Viveport Infinity Adds Support For Index And Rift S, Offers Freebies

viveport infinity

With all the big news from Facebook and Valve yesterday, HTC doesn’t want to go unnoticed. To that end, it’s offering freebies for people that pick up the new Oculus Rift S and Valve Index headsets.

Over the course of June, anyone that signs into HTC’s Viveport platform with either of these two headsets (or the original Rift), will get two free months of Viveport Infinity. Infinity is HTC’s VR subscription service that offers unlimited access to over 600 different VR games and experiences. Unlike the old version of the Viveport Subscription, there’s no limit to how many titles you can download per month.

Infinity is a good place to sample some of VR’s lesser-known gems. While it might not feature hits like Beat Saber and Superhot VR, it has got great games like Transpose and Windlands 2 as well as more diverse apps like Tilt Brush. There’s also some decent member’s benefits. This week, for example, members can claim a free copy of Rockstar’s L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files.

If you decide to continue on with Viveport Infinity after your free trial it’ll cost you $12.99 a month. You can get it for a little less with an annual subscription too.

It’s a nice promotion, although yesterday’s news has us asking where exactly HTC’s Vive Cosmos has got to. We haven’t heard much at all about the PC VR device since its launch in January and, if people are buying a bunch of new headsets in May and June, surely HTC might want to give them a reason to hold on a bit longer?

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HTC is Now Giving Away 2 Free Months of Viveport Infinity to Rift Owners

HTC’s VR app storefront, Viveport, is looking forward to welcoming a host of new VR users with the entrance of Valve Index and Oculus Rift S. To that tune, the company is giving away two free months of Viveport Infinity, its Netflix-style unlimited subscription service, to anyone with a Rift, Rift S, or Index.

Update (June 3rd, 2019): Starting today, HTC is giving away two free months of Viveport to anyone who owns a Rift or Rift S headset. You’ll find the redeemable code in Viveport by clicking your profile picture, and navigating to ‘REDEEM’, like in the image below. At that point, you can redeem your unique code and then enter your payment details, which will incur an automatic fee after the free trial is over, provided you don’t cancel before the end date.

The company says it will be extending the same offer to Valve Index owners later this month, presumably timed with the first wave of Index shipments, which are said to arrive on June 28th.

Image captured by Road to VR

Original Article (May 1st, 2019): Throughout the month of June, both new and existing Infinity members who own those headsets will be able to redeem two free months of the service.

In addition to unlimited app downloads, Viveport Infinity also offers its members perks such as premium content on Viveport Video, monthly coupons, weekend deals, and free title giveaways that you get to keep. For example, this week Infinity members will be getting Rockstar’s L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files for free, a $30 value.

Image courtesy HTC

Back in September 2018, HTC opened Viveport up to Oculus Rift users, putting its previously HTC-only product platform in direct competition with Steam and the Oculus Store. Furthermore, with the entrance of Viveport Infinity last month, the platform expanded its previously limited download model to allow all subscribers unlimited downloads of any app in the program—billed at either $13 monthly, or $99 annually.

Although the app catalog doesn’t reach the depth or breadth of either Steam or the Oculus Store, there’s still some clear benefits to Viveport Infinity—especially if it’s free. Many of the games on Viveport have opted into the Infinity program, including Windlands 2, Tilt Brush, Knockout League, Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs, Obduction, The Gallery Episodes 1 & 2, and I Expect You to Die.

Hands-on: HTC's '5G Hub' Demonstrates VR Cloud-rendering is on the Horizon

While there’s plenty of chaff to wade through too in the 500+ apps and games available through Infinity, those top games alone represent some pretty substantial savings if you’re planning on just diving in for a taster. Granted, the service only allows you to play your downloaded games if you’re a current member, so once you manually end the service you’ll lose access to whatever you picked up through Infinity.

That said, Viveport does have some notable fan favorites missing from the platform entirely, including Beat Saber, Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, Orbus VR, Vacation Simulator, Job Simulator, and Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice to name a few.

We recommend you do some careful searching on Viveport Infinity to see where the overlap is on your personal list of must-play VR titles. Whatever the case may be, free is free, so HTC is driving a hard bargain to nab VR newcomers and experienced users alike with their ongoing promotions.

