before. The sound of the wind at your back, howling beasts in a distant direction, and more are powerful tools at the disposal of content creators.

The power of 3D spatial audio is impressive and while it seems similar to just surround sound generally, when paired with an immersive 360-degree digital world that reacts to your head’s movement, it feels like you’ve truly been transported somewhere else.

And as an added bonus, the headphone jack on the PlayStation VR’s inline button unit is quick and easy to use. Just plug any headphones you have — whether they be the pre-packaged earbuds, or a comfy set you have lying around — and the 3D audio is baked in. The Processor Unit and headset itself transmit the 3D audio signal, so all you need to do is plug some headphones in. The inline unit also lets you power on and off the headset, as well as adjust the audio at the press of a few buttons. That is, as long as they’re wired. Wireless audio signals don’t carry 3D audio well.

Finally, yes — the PS VR does have a built-in microphone. The sound clarity is great when playing multiplayer games and it delivers a crystal-clear sound to your headphones of choice.

The lights on the headset and controllers are how the PlayStation Camera keeps track of everything’s location.

PlayStation Camera Tracking and Controllers

The bright lights might seem distracting at first, but rest assured you won’t even notice they’re there when you’re inside the headset. The PlayStation Camera, while having a normal lens, can’t accurately track your movement based on its vision alone. Instead, it tracks the LED lights found on the front and back of your headset, as well as the ones on the top of the Dualshock 4 controller and the PlayStation Move wands.

The camera sits at the top of your television and should be pointed directly at the center of your playspace, squarely on the headset itself. That orientation helps the camera establish your location in relation to the rest of the environment.

Ultimately, it gets the job done for the most part, but is a far cry from the Vive’s lighthouse base stations, or even the Rift’s tracking cameras. Simply put, the PlayStation Camera is dated and likely wasn’t created necessarily with VR in mind. After an hour or two of play, I noticed my orientation started to ‘drift’ to one side, causing me to slowly shift my seating position. After removing my headset, I noticed I was facing at an approximate 25-degree or so angle to the left of where the camera actually was located. It’s like the entire VR experience was slowly shifting over-time.

The PlayStation Camera.

Additionally, it had trouble keeping up if I turned around while standing or in a swivel chair. Some games, such as Job Simulator or even Batman: Arkham VR, encourage standing, so I wasn’t exactly pushing the device outside its limits. If I had my back turned to the camera, it tracked my headset fine, but would occasionally lose track of the controllers while obstructed. This happened if my hands were out in front of me and not to my sides — it seemed like my body was shielding the camera’s signal. I’ll be curious to see how — or if — Sony can address that at all.

To be clear: these bumps in the road weren’t frequent and they didn’t actively disrupt my ability to play games. The Vive and Rift have tracking hiccups all the time, so this is far from an isolated issue.

Placing those unfortunate concerns aside, everything worked well when it needed to. When I was sitting upright, in the middle of my room, in normal conditions holding a controller in my hand for gameplay, the PS VR experience was at its best. The more sophisticated I tried to get — using motion controllers, moving around, turning, etc. — the less accurate the tracking became over time.

An interrogation scene from The London Heist in PlayStation VR Worlds.

The Games

As they always say, software sells hardware. The PS VR headset, as impressive and nifty as it is, is frankly quite useless without software to use. Luckily, we’ve been promised approximately 50 titles to be released with PS VR support before the end of the year and we’ve been counting down to the release of the headset, highlighting a different game each day, for almost two full months in our article series.

The analysis in this section of this review will be light, as you can read the specific game reviews for more detailed thoughts, but this will provide an overview of the general landscape. We also haven’t had the ability to go hands-on with every launch title, but we do have an opinion piece about the headset from the POV of a hardcore console gamer’s perspective you should check out.

Cover of the PlayStation VR demo disc.

The Demo Disc

The demo disc is a forgotten art in today’s game industry, but Sony didn’t follow that trend. Instead, for US consumers, they’ve packed in over two dozen short demos to give you a varied and robust taste of what the headset has to offer. Headsets in other territories come with fewer demos. On this demo disc, you can take flight in the cockpit of a space fighter in EVE: Valkyrie, get behind the wheel of some of the world’s fastest cars with DriveClub VR, fire away at enemies in your tank with Battlezone, and even experience the torturous Kitchen demo from Capcom.

