Oculus Quest SDK Reveals Colocation API Is In Development

Code found by VR developers in the Oculus Unity Integration reveals Facebook is working on a shared-space “colocation” API for Oculus Quest.

The code was first spotted by developers at Bentham Realities a few weeks ago while working on their upcoming title Hermetika VR. Yesterday, the same code was separately spotted by Gerald McAlister from RGB Schemes, a startup working on VR games & tools.

UploadVR searched through past versions of the Platform SDK and determined that these additions were made in version 1.40.0, which shipped in August 2019.

Colocation means having multiple Oculus Quests sharing the same playspace. Facebook showed off an “arena scale” prototype of this at Oculus Connect 5 in late 2018, but no further development has been shown since then.

Based on the description of the technology at the time of the OC5 demo, it likely works similarly to the colocation features already present in Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore. Inside-out tracking generates a useful byproduct- a point cloud of static features in the room. Machine learning algorithms can find shared unique patterns in the point clouds of multiple devices and thus align the virtual spaces. The process requires no external sensors, base stations, or specific markers.

At home, colocation could be used to build “frictionless” local multiplayer VR experiences. Ideally, if two members of a household each own an Oculus Quest, developers could allow them to quickly enter a LAN same-space multiplayer session.

For location-based VR experiences that take place over a large space already like at a VR arcade, a colocation API for Quest could bring down the cost significantly. Today, each user typically needs a backpack PC as well as a headset, and an expensive external tracking system is often used to track the weapons/tools.

Facebook sells Quest to businesses for $1000 per headset (including business warranty & support), whereas a backpack PC alone costs around $3000. An OptiTrack setup for these locations requires tens of thousands of dollars of cameras too.

The spotted colocation code is part of the Oculus Platform SDK component of the Oculus Unity Integration. The Platform SDK gives developers access to features which leverage the Oculus store and servers. This includes leaderboards, achievements, cloud storage, matchmaking, and more. On Quest, Platform SDK features are only available to developers who have passed Facebook’s pitch submission process.

That could indicate that colocation will only be available to select developers. However, Facebook could ship a local testing version to spur innovation from the community — much like with controller-free hand tracking.

Of course, working on a feature is never a guarantee that the feature will ship. While it’s fairly likely Facebook will eventually ship a colocation feature, it may be delayed by current events or never ship at all.

What kind of games would you want to play in a shared playspace? Let us know in the comments below.

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VR Arcades Close Due To Coronavirus: ‘Never Have We Faced A Moment Quite Like This’ (Update)

Update: Since original publication, this story has been updated with new information regarding Dreamscape Interactive and The VOID.

Two Bit Circus in Los Angeles closed its location for the month, and a VR tournament cancelled the portion of its event to be held at VR arcades, as the response to the coronavirus shifts on a daily basis.

On March 13, before the closure, the Los Angeles entertainment venue sent an email saying Two Bit Circus installed a thermal camera at the park entrance and planned to check the temperatures of employees and guests, intending to turn away anyone deviating from normal temperatures. A fever is one of the primary symptoms associated with COVID-19 and Two Bit Circus is a Los Angeles-based entertainment venue featuring a number of VR-based attractions, like a Terminator Salvation VR ride, the Birdly flying experience and VR pod seated motion platforms running games like Battlezone VR.

By March 14, however, the location was closed through at least March 31.

Responses to the spread of COVID-19 are changing on a nearly daily basis with a series of social responses and new measures by governments worldwide. A national emergency was declared by the White House in the United States on March 13 while sporting events, like the NBA and MLB, have suspended or delayed their seasons. Television shows also paused production or stopped recording with live audiences as corporations institute work-from-home policies.

