Announcing The Upload Holiday VR Showcase, VR Download Podcast And VR Culture Show!

Hi, hello, how are ya?

Oculus Connect was a bit much, wasn’t it? We don’t know about you, but we’re shattered and we need a break. Well don’t worry, hungry content consumer; we’re not giving ourselves one! Que slightly broken “Hurrah!”

We’ve been cooking up not one but three things we wanted to share with you today. Check out our snazzy trailer for all the info, or read on below.

The Holiday VR Showcase – November 27th (Time TBA)

Vr download holiday showcase the culture show

Firstly; yes, we’re doing another VR Showcase in November! We were blown away by the response to the E3 VR Showcase (I honestly thought like five people were going to watch it), and we couldn’t let 2019 go without a glimpse of what’s to come in the year ahead. Let’s give people some reasons to go out and buy some headsets this Black Friday, right?

So get your turkeys in the oven early and be here for Wednesday November 27 (we’ll let you know the final time closer to the show) where we’ll bring you another rundown of new VR game announcements, first-looks and other exciting news. We’ve already got some great stuff lined up.

The VR Download Podcast – October

The VR Download

Moving on, it’s about time we did a podcast, isn’t it?

We know this is one area we’ve been dragging our feet a bit, so we wanted to go big. So it’s time to meet The VR Download, a podcast about VR… broadcast from VR. Yup, our very own David Heaney built a full virtual studio which team Upload will meet up in every week. We’ll be running down all of the latest news and discussing the big topics, as well as inviting on a special guest or two from time to time.

The first episode is coming later this month via our YouTube channel so keep an eye out for it.

The VR Culture Show – October 8th

Next up is a bit of an experiment. You might have guessed it but, here at Upload, we love gaming. But we also really, REALLY, love all of the great things people are doing with VR outside of games. Balancing our coverage between the two has been a real struggle for the past few years. So we’re changing things up with The VR Culture Show.

This is our new video series in which we highlight things that aren’t games. It might be location-based VR events, new movies or deep dives into VR in the workplace. The thing is, we’re not quite sure how this one’s going to evolve yet. It might be we do it every once in a while, it might be we do it every month, it might be we do it every week. But we won’t find out until we put it out there.

So next week we’ll be doing just that. We’ve been busy shooting a pilot episode based around London’s excellent Raindance Film Festival. We’ll be bringing you a look inside some of the experiences on show there and talking to a range of creators. We’re really looking forward to bringing you closer to the experiences we haven’t covered quite as much in the past.

Get your diaries out, then. That’s The VR Holiday Showcase on November 27 and the first episode of The VR Culture Show next week. Until then, we’re going to catch some much needed slee–zzzZZZzzz.

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UploadVR Is Hiring A Full-Time Staff Writer To Cover VR/AR News!

UploadVR (UVR Media LLC) is hiring a Staff Writer to specifically focus on writing daily news content right here on this website. You will work with the editorial team on a daily basis to find, write, and publish news content about VR and AR technology, games, and the industry as a whole.

Staff Writer Roles and Responsibilities:

Write multiple news articles about virtual reality daily.

Proactively seek out, discover, and conduct original reporting to craft news stories on trending topics focused on VR/AR as your dedicated beat.

Some travel may be required, but the primary focus of this role will be on daily news content.

Be available during normal U.S. business hours (to be defined upon hiring).

Participate in weekly team meetings to establish shared goals and responsibilities.

Have passion, knowledge, and experience regarding the virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and video game industries.

Have knowledge of SEO best practices.

Staff Writer Required Skills and Experience:

This is not an entry level position, some directly applicable experience is required.


2+ years experience writing about consumer technology, video games, VR/AR, and/or other related topics in an editorial capacity for a media website or magazine.

Proficient understanding of the VR/AR, consumer technology, and video game industries.

Mastery of the English language with the ability to write quickly and clearly.

Proficient in using WordPress as a backend content management system.

Proficient in uploading and managing YouTube video content.

Other Job Details:

This is a full-time position. Specific hours are flexible, but you will be expected to be entirely available during normal U.S. business hours (to be determined upon hiring, based on time zone) Monday through Friday.

This position is a salaried, W-2 job but does not offer additional benefits.

