XR Training Provider Virti Completes $10m Funding Round


It’s been a very successful week for virtual reality (VR) companies raising funds with the likes of Fast Travel Games and MyDearest both completing multimillion rounds. Adding to that list is Virti, a specialist in providing training solutions to organisations which has just secured $10 million USD in a Series A funding round.


Led by IQ Capital, the $10m round also saw the participation of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and a new, UK-based learning technology VC fund. Thanks to the funding raise Virti will be able to continue its international growth whilst researching and developing new technologies to improve its training platform. That growth has seen Virti’s revenues grow 978% in the past year as well as doubling the company’s workforce. 

Virti’s technology helps organisations train staff on various skills such as communication, teamwork and decision-making under pressure using interactive simulations and AI-powered data analysis. Companies can even build their own bespoke training modules using its cloud-based, no-code simulation creation suite. These modules are able to analyse user performance using computer-vision AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP), providing useable analytics to further improve performance. For example, in 2020 the NHS used Virti to help train employees at scale on COVID-19 procedures.

“At Virti, our goal is to maximise human performance by making experiential learning affordable and accessible for everyone,” said Dr Alexander Young, CEO and founder of Virti in a statement. “In-person training has always been expensive with e-learning often unengaging – and research shows that employees forget upwards of 80% of episodic training. Virti exists to help organisations get the very best out of their people, by improving how teams train, learn and perform using scalable deep learning technology with a focus on soft-skills.”


“On-the-job training can be serendipitous, with the learning experience varying significantly depending on where you are, what day it is and who is training you. Soft skills also tend to be subjectively assessed in most settings. We’re providing the tools to help organisations create and distribute evidence-based training, which can be standardised and scaled across organisations and geographies,” Young continues. “The data insights our platform generates reduce training variability and generate objective feedback that can aid real-world improvement – with the ultimate goal of improving human performance around the globe.”

As Virti continues to improve its training solutions, VRFocus will keep you updated.

NHS Study Finds Immersive Tech Improves Retention of Infection Control Measures by 76%


The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has meant not only hospitals having to improve their training procedures for staff and volunteers but also care homes and whose looking after the most vulnerable. A recent study conducted as part of the UK government’s TechForce19 challenge – in collaboration with VR training solution specialist Virti – has found improvements can be made when it comes to health and safety using immersive technology.

NHS doffing pic

Provided with training on hand washing, donning and doffing PPE, and responding to an unresponsive patient (including resuscitation), carers in the randomised control interventional study were split between Virti’s solution and standard training.

A pre to post-training knowledge test found that on average carers who used immersive tech saw a performance increase of 230.1% in comparison to 16.75% for the control group. The test scores also highlighted the carers understanding of infection control measures was only 16% for the control group while the intervention group hit 92%, a significant difference of 76%.

“As a surgeon, it’s critical to me that our technology is evidence-based. As we roll out a completely new way to train, we want our users and customers to continue to see this platform as effective and reliable,” said Dr Alex Young, NHS surgeon and the founder of Virti in a statement. “Ensuring our care workers have the training they need to keep themselves and their patients safe is of critical importance.”


“Our care homes have taken the brunt of the impact during the pandemic, despite heroic efforts from staff, so we must ensure they are as prepared as possible to fight a potential second wave,” Young continues. “This study is an important step forward in how we can help that happen safely and at scale. The impact of digital, immersive training when it comes to knowledge retention and in reducing anxiety is evident from the findings of this study. We hope it starts a conversation around how we can better prepare the workforce for the future and for the challenges employees in any sector face.”

TechForce19 challenge awards UK innovators grants of £25,000 GBP to test solutions which support the elderly, vulnerable and self-isolating during COVID-19. Virti has been providing its healthcare training solution since 2018 and as it continues to make advancements, VRFocus will let you know.

NHS Using Virti’s XR Training Solution to Help Train COVID-19 Staff


When the UK Government put the country into lockdown due to the coronavirus (COVID)-19) pandemic it also requested volunteers to help with the influx of patients the National Heath Service (NHS) was expecting. Thousands of people did volunteer but that created another issue, how to suitably train so many people with critical COVID-specific skills. One method the NHS used was Virti’s immersive training solution.


The Bristol-based company’s technology was used to deliver remote educational programmes to NHS employees at scale, rolling out COVID-19 modules to staff via a virtual reality (VR) headsets, desktop or smart devices.

Virti’s software covered key areas such as how to safely apply and remove personal protective equipment (PPE), how to engage with patients and their families as well as navigating an unfamiliar intensive care ward. And because of the influx of staff tens of thousands of training sessions were recorded.

Previously selected to join the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) programme, Virti’s system uses AI to assess users and improve their performance after they’ve interacted with hospital environments and real patient cases in either VR or AR.

Virti Banner Human Perfromance

“We’ve been using Virti’s technology in our intensive care unit to help train staff who have been drafted in to deal with COVID-19 demand,” said Tom Woollard, West Suffolk Hospital Clinical Skills and Simulation Tutor in a statement. “The videos which we have created and uploaded are being accessed on the Virti platform by nursing staff, physiotherapists and Operational Department Practitioners (ODPs) to orient them in the new environment and reduce their anxiety. The tech has helped us to reach a large audience and deliver formerly labour-intensive training and teaching which is now impossible with social distancing. In the future, West Suffolk will consider applying Virti tech to other areas of hospital practice.”