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HTC Vive Celebrates Third Anniversary by Launching Viveport Video

Time flys when you’re having fun, and it was three years ago today that HTC Vive hit the consumer market. Since then, HTC Vive has celebrated with Vive Day, announcing new services, deals and giveaways. 2019 is no different, with the release of Viveport Video.

HTC Vive Pro

Compatible with both PC virtual reality (VR) hardware (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive Pro etc) and Vive Wave devices (HTC Vive Focus, Vive Focus Plus, etc), Viveport Video provides access to a library of 2D, 180 and 360-degree videos.

A free download on Viveport, Steam, and soon on the Oculus store, the service has sports content from Major League Baseball, Red Bull TV, and McLaren Racing, music content from Red Bull Records, 1Culture and Ceek VR, plus the usual mix of cinematic experiences like Everest: the VR Film Experience, Dark Corner and FRONTLINE PBS.

“Immersive VR video experiences are an exciting and captivating way for users to connect with the things that interest them the most and with Viveport Video, they now have access to premium content across a variety of lifestyle genres,” said Rikard Steiber, President of Viveport. “Through Viveport Video, we’re enabling the developer community to finally be able to monetize their premium video content and share these experiences with a large audience.”

Viveport Infinity

As well as Viveport Video, the company also released its new subscription model Viveport Infinity earlier this week. New users can try a two-week free trial of the unlimited subscription service, able to access exclusive premium content on Viveport Video in addition to over 600 VR apps and videogames. Continuing the celebrations, Viveport Infinity members can claim five free Vive Studios titles until 7th April – Virtual Sports, Front Defense, Arcade Saga, Knockout League and AWAKE: Episode One.

And then there’s the fact that Viveport is also offering up to 90% off select videogames and apps until 7th April, plus new purchases of HTC Vive or HTC Vive Pro come with a 12-month Viveport Infinity membership.

Thought it was all over? Well not quite. Today at 12pm PST (8pm GMT) join the Vive team for a live stream on Twitch where they’ll be giving away prizes, including a 12 Month Viveport Subscription and an HTC Vive Pro kit. As further updates are released, VRFocus will let you know.

Viveport Infinity: Neues Bezahlmodell ab 2. April für 14,99 Euro monatlich verfügbar

HTC veröffentlichte neue Informationen zum kommenden Bezahlmodell Viveport Infinity für den digitalen Store für HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro und Oculus Rift. Während der Startschuss für das Netflix-artige Abo mit unbegrenztem Zugriff auf die VR-Inhalte bereits veröffentlicht wurde, ist nun auch der monatliche Preis bekannt. Demnach kostet das Infinity-Abo entweder 14,99 Euro im Monat oder einmalig 114 Euro pro Jahr.

Viveport Infinity – Neues Bezahlmodell ab 2. April für 14,99 Euro monatlich verfügbar

Das neue Abomodell Viveport Infinity startet offiziell am 2. April auf der hauseigenen digitalen Plattform Viveport. Das neue Bezahlmodell ermöglicht es, den digitalen Store ohne Limitierungen zu verwenden und dadurch unbegrenzt auf sämtliche VR-Inhalte zuzugreifen. So können die Nutzer aus einer Auswahl von über 600 VR-Spielen und -Erfahrungen auswählen und diese nach freiem Belieben nutzen. Zusätzlich soll es exklusive Rabatte und Aktionen für Mitglieder beim Kauf weiterer Spiele sowie kostenlose Titel zum dauerhaften Behalten in der eigenen Bibliothek geben.


Nun wurde von offizieller Seite der monatliche Preis für den Zugriff auf die VR-Spiele und -Erfahrungen bekannt gegeben. Demnach kostet das Abo 14,99 Euro im Monat bzw. einmalig 114 Euro jährlich (umgerechnet 9,50 Euro monatlich). Zusätzlich besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit für bestehende Viveport-Kunden sich vor dem 2. April zu registrieren, um im ersten Jahr eine monatliche Preissenkung zum derzeitigen Abopreis (9,99 Euro pro Monat) zu erhalten.