This is a remote position, but a location near San Francisco, Los Angeles, or on the East Coast of the U.S. is preferred for proximity to industry events, opportunities, and a preferable time zone, although not required.

U.S.-based applicants preferred.

Prior access or ownership of VR/AR devices is preferred, but not required. We can assist with securing hardware if needed.

What Is UploadVR?

UploadVR is the leading news and reviews media publication specifically focused on AR, VR, and other related technologies,

We spend our time writing about VR/AR technology, VR/AR games, and the people that make those things possible,

Our editorial team is currently comprised of three full-time Editors, a full-time Staff Writer, a full-time Digital Marketing Manager, and a pool of reliable, recurring freelance talent,

We use tools such as Slack, Discord, and Trello to communicate and plan content, our website is based on WordPress, and we frequently publish video and livestream content via YouTube and Twitch.

To Apply for the Staff Writer Job:

Send an email to with the following:

Your resume attached as a PDF,

A brief cover letter in the body of the email,

Links to at least three relevant news writing samples.

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Welcome To The New UploadVR

Hello dark mode, my old friend.

For the last several months behind the scenes, we’ve been working on a brand new website. When I started with UploadVR back in December, my main goal was to update the site. Both for our readers, and for the team on the backend. Our website was a bit of a nightmare: a search bar bigger than the state of Texas, viewing it on mobile was quite the ordeal, and creating a post was like cracking a safe in a James Bond movie.

Things had to change. 

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been working closely with our web developers at Saritasa to create a solution that works for everyone. With each stage of the development cycle, I worked with everyone on our staff individually to get feedback. We can’t always make everyone happy, but we did our best. 

light mode dark mode screenshotOne thing you’ll notice is that the new website is on dark mode by default. Dark mode is all the rage, and if I could have every single app in existence utilize it, I would. Now, not everyone likes it, so to accommodate those who prefer light mode, we’ve given you the ability to switch. Or if you want to go back and forth, you can do that, too.

Renovating the site was a big obstacle to get through. Now that it’s done, we can focus more on our new initiatives, such as communicating with the community through our Discord, streaming more frequently, and bringing you more original content, like our E3VR Showcase

With any new product comes hours of beta testing. While we all put in as much time as we could during the craziness of E3, we probably missed a few things. If you find something that makes your experience anything less than enjoyable, please let us know by sending us an email to Keep in mind some of our older articles may reflect old formatting and not look perfect on the new site. If you could also include what platform (desktop/mobile/tablet) and browser you’re using, that would be a huge help.

Welcome to the new UploadVR. We hope you like it as much as we do.

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UploadVR Announces The First Ever E3 VR Showcase

UploadVR Announces The First Ever E3 VR Showcase

I love E3. It’s a heck of a lot of work, incredibly stressful and relentlessly tiring, but nothing beats the big moments. You know the ones I’m talking about; the surprise reveals and unexpected trailers. They keep me coming back for more.

It’s time VR got in on that action.

VR has struggled to find a home at E3 in the past few years. Sony’s had some amazing reveals, but it’s skipping this year and PC VR developers haven’t really had anywhere to turn. There are plenty of amazing VR games that deserve just as much of a spotlight as many of today’s popular console titles and they’re just not getting it.

We’re planning to change that.

So we’re making the Upload E3 VR Showcase. The simplest way to explain it is like a Nintendo Direct or PlayStation State of Play show, but for VR. It’ll be a pre-recorded presentation with a BUNCH of new game reveals, trailers and more. We’re going to be jetting off around the globe to meet VR devs of all shapes and sizes, talk to them about their latest projects and reveal them to you. Expect faces old and new as well as some guest stars from the VR community and beyond.

This is our chance to show the world what the future holds for VR. We want to produce something that will excite not just the Rift, Vive, PSVR, Quest and Windows VR owners of the world today but also those that haven’t yet bought a headset. We’ve been talking with developers about this since last year and, trust me, some of these reveals are going to be big.

With a lot more work, your support (and a bit of luck), we might just pull this thing off. Be back here on June 10th, 9am PST/12pm EST/6pm CEST for an action-packed presentation of all things VR. You’re not going to want to miss this.