While it’s not saying much, it wouldn’t be an understatement to rank this as perhaps one of the best demo discs ever created. There is a tremendous amount of variety and enough content to keep you busy for literally hours on end just to see everything the disc has to offer. If you fall in love with something on the disc, going to the full game’s store page for a quick purchase and download is just a single button away. This should be the starting point for all new PS VR owners.

The Playroom VR will also be a free download for anyone to grab off of the PlayStation Store, but it wasn’t playable yet as of the time of this review.

Promotional image for PlayStation VR Worlds.

PlayStation VR Worlds

If you get the launch bundle that includes the headset, camera, Move controllers, and PlayStation VR Worlds, you’re in for a treat here as well. This bundle game contains five short experiences that are each a step above being ‘demos’ but not quite worthy of being released as fully independent titles. The London Heist is an excellent action-packed adventure that features heavy violence, first-person shooting, and a gripping interrogation scene. Dangerball is just like playing Pong, except your face is the paddle. VR Luge is one of the most intense racing games I’ve played in VR yet, rocketing you down busy streets as you dodge and weave between vehicles. Ocean Descent lets you get up close and person with a shark and, finally, Scavengers Odyssey is part mech-combat and part space shooter.

As stated, each of these games on their own wouldn’t warrant much, but as a package, it’s a deeper dive into what more complete games and experiences could look like. If the Demo Disc is your introductory course in what the PS VR can do, consider this your intermediate course before you graduate without training wheels.

What About the ‘Actual’ Games?

There are a lot of games coming to PS VR this year — remember, we said around 50 — and we frankly haven’t had time to play them all yet. In fact, many of them haven’t even been provided to media yet for review. As of the time of this writing, we at UploadVR have only been provided review copies of Allumette, Batman: Arkham VR, PlayStation VR Worlds, Battlezone, Harmonix Music VR, Job Simulator, SUPERHYPERCUBE, Tumble VR, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Wayward Sky, and Thumper. Heavy hitters like RIGS, Robinson: The Journey, EVE: Valkyrie, DriveClub VR, and more haven’t been provided as of the time of this publication.

However, we’ve played the listed games quite a lot. In fact, if you’re reading this right now, then many of our reviews for those PS VR games are live and you can see them either at the hyperlinks above, or by visiting the site’s Reviews tab.

Suffice it to say that if you’re interested in getting a PS VR, then yes, we think that the launch lineup of games is strong enough to warrant the purchase. And if you already have the required PlayStation Camera and/or optional Move controllers with your PlayStation 4 now, then that decision should be even easier to make.

Other Features and Topics

The analysis doesn’t stop there. In addition to playing dedicated PlayStation VR games like the ones mentioned above, you can do a whole lot of other stuff inside Sony’s flagship headset as well. For example, Cinematic Mode lets you access anything else on your PS4 within a private cinema. This is great for watching movies on a large, virtual screen, or playing non-VR games inside the headset. The PS VR will also function perfectly fine while others in the room are using the TV for something else.

And whilst you’re inside VR, everyone else around you can still see what you’re seeing if they want, albeit on a downgraded, flat, 2D screen. This is nifty so that everyone else in the room doesn’t feel completely left out. Plus, some games such as The Playroom VR or Tumble VR, utilize this feature for local multiplayer.

You’ll also be able to share and stream content that you’re seeing inside the PS VR headset using your PS4’s built-in Share button functionality.

Greatness Awaits

The PlayStation VR headset is far from a perfect device. Tracking has its issues with the dated PlayStation Camera and Move controllers and the visual fidelity is lower than that of its primary competitors, but what it lacks in technical prowess it makes up for in accessibility, affordability, and a streamlined focus on quality content.

This may not be the most technologically advanced headset on the market, but for console gamers that want a taste of the power and potential of virtual reality, it’s hard not to recommend what Sony has created. I don’t think VR will completely replace traditional video games, but it’s a format that is finally matured enough to stick around.

