Arizona Sunshine to Launch on PlayStation VR in June

Today, Vertigo Games and Jaywalkers Interactive have announced that their popular virtual reality (VR) first-person shooter (FPS) Arizona Sunshine will be arriving on PlayStation VR next month. 

Arizona Sunshine originally launched for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive back in December 2016, and for its PlayStation VR debut in June the videogame will not only support PlayStation 4 and PalyStation 4 Pro, it’ll provide compatibility for the PlayStation Aim controller that’s due to arrive this month alongside Farpoint. That’s on top of being able to play the videogame using the regular DualShock 4 controllers and PlayStation Move.

ArizonaSunshine_PSGamepage (1)

Built from the ground up for virtual reality (VR), Arizona Sunshine allows players to handle, fire, and reload a multitude of different weapons with real-life movements, whilst destroying hordes of zombies across a series of huge southwestern American environments, including blistering-hot deserts, treacherous canyons and deep, dark mines. Featuring both single-player and co-op multiplayer modes, players will be able to jump in for a short sessions or stay for the entire campaign due to the way it’s split up. Whilst multiplayer features both co-op campaign and a Horde mode for up to four players.

No exact date in June has been stated but expect an announcement during the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017. For the latest Arizona Sunshine updates keep reading VRFocus.

Head to Vegas and go Hunting in Arizona Sunshine’s Undead Valley

At CES 2017 Vertigo Games debuted an upcoming update for its popular first-person shooter (FPS) Arizona Sunshine, called Undead Valley. Today that update has gone live, taking players across the Arizona-Nevada border to Las Vegas.

Undead Valley is a Horde mode map set in a zombie-infested old transport warehouse-turned-underground casino, challenging players to mix up their strategies by using the height of the map and its surrounding outdoor areas to their advantage.

Arizona Sunshine Vegas_SS4The studio has ensured the new map is dynamic and open to different tactical possibilities, with players able to find keys to locked doors or blast away obstacles to uncover new areas. If they look hard enough they’ll be able to locate more weapons, hidden ammo caches and useful positions to slaughter the rampaging horde of zombies.

Over the course of 2017 so far Vertigo Games has released several updates for the title, starting the year with a trackpad locomotion option for those players who find teleportation less immersive. Then last month another Horde map was added, taking players into the dark and dangerous Mines, where they have to choose between dual wielding their guns or using a torch to see.

As with all the past updates, Undead Valley is completely free for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Arizona Sunshine, reporting back with the latest announcements.

New Arizona Sunshine Horde Map Takes You Back into the Mine – Available Now

New Arizona Sunshine Horde Map Takes You Back into the Mine – Available Now

Arizona Sunshine is releasing a new map today for its horde mode. In horde mode, you and up to three other players must work together in order to fend off waves of the undead while managing limited ammunition and health restoring items. Since launch, Arizona Sunshine has had only one horde map that is set in a brightly lit outdoor encampment. Today’s update however will take players where they hoped they’d never have to go again: back into the mine.

The mine is a level in Arizona Sunshine’s campaign mode that has become notorious for being the most horrifying 20-30 minutes of the entire game. The mine in the main game is pitch black with the only light source emanating from your flimsy flashlight or a few weak generators scattered around the map. Similarly, the new mine horde map surrounds you in darkness and makes you question what lies around every shadowy corner.

We had the chance to try the mine horde map at GDC 2017 and there a few things players need to be aware of before hopping in to this gut wrenching new experience. The first is that this map is significantly larger than Arizona’s original horde arena. That map was essentially a square that you could cover in a few seconds. The mine, however, is so large that you’ll have to actually hunt down zombies to progress through early waves rather than just letting them all come to you in a funnel.


According to the Vertigo reps at the GDC demo, exploration will be essential to succeed in this new map. Ammo and health will not simply spawn at your relatively well-illuminated starting platform. Instead, you’ll need to grit your teeth and march into the dark unknown if you really want to go for the gold.

I played this map with unlimited ammo and invulnerability at GDC and I was still terrified out of my mind. My advice to you is to bring a friend, or two, or three. These jet-black caves are far too terrifying to challenge solo.

This new map will be filling in for the promised Las Vegas DLC that was slated to release last month. According to Vertigo, that content is now being slated for late March instead.