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Meet Kyle Riesenbeck, UploadVR’s New Editor-in-Chief

Meet Kyle Riesenbeck, UploadVR’s New Editor-in-Chief

I can still remember the first time I heard about the Oculus Rift. In August 2012, I received an email from a co-worker with the subject line, “This looks like your kind of thing” along with a link to the Oculus Rift Kickstarter. My life hasn’t been the same since.

I sought out the VR community, and found them scattered amongst Reddit, Minecraft servers, and chat rooms. As a contributing member of many Android developer forums, I knew how critical an active growing community would be to drive VR into the mainstream spotlight and ensure its success.

As the community grew, there was a strong desire to understand the changes that were coming before they arrived. Videos, podcasts, and interviews would be needed alongside the games, experiences and hardware to help people understand what was coming. I took on the “Reverend Kyle” persona, and got to work.

I drew upon my experience as a professional skills trainer, photographer, and Android hacker to create the Rev VR Podcast, where I interviewed movers and shakers in the early days of this new generation of virtual reality. Folks like ‘Cymatic Bruce’ Wooden inspired me to do live streams and YouTube videos, which helped me form a bond with the early community.

In early 2014, I was approached by the RoadtoVR team and asked to partner with them. I graciously accepted, and continued to produce the Rev VR Podcast under their banner for over two years. During that time, I packed up my family and moved from Cincinnati, Ohio to Seattle, Washington to pursue a career in VR architectural visualization.

I was contacted by a representative of the investment team funding UploadVR in August 2018. They explained that the media publication portion of the company had been split off, and the investors had given the news team its own separate funding. With this big change, they wanted new leadership. I humbly accepted.

Group shot of members in the VR community from OC5, Kyle is pictured top right.

As the new Editor in Chief at UploadVR, I want to drive growth in this community as well as mainstream awareness of VR and AR. We will accomplish this by reporting industry news and working with early adopters to answer their ever-changing questions with an expanding slate of game reviews, lives streams and podcasts. I am very fortunate to have a veteran crew of editors who share my passion for immersive technology, and have worked hard to earn the respect of the community. Ian, David, and Jamie, UploadVR’s Senior Editors, deliver clear, insightful articles on a daily basis, and will continue to do so under my leadership.

My personal content contributions to the UploadVR website will be supplemental. I’m still getting to know them personally, but I know the current editorial team is doing a fantastic job. I don’t want to change that.

This industry changes every day. New, exciting breakthroughs and experiences are around every corner. UploadVR is dedicated to being on the front line, delivering the best and most important information about VR and AR to you. I want to thank our dedicated fans, and welcome our new ones.

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Nach Skandal: Upload schließt seine Büros in San Francisco

Das amerikanische VR-Start-up Upload hat seine Büros in San Francisco geschlossen, in denen Co-Working-Plätze für andere VR-Enthusiasten angeboten wurde. Da sich das Projekt anscheinend nicht selbst trug und keine neuen Investoren gefunden wurden, ist der Traum auf knapp 2000 qm geplatzt.

Upload schließt seine Büros in San Francisco


Quelle: Forbes

Alle Angestellten der Büros wurden gestern entlassen, doch UploadVR, die eigenes Webseite des Unternehmens, sei derzeit nicht von den Veränderungen betroffen. Laut TechCrunch hatte Upload seit dem Skandal um sexuelle Belästigung in den eigenen Räumen schlechte Karten bei den Investoren. Lediglich Palmer Luckey hätte in letzter Zeit zu Taylor Freeman und Will Mason gehalten. Der Oculus-Gründer  investierte angeblich rund 2,5 Millionen US-Dollar in das Geschäftsmodell von Upload. Einem Blog-Post des Start-ups nach sei dies jedoch eine falsche Information und es gäbe weiterhin große Investoren, die Upload auf neuen Wegen begleiten möchten.

Die Geschichte zeigt dennoch, wie schnell ein Geschäft den Bach runter gehen kann, wenn das Image nicht mehr passt. Besonders makaber:  2017 waren Taylor Freeman und Will Mason noch in der Forbes Liste der „30 unter 30“, also der erfolgreichsten 30 Personen unter 30 Jahren.

