Valve Confirms New Vive Base Station Coming This Year

Late last year at Steam Dev Days, Valve talked about a new and improved design for the SteamVR Tracking / Lighthouse base stations, a core component of the Vive’s tracking technology. Now the company says it plans to launch the new version later this year.

During a Valve Q&A session on Reddit, Valve’s Joe Ludwig, who has been closely involved with the company’s VR efforts, confirmed development of a manufacturing line for the new base stations, and that they’d “start showing up later this year.”

“The controller production line is still going strong and churning out controllers. The next line we’re building is for the base stations we talked about at Dev Days,” he wrote, responding to a question about the company’s work with automated manufacturing. “Using automation allows us to keep production local, which means our employees can be much more hands-on with the manufacturing process. That works a lot better with how Valve works, so we’ll probably keep doing that going forward.”

The base stations that ship with the Vive today have two rotors with are used to sweep lasers in a vertical and horizontal line across the tracked volume. Those lasers are detected by sensors on the Vive and used to determine its location in space.

present-and-future-base-stationThe major difference in the new base stations is the move from a dual-rotor to a single-rotor design. Instead of a horizontal and vertical speed achieved with two rotors, the new base stations will use a single rotor with two diagonal sweeps leaning in opposite directions.

base-station-linesValve says that the same precise positional tracking information can be derived in this way, with the added benefit of greatly reducing the complexity of the system. As Valve engineer Ben Jackson put it, “What better way to make [the Base Station] lighter, quieter, cheaper, and more power efficient, than to chop out half the parts?”

According to Reid Wender of Triad Semiconductor (who worked with Valve to create components for Lighthouse tracking), the new approach could lead to “rapid cost reductions.”

HTC Confirms Each Vive is Sold at Profit, "Much More" Than 140,000 Units in Sales

Reduced price would be a welcome change; today’s Lighthouse base stations cost $135 each when bought directly from HTC, so they’re surely adding a nice chunk to the Vive’s $800 price point.

The post Valve Confirms New Vive Base Station Coming This Year appeared first on Road to VR.

Joe Ludwig: 500 Unternehmen möchten Lighthouse Tracking verwenden

Gabe Newell hat sich vor wenigen Stunden einer AMA (Ask Me Anything) Fragerunde auf Reddit gestellt. Damit der gute Gabe nicht mit einer Sehnenscheidenentzündung das AMA beenden muss, beantwortete auch  Joe Ludwig von Valve einige Fragen. Laut Ludwig haben viele Unternehmen ein großeres Interesse an der Lighthouse Technologie von Valve.

500 Unternehmen möchten Lighthouse Tracking verwenden

Valve hatte im letzten Jahr das Lighthouse System freigegeben und jedes Unternehmen darf die Technologie nutzen, wenn zuvor ein Lehrgang bei Valve besucht wurde. Da Valve aktuell das beste Tracking-System anbietet, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass viele Unternehmen mit dieser Technik arbeiten wollen. Ludwig sagt, dass 500 Unternehmen sich bereits gemeldet hätten und einige Unternehmen würden auch an eigenen Virtual Reality Headsets arbeiten. Laut Ludwig werden wir aber erst mehr über diese Headsets erfahren, wenn diese auch bereit für eine Präsentation sind.

Wenn die neuen Headsets mit dem Lighthouse System auf den Markt kommen, dann soll auch der Support über SteamVR gewährleistet sein. Eventuell haben wir mit dem PiMAX 8K Headset auch bereits ein Virtual Reality Headset gesehen, welches das System von Valve nutzen möchte. Leider war das Tracking aber auf der letzten CES noch nicht verwendbar.

Pimax 8K

Pimax 8K

Ludwig sagt außerdem, dass wir in diesem Jahr auch die neuen Lighthouse Stationen sehen, die bei Valve entwickelt werden. Wir hatten vor einigen Wochen bereits über die Vorteile der neuen Stationen berichtet.

