The Best Oculus Quest Games of 2019

Oculus Quest has been the standout success of 2019, with consumers eager to buy the headset and developers equally eager to supply the standalone device with content. Not only does the device have its own dedicated store but thanks to Oculus Link all of Oculus Rift’s content is also available. For this roundup of the best Oculus Quest videogames, VRFocus is purely going to concentrate on those made for the headset, allowing you to enjoy untethered VR gaming freedom.

Beat Saber - Oculus Quest

Oculus Quest may have only been available for seven months but it has already made an impact on the VR scene. The store may be highly curated but there are plenty of videogames worth your time across a range of genres and skill levels.

The Best Oculus Quest Games of 2019:

Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series

You could almost say this is three videogames in one, but as each is roughly around 45 minutes long and you need to play all of them to unravel the full story. While Star Wars fans will certainly get the greatest joy out of playing Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series thanks to its story being canon material, even those that aren’t bothered about the franchise should still have fun playing with lightsabers and using the force.

Beat Saber

While the popular rhythm-action title couldn’t be included in VRFocus’ PlayStation VR ‘Best of 2019’ list, Beat Saber can most certainly be included here, as it was a launch title for Oculus Quest. Leading its genre Beat Saber needs little introduction as its simple yet addictive gameplay cutting cubes with a sword has struck a chord with VR gamers across the world.

There’s a reasonable selection of included songs plus a load of DLC tracks available to expand the selection. Beat Saber is one of those titles which has become a de facto addition to most gamers libraries no matter the platform and the Oculus Quest version is no different.

rocket league - beatsaberPistol Whip

Another rhythm-action videogame, this time from the studio behind The Gallery puzzle series, Cloudhead Games. Only released in November, Pistol Whip has already garnered quite the reputation as a non-stop action shooter inspired by the likes of John Wick. 

You can choose to shoot or melee enemies whilst dodging incoming bullets like a badass, all to a thumping soundtrack and some intense visuals. Modifiers help to change the gameplay, adding dual-wield weapons or removing the aim assist to increase the score multiplier. If Beat Saber isn’t quite your thing then Pistol Whip could well scratch that gaming itch, a first-person shooter (FPS) with flair.

Pistol WhipThe Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets

A small side project by Apex Construct developer Fast Travel Games, The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets is a cute puzzler with light challenges designed for all ages.

It may have only got three-stars in VRFocus’ review but that does mean to say its not worthy to be on this list. While The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets is a little short, the design and ideas employed are definitely worth a look, each level a small diorama to be spun around, peered into and investigated. Charming and cute, The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets will put a smile on your face.

The Curious Tale of the Stolen PetsGadgeteer

Another puzzle-based experience, Gadgeteer is a far more elaborate affair than others on this list. Gameplay mechanics revolve around Rube Goldberg machines, using a series of gadgets to build elaborate contraptions. Offering a single-player campaign to teach you the ropes, the sandbox mode is where most players will spend their time, offering free rein to create whatever machines you so please with the 50+ items available.

VRFocus said in its review: “Gadgeteer isn’t going to be for everyone, much like being a watchmaker. It’s finicky, time-consuming and puzzling all at the same time. They’re also the reasons why Gadgeteer is a puzzle gem for Oculus Quest.”

Acron: Attack of the Squirrels

So far this list has purely been about single-player VR videogames so let’s change that with Acron: Attack of the Squirrels by Resolution Games. Multiplayer only, Acron: Attack of the Squirrels is at its best with a few friends and family over, all playing locally.

The Oculus Quest player takes the role of a tree trying to protect several golden acorns while everyone else is a mischevious squirrel trying to steal them. The non-VR players join in via a free mobile app and up to eight can team up at once, offering some highly entertaining gameplay, with everyone laughing and shouting as they succeed and fail.

Acron: Attack of the Squirrels

Shadow Point

More puzzling escapades, this time from Coatsink with Shadow PointWith a story narration by the legendary Sir Patrick Stewart, this British studio has previously released some excellent VR videogames and Shadow Point continues that trend.