Was tatsächlich damals in den Büros abgelaufen ist, werden wohl nur die Betroffenen selbst wissen und darüber möchten wir uns kein Urteil erlauben. Fernab davon darf man sich natürlich auch die Frage stellen, wann Upload mit dem Space Geld verdienen wollte, wenn es innerhalb der letzten Jahre nicht geklappt hat. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass uns UploadVR erhalten bleibt, denn die Webseite war stets eine zuverlässige Quelle für Virtual Reality News.

(Quelle: TechCrunch)

Der Beitrag Nach Skandal: Upload schließt seine Büros in San Francisco zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Community Fallout from UploadVR’s Harassment Settlement, and Bearing Witness to Testimony

The sexual harassment lawsuit against UploadVR was reported to be settled via Tech Crunch on September 6th, and a week later the New York Times followed with more details about how Upload had been barely dented. The case was settled without any elaboration about what did or didn’t happen beyond a vague open letter from the founders of UploadVR. This issue has has splintered the VR community into different factions of people who are either actively blacklisting Upload or have written it off as an isolated incident that has resulted in changes and growth.

Executive Editor’s Note: The Voices of VR Podcast is produced independently by host and founder Kent Bye, and syndicated on Road to VR. Though Kent independently produces the podcast, and since UploadVR is a direct competitor to Road to VR, we at Road to VR felt it best to to remove ourselves from decisions involving this episode on ethical grounds. The decision to publish this piece was made by an anonymous board of members of the virtual reality community who collectively voted on the decision.

As the episode was first published directly via the Voices of VR podcast feed and on the Voices of VR website for some time before being syndicated here, we also reached out to both UploadVR and Selena Pinnell, the interviewee in this episode, to offer an opportunity to add a comment to this article. Pinell declined to offer additional comment. UploadVR founder Taylor Freeman issued the following statement:

In response to this recent Voices of VR episode, I want to express that I really respect Selena for the strength it takes to speak about her experiences and appreciate all the work Kent has done for this industry. These conversations are important. I also appreciate that the podcast makes the distinction between Upload’s past behavior and accounts of assault. Given what came out of this podcast and the conversations happening online, it’s clear the community needs more direct communication from us. I am committed to stepping up, learning from my mistakes and working with the industry to address these issues head on. Therefore, I will personally be hosting an open forum discussion at Upload LA on Wednesday, November 8th at 5pm for those interested in attending. I love this industry and community, and I hope that other young companies and founders can learn from our mistakes.

Taylor Freeman – CEO, Upload


Former employee Danny Bittman wrote about his brief time at Upload in a recent Medium post and there were some women who spoke out in a Buzzfeed article in July, but beyond that not many people with first or second-hand knowledge of the lawsuit allegations have made statements on the record. There hasn’t been a lot of people who have been willing to talk about this issue on the record, but this seems to be changing after the latest round of news about the settlement lawsuit that has left segments of the VR community very unsettled.

selena-pinnellOne woman from the VR community who was willing to talk to me about the community fallout from the UploadVR lawsuit was Selena Pinnell, who is the co-founder of Kaleidoscope VR festival and fund. She is also a producer and featured participant within the Testimony VR project. I previously interviewed the director of Testimony VR project about their efforts to use VR to create an immersive context for women and men to share testimony about their experiences of sexual assault so that audiences can bear witness to those direct experiences. Skip Rizzo has said that healing from PTSD involves being able to tell a meaningful narrative about your traumatic experiences while remaining emotionally present, and Testimony VR is trying to create a new form of restorative justice by capturing these stories within VR that viewers can have have an one-on-one level of intimacy while they bear witness. Pinnell talks about how powerful it was to have over 150 co-workers and friends witness her testimony about being a rape survivor within the context of a VR experience.

While VR holds potential for the future of distributing new forms of restorative justice, this issue with Upload feels like it’s a long way from achieving a state of justice and a full accounting of the truth of what happened. Members from the Women in VR communities privately do not feel like justice has currently been served, and Pinnell voices those common concerns as to why she can no longer support Upload as well as why in her assessment the leadership team of Upload never fully accounted for what exactly they did wrong and what they’ve learned.