Rikard Steiber, Präsident des Viveports, findet optimistische Worte zum neuen Infinity-Abo und kündigt zeitgleich höheres Umsatzpotenzial für Entwickler an:

Wir haben ein neues Modell für VR entwickelt, das die großartige Auswahl an VR-Inhalten, die diese Branche entwickelt hat, besser beleuchtet und den Nutzern einen Grund gibt, mehr Zeit mit ihren VR-Brillen zu verbringen als je zuvor. Gleichzeitig erhöhen wir die Reichweite und das Umsatzpotenzial für Entwickler, da Devs mehr Monetarisierungsmöglichkeiten für einzelne Infinity-Nutzer erhalten. Wir glauben, dass dieses Modell besser mit dem übereinstimmt, wie die Konsumenten VR wirklich erleben möchten.”

Ab dem 1. April werden die Entwickler mit 10 % mehr Umsatz für Verkäufe belohnt. Demnach gehen 80 % des Verkaufsumsatzes an die verantwortlichen Devs.

(Quelle: Vive Blog)

Der Beitrag Viveport Infinity: Neues Bezahlmodell ab 2. April für 14,99 Euro monatlich verfügbar zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Viveport Infinity To Increase Developer Revenue Share At Launch Next Month

viveport infinity

The next phase of HTC’s VR subscription service, Viveport Unlimited, arrives very soon.

The company announced today that Viveport Infinity launches on April 2nd 2019. It’ll cost $12.99 a month or $99 a year. We had already spotted this price in some fine print earlier this month. A two week free trial period will also accompany the launch.

Infinity offers full access to a suite of over 600 apps and games. The service features popular titles like Angry Birds: Isle of Pigs and The Wizards. For now, the service supports the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. HTC also says that future standalone headsets supporting its Vive Wave platform will carry the subscription over.  Previously the service only let you download five titles a month.

Perhaps most notably, Vive also pledged to increase developer revenue share with the launch of Infinity. It will be moving from 70/30 to 80/20. the change comes into effect on April 1st.

If you’re at all interested in jumping into Viveport Infinity, though, it might be an idea to subscribe to the current plan. HTC says anyone that’s already subscribed or signs up before Infinity’s launch will pay the original price for the rest of the year. That’s $8.99 instead of $12.99, so quite a steal if you don’t plan on picking up an annual subscription straight away.

Viveport Infinity is just one of several major launches for HTC in 2019. In the coming weeks and months the company will release new enterprise-level VR headsets like the Vive Pro Eye and Vive Focus Plus. It’s also set to launch a new consumer device, Vive Cosmos, towards the end of the year. We still have a lot to learn about Cosmos but we’re hoping to hear more at HTC’s developer day at GDC on March 18th.

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Viveport Infinity the Unlimited VR Subscription Service Will Cost $12.99 per Month

In a bid to make the Viveport subscription service even more tempting for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift users, the platform announced an unlimited version called Viveport Infinity back in January. Due to officially launch on 2nd April, Viveport has now revealed how much the service will actually cost.


Viveport Infinity

To gain unrestricted access to the service’s library of over 600 apps and videogames you’ll need to spend $12.99 USD a month – or $99 per year. That price is applicable if you join the service after 2nd April. As a special offer to entice new customers as well as looking after current subscribers Viveport will be locking the current price of $8.99 per month until the end of the year.

New users can still sign-up for the 14-day free trial then opt to continue their subscription for $8.99 per month, which normally only allows access to five titles per month. So until the end of 2019, they’ll make a decent saving.

“We have built a new model for VR that shines a light on the great library of VR content this industry has developed and gives users a reason to spend more time in headset than ever before,” said Rikard Steiber, President of Viveport in a statement. “At the same time, we’re increasing developer reach and potential revenue as more developers can monetize a single Infinity user. We believe this model matches how consumers want to experience VR.”

Viveport Infinity

Additionally, Viveport is increasing the developer’s share of revenue earned to 80/20 up from 70/30, from 1st April until the end of 2019 – this applies to all titles in Viveport Infinity.

“Through Viveport’s subscription service, we’ve been able to increase our player pool and build a bigger community around The Wizards,” said Paweł Gajda, Head of Marketing and Publishing, Carbon Studios. “Viveport Subscription has become a significant part of our revenue and we can’t wait to connect with even more players thought Infinity.”

Viveport Infinity doesn’t just support Oculus Rift and HTC Vive either. It’ll support any standalone headset using the Vive Wave platform, like HTC Vive Focus and Pico G2 for example.

For further updates on the Viveport platform keep reading VRFocus.