Trying to unravel the mystery of a missing schoolgirl you head to Shadow Point observatory before being whisked to the heavens, tasked with solving evermore elaborate puzzles which play with light and shadows.

If you’ve tried The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets and want greater depth and difficulty then Shadow Point is a good step to take, providing a solid few hours of entertainment (depending on whether you get stuck of course).

Shadow Point

Journey of the Gods

If you’re looking for a Legend of Zelda-like VR experience on Oculus Quest then Journey of the Gods is worth a look. With a bold cel-shaded style, there are big monsters to fight, people to save, weapons to upgrade and lands to explore. Everything that you could want or need in a VR adventure.

VRFocus noted in its review of Journey of the Gods: “Showcasing what’s best about VR adventuring, the title is ideal for those who want to make the most of their new headset purchase, with decent gameplay, narrative and fantasy feel.” Not one to be missed this festive season.

Journey of the Gods

Thrill of the Fight

There are quite a few ways to burn calories in VR as this list very well proves and Thrill of the Fight offers the most intensive workout here. Boxing fans will find a barebones experience with training and career modes available. There are no flashy gimmicks here, you need to block, watch your footwork and time those punches for maximum effect – no waving your arms wildly hoping for success.

Do a couple of fights back to back and you’ll soon start to notice if you don’t work out much. Thrill of the Fight is very much a videogame which relies on roomscale, as you’ll need a minimum of 2m x 2m to play. More is preferable, otherwise, during the heat of a match, you’re likely to hit a wall.

Originally a PC VR title released in 2016, Thrill of the Fight has translated well for those wishing for an energetic experience.

YUR - Thrill of the Fight

Synth Riders

Noticing a theme here? Yes, here’s another rhythm-action videogame for those that love to expel some energy. Synth Riders differentiates itself from Beat Saber and Pistol Whip with Synth Wave tunes for that retro 80s feel.

This might be another arm swinger but its still great fun, and there are several modes and modifiers to change the gameplay mechanics. There’s a little more of a cheese factor with Synth Riders which is fine by VRFocus as the tunes just make you want to bop along.

Synth Riders might not be as well known as the other two but that’s no reason to dismiss it, plus its the cheapest of the three.

Synth Riders

Review: Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series

After reviewing episode one of Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series the temptation was to review each episode 2 & 3 individually, looking at each chapters merits. However, with all three released in relatively quick succession and with the series now complete it felt right to review them as one whole, just as you would with a normal videogame or film. Because that’s an important point to make, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series hovers in that grey area in between, taking an iconic franchise which has been covered in every medium and actually managing to do something different.

And that’s all thanks to virtual reality (VR), with the technology once again highlighting its unique properties that just can’t be emulated on a flat-screen. Videogames have tried numerous times to put fans into this universe of rebels and imperial Stormtroopers with different levels of success. Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series offers Star Wars fans one of the best reasons to invest in VR.

Firstly this is canon material. With a storyline set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, the cinematic experience offers a natural bridge between the two whilst presenting its own unique narrative to keep you enthralled. Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series possibly wouldn’t have worked if ILMxLAB had put you in the shoes of a known character but as an unknown entity you can become that person, enabling a deeper connection with the events transpiring.

While keeping your character nameless was important it was just as essential to have an iconic Star Wars character take the lead, and you don’t get bigger than Darth Vader. Offering an inspiring performance that shows both his caring side dealing with the love and loss of Padme and the darkness born from it, Vader’s central role as both your teacher and enemy help to support the experience throughout.

But it’s worth remembering that Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series isn’t a videogame as such, so if you’re looking for plenty of non-stop action then you may be a little disappointed. Each episode is a series of set pieces designed to help you learn new skills before the final assault on Vader’s stronghold. So episode one introduces you to the lightsaber while episode two is more about the force. Episode three then brings thermal detonators and Imperial blasters if the first two weren’t enough.