She also says that it’s hard to trust the leadership after they originally declared that the originally allegations in the lawsuit were “entirely without merit.” Pinnell talks about how crushing it can be to have your testimony of your direct experience be so explicitly denied in this way, especially when it comes to taboo topics like sexual harassment or sexual assault. (Note that the original allegations against Upload were harassment, gender discrimination, hostile work environment, unequal pay, and retaliation, and there weren’t any allegations of sexual assault.) Pinnell emphasizes how important it is to try to listen to women when they are providing testimony about not feeling safe within a work environment, and to try not to go directly towards demanding objective proof from a frame of skeptical disbelief. Learning how to listen, empathize, and reflect the truth of a direct experience is a skillset that is needed here, and it’s something that the unique affordances of the virtual reality community can help to cultivate through projects like Testimony VR. But there’s many more unresolved issues and open questions that Pinnell and I discuss in deep dive into new models of restorative justice and the community fallout surrounding the Upload lawsuit settlement.

This is a listener-supported podcast, consider making a donation to the Voices of VR Podcast Patreon

Music: Fatality & Summer Trip

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Upload LA Opening Represents a Focus Shift From VR Tech to VR Content

freeman-masonUploadVR opened up their new 20,000 square foot Upload LA co-working space in April. I had a chance to catch up with co-founders Taylor Freeman and Will Mason as VRLA to get the inside scoop. Mason told me that opening up this huge co-working space in Los Angeles represents an energetic shift from the VR technology born out of Silicon Valley to focusing on content & storytelling in VR.


UploadVR’s first co-working space, The Upload Collective, was opened in San Francisco during GDC in 2016, and Mason said that they quickly outgrew the space. The Upload LA space will allow them to have a lot bigger educational and training initiatives without having to completely rearrange their space for every event. Upload LA is a vertically-integrated co-working space that has access to hardware, mixed reality studio, audio mixing studio, and immersive entrepreneurs that hopes to incubate many smaller startups and content studios. It’s proven to be a winning combination for UploadVR considering that all of their dedicated office space was accounted for just a couple days after launching, and they’ll have floating desk space available until it runs out.

UploadVR plans on continuing to grow and expand their physical spaces to new markets, but the space in Los Angeles will be sure to hold many events, talks, and parties for the years to come. You can get a sense of the space from this launch video as well as some photos of their space after their grand opening.

Support Voices of VR

Music: Fatality & Summer Trip

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Meet UploadVR’s New Editor-in-Chief: Tal Blevins, Co-Founder of IGN Entertainment

Meet UploadVR’s New Editor-in-Chief: Tal Blevins, Co-Founder of IGN Entertainment

2016 was a big year for all of us at UploadVR. What began as a local meetup group and one man blog has now grown into a multifaceted, strategic organization that we now call Upload, Inc.

The name might be different but our mission remains the same: to promote, accelerate and cultivate the VR/AR industries in everything we do. Today, in that spirit, we are announcing two big shifts in our staff as the co-founder of Upload, Inc. and Editor-in-Chief of the UploadVR editorial site, Will Mason, moves on to the role of President. Replacing Will as EIC and Head of Media will be Tal Blevins, a man with the experience, drive and awesome facial hair necessary to take our journalistic efforts to the next level.

Hail to The (New) Chief

In the ’90s, Tal joined some site called IGN when it was still owned by Imagine Media. During his tenure there, IGN was spinoff from Imagine and Tal helped to co-found what is now known as IGN Entertainment: the number one games, entertainment and pop-culture media brand in the world. In 1999, Tal became IGN’s editor-in-chief before becoming its editorial director in 2001 and its VP and Publisher in 2006. He served in that role until 2016 and is now joining our ranks as UploadVR’s new EIC.

Tal comes pre-loaded with tons of great features including deep industry contacts, great media experience, the ability to lead a growing team and a dope earring.

Tal answered a few questions about this new gig and his answers will shock, amaze and inspire below:

Before taking this job what in your career are you most proud of?

Tal: I joined IGN in the late ‘90s before it was spun off from Imagine Media and helped build IGN Entertainment into the #1 games, entertainment, tech and pop culture-focused media brand in the world. I’m overwhelmingly proud of the effort my team and I at IGN put into the site over the past two decades, and humbled to have led something that resonated so loudly with our fans.

Why did you take this job?