Das Jahr bleibt also weiterhin spannend und wir gehen davon aus, dass HTC und Oculus bald ernsthafte Konkurrenz auf dem VR Markt erhalten werden. Wenn die Einbindung der neuen Headsets in Steam funktioniert und die Headsets eine gute Performance bieten, dann werden die Karten neu gemischt und die Nutzer bekommen endlich eine größere Auswahl und eventuell auch gute Headsets für den kleineren Geldbeutel. Konkurrenz belebt das Geschäft und die Kunden werden davon profitieren.

(Quelle: Reddit)

Der Beitrag Joe Ludwig: 500 Unternehmen möchten Lighthouse Tracking verwenden zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Gabe Newell: Valve arbeitet an eigenen VR Spielen

Vor wenigen Stunden gab es ein AMA (Ask Me Anything) mit Gabe Newell auf Reddit und Gabe musste auch einige Fragen über die Virtual Reality Pläne des Unternehmens verraten.

Valve arbeitet an eigenen VR Spielen

Gabe Newell sagt auf Reddit, dass Valve an neuen Prototypen wie den „Knuckles“ Controllern arbeite und zeitgleich sich auch mit der Entwicklung von eigenen Virtual Reality Spielen beschäftige. Valve hat also bei der Software nicht nur ein Eisen im Feuer, sondern das Unternehmen arbeitet parallel an verschiedenen Spielen.


Wir könnten uns gut vorstellen, dass Valve an einem Ableger von Portal für Virtual Reality Headsets arbeitet. Dennoch sollte man die Erwartungen nicht zu hoch ansetzen, denn Valve hatte auch mit The Lab eine kleine Sammlung an Spielen veröffentlicht, die euch mit der HTC Vive vertraut machen sollten. Eventuell plant Valve auch ähnliche kleine Erfahrungen für die neuen „Knuckles“ Controller. Diese Controller zeigte Valve im letzten Jahr und das Besondere an den Controllern ist, dass diese nicht in der Hand gehalten werden müssen, sondern die Controller werden fest an der Handfläche angebracht. Durch diese Anbringungen ergeben sich viele neue Möglichkeiten und Valve wird sicherlich Software anbieten wollen, die die Vorteile des neuen Systems ausführlich demonstriert.

Im Moment können wir nur abwarten und Tee trinken.

Der Beitrag Gabe Newell: Valve arbeitet an eigenen VR Spielen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Valve Confirms More Headsets In The Works Compatible With SteamVR Tracking

Valve Confirms More Headsets In The Works Compatible With SteamVR Tracking

In a late comment to the Gabe Newell AMA on Reddit, Valve’s Joe Ludwig posted an update outlining progress licensing its SteamVR Tracking system.

The system could be critical to the adoption of VR in 2017 and the comment indicates additional head-mounted displays compatible with the SteamVR Tracking “lighthouse” technology are in the works. The headsets are among 500 companies which signed up to freely use the innovative tracking system, according to Ludwig.

Below is the full comment in response to the questions “Did you expect more hardware manufacturers to consider interest in releasing their own Lighthouse/Steam VR HMD instead of just HTC? Why do you think other companies haven’t (publically at least) gotten on board?”:

500 companies have signed up to use Lighthouse and some of them are making HMDs. A few of them have talked about that, but a bunch more will announce when they’re ready.

As far as we know, everything is in place for any store to support the Vive. As part of your initial setup you would still install Steam to get the drivers, but Steam doesn’t need to be running for the Vive to work.

The controller production line is still going strong and churning out controllers. The next line we’re building is for the base stations we talked about at Dev Days. They’ll start showing up later this year.

Using automation allows us to keep production local, which means our employees can be much more hands-on with the manufacturing process. That works a lot better with how Valve works, so we’ll probably keep doing that going forward.

SteamVR Tracking is an ingenious technology that bathes a room with lasers you can’t see with the naked eye, but it allows objects with sensors on the surface to be perfectly tracked throughout a space. A compatible system like lighthouse which works with products from a variety of manufacturers could lower the cost for upgrades (because the tracking system is already installed) while simultaneously opening up VR to an enormous collection of objects that can be brought into a virtual world. The end result would be a whole slew of VR experiences, from fighting fires to hitting a baseball, which would look, sound and feel extremely close to their real-world counterparts.