Netflix-style Viveport Infinity Subscription to Cost $13 Per Month, or $99 Per Year

HTC today announced that Viveport Infinity, the upcoming Netflix-style VR game & app subscription service, will be available for $13 a month, or $99 annually starting on April 2nd. If you subscribe now though, it could be a lot cheaper than that.

Viveport Infinity boasts unrestricted access to the platform’s subscription library of 600+ apps and games, supporting HTC Vive and Oculus Rift headsets, as well as a minority of titles  supporting Vive Wave standalone headsets.

The company is promising a number of membership benefits to free the credit card from your wallet, such as weekend deals on select titles, free title giveaways, and monthly coupons. A 10% store coupon is said to arrive to every member at the beginning of each month.

The company will be offering the choice of either a monthly Infinity subscription at $13, or a prepaid annual subscription for $99—bringing the effective monthly rate to $8.25. If you grab a standard subscription before the April 2nd cut-off date though, you’ll be paying significantly less under the old pricing structure until the end of 2019.

HTC is Giving Away 1 Month of Viveport Infinity for Free

Viveport’s standard subscription costs a monthly fee of $9, and gives users a choice of five games per month from the pool of eligible subscription games. Standard subscriptions can also be purchased in prepaid bundles of 3, 6, or 12 months for $20, $40 or $80 respectively.

Note: Viveport Infinity doesn’t give you access to all games on Viveport; individual developers must first authorize to include their game in the service, meaning some of our favorites like Superhot VR, Moss, and Arizona Sunshine aren’t available under the subscription service. You should also note that fan favorites such as Skyrim VR, Fallout 4 VR, Job Simulator, and Beat Saber aren’t on Viveport at all.

While there’s plenty of chaff to bypass too, there are also more than a few really great games that will immediately justify the price of a single month, such as:

  • Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs
  • Apex Construct
  • Fantastic Contraption
  • Island 359
  • Knockout League
  • Obduction
  • Prison Boss VR
  • Pixel Ripped 1989
  • Racket: Nx
  • Tilt Brush
  • Transpose
  • Windlands
  • Windlands 2

You can also try out Viveport Infinity for free for a month if you’re still not convinced.

In a bid to attract more developers to the platform, HTC is increasing developer revenue share on Viveport from 70/30 to 80/20. From April 1st through the end of 2019, the revenue share scheme will also apply to Viveport Infinity titles too.

The platform will also feature a sale to celebrate, putting over 100 on sale from April 2nd – April 7th.

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Enjoy Unlimited Gaming for a Month With Viveport Infinity’s Latest Offer

HTC Vive didn’t mess about when it came to CES 2019 in January. Not content with announcing two virtual reality (VR) headsets, HTC Vive Cosmos and HTC Vive Pro Eye, the company also revealed a new subscription service, Viveport Infinity. Today, in preparation for the service going live next month, users will be able to get a month for free by filling out a short survey.

Viveport Infinity

By the looks of it, this isn’t a competition. All you need to do is fill out the short survey and share your favourite Viveport experiences and what’s on your current wishlist for future features. In doing so you’ll get 30 days of free Viveport Infinity usage, with codes sent via email on 20th March, ahead of the official launch on 2nd April.

And not to annoy those who already pay for a subscription HTC Vive states: “We’re also excited to announce that existing Viveport Subscription members with active pre-paid memberships will be able to experience the upgraded, unlimited access to their library at no extra cost!”

As with any deal do always be aware of the fine print. This offer is only available until 17th March and the code must be redeemed by 15th April 2019. You’ll also need a credit card to complete the offer: “If you cancel the subscription during the 1 month trial period you will not be charged, and you will lose access to Viveport Infinity content that you accessed during the trial period once the trial ends. Unless you cancel the subscription during the trial period you will automatically be charged a monthly subscription fee a month after the end of the trial period, and each month thereafter until you cancel your subscription. If you redeem the code before April 2, 2019, you will be charged a monthly subscription fee of $8.99 per month through the end of 2019 or until you cancel your subscription.”

Viveport Infinity

Viveport Infinity is being billed as the ultimate way to enjoy videogames and apps on Viveport. Unlike the standard subscriptions which only allow access to five videogames per month, there’s no limitation with Viveport Infinity. Customers will have access to a library of more than 600 games and apps, compatible with both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

The annual Vive Day celebrations usually take place on 5th April. As further offers are revealed VRFocus will keep you updated.