VR arcades and attractions are fairly new businesses facing some difficult realities even before the spread of COVID-19. Each headset can only transport one person at a time to a virtual world and physical locations are typically forced into high-rent areas to get the foot traffic arcades need to maintain a constant flow of new guests. Some arcades featuring off-the-shelf headsets also compete against new home experiences. The $400 Oculus Quest, for example, provides fully wireless VR and some incredibly popular games competing with roughly $25 for an hour with a tethered experience at an arcade. These tough realities led a number of VR arcades to close over the last few years, like the IMAX VR arcade effort.

And now the locations which survived face their toughest challenge yet — the spread of a virus.

On Friday March 13 the arcade portion of a tournament for Pistol Whip — one of VR’s best pick-up-and-play arcade games — was cancelled just as the Virtual Athletics League holding the event was nearing 200 arcades participating in the competition. An online portion of the event will continue.

“The impacts from the coronavirus are still unknown, but as arcade owners, we have traded private messages back and forth over the past few weeks. It’s been a nerve-wracking couple of weeks for us all,” reads a note from Ryan Burningham, CEO of the league and an arcade operator. “VR arcades, in general, are not huge businesses. Most are operated to support themselves and their owners’ and staff’s families. From one business owner to another, we are seeing corporate cancellations, some arcades (especially in Europe and all over Asia) having to close due to mandatory restrictions being put into effect. The VR arcade industry is quite young, but never have we faced a moment quite like this.”

I’ve reached out to Dreamscape Immersive, SandboxVR and The VOID which all feature backpack-powered untethered VR projects at locations worldwide. The companies feature attractions built around some internationally recognized properties, like Marvel’s Avengers, Star Wars, and Star Trek. I’ll update this post with more comments and updates.

The VOID responded quickly on Saturday March 14 to say they are welcoming guests “as usual” while they “implement additional preventative measures in order to ensure the health and safety of our communities.” I confirmed on Sunday March 15 the Downtown Disney location for The VOID remained open while nearby Disneyland closed for the month.

“We maintain a high level of cleanliness throughout our sites and are continuing our thorough cleaning and sanitation procedures for all equipment used by guests,” a statement reads sent by The VOID on March 14. “Additionally, we have increased the frequency of our cleaning and disinfection procedures in all common areas and are continuing to provide hand sanitizing stations in all of our venues. We have also imposed companywide travel restrictions and limitations for the sake of our employees and partners. As the situation continues to evolve, we are prepared to enact additional health and safety protocols.”

On Monday, March 16, Dreamscape contacted UploadVR to confirm the immediate temporary closure of its Westfield Century City location, in accordance with LA-based order. The venue hopes to reopen on March 31st, but will “reassess as needed.” In an Instagram post, Dreamscape encouraged customers who purchased advance tickets for the next few weeks to contact them directly for refunds.

On Tuesday, March 17, The VOID contacted UploadVR once again to update their stance. As of the evening of March 16, The VOID has made the decision to temporarily close all The VOID locations in North America, effective immediately as a precautionary measure. According to a company representative, The VOID “is working with guests to reschedule pre-booked tickets, as well as offering guests exclusive offers for future visits. Additionally, during this time The VOID will continue to compensate location team members. The official statement from The VOID will be viewable on thevoid.com, along with specifics on the closures and additional details on pre-booking refunds.”

The CDC on March 15 recommended ” that for the next 8 weeks, organizers (whether groups or individuals) cancel or postpone in-person events that consist of 50 people or more throughout the United States.”

This article was updated on March 16 to include Dreamscape closure information and again on March 17 to include The VOID closure information. Let us know what you think about all this in our latest Community Download discussion.

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Team Laserland gewinnen die Tower Tag DreamHack Masters

Die DreamHack 2020 in Leipzig ist vorbei und wir blicken zurück auf ein grandioses Wochenende. Zudem war Virtual Industries mit Tower Tag vor Ort und VR-Nerds haben ein schweißtreibendes Turnier am Stand in der Indie Arena Booth veranstaltet.