Virti was founded in 2018 by NHS Trauma and Orthopedic surgeon Dr Alexander Young who was looking to improve healthcare training. The company is one of a number VRFocus has covered recently from the sector including Osso VR and Precision OS, two apps which specialise in surgical training.

As Virti continues to expand its immersive training solution, VRFocus will keep you updated.

The VR Job Hub: Firesprite, University of Bristol, Snap & Virti

With what’s going on at the moment worldwide getting a job might be the last thing on your mind. However, not everyone has the luxury of being able to work from home if the need arises so considering a role with more flexibility might be in order. VRFocus can’t promise the following roles will provide that but at least you can add them to the options list.

Location Company Role Link
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Senior Generalist Programmer Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Senior Programmer Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Graphics Programmer Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Art Director Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Tech Artist Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite 3D Artist Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Animator Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Lead Systems Designer Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Senior Level Designer Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Game Director Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Concept Artist Click Here to Apply
Liverpool, UK Firesprite Development Manager Click Here to Apply
Bristol, UK University of Bristol Research Associate in Ancient Greek History and Virtual Reality Click Here to Apply
London, UK Snap Inc. AR Lens Program Manager Click Here to Apply
Bristol, UK Virti VR Sales Click Here to Apply

Don’t forget, if there wasn’t anything that took your fancy this week there’s always last week’s listings on The VR Job Hub to check as well.

If you are an employer looking for someone to fill an immersive technology related role – regardless of the industry – don’t forget you can send us the lowdown on the position and we’ll be sure to feature it in that following week’s feature. Details should be sent to Peter Graham (pgraham@vrfocus.com).

We’ll see you next week on VRFocus at the usual time of 3PM (UK) for another selection of jobs from around the world.

VR Training Company Virti Joins NHS Innovation Accelerator Programme

Among the winners of the VR Awards 2018 was Virti, a healthcare training company which specialised in the use of both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology. Today, Virti has announced that it’s been selected to join the UK’s NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) programme. 

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Founded by trauma and orthopaedic surgeon Dr Alexander Young, Virti uses immersive technology combined with AI to transport users into realistic, hard-to-access environments to safely assess them under pressure. This helps to reduce anxiety and improve human performance and outcomes regardless of geographical boundaries.

Since launching 12 months ago Virti has gained a large number of enterprise customers in the UK and US, and in the process won a number of high profile awards including the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Triennial Innovation Prize and, most recently, winning the VR Healthcare Category at the VR Awards.

Since it launched in July 2015, the NHS’ National Innovation Accelerator programme has supported the implementation of 37 evidence-based healthcare innovations across more than 1,700 NHS sites.

“It is a huge honour to be selected onto the NHS’ NIA programme and a testament to our ongoing work with the UK’s National Health Service,” said Dr Young, CEO/Founder Virti in a statement. “We are delighted to be the first Virtual and Augmented Reality company selected onto the NIA and proud that our evidence-based VR/AR training platform will now be scaled to further hospitals, physicians and patients through the NIA. We are particularly excited to help deliver the NHS’ recently published ‘Staff and Learner Wellness Strategy to 2027’ and further demonstrate the positive impacts that immersive technology can have on corporates, employees and for healthcare.”

“The NHS Long Term Plan puts the latest technology and innovation at the heart of people’s care and the future of our health service. Right across the NHS patients are benefitting from world-beating innovations, spread as part of this programme,” adds Professor Stephen Powis, NHS Medical Director.

Virti offers a range of training scenarios to suit not only medical professionals but also enterprise, military, school and charity based needs, all at different pricing structures. For further updates as Virti continues to expand, keep reading VRFocus.

VR Awards 2018: The Winners Speak

There are all kinds of awards out there – mainly because most everything has some organisation quantifying who are the best in what they do. Now we’re in the fourth quarter of the year it’s only natural that we end up seeing more awards ceremonies to reveal the high achievers of 2018.

Earlier this week VRFocus hit the red carpet for the VR Awards 2018, which once again celebrated the field of virtual reality (VR).

VRAwards 2018 logo“The VR Awards is at the centre of recognition and celebration of outstanding achievement in VR.”  Says the organisation, “Combined with year-round international initiatives, the VR Awards brings together a night of red carpet highlights, the celebration of excellence and unique access to the world’s most influential names in immersive technology.”

A media partner for the event, Nina Salomons and Kevin Joyce were both in attendance and even helped dish out the awards during the evening. You can find a list of the winners below, as well as some footage of the event and interviews with several of the victors.

VR Awards 2018 Winners

VR Headset of the Year:
HTC Vive Pro

VR Game of the Year:
Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone (Cloudhead Games Ltd.)

VR Experience of the Year:
Manifest 99 (Flight School)

VR Film of the Year:

VR Marketing of the Year:
Coco VR (Magnopus)

Rising VR Company of the Year:
Neurogaming Limited

Innovative VR Company of the Year:

VR Education of the Year:
HoloLAB Champions (Schell Games)

VR Healthcare of the Year:

Out-of-home VR Entertainment of the Year:
Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire (ILMxLAB and The VOID)

VR Social Impact Award:
Window to our World (VISYON & The Cornerstone Partnership)

VR Architecture and Real Estate of the Year:
Bostoen – Creating your dream house before it’s even built (Nanopixel)

VRFocus will bring you more news and videos very soon.