Viveport Infinity: Abomodell startet am 2. April; HTC verschenkt kostenlosen Monat

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Das neue Bezahlmodell Viveport Infinity für die digitale Spieleplattform von HTC startet offiziell am 2. April, um euch unbegrenzten Zugriff auf über 600 VR-Inhalte für HTC Vive und Oculus Rift zu eröffnen. Passend zum Startschuss des Netflix-artigen Abos verschenken die Verantwortlichen einen kostenlosen Monat zum Ausprobieren des Angebots. Dafür müsst ihr lediglich eine kurze Umfrage im Store ausfüllen.

Viveport Infinity – Abomodell startet am 2. April & Kostenloser Probemonat für das Ausfüllen einer Umfrage

Das neue Abomodell Viveport Infinity startet offiziell am 2. April auf der hauseigenen digitalen Plattform Viveport. Das neue Bezahlmodell erlaubt euch, den Store ohne Limitierungen zu verwenden und dadurch auf sämtliche VR-Inhalte zuzugreifen. Anstatt der bisherigen fünf Titel pro Monat können die Nutzer zukünftig aus einer Auswahl von über 600 VR-Spielen und -Erfahrungen auswählen und diese nach freiem Belieben nutzen. Zusätzlich soll es exklusive Rabatte für Mitglieder sowie kostenlose Titel zum dauerhaften Behalten in der eigenen Bibliothek geben.

HTC verschenkt zum Release des Infinity-Abos einen Gratismonat zum Ausprobieren des Angebots. Dafür müssen die Nutzer eine kurze Umfrage mit vier Fragen über das eigene VR-Lieblingsspiel, gewünschte Abovorteile im Viveport, die derzeitige VR-Hardware sowie die eigene E-Mail-Adresse ausfüllen:


Daraufhin versenden die Verantwortlichen am 20. März per Mail die Codes für den kostenlosen Monat zu Viveport Infinity. Für die Nutzung des neuen Abos ist eine Kreditkarte nötig. Der Code ist bis zum 15. April gültig.

Wichtig: Nach Einreichen des Codes müsst ihr euer Abo selbstständig kündigen! Ansonsten verlängert sich das Abonnement automatisch um einen kostenpflichtigen weiteren Monat bis zur Kündigung.

Wer den Code vor dem 2. April einreicht, zahlt bis Jahresende einen reduzierten Preis von 8,99 US-Dollar. Wie viel Viveport Infinity genau in Deutschland kosten soll, ist bisher nicht bekannt. Bisherige Viveport-Nutzer erhalten zum Release am 2. April ein kostenloses Upgrade und bezahlen ebenfalls den gewohnten Preis des bisherigen Abos.

(Quelle: Road to VR | Video: HTC Vive YouTube)

Der Beitrag Viveport Infinity: Abomodell startet am 2. April; HTC verschenkt kostenlosen Monat zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

HTC is Giving Away 1 Month of Viveport Infinity for Free

Viveport Infinity, HTC’s unlimited Netflix-style game delivery service for Vive & Rift, is set to launch on April 2nd. To celebrate, the company is giving a one-month free access code to anyone who fills out a quick user survey.

You just have to answering three questions and provide a valid email address, and HTC promises to send out a 30-day free access code which should arrive via email on March 20th.

Here’s some of the fine print to the offer. Yes, it looks like you’ll need a credit card and to cancel the free trial before automatic billing happens:

  • Code must be redeemed by April 15, 2019.
  • If you cancel the subscription during the 1 month trial period you will not be charged, and you will lose access to VIVEPORT Infinity content that you accessed during the trial period once the trial ends.
  • Unless you cancel the subscription during the trial period you will automatically be charged a monthly subscription fee a month after the end of the trial period, and each month thereafter until you cancel your subscription.
  • If you redeem the code before April 2, 2019, you will be charged a monthly subscription fee of $8.99 per month through the end of 2019 or until you cancel your subscription.

The service boasts over 600 games for unlimited download for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift users alike. Like PlayStation Plus, HTC is also including exclusive member discounts and free to-keep titles too.

In addition, HTC announced that Viveport Subscription members with active pre-paid memberships will be getting a free upgrade that will give them Viveport Infinity access at no extra cost.

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