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Gabe Newell: ‘We’re Designing Our Own VR Games’ at Valve (Live Updates)

Gabe Newell: ‘We’re Designing Our Own VR Games’ at Valve (Live Updates)

Valve co-founder and president Gabe Newell was live on Reddit today participating in an official AMA (Ask Me Anything) that was hosted to focus on a wide variety of topics. The AMA was announced earlier this week and confirmed yesterday, but it looks like it got started a bit earlier than originally planned.

“There are a bunch of other Valve people here so ask them, too,” Newell begins. “I’m in a conference room with VR, Dota, Steam, and other people happy to answer your questions,” he writes in a follow-up comment. When the AMA was announced, VR was certainly expected to be a huge topic of conversation, as are continued rumors and speculation about Half-Life 2: Episode 3 and Half-Life 3.

Newell has been passionate about VR as a whole for years and was one of the featured voices in Oculus’ original Kickstarter pitch video. As the head of Valve, he is now one of the core forces behind the HTC Vive and the Steam’s position as one of the leading destinations for VR content on the internet.

Last year Newell stated that he had been spending a lot of his time with the VR team at the company, alluding to potential hardware and software developments. As it stands, The Lab is the company’s only real VR release, with Destinations and a DOTA 2 viewing mode also included.

The first VR-specific answer we got from Newell in the thread is in regards to Valve’s plans to work on a large VR-specific title at some point. It sounds like something they’re interested in pursuing. Reddit user GoodCrossing asked, “Is Valve interested in making a full game experience for the Vive? The Lab was great but we’d all love to get a full Valve game.” Somewhat cryptically Newell responded, “Yes. We think VR is pretty important as a tool for interesting games.

We’ll continue to update this story as news comes out of the AMA. Tune in to follow the thread on your own as well!

Update: When asked by Reddit user Air_chandler how the team looked at the future outlook and trajectory of Valve as a company, Newell responded, “The big thing right now is broadening the range of options we have in creating experiences. We think investing in hardware will give us those options. The knuckles controller is being designed at the same time as we’re designing our own VR games.

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Valve’s Gabe Newell Is Hosting a Live Reddit AMA On Tuesday Jan. 17th

Valve’s Gabe Newell Is Hosting a Live Reddit AMA On Tuesday Jan. 17th

If you’ve ever wanted to ask Gabe Newell, co-founder and president of Valve Corporation, a question — then tomorrow may be your lucky day. We first noted the news reported by PCGamer, that the date and time were revealed through screenshots of email communication both Reddit moderator Jedi Burrell from The_Gaben subreddit and Steam moderator R3TR1X had with Newell. The AMA is happening at The_Gaben subreddit tomorrow, Tuesday, January 17th, at 3PM PST. The confirmation thread is right here.

For those unaware, a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) is when someone hosts a thread on the site, along with confirmation they are who they say they are, allowing users to login and ask them any questions they want. When you’re Newell, an industry icon that’s commanded a massive fan following, a relatively large turnout is expected. In fact, when AMAs get very popular, it’s often difficult for the hosts to keep up with the constant barrage of questions. Newell will likely have to pick and choose which ones he answers.

Newell has long been a champion of the VR industry. Valve as a company co-created the Vive with HTC, using its Steam marketplace as the go-to source of content for the budding piece of consumer technology. In August of last year during the DOTA 2 International Championships, the co-founder and president stated that he had been spending ‘most of’ his time with the VR team. While we are still waiting on that big killer app (such as VR iterations for Half-Life, Left4Dead, Portal, or something original) from the PC gaming powerhouse, Valve’s (and as a result the Vive’s) contributions to VR as an industry have been wide and far-reaching thus far.

You can check into the Reddit AMA thread  tomorrow, Tuesday, January 17th, at 3PM PST over on The_Gaben subreddit. Exact details such as which topics he’d like to discuss or how long it will last are unknown but as is the case with these sorts of things most of the time, it’ll likely be open season once the internet descends upon the thread.

Do you plan on tuning in tomorrow? Which types of questions do you want to be see answered? Let us know in the comments below!

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