Those latter two really do only make a short appearance as most of the time knocking back laser bolts with the lightsaber and force throwing guards proves to be too much fun. As you’d expect, the blasters’ accuracy is woefully erratic – hence why Stormtroopers comically can’t hit much – so only the closest of enemies are worth taking a shot at. Blasters can only be gained from Imperials with a force pull, allowing for a quick switch-up mid-battle.

The campaign might be the main draw in Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series yet it’s the Lightsaber Dojo which will keep you coming back for more. The story offers around 2 hours of content which skips through at a fairly steady pace. In the dojo, however, the action is far more hectic even if it is constrained by its wave-based mechanics.

Vader Immortal: Episode III - Aeon Engine

Episode three’s dojo provides the greatest gameplay variance and as such the most difficult challenges of any of the dojos. You really need to keep an eye on the entire arena as flying drones and Stormtroopers appear in abundance, thus this is the closest you’ll possibly ever get to being a Jedi – if that’s an aspiration.

Videogames like Stormland may showcase how far VR gaming has come and its potential but so does Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series. It can feel a little stop/start at points, lacking the fluidity of a movie yet the interactive elements connect you with this rich franchise in a way that can’t be overlooked. If you’re a Star Wars fan then Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is a must, for everyone else, there’s still fun to be had.



  • Verdict

Buy an Oculus Quest and get Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Free

If you’ve been thinking about buying an Oculus Quest this holiday season then you may want to hold off for a day or two – especially if you’re a Star Wars fan. Oculus has just announced that it’ll be bundling the entire Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series with every Oculus Quest for a limited time.

Vader Immortal: Episode III - Confrontation

Earlier this month ILMxLAB and Oculus revealed that the third and final instalment of the series would be released tomorrow, Thursday 21st November for eager fans. Episode 3 combines all the skills players have learnt from the previous two, offering epic lightsaber duels in combination with Force powers.

Coming face to face with Stormtroopers, Imperial Officers and eventually Darth Vader himself, players will also get to use an Imperial Blaster and thermal detonators for the first time.

So the new deal is simple. Purchase an Oculus Quest between 21st November and 31st January 2020 and you’ll get the entire Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series for free (valued at $29.97 USD). The offer applies to any new Oculus Quest, so it doesn’t matter where you buy it, from the official website, third-party retailers, anywhere as long as it’s new. This also applies to territories, wherever an Oculus Quest is sold you’ll get the deal.

Vader Immortal: Episode III - Hangar Battle

Obviously there are a bunch of terms and conditions, the one worth noting is: “Qualifying Product must be activated within 30 days of purchase to receive Offer Item.” Alas, if you’ve just bought the headset the offer won’t apply: “Not valid on prior orders or purchases,” notes Facebook.

For any Star Wars fan Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is an essential part of the Star Wars universe because its regarded as canon. The series is set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope and has been written by David S. Goyer (The Dark Knight, Blade). It features Maya Rudolph (Bridesmaids, Big Mouth) as your droid sidekick, ZO-E3, while Scott Lawrence plays Darth Vader.

With Black Friday coming up later this month there could be more deals from Oculus, on both hardware and software. If that happens, VRFocus will let you know.

Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Concludes in November

Vader Immortal: Episode II only arrived during September but in November the saga will end. Today, ILMxLAB and Oculus have announced that Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode III will be released by the end of next month for Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift/Rift S.

Vader Immortal: Episode III - Aeon Engine

In the third and final episode, you’ll be able to put the lessons learned in the previous two chapters to good use leading an assault into Vader’s castle on Mustafar. As you ascend to the top of the fortress, you’ll come face to face with stormtroopers, a vengeful Imperial officer, and finally Lord Vader himself for an epic lightsaber battle.

There will still be new skills to learn in Vader Immortal: Episode III such as how to use an Imperial Blaster and some deadly thermal detonators.

“From the very beginning, Vader Immortal was conceived of as one overarching story where you were the lead character,” said director Ben Snow in a statement. “From learning the Force from Darth Vader, to uncovering the ancient secrets of Mustafar, everything has been leading up to the culmination of the series. We can’t wait for fans to discover firsthand how their story ends.”