With PlayStation VR, the future of console gaming has finally arrived.

Daydream View Hands On: A New Challenger Appears

Daydream View Hands On: A New Challenger Appears

Today, Google finally pulled the curtain back on its mysterious virtual reality headset: Daydream View. Since its announcement at Google I/O earlier in the year, Daydream has been positioned as a potential usurper to the mobile VR throne currently occupied by Samsung and Oculus with Gear VR. However, much like a certain wonderful wizard that once also hid behind a curtain, View, in its reality, has potential but falls somewhat short of expectations.


Let’s start with the good. From a design standpoint, View is a breath of fresh air. In an industry dominated by plastics and foam, View’s cushy, fabric-focused aesthetic is just the right kind of different.

In his portion of today’s keynote address in San Francisco, Google’s VP of VR, Clay Bavor stated that when he and his team were conceiving View’s design they “wanted to think about what you actually wear…your clothes” and the soft cloth of the device backs up that sentiment perfectly.

The View I tried featured a single head strap that wraps around the back of your skull. No over-the-head strap was found in either the sample unit or promotional materials. The smartphone, which actually powers the VR experiences, pops into a fold-out panel secured at the top with a small length of cord. There are no snaps, buckles, or locks on this device and the whole thing feels like more of a fancy purse for your phone than a piece of cutting edge technology.

The only phone currently compatible with View is the upcoming Google Pixel (also announced today) but Bavor did state that more working handsets “are coming soon from our partners.”

Comfort & Fit

Ergonomics are probably View’s most glaring weakness. My experience with the headset is that it felt a bit too small and too lose on my face. The absence of a top head strap was felt strongly and made me hesitant to move my head too much during demos. Simultaneously, the weight of the phone itself made the whole headset feel like it was always on the cusp of sliding down my face. The only way to combat this was to tighten the strap a few notches past comfortable and even then the experience was not ideal.

This last problem was further compounded by the fact that the facial interface of the View features a sort of angled slope that keeps the headset from pressing too hard on your nose, but also makes the entire thing feel a bit less secure in general.

It is worth noting, however, that other reporters for this site found the fit to be very comfortable, especially for glasses wearers. Also, the unique materials themselves were much lighter, and more comfortable against the skin than other mobile VR devices.


Comfort issues aside, the View performs beautifully. The device simply starts running once the compatible chips inside the headset and the Pixel recognize one another.

The home screen is fairly standard and features a bright, green, outdoor sort of setting that feels inviting and looks stunning. I saw two rows of eight or so cons when I put on the headset, most of which were pre-loaded demos for the launch event. Impressively, each icon for an experience had its own 3D thumbnail. Demos included several games, a Harry Potter experience tying into the upcoming film Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, a dedicated YouTube app and a Street View application.

I tried several of these including Harry Potter, YouTube and a sort of tilt-table mini-game that used the View’s innovative controller (more on that later). All these experiences looked crisp and as high-resolution as anything else we’ve seen in the mobile VR space. YouTube ran particularly well and looked amazing for a 360 video on the device.

Head tracking, app selection, and overall performance inside View were all top notch. Demos loaded at lightning speeds and I didn’t detect so much as a single dropped frame in any of my experiences.

The Remote

The remote is View’s ace in the hole. It looks very similar to an Apple TV or Oculus remote but with a bit more heft to it. The remote contains a variety of sensors that allow for motion tracking on a variety of different planes including horizontal, vertical, and tilt.

All selections and general controls for View are done with the remote which makes it an absolutely essential piece of the system. This means that losing it would be a very bad thing. Luckily, Google thought to include a special holster for the remote within the headset itself. You’ll still want to be extra careful not to let it out of your sight.

The remote performs decently but there is the tiniest bit of detectable lag on it. It also occasionally gets confused and needs its orientation reset (a quick fix with a two second hold of the menu button). The potential applications for this remote are many and varied and we will need to wait and see if this tiny gray bit of plastic can become a powerful mortar in the ongoing battle between mobile VR companies.