Laserland sind die neuen Tower Tag DreamHack Masters


Insgesamt traten beim Turnier 16 Teams an, welche sich zuvor über Toornament anmelden konnten. Ins Halbfinale zogen Team Technical Issues, Karl bitte zur Turnierleitung, Team Laserland und Team Laserland 2 ein. Technical Issues und Laserland konnten sich ins Finale kämpfen und letztendlich triumphierte Laserland und stellte seinen Titel als Tower Tag Weltmeister erneut unter Beweis.

Somit darf sich Team Laserland über eine HTC Vive Cosmos freuen und Team Technical issues erhält ein Paket mit Merchandise von Rocket Beans TV.

Wir bedanken und bei allen Teilnehmern, Sponsoren und Zuschauern für ein spannendes und erfolgreiches Turnier.

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Der Beitrag Team Laserland gewinnen die Tower Tag DreamHack Masters zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

World of Tanks VR Rolls Out Onto SynthesisVR Arcades Next Week

SynthesisVR is adding another big gun to its arcade line-up; World of Tanks VR.

We first played this official spin-off of Wargaming’s popular battle simulator last year. However, Synthesis will be giving the game a global rollout via its arcades on September 13th.

World of Tanks plays a little differently than you might expect. Instead of simulating a realistic tank cockpit, players find themselves sitting on top of their war machines. They then move the vehicle a little like it were a remote-controlled car. While perhaps not as authentic as some might hope for, it does provide fun arcade-style combat perfect for, well, arcades. Battles consist of two to four players choosing between three tanks across three maps. We’ve got a brief look at the game in the below trailer.

At launch players will be put to the test with prizes up for grabs at local arcades.

Sadly there’s still no word as to if Wargaming will ever release a home-based version of World of Tanks VR. We’d certainly welcome the game on PC VR headsets. Wargaming’s mixed reality division, Neurogaming, is also doing experiments in AR and beyond.

It’s not the only big game Synthesis has added to its lineup recently. Last month we reported that Slightly Mad Studios’ Project Cars Pro was launch in its arcades too. The company offers a location-based entertainment operation package that also includes content from companies like Vertigo Games. A standard plan starts at $25 though the company also just announced the release of a free version.

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Project Cars Is Coming To VR Arcades With SynthesisVR

Don’t have the PC to power Project Cars in VR? No worries; it’s on its way to VR arcades.

Slightly Mad Studios is bringing the B2B version of its popular racing series, Project Cars Pro, to location-based VR installations through SynthesisVR. Operators using Synthesis will be able to set up games either in VR or using multiple monitors.

Through Synthesis, you can set up LAN multiplayer games, manage sessions by laps, races or time and incorporate motion seat platforms and racing wheels. Pro features a huge number of cars and tracks seen throughout the series. It’s traditionally been used for more enterprise applications. Last year, for example, Slightly Mad used the platform paired with StarVR to introduce the new Porsche 911 Carrera S debut at The LA Autoshow.

SynthesisVR, meanwhile, offers a location-based entertainment operation package for VR arcades. It gives operators the chance to control the experiences seen in VR. Existing partners include Arizona Sunshine developer Vertigo Games. A standard plan starts at $25 though the company also just announced the release of a free version.

We think Project Cars and its sequel are two of the best racing games you can play in VR. In fact we put Project Cars 2 in such a list earlier this month. The series strikes a fun balance between simulation and accessibility and features some of the best visuals you’ll find in a VR game. On PC, the series supports Rift, Vive and Index.  Sadly the PS4 versions of the games never got PSVR support.

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Tower Tag auf dem Cartoon and Animation Festival in Shenzhen (in eigener Sache)

Vom 18. – 22. Juni findet in Shenzhen das beliebte Animation Festival statt. Auch unser Spiel Tower Tag ist mit CA SEGA JOYPOLIS vor Ort und präsentiert sich dort von seiner besten Seiten: Als V-Sport-Titel.