Vader Immortal: Episode III - Hangar Battle

Vader Immortal lets us do things we, as fans, have always dreamed of,” said producer Alyssa Finley. “Not only can you fight with a lightsaber, now you can use the Force to grab a blaster and takedown stormtroopers, all before confronting Darth Vader face to face. There’s nothing like being at the centre of a proper Star Wars adventure.”

Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is very much part of the Star Wars universe canon, connected to the events of Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire, set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The series has been written by David S. Goyer (The Dark Knight, Blade) and features Maya Rudolph (Bridesmaids, Big Mouth) as your droid sidekick, ZO-E3, while Scott Lawrence plays Darth Vader.

Supporting both Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift/Rift S, Vader Immortal: Episode III is scheduled to arrive on 21st November 2019 via Oculus Store. For further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Disney’s D23 Expo to Offer First Preview of Vader Immortal: Episode II

Did you buy an Oculus Quest just so you could play Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR SeriesHave you been reading every bit of information released regarding episode two? Well for those die-hard fans eager to get an early look at Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode II then you’ll need to get down to Disney’s D23 Expo later this month. 

Vader Immortal

ILMxLAB will be giving fans an exclusive preview of Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode II during a panel discussion at the expo. Director Ben Snow, Senior Experience Designer Jose Perez III, and Lucasfilm Story Group Creative Executive Matt Martin will be on stage to talk about the upcoming episode which still doesn’t have a release date.

Unless someone sneakily records it, the exclusive preview will only be shown to those attending the panel, so if you can’t wait to find out you’ll need to attend. But you’ll need to be quick as the three-day tickets are sold out. Luckily, the panel is being held on Friday, 23rd August and there are still single-day tickets for the Friday available for $79 USD (D23 Gold Member) or $89 (non-D23 Gold Member).

New details were released last week during the San Diego Comic-Con for Vader Immortal: Episode II, such as the importance of Force powers in the next instalment, as well as some teasing concept art showcasing the shadowy Black Bishop. Briefly seen in the first episode the Black Bishop will play a more prominent role as you delve deeper into the ancient fortress.

Vader Immortal

While Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode II will most likely be a standard trailer, the D23 Expo will have some virtual reality (VR) content on show. VRFocus reported last month that guests will be able to enjoy a VR experience putting them inside Broadway productions of AladdinFrozen and The Lion King. 

There will be a massive amount going on at D23 Expo, providing fans with unprecedented access to Disney films, television, games, theme parks, and celebrities for three days if they can handle it. Should any further VR content be revealed for the event, VRFocus will let you know.

New Concept Art Images Released for Vader Immortal: Episode II

Last week VRFocus reported that ILMxLAB was hosting a Star Wars Stories panel for Vader Immortal: Episode 1 as well as releasing new details for Episode II. Several new concept art images have now surfaced as well as new details regarding the forthcoming episode. 

Vader Immortal

The above and below images give a teasing hint at whats’ to come in Vader Immortal: Episode II. It has been widely known that Force powers would be making an appearance and thanks to Vader taking your lightsaber at the end of Episode I, Force powers are going to be a major feature.

Talking to, Ben Snow, director of Vader Immortal said: “You will get to use the Force in Episode II. The first image is really part of the training. The way we thought about this was, we wanted to give you the Vader equivalent of Yoda teaching Luke about the Force in Empire Strikes Back. So we wanted it to be slightly darker and more twisted. He talks about the power of the dark side as well as the things you can do with the Force. So in this moment that the concept art reveals, you see him starting to manipulate objects and he’s starting to show you how you can use the Force to create something. But then, of course, Vader takes it in his own direction.”

“Our goal is to make the Force in Episode II as satisfying as the lightsaber felt in Episode I,” Snow adds.

Vader Immortal

Episode I featured the rather shadowy Black Bishop, and the character returns in the concept art, next to a tomb in the ancient fortress: “He becomes quite important in Episode II, and we learn about his background,” Snow says. “We’re trying to make it feel very atmospheric. This is a hidden area of the fortress that hasn’t really been explored. The Mustafarians know of it through legend. It’s a good chance to poke around in an unexplored part of Star Wars.”

