Train Your Brain With Virtuleap’s Enhance VR

Enhance VR

There are plenty of virtual reality (VR) examples when it comes to keeping physically healthy but far fewer when dealing with cognitive abilities. Today, Virtuleap has launched its brain training app Enhance VR to help those also wishing to stay mentally fit.

Enhance VR

Previously released as an Early Access title in late 2019, Enhance VR provides you with a selection of mini-games including Magic Deck, Memory Wall, React, Hide & Seek, Pizza Builder, and Balance which cover a range of cognitive functions like memory, problem-solving, spatial orientation and more.

“Our beta release was about collecting user feedback to improve the level balancing of each of the closed-loop games, as well as to stress test the game scoring system that translates a player’s performance to a sort of IQ for each cognitive ability,” says Amir Bozorgzadeh, co-founder and CEO Virtuleap in a statement. “This renders each of our VR brain training games as much scientific instruments as they are a fun way to assess and keep track of how strong or weak you are along any of these distinct categories of mental fitness.”

Players are able to track their progress using a scoring system called the Enhance Performance Index. The company notes it will soon work with institutes like the Pacific Brain Health Center and the National Innovation Centre for Ageing at Newcastle University on feasibility studies to validate the efficacy of the application for assessing cognitive illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Enhance VR

“Our vision is to mine the big data of volumetric gameplay patterns with the help of machine learning in order to create a new digital health marker that we believe will allow our games to anticipate a cognitive illness or disorder years before it onsets,” Hossein Jalali, co-founder and CTO Virtuleap adds. “We have spent the past year preparing the ground by creating the data infrastructure required in order to generate and collect the data in a way that can make this possibility a reality.”

Currently available for Oculus Quest and Rift as well as HTC Vive Focus Plus, Enhance VR will also be made available for Pico Neo 2 and Valve Index by the end of July. As development continues Virtuleap plans on adding compatibility with third-party biometrics like eye-tracking, EEG, and smartwatches.

For further updates on Enhance VR, keep reading VRFocus.

The World’s Largest WebVR Hackathon Is Launching Online This November

The World’s Largest WebVR Hackathon Is Launching Online This November

You can do anything online these days. From ordering food, to obtaining a college degree, to catfishing strangers to pay for that food and college degree; the Internet truly is a magical place.

With so much readily available on the world wide web it makes you wonder why anything should not be obtainable via a decent computer and a solid ethernet connection. Nothing should be outside of our reach as we dive into this nirvana of ones, zeroes, and cats. This applies to getting a pizza and posting as vrycutgrl97give$$$plz on social media, but it is also something that should apply to the emerging industry that is virtual reality.

Mozilla’s WebVR platform, MozVR. 

WebVR is the term used for a javascript API that can run directly through an Internet browser to open and run VR experiences anywhere with wifi. Many people believe it is the most powerful tool the VR scene has for spreading its message of immersive delights to new believers around the world.

Today, the “sandbox for creative developers,” Virtuleap, is announcing a WebVR hackathon to kickstart this new medium with some top quality content. The hack will be held compeltely online and it is being put on in conjunction with several technology partners including Mozilla, Microsoft, and Google. Helping to launch the event are Upload, The Next Web, and StartupAmsterdam

The contest will begin on November 1st and teams will be able to submit their WebVR projects up to the 15th. The prizes, courtesy of StartupAmsterdam are a smattering of globe-trotting-goodies, themed as full-blown adventures that fly out the winning teams to the innovation capital of Europe, Amsterdam.

The prizes include include €30K (around $32,000 USD) cash and a slot in the first VR accelerator in Europe, VRBASE. There is also a 3-month internship program at one of the largest VR studios in Europe, Force Field VR. These trips will be all inclusive, and you know what that means…

So grab your team, get your gear, and let’s see what you’ve got. The future of VR is in your hands! The power…

…is YOURS!