Tower Tag auf dem Cartoon and Animation Festival in Shenzhen

Tower Tag Cup

Auf dem Festival treten 16 Teams im “China Animation Cup” im Spiel Tower Tag im 3v3-Modus gegeneinander an. Und hierbei geht es nicht nur um Ruhm und Ehre. Auf die besten drei Teams wartet heute ein Preispool von knapp 13.000 Euro bzw. 100.000 RMB.

Auch wenn die Brillen von HTC während des Events nicht kabellos verwendet werden, wird das hochauflösende Bild für die Zuschauer über ein 5G-Netzwerk übertragen. Hiermit soll demonstriert werden, was die 5G-Technologie leisten kann.

Falls ihr selbst Tower Tag spielen möchtet, dann schaut auf der Webseite zum Spiel nach, ob eine VR-Arcade in eurer Nähe das Spiel anbietet. Auf der Webseite finder ihr auch die Möglichkeit, eine kostenlose Demo für die eigene Arcade anzufordern. Zudem ist gerade eine neue Version erschienen, welche einige Neuerungen bereithält.

(Bilder: Chima Animation HK)

Der Beitrag Tower Tag auf dem Cartoon and Animation Festival in Shenzhen (in eigener Sache) zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Tower Tag Version 2019.2 veröffentlicht (in eigener Sache)

Ab sofort steht eine neue Version unseres Spiels Tower Tag für VR-Arcades zur Verfügung, welche einige Verbesserungen bereithält.

Tower Tag Version 2019.2 veröffentlicht

Tower Tag Champions auf der ESL One 2018

Mit dem zweiten großen Update des Jahres wird Tower Tag um ein Mission Briefing erweitert. Dies bedeutet, dass die Spielenden nun vor jeder Runde einen Blick auf die Map als Hologramm werfen können und das Ziel des nächsten Matches sehen.

Die Entwickler/-Innen haben die Teamfarben und Lichter für einen einheitlicheren und markanteren Look überarbeitet. Außerdem wurde viel Arbeit in die weitere Stabilisierung des Spiels gesteckt und auch das Setup von realen Towern ist nun deutlich vereinfacht. So können Operator nun während des Spiels die Position des realen Turms und des virtuellen Turms angleichen. Alle weiteren Informationen zum Update findet ihr hier.

Mit Tower Tag entwickeln wir bei VR-Nerds ein eigenes Virtual Reality Spiel, welches Laser Tag in Virtual Reality Arcades bringt. Ausgestattet mit Feedback-Weste, Gun-Controller und HTC Vive Pro können spannende 3v3-Gefechte ausgetragen werden. Der reale Tower im Spielfeld dient dabei nicht nur als Deckung, sondern bietet dem Spielenden auch eine gute Möglichkeit zur Orientierung. Welche Locations Tower Tag aktuell anbieten, findet ihr hier


Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Der Beitrag Tower Tag Version 2019.2 veröffentlicht (in eigener Sache) zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

New Resident Evil VR Arcade Game Pits You Against The Tyrant

Good news! There’s a new Resident Evil VR game on the way! Bad news! It’s only for Japanese arcades… for now.

Capcom is launching Biohazard: Valiant Raid at its Plaza Capcom Ikebukuro Store near Tokyo next week. The experience will be a part of the facility’s new VR-X installation. Biohazard is, of course, the official name for the Resident Evil series in Japan and Valiant Raid’s initials are, well, you get the point.

According to an official website, Valiant Raid will cast players as Special Forces members of shady pharmaceutical company, Umbrella. You’re sent into a lab overrun with zombies. You can probably guess what follows.

Resident Evil VR Arcade Game 1We don’t have any official footage of the experience just yet but there is some key art. You can see four characters dual-wielding different guns and surrounded by zombies. In the back, you can spot the terrifying Tyrant, best known for his persistent pursuit of Leon and Claire in Resident Evil 2. The thought of facing him down in VR is more than a little intimidating.