It’s all very exciting stuff for fans of the franchise, yet there’s still no word on the release date for Vader Immortal: Episode II. When details do emerge, VRFocus will let you know.

ILMxLAB Comic-Con Panel to Offer a Sneak Peek at Vader Immortal: Episode II

The annual San Diego Comic-Con began yesterday offering fans of comic books, films, videogames and more a chance to hang out, meet the stars and glean new information about what’s coming up in their favourite franchises. For the event,  ILMxLAB will be holding a Star Wars Stories panel to discuss the virtual reality (VR) series and tease new info regarding episode 2.

Vader Immortal -

It was always known that Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series would be a three-parter, with the first episode focused on lightsabers while a panel during the Star Wars Celebration event in April revealed that force powers would be the next highlight of the series. What’s not known is the extent of these force powers, Force Choke, Force Push, Force Lightning, the franchise has quite a few to chose from. Additional information may also include further narrative details, as well as the introduction of new characters.

Originally announced as an Oculus Quest title, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series can also be played on Oculus Rift/Rift S. More of an interactive story rather than a fully immersive videogame, the experience certainly impressed when VRFocus reviewed the title back in May. Giving it a full five-star, the review said: “It was difficult to decide whether to fully review Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series as it was the first episode or wait for the other two. Quite honestly it was too enjoyable not to talk about it, achieving that one all-important factor in an episodic tale; suitably stopping at a point where you instantly want more.”

Vader Immortal

As yet there’s no word on a release date for Episode 2 of Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – that could also happen today? The ‘Step Inside ILMxLAB’s Star Wars Stories’ panel takes place at 4pm PST (12am GMT) with director Ben Snow,  senior experience designer Jose Perez III, senior producer Alyssa Finley, and production coordinator Sarah Barrick all taking to the stage.

The six Vader Immortal collectable posters will be given away during the event at the Lucasfilm pavilion. The Darth Vader poster will only be available from the ILMxLAB panel. For further updates on Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series, keep reading VRFocus.

Oculus Quest: The Top 10 Games to buy on Launch Day

So you’ve spent your hard earned cash on a nice new Oculus Quest headset and now you need some awesome content to put the headset to good use. There’s certainly plenty to get your teeth stuck into, whether that’s action, horror, comedy, relaxation or to work up a sweat. The difficulty in choosing is what to purchase next, so VRFocus is here to guide you on the best videogames to add to your library.

Oculus Quest - Front

None of these recommendations will feature the free content available such as YouTube VR, VRChat, PokerStars VR or Rec Room as they’re free, so should be the first ones you download anyway.

What we’re interested in are the ones that cost you cash as they range from £7.99 GBP all the way up to £22.99. There are some instant standout titles ported over from Oculus Rift, plus some brand new originals which have arrived just for the headset launch.

So in no particular order, the 10 best videogames to buy are:

Beat Saber – £22.99

The highly popular rhythm-action title has taken the VR world by storm over the past year and shows no signs of letting up. With thumping music and addictive gameplay, Beat Saber will have friends saying ‘just one more go’ as they try again on Expert+ level. This is one videogame where you will work up a sweat and burn some calories, and enjoy doing it at the same time.

Beat Saber release image

Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – £7.99

This isn’t a videogame, instead Vader Immortal: A Stars Wars VR Series shows you the future of VR entertainment. Mixing cinematic design with interactive gameplay, this first episode slots you into the Star Wars universe between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. While you don’t necessarily need to be an avid fan to enjoy the roughly 50-60 minute experience, it certainly doesn’t hurt – especially when the lightsaber comes into play.

