Helping Fight Deforestation and Climate Change HTC Vive Releases ‘Tree’ on Viveport

Part of the official selection at Sundance Film Festival New Frontier and Tribeca Film Festival Immersive 2017, and then going on to be one of the first grant recipients in HTC Vive’s ‘VR for Impact’ programme, critically acclaimed virtual reality (VR) experience Tree has now been made available through Viveport this week.


Highlighting the harrowing realities of tropical deforestation, New Reality Company’s Tree puts you into the Amazon from the point of view of a kapok tree. You will then grow from a seedling to a mature tree soaring above the canopy line, your arms and body morphing into branches and trunk.

“The magic with virtual reality is that it has the power create empathy and awareness around humankind’s most pressing problems in new immersive ways,” said Rikard Steiber, President of Viveport in a statement. “New Reality’s Tree is a moving and illuminating experience that serves as an example of how we can use the immersive nature of virtual reality to shine a light on critical issues.”

Shown at World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos last week, Viveport has pledged to donate funds from the first 1,000 purchases of Tree to the Rainforest Alliance to support its vital conservation work.

Tree-davos“Virtual reality’s greatest capability is to tell powerful stories,” said Milica Zec, co-founder of New Reality. “Tree has been able to connect with viewers in an intimate way that has made climate change personal to them. We can’t wait for people at home to finally be able to experience this project for the first time,” said Winslow Porter, co-founder of New Reality.

Tree is available to both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift users for $4.99 USD. The VR experience is also available to download via Viveport Subscription, members can now choose the title as one of their five monthly picks.

HTC and WEF announced that in collaboration with a core group of VR/AR leaders and the UN, they will help drive the VR/AR for Impact initiative going forward, and as they do so VRFocus will keep you updated.

Vive: The Extraordinary Honeybee macht auf Bienensterben aufmerksam

Das Bienensterben ist ein weltweites Problem mit massiven Auswirkungen auf unsere Lebensmittelproduktion, ausgelöst durch den starken Rückgang der Honigbienen aufgrund von globalisierter und technisierter Landnutzung. Eine Kooperation zwischen dem Speiseeishersteller Häagen-Dazs und HTC möchte auf genau dieses Problem mit ihrer VR-Erfahrung The Extraordinary Honeybee hinweisen und dabei über das Thema aufklären.

The Extraordinary Honeybee – VR-Erfahrung von Häagen-Dazs und HTC macht auf Bienensterben aufmerksam

Die immersive VR-Erfahrung The Extraordinary Honeybee für HTC Vive versetzt die Nutzer in die Rolle einer winzigen Honigbiene, um in den Mikrokosmos des nützlichen Tierchens einzutauchen. Dabei erfahren Anwender zum Beispiel den Vorgang der Bestäubung und die damit verbundenen Vorteile für unsere Umwelt. Währenddessen dürfen sie durch die Lüfte schweben und den informativen Fakten lauschen.

Doch das VR-Projekt hat einen ernsten Hintergrund, denn das Ziel von Häagen-Dazs ist es, in Kooperation mit HTC die Aufmerksamkeit auf das weltweit bestehende Bienensterben zu lenken. Entsprechend ändert sich der Tonus der VR-Erfahrung recht schnell, indem es den Fokus auf die durch Menschenhand ausgelösten Probleme des Ökosystems setzt.

Bisher ist noch nicht genau bekannt, was für die stark schwindenden Zahlen der Bienen verantwortlich ist, doch Forscher gehen von Pestiziden auf den Feldern sowie dem Klimawandel als Auslöser aus. Das Aussterben der Bienen würde für einen enormen Einbruch in der Lebensmittelproduktion der Menschheit sorgen, denn durch die fehlende Bestäubung würden ein Drittel aller weltweit produzierten Lebensmittel verloren gehen.

Die VR-Erfahrung ist Teil des Programms VR For Impact, das durch immersive VR-Technologie auf weltweit relevante Probleme hinweisen will. Im Jahr 2015 investierte HTC für diesen Zweck 10 Millionen Dollar in Projekte von Entwicklern.

Als Director wurde Jason Zada (bekannt für The Forest und Elf Yourself) eingesetzt, der die Vorzüge der VR-Technologie zu schätzen weiß: „Dank der möglichen Immersion ist die VR ein perfektes Medium, um die Aufmerksamkeit der Leute auf ein Thema zu lenken. Bei der Entwicklung kam mir die Idee, eine Person auf die Größe einer Biene zu schrumpfen, um sie eine einzigartige Reise erleben zu lassen. Die VR ermöglicht es, Zuschauer in den Mittelpunkt der Geschichte zu stellen.“

The Extraordinary Honeybee wird zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum von Häagen-Dazs Projekt zur Rettung der Bienen Häagen-Dazs Loves Honey Bees im Juni für HTC Vive im Viveport veröffentlicht.