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Free Multiplayer Map Coming to Arizona Sunshine Next Week

Since it’s launch back in December, Arizona Sunshine has seen a tremendous response from gamers, on both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive systems. The first-person zombie shooter features a multiplayer horde mode and now Vertigo Games has revealed a new map will become available in the next update.

The studio confirmed to VRFocus at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2017 this week, that the Horde mode would be expanded upon, adding a dark and dingy mine level, similar to the campaign.

Arizona Sunshine screenshot 7

Players will need to have torches at the ready, as the new area will feature a mixture of dimly lit platforms and pitch black tunnels to explore. To ensure players don’t just simply camp out in a nice little corner, the studio has made sure that vital supplies such as ammo and health aren’t just bunched together, spread between different areas of the map.

While Horde mode can be played on your own, it’s much better as a multiplayer experience, so that players can assist each other when resupplying or when the horde get too much. But with each additional player the undead only grow in number and become even more dangerous.

The Mine map will come as a free update when Vertigo Games release it on Tuesday, 7th March. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Arizona Sunshine, reporting back with the latest updates.

Trackpad Locomotion Option Now Available for Arizona Sunshine

Last month Arizona Sunshine saw worldwide release on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift for Oculus Touch. The title only featured teleportation as a movement mechanic but today Vertigo Games and Jaywalkers Interactive have announced players can now use a trackpad locomotion option instead.

Most virtual reality (VR) video games tend to use teleportation as a standard mechanic for moving around virtual worlds as it’s comfortable for most players, reducing the dreaded simulator sickness. Whereas movement with a thumbstick or trackpad can cause issues for some players. For VR players that can handle that sort of locomotion its means increased immersion, realism and greater control in VR.

Arizona Sunshine cars

“We are grateful for all of the suggestions game players have made for additional modes and features they would like to see in the game. We have been listening and are pleased to announce the addition of trackpad locomotion. This free update will be published January 24, 2017. The teleport mechanic will still be available in the game, meaning that players will now have an option on how they want to experience the game,” said Vertigo Games’ Managing Director, Richard Stitselaar in a statement. “We are incredibly pleased with the reception the game has received from press and players. It’s a huge validation to see the game receiving such high user ratings. It was amazing to see Arizona Sunshine at the top of the charts in its first week, and from what we can tell, it may be the fastest selling non-bundled PC VR title to date.

Released on 6th December, Arizona Sunshine has earned sales of more than $1.4 million USD in its first month confirms the developer. The update is applicable to both the HTC Vive and Oculus Touch versions.

For any further details on Arizona Sunshine, keep reading VRFocus.

‘Arizona Sunshine’ Might Be The Fastest-Selling VR Game With $1.4 Million In The First Month

‘Arizona Sunshine’ Might Be The Fastest-Selling VR Game With $1.4 Million In The First Month

Arizona Sunshine [Review: 8.5/10] is getting an update that supports full locomotion. That part we knew, but what we didn’t know was how much money the game made so far.

Developers Vertigo Games and Jaywalkers Interactive today said their VR zombie shooter made $1.4 million in sales during its first month of release on the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, from Dec. 6 to Jan. 5. In a prepared statement, Vertigo Games’ Managing Director, Richard Stitselaar said “from what we can tell, it may be the fastest selling non-bundled PC VR title to date.” The game usually sells for around $40 and we confirmed with Vertigo the $1.4 million figure that was shared is the amount sold before a cut taken by Valve’s Steam or Facebook’s Oculus store.

It is well-deserved; Arizone Sunshine was named UploadVR’s 2016 Game of the Year shortly after its launch. The first-person shooter uses position tracked controls to offer an intense zombie massacre in which the player treks across the Arizona desert.

Arizone Sunshine isn’t the only VR game to see success over the past year. Earlier this month we reported that Owlchemy Labs had sold $3 million with its Job Simulator since launch in April 2016. Furthermore, The Gallery developer Cloudhead Games and Raw Data developer Survios have both independently confirmed to UploadVR that they cleared $1 million in sales for their respective titles.

Along with the sales milestone, Vertigo took the opportunity to formally release the full locomotion update, arriving today. That means players will be able to navigate the game’s world using controls similar to a normal first-person shooter game, which fans had requested as an alternative to the teleportation system the title already uses.

We’re expecting the game to arrive on PlayStation VR later this year, though no final date has been set.

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