Conclusion: Daydreaming About The Future

View is certainly not a revolutionary device in its current state. It has a few innovations in style and materials but at this point its form factor, while comfortable, may be a bit too flimsy to be the new king of the mountain.

The remote may be a difference maker but at this point it’s too early to tell. What will truly make the difference, however, is how well Google is able to leverage its many spheres of influence (YouTube, maps, voice, etc.) in order to optimize View’s viability in the marketplace.

A new challenger has entered the ring. Now let’s see if he can put the champ on his back.

Pre-Order Google’s Pixel Phone And Get A Free Daydream View

Pre-Order Google’s Pixel Phone And Get A Free Daydream View

Google’s new Daydream View headset is remarkably low cost at $79, but VR fans looking to also pick up the company’s new phone can get the kit for an even better price: free.

The below tweet from the Google Store Twitter account confirms that anyone that pre-orders the company’s $649 handset will be able to redeem a Daydream View at not extra cost. Once you’ve ordered your unit, a promo code for a free headset should be emailed to you around four weeks from the phone’s shipment date. You’ll then use that code on the Google Store. It must be used this year, so make sure not to actually pre-order a View for yourself today. The offer is only available while supplies last.

We don’t know if others will be offering similar deals outside of the Google Store just yet. It also seems to be limited to the US for now.

Still, we’re happy to see any promotion to get Daydream into as many hands as possible as quickly as possible. Samsung has been offering similar promotions with its $99 Gear VR headsets throughout 2016. It’s a plan that’s seemingly had some success; Oculus reported that Gear saw over a million users for the first time last April, though it’s unclear how many units have actually been sold thus far.

We don’t have an exact date for the launch for Pixel or XL, but Daydream View is meant to be out in November. It’s going to come with a lot of different games and experiences.

Oculus and Samsung, meanwhile, might well fire back later this week at Oculus Connect.

Report: Google’s Daydream Headset To Cost $79, Could Be Made By HTC

Report: Google’s Daydream Headset To Cost $79, Could Be Made By HTC

The first Daydream headset’s price may have been revealed just ahead of today’s Made By Google conference, and it looks like it could literally give Samsung a run for its money.

Variety is citing sources “with knowledge of the announcement” in saying that the search engine giant’s own brand of headset, which is expected to be revealed in full later today, will cost just $79. The site doesn’t confirm if this price tag will include both the headset and the motion controller required to use it, but considering that it’s essential we wouldn’t be surprised to find it bundled in. That’s just speculation on our part, however.

If true, that makes the first Daydream headset $20 less expensive than the $99 Gear VR, which doesn’t come with a controller but is instead fitted with an on-board touchpad. That would make this a serious contender to Oculus and Samsung’s mobile VR throne, especially considering Daydream headsets will work with a variety of phones across different manufacturers, and not just a line of Samsung phones. Variety states that the device could be released as early as this month.

The site also suggests that Google’s Daydream headset could actually be made by HTC. Reports have suggested that the search engine giant’s all-but-confirmed Pixel phones, which are also expected to be revealed today, are being made by the Taiwanese company, so this would be consistent if true. HTC of course also has expertise in the VR field with the HTC Vive, which runs with high-end PCs. If it’s true then don’t expect the headset to feature the HTC logo; it will still be Google’s own VR headset.

Previous reports have also suggested that the device could be named Daydream View. This is just one set of many Daydream compatible phones and headsets we’re hoping to see in the coming weeks and months, however. Google might set the standard, but we’re looking forward to seeing what partner companies Samsung and Huawei bring to the table with their own devices.

Made By Google gets underway at 9AM PT / Noon ET / 4PM GMT / 5PM CET / 9:30PM IST. Here are five questions we’re hoping will be answered during the event.

5 Questions We Hope Will Be Answered At ‘Made By Google’ Tomorrow

5 Questions We Hope Will Be Answered At ‘Made By Google’ Tomorrow

Before Oculus can have its three days of fun later this week, Google will be getting its time in the spotlight at its own Made By Google press conference in San Francisco tomorrow. This isn’t a VR-dedicated event like Oculus Connect, but we are expecting some pretty significant announcements on this front from the tech giant. Namely, it’s time to learn a lot more about Google Daydream.