(Quellen: VR Scout | Video: Häagen-Dazs Youtube)

Der Beitrag Vive: The Extraordinary Honeybee macht auf Bienensterben aufmerksam zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

HTC Vive Collaborates With World Economic Forum as Part of VR/AR for Impact Initiative

A year ago, as part of HTC Vive’s on going drive to see virtual reality (VR) reach the farthest corners of the globe, the company launched VR for Impact, a $10 million USD initiative created to support positive impact and change in collaboration with the United Nations (UN). Today, HTC Vive has announced a partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to drive the VR/AR for Impact initiative forward.


The announcement has come while VR/AR for Impact is showcasing its latest content at the United Nation’s Sustainable Impact Hub at the WEF 2018 in Davos. WEF will be a core member of the group,with HTC Vive continuing to design and create experiences as part of their collaborative, ongoing commitment to foster and champion the use of VR and augmented reality (AR) to educate and empower humanity.

“The challenges our world faces today have never been greater, and humanity needs a clearer understanding and guidance to help solve global issues,” said Cher Wang, Chairwoman and CEO, HTC in a statement. “Unlike any other medium, Virtual Reality is able to immerse the global audience in literally any experience, and can help us learn, empathize and transform the world. VR/AR for Impact is a unique way of driving critical awareness toward problems and solutions facing mankind.”

“We see so much untapped potential with VR/AR to drive positive outcomes for society in areas such as health and education, and we are looking forward to working with leaders in this space to build up this initiative in the coming years,” says Lauren Joseph, leader of the Electronics Industry Program at World Economic Forum.

Last April, VR/AR for Impact chose several experiences which were among the lineup shown this week at WEF 2018. These included: Tree, Life, The Extraordinary Honey Bee, The Blank Canvas: Hacking Nature, Orthovr and Awavena.

Awavena is a collaboration between the Amazonian Yawanawa and an artist, melding technology and transcendent experiences. The Yawanawa ‘medicine’ has the power to take you on a journey, and Hushuhu, the first woman shaman of the Yawanawa, uses VR like medicine to open a portal to another way of knowing.

All these experiences will be made available to attendees at the World Economic Forum at the UN’s Sustainable Impact Hub this week. For any further updates on VR/AR for Impact, keep reading VRFocus.

SpaceVR, Tree and The Extraordinary Honey Bee Selected for HTC Vive’s ‘VR for Impact’ Programme

HTC has today announced the first grant recipients in its ‘VR for Impact’ program. Announced back in January, VR for Impact is the HTC Vive’s $10 million USD commitment to drive virtual reality (VR) content and technologies that will increase awareness and create positive impact in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Commemorating Earth Day, HTC Vive has unveiled new projects from three creators with visions for how VR can address the UN’s set of defined goals for the planet, such as “Climate Action” and “Zero Hunger.” These projects include SpaceVR, the first VR satellite launching into space later this year, Tree, a creatively immersive perspective on deforestation, and The Extraordinary Honey Bee, a joint project with Häagen-Dazs, Reach Agency and SPECTACLE to raise awareness about dwindling bee populations.

“We believe virtual reality and the immersive experiences it delivers have the potential to positively impact the biggest challenges that mankind faces,” said Rikard Steiber, President of Viveport, HTC Vive. “We welcome the first VR for Impact grant recipients who will introduce VR as a powerful tool in raising awareness for the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, and what better way to mark Earth Day than to unveil projects with three unique visions for helping the planet.”

SpaceVR is a VR platform which will allow users to experience space through the immersion of VR. Founded in 2015, the team has built the first VR satellite, the Overview 1, which will launch later this year on Space X. Once in orbit, SpaceVR will stream video that users can experience in full virtual reality or as 360-degree video.

“We’re thrilled to be chosen as one of the first participants in HTC Vive’s VR for Impact program,” said Ryan Holmes, CEO of SpaceVR. “We share a vision with Vive that VR and its power to immerse and affect viewers like no other medium can be used to make the world a better place. By launching the first virtual reality satellite, we want to create the most vivid and visceral reminder yet that despite our individual trials and travails, we all live on this same fragile pale blue dot hurtling through space.”

Tree is a critically acclaimed VR experience enhanced by haptic feedback to immerse viewers in the tragic fate that befalls a rainforest tree. The experience brings to light the harrowing realities of deforestation, one of the largest contributors to global warming. Tree is an official selection of Sundance Film Festival New Frontier and Tribeca Film Festival Immersive 2017.

“We are incredibly honored to announce our collaboration with the Vive VR for Impact program, [sic]” said Milica Zec, co-direcotor on Tree and co-founder of New Reality Company. “New Reality shares with VR for Impact a core tenet: that VR storytelling is key to raising awareness for the many challenges facing our earth.”

Added Winslow Porter, co-director on Tree and co-founder of New Reality Company: “The Tree VR experience has incited emotional, empowering reactions among a wide array of viewers. During the final moments of Tree, a number of individuals have cried or shouted while in the headset and vowed afterward to take action. Together with VR for Impact, we want to reach people from all over the world to help make widespread global impact.”