Vader Immortal

SUPERHOT VR – £18.99

Another title that has an avid fan base much like Beat Saber, SUPERHOT VR is one of those delightfully simple yet gloriously engaging VR experiences where the screenshots struggle to capture the gameplay. Essentially a first-person shooter (FPS), the trick here is that time only moves when you do, allowing for all sorts of Matrix-style bullet dodging.

superhot vr - first screenshots 8

Apex Construct – £14.99

One of VRFocus’ favourite bow shooters when it first arrived on PlayStation VR, Apex Construct by Fast Travel Games doesn’t seem to have suffered from its port to Oculus Quest. Somehow the studio has managed to cram in all the action or the original whilst maintaining the all-important bow features. A great adventure for all players.

Apex Construct Oculus QUEST

Robo Recall: Unplugged – £22.99

Another reason why VR FPS videogames are the best, Epic Games’ Robo Recall stunned when it arrived for Oculus Rift. All out action that showcases VR at it’s best, whether that’s shooting robots or getting in close to get your hands dirty, the Oculus Quest version has lost none of the excitement, all it lacks is some of the visual fidelity of the PC original.

Robo Recall Oculus QuestJourney of the Gods – £22.99

Turtle Rock Studios has released two new videogames for the launch of Oculus Quest. While Face Your Fears 2 hasn’t made this list, stylish action-adventure Journey of the Gods has. Offering a large world to explore with fantastical creatures to fight, you chose to fight with a crossbow, sword and shield or mix between the two. Along the way, there are secrets to be discovered and upgrades to be had to the boss fights a little fairer.

Journey of the GodsMoss – £22.99

Easily demonstrating that all VR content doesn’t need to be first-person, Polyarc’s Moss is an adorable third-person puzzle title featuring a little mouse named Quill. She doesn’t say anything but knows you’re there guiding her, with you and Quill able to talk to each other through sign language. The studio has updated the videogame for the launch adding further content for players.

Moss TwilightCreed: Rise to Glory – £22.99

Float like and butterfly and sting like a bee in one of the more realistic experiences for the standalone headset. Creed: Rise to Glory by Survios puts you in the film, able to train with the likes of Rocky Balboa, before heading into the ring to see if you’ve got the skills to last. Another high energy videogame, this will definitely feel like a workout.

Creed: Rise to GloryShadow Point – £14.99

Coming from British VR studio Coatsink Software, Shadow Point is a nice relaxing puzzler that’s all about light and shadows. Great for first time VR players, don’t be deceived by the cartoon design work, the challenges start off easy but do become more complicated as the gameplay develops. Plus there’s the added bonus with Sir Patrick Stewart doing the story narration, which is nice.

Shadow Point

Job Simulator – £14.99

Finally, VRFocus finishes with an oldie but a goldie. Owlchemy Labs’ Job Simulator has supported almost every VR headset released and done well on all of them. The quintessential pick-up and play VR experience that’s all about using your hands, everyone who likes VR needs to have played this at least once. It’s bizarre, funny, and difficult to put down.

Job Simulator

Review: Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode 1

You’ve got to hand it to Oculus, when the company announced standalone headset Oculus Quest during its Connect event last year the device instantly generated millions of interested consumers thanks to Star Wars. Rather than creating another videogame Oculus and ILMxLAB went all out, focusing purely on everyone’s favourite villain Darth Vader for an interactive episodic experience called Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series. But is it worth the hype that the franchise always generates?

Vader Immortal: Episode1Spoilers, spoilers everywhere…

If you are a Star Wars fan then you might want to stop reading now as there will be spoilers in this review, not many, but enough that you may want to experience the entire first episode in all its glory fresh and untainted by the information in the following paragraphs.

First and foremost what’s important to remember is that the story in Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is canon, making it an integral part of the whole franchise. Set between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, unfortunately, you don’t get to play as the Sith Lord himself. Instead, you play an unnamed smuggler pulled out of hyperspace and captured by the Empire. Vader is looking for an ancient artefact that could possibly bring his beloved Padmé back to life, and you just so happen to be a descendant of a very old bloodline that could facilitate its discovery.

The are two main parts to the title itself. The main story campaign which can take 50-60 minutes to complete depending on how quickly certain sections are finished and Vader’s Dojo, which is all about practising those lightsaber skills. A third section will also open up once you’ve gone through the campaign, allowing you to jump to specific chapters of the story.