The company unveiled this new mobile VR ecosystem for select Android smartphones at its I/O developer conference earlier this year. At the time, we got just a tease of the unified Android VR platform, the motion controller that will come with compatible headsets, and some of the content that developers are making for it. Tomorrow, we expect to see a lot more following the all-but-confirmed reveal of the company’s two new smartphones, said to be called Pixel and Pixel XL.

Right now, we have a lot of questions about Daydream that we want answered. Here are five of the most pressing ones to keep you guessing until tomorrow. Made By Google gets underway at 9AM PT / Noon ET / 4PM GMT / 5PM CET / 9:30PM IST, and we’ll be bringing you full coverage of any VR-related announcements.

What Hardware Is Google Making For Daydream?

Smartphone leaks are not uncommon in this industry, and Google’s Pixel phones have been no exception. The company already made it obvious it has new handsets to reveal (just look at its official website for the event), but recent retailer listings and render leaks have basically confirmed what we already knew to be true. What we don’t know with absolute certainty is either phone’s specs, but it would be sheer madness if they didn’t meet the minimum requirements for Daydream, which include features like an OLED display and high-end processors.

That leads us on to a headset itself. We’re expecting to see a lot of different Daydream Ready headsets, but Google’s own device will likely be the one on display tomorrow. Reports have pointed toward the new kit being called Daydream View and Google will of course have to stick to its own rules and provide a Wii Remote-like motion controller to complement it. We can’t wait to see how the kit stacks up to Oculus and Samsung’s Gear VR.

When Can We Use Daydream Ourselves?

We know that Daydream is meant to launch in some form this year. That’s a window that’s rapidly running out, so a release date announcement is a bit of a no-brainer. Phones usually have a pretty quick turnaround between reveal and release, so we wouldn’t be surprised to see the Pixel devices launch later in October. Will Daydream launch alongside them, or will it take a few more weeks?

We’re hoping for a simultaneous launch that showcases just how important Daydream is to Pixel. That would give Google the chance to heavily incorporate the ecosystem into its advertising strategy. We also just want to try the headset as soon as possible.

How Much Will Daydream Really Cost?

This is a bit of a loaded question. We all know that mobile-based VR is seen as a more affordable alternative to PC-based experiences but, when you consider the cost of straight up buying a top of the line phone, that doesn’t necessarily hold true. If Pixel phones are using state of the art innards then you can expect the price tag to reflect it, meaning Daydream might not be the answer to anyone waiting for VR systems to come down in price.

As for the headset itself, Samsung set a standard with pricing Gear VR at $99 this time last year. If Daydream were just a headset, we’d be confident that Google could match or even beat that, but the added controller makes this a bit of an unknown.

What Will Be The Killer App?

One of the more mysterious aspects of Daydream is what we’ll actually play and experience on it. The I/O reveal only teased a handful of new games and apps, and a few others have committed to the device since that time. We want to see a blow out of new experiences announced, with enough content to help the kit stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Gear VR and, if at all possible, even Rift, Vive and PS VR.

As for a killer app? That could well emerge from Daydream Labs, the company’s own testing ground for new ideas. One thing we are expecting is for Daydream to do everything Cardboard does better. We want to see apps like Street View and YouTube pledging full support to the new headsets and perhaps even taking advantage of its new control scheme.

Has Google Solved Inside-Out Position Tracking?

Yes, that is the same question we’re asking of Oculus. Mobile VR still lags behind high-end sets when it comes to freedom of movement, and it’s gone from an acceptable compromise to something sorely missing from many experiences. At I/O, we got a tease that Daydream teams were collaborating with Google’s Tango 3D sensing tech. Could we see what that means for Daydream and beyond? It feels like a long shot, but we hope Google is far enough along to at least talk about inside-out position tracking.

Hopefully we’ll have these questions answered in less than 24 hours. Daydream might be the most important VR launch of the year, but only if Google gets it right.