VR arcades have become a hub for testing popular game franchises in VR, especially in Japan. That’s where Mario Kart VR first started and other games like Dragon Quest also have VR-arcade tie-ins. In the west, meanwhile, a Halo VR arcade experience is on the way.

The experience opens on July 19. Sadly there’s no news on a western release for it just yet. Of course, Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 remains one of the best VR-compatible games out there. It launched exclusively on PSVR back in 2017 and offers some of the scariest thrills you can have inside a headset. We’ve still got our fingers crossed that Capcom is working on another full Resident Evil VR game for the future.

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Manus VR zeigt Prime Serie mit haptischen Feedback

Manus VR startete bereits vor einigen Jahren mit einem Handschuh, welcher es ermöglichte, die einzelnen Finger akkurat zu tracken. Mittlerweile gibt es einige Anbieter mit ähnlichen Konzepten, doch Manus VR geht nun einen Schritt weiter und bietet die Handschuhe zusätzlich mit haptischen Feedback für jeden einzelnen Finger an und überarbeitet seine Produktpalette.

Manus VR zeigt Prime Serie mit haptischen Feedback

Die neuen Produkte werden als Prime One, Haptic Prime und Xsens Prime angeboten. Prime One stellt das Hauptprodukt dar und kann die Bewegungen der Finger drahtlos direkt zu Unity, Unreal, Motionbuilder oder weitere Anwendungen streamen. Haptic Prime bietet zusätzlich ein haptisches Feedback, welches unterschiedliche Materialien und unterschiedlichen Widerstand spürbar machen soll. Xsens Prime dient als Ergänzung zum Motion-Capture-Anzug von Xsens.

Manus VR Haptisches Feedback

Da es nur wenige Anwendungen für die Handschuhe gibt, handelt es sich eher um ein Produkt für Unternehmen, Entwickler und Arcades. Zudem kosten die Handschuhe mit haptischen Feedback immerhin 4990 Euro und somit sollten die meisten Konsumenten wohl schnell das Interesse verlieren. Dennoch handelt es sich um eine spannende Technologie und Manus VR konnte bereits Toyota, Netflix, Google, Audio, Airbus und viele weitere Unternehmen als Kunden gewinnen. Unsere Eindrücke zum Handschuh aus dem Jahr 2017 sollten mit Vorsicht genossen werden. Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Entwickler mittlerweile viele Fehler beseitigen konnten.

(Quelle: Manus VR)

Der Beitrag Manus VR zeigt Prime Serie mit haptischen Feedback zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Introducing Superhot VR: Arcade Edition, Out Now At VR Arcades

Superhot VR Arcade Edition

One of VR’s most popular and best games is finally getting an arcade version.

Superhot VR: Arcade Edition launched today for VR arcades across the globe. This isn’t a brand new Superhot game with new levels but instead a remixed version of the original classic. It features a new point-scoring mode, encouraging players to pull off their slickest, most stylish slow-motion action movies. Local leaderboards will let them solidify bragging rights, too.

You’ll be able to play this version of the game in either five, 15 or 30-minute sessions. Check it out in the trailer below, although you probably already know what to expect.

In a prepared statement, Alastair Hebson, Head of Special Projects at the Superhot team, said there was a “large appetite” for this version of the game. “It was an obvious decision for us to greenlight a project and hire a team solely focused on making it happen,” Hebson said. “It’s exciting for us to be in the [location based entertainment] space and part of this growing industry sector.”

Indeed, many VR developers are looking to arcades as a means of further monetizing their games as VR’s modest install base continues to grow. Arcades take a lot of the cost out of VR, allowing people to try headsets out without buying one, let alone the PC it takes to power them.

Superhot VR itself is already one of VR’s bigger success stories, though. In fact, with over 800,000 copies sold the game has surpassed even the original non-VR game it was based on.

As for the home edition of the game, the developer says it’s looking at ways of integrating the arcade features later down the line. That sounds nice, but we’d really like to hear about something along the lines of a sequel. Until then we can still look forward to the Quest version.

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