The Extraordinary Honey Bee is a project looking at the alarming rate at which bee populations are falling. Users will shrink down to the size of a bee for a guided VR experience where they learn of the risks bee colonies face and solutions currently being implemented to offset their decline.

“We believe in the transformative and educational power of VR and are excited to use this technology to bring the plight of the honey bee to life,” said Orchid Bertelsen, Nestlé USA Digital Innovation Lead. “We are thrilled to partner with Vive, not only because of their innovative technology and valuable audience, but because of their ideals and shared belief of harnessing the power of VR to drive true impact.”

HTC Vive launched VR for Impact as a multi-year program, and SpaceVR, Tree and The Extraordinary Honey Bee represent the first grants awarded. Additional grant recipients for 2017 will continue to be revealed throughout the year all projects that receive funding by VR for Impact will be available on Viveport, HTC’s app store for VR. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on the VR for Impact programme.

HTC Vive Creates $10 Million Initiative VR For Impact to Support UN

HTC has done quite a bit over the last year in support of virtual reality (VR), creating various programmes such as Vive X. Today sees the launch of another, ‘VR For Impact‘, a $10 million USD initiative created to support positive impact and change in collaboration with the United Nations (UN), helping the organisation achieve it Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. 

Through VR for Impact, HTC Vive will fund and support content and technologies that create powerful experiences to transform our world. “The potential for Virtual Reality to help us learn, understand, and transform the world is limitless. VR for Impact is a challenge to the VR community and content developers across the globe to help drive awareness and to solve the biggest challenges of mankind,” said Cher Wang, Chairwoman and CEO, HTC.  “HTC Vive will fund the best ideas using Virtual Reality that truly drive awareness and positive change in our world. We encourage all players in the VR eco-system to join as only together can we drive real impact.

VR For Impact image

The Sustainable Development Goals have been implemented by the UN as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.  VR has the unique ability to immerse people into an experience that can evoke all manner of emotions, bring global issues the human race is facing home. So through VR for Impact, the $10 million HTC Vive is investing will go to industry partners and content developers to create experiences that improve awareness, education, and lead to action.

“HTC is a pioneer in recognising the work the UN has done to promote social change through virtual reality,” said Gabo Arora, Creator of the UN’s VR Initiative and Creative Advisor to the World Food Programme. “The Vive’s room-scale VR capability can be a powerful tool for immersive storytelling, education and training; their support will empower more people to effect global change, give voices to the most vulnerable and provide access to new possibilities for the most marginalised.”

“There are millions of untold stories in every crisis, especially on the front lines where much of our work takes place,” said Corinne Woods, Director of Communications for the United Nations World Food Programme, who are utilising the latest innovations in VR. “HTC’s support of new ways to tell important stories, and help in shaping innovation for the UN’s sustainable development agenda, will build on the impact of our work and take it in new and exciting directions.”

VR for Impact is now calling for ideas at its website with the first winning projects announced on “Earth Day” 22nd April, 2017.

For all the latest HTC Vive news, keep reading VRFocus.

Vive To Spend $10 Million on VR Projects That ‘Create Positive Impact’

Vive To Spend $10 Million on VR Projects That ‘Create Positive Impact’

Tonight at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland HTC Vive announced that it will devote $10 million “to drive VR content and technologies that will create positive impact and change,” according to a company spokesperson.

Vive is pledging these funds through a new program called VR for Impact. The money will also be used in conjunction with the United Nations’ “Sustainable Development Goals by 2030” platform. According to an official Vive statement:

“Virtual Reality provides a tremendous opportunity to develop and share ideas in impactful ways that lead to change, and through VR for Impact, HTC Vive will fund and support content and technologies that create the most powerful experiences to transform our world.

….Virtual Reality’s ability to immerse people into an experience is unmatched, and VR can drive the world to act on global issues the human race is facing. Through VR for Impact, HTC Vive is committing $10 million dollars to industry partners and content developers to create experiences that improve awareness, education, and lead to action.”

The HTC Vive VR headset

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is a coalition effort that aims to call corporations, nonprofits and other organizations to action in support of the world’s most impoverished and marginalized peoples. The platform includes 17 stated goals that include “No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education and Gender Equality” among others.

“HTC Vive will fund the best ideas using Virtual Reality that truly drive awareness and positive change in our world,” said Chairwoman and CEO of HTC, Cher Wang, in a prepared statement. “We encourage all players in the VR eco-system to join as only together can we drive real impact.”

One of Vive’s potential partners in the VR for Impact campaign, the World Food Program, believes that the company’s immersive prospects could significantly drive forward charitable causes by engaging society through empathy.

“There are millions of untold stories in every crisis, especially on the front lines where much of our work takes place,”said Corinne Woods, Director of Communications for the World Food Program. “HTC’s support of new ways to tell important stories, and help in shaping innovation for the UN’s sustainable development agenda, will build on the impact of our work and take it in new and exciting directions.”

As of today, Vive is calling for ideas that could become a part of its VR for Impact initiative and will announce the first winners on “Earth Day” April 22, 2017.

Vive’s chief competitor, Oculus, also has a similar program called VR for Good.

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