Vader ImmortalBefore diving into the story as with most VR titles it is worth jumping into the settings and playing around with the comfort controls. Teleportation is the default with smooth locomotion available for those that can handle it, as well as rotation options.

Because Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is a film of sorts the temptation is to enjoy the experience sat down, yet it is worth noting that the lightsaber sections do benefit from being stood up; both options are available depending on your ability.

As soon as the experience starts it instantly draws you in with fantastic visuals and voice work by Maya Rudolph as ZOE3, your droid co-pilot. Flying over the volcanic planet of Mustafar evokes a sense of dread as your ship is flown towards Vader’s imposing stronghold. Once inside it’s not long before you get to meet the man himself, a tall dramatic figure who is just as awe-inspiring as you might expect.

The story zips along at a decent pace, never feeling like any moment drags on for too long, keeping that interest with regular interactive moments. This interaction is highly important in Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series as it really helps ground you to the character and the role they have to play. These can involve simply climbing a ladder, or pulling components apart in a door mechanism to open it. Never too complicated so as to ruin the flow of the story – you wouldn’t want to get frustrated and stuck – you’re never more than a couple of minutes away from something new to play with.

Vader Immortal: Episode1

While these are all fun, the real joy of Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is the lightsaber sections. With the freedom Oculus Quest presents you’ll want to spend all your time in Vader’s Dojo, fighting the little flying droids and repelling their laser bolts. On occasion the Oculus Insight tracking can be a little off when just the hands are displayed, however, there never seems to be an issue with the lightsaber. Combine the tracking with the design, accurate sound and feedback from the Oculus Touch controllers and Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series has the best representation of Star Wars lightsabers seen in VR.

It was difficult to decide whether to fully review Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series as it was the first episode or wait for the other two. Quite honestly it was too enjoyable not to talk about it, achieving that one all-important factor in an episodic tale; suitably stopping at a point where you instantly want more. Oculus Quest may have over 50 titles to choose from on launch day, but Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is one of the few that should be an instant download.



  • Verdict

New Trailer Drops for Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series

While May 4th is usually a big day for Star Wars fans to celebrate their favourite franchise, this weekend is the Star Wars Celebration event in Chicago, US. And as part of it, the first official trailer for Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series has now arrived, and it looks rather good.

Vader Immortal

The new trailer gives fans a decent look at the upcoming virtual reality (VR) series, detailing more of the story, fight scenes and of course Vader himself.

It wasn’t just the trailer that’s been revealed during Star Wars Celebration, actress and comedian Maya Rudolph will star as ZOE3, a quick-witted droid co-pilot that viewers partner with. Additionally, Oculus has confirmed that Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series isn’t exclusive to standalone headset Oculus Quest, with the series coming to Oculus Rift and OCulus Rift S as well.

“Much in the way Alan Tudyk did with K-2SO, we needed somebody for this role that could create a unique character using their improvisation and performance skills,” said writer and executive producer David S. Goyer in a statement. “Maya truly was the first person we thought of, right from the very beginning, and her contributions and sense of humour have guided ZOE3 every step of the way.”

Vader Immortal

Originally announced during Oculus Connect 5 last yearVader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is set between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, with viewers stepping into the role of a smuggler operating near Mustafar, a volcanic planet that’s home to Darth Vader. Unexpectedly pulled out of hyperspace, they’ll head off on an adventure eventually coming face to face with the Sith Lord himself.

“Vader Immortal lets you step inside a Star Wars story, so you’re not just observing what’s happening. You’re the lead character,” director Ben Snow adds. “As a fan, I’ve always wanted to feel what it’s like to be close to Darth Vader. So to have him walk right up in VR — not only with his mechanical breathing, but talking to and addressing you directly — is something that I think is going to be meaningful for a lot of fans.”

For the looks of the trailer content and Snow’s ‘you’re not just observing what’s happening’ comment, it seems as though  Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series will be far more interactive than a simple entertainment series. As further announcements are made, VRFocus will keep you updated.