Tal: What interested me most about joining UploadVR was being at the forefront of the next wave of a technological evolutionary leap. The VR and AR industry is fairly small now, but the implications of what’s happening today will resonate and amplify for decades to come. These technologies will be far-reaching and universal, and I get to see it all from conception! How cool is that?

I’m also excited about everything that UploadVR is doing around the enhanced-reality industry, from education to connecting talent to collaborative co-working to the media side. It’s really unique to see such a multi-angle approach, and it helps to give broad insight and perspective into the industry as a whole.

Why VR?

Tal: I’ve been interested in VR since I saw my first demo in the early ‘90s. Back then it was unusable utter crap with vomit-inducing refresh rates, but I saw the potential even then.

VR is so emotional, so transformative. There are some incredible experiences out currently, but I can’t wait to see what kind of VR content and applications will be available in 2, 5, 10 years. It’s going to be mind-blowing! I mean, it’s going to be a real Fantastic Voyage! Just think about when you go in for surgery and a doctor injects you with nanobots, straps on a headset and sends those little robot bugs through your blood vessels to rebuild your heart valve, scrape plaque from your arteries or zap cancerous tumors. It sounds like science fiction, but it’s inevitable, and will happen sooner than most people imagine.

It’s so exciting to be here at the start of what is now rather niche technology, but something that will be an omnipresent part of our everyday lives in the near future.

What will be your first orders of business as uploads new EIC?

Tal: My first order of business will be to learn as much as I can. I know a lot about what’s going on in the games and entertainment side of VR and AR, but I’ll admit I need to expand my horizons in health care, neuroscience, transportation and all the other industries that AR, VR and MR will touch – and by that, I mean ALL of them. It’s daunting, but very exciting!

What can people expect from the “Blevins Era” of UploadVR? Any big changes?

Tal: Honestly, I’m still deep in the absorption and learning stage, and I’m not looking to make any radical changes. UploadVR is already the premiere site for VR, AR and MR content, so I’m not here to muck anything up.

Will and the rest of the content team here have done an incredible job at speaking to both industry insiders and fans of VR and AR, so I want to continue that tradition, grow the site beyond where it is now and introduce a whole new viewership to what VR and AR can do.

How can readers get in touch with you?

Tal: Folks should check out the site and let us know what they think in the comments. You can also hit me up on Twitter!

What do you want the readers to specifically know about your vision for the site?

Tal: I want to be a champion of the industry, but also an advocate for consumers. We’re here to help anyone and everyone navigate and discover new experiences in the worlds of VR, AR and MR — whether they’re hardcore VR enthusiasts, casual observers, or don’t even own a headset yet — so our content is grounded, accessible and easy-to-understand.

I also believe that enhanced-reality applications are some of the most immersive, emotional experiences available, so I want our content to match the emotional intensity of the platform.

Thanks to The (Old) Chief

With this new beginning there is also an end as our founder and longtime editor-in-chief Will Mason moves on to become president of Upload Inc.

Will started this site by himself two years ago. He wrote every story, took every picture, conducted every interview and gained our initial audience one reader at a time. He is known within our team as a master of puns, a smith of headlines and the owner of one of the deepest VR/AR rolodexes known to man. This site was born out of Will’s ability to connect with people and it was shaped by his desire to keep them informed. He may no longer have a direct role on this team, but his mission — to grow the VR/AR industry through fast, accurate and informative journalism — is what the rest of us will continue to pursue until there is a VR headset in every house or we die. Whatever comes first.

To the readers, both old and new, Will has a message for you all:

The last two years have been the most interesting years of my life. I’ve made more friends seen more interesting things, and been inspired more times than I ever have at any point in my life. Moving on from media for me, I see not as a goodbye but as a way to learn a new language to speak to you all with.

For a while now, I have been behind the camera filming the documentary that is VR and AR but now I am ready to step into a participant role for the industry. I look forward to working with all of the people I’ve come to meet and call friends, grow the industry hands-on and make hundreds and hundreds of new friends as well. The editorial side of things will always remain close to my heart so you’ll still see my byline every now and again.

Thank you all for reading, thank you all for inspiring, thank you all for everything you’ve done to make the last two years the best of my life. I look forward to the journey we will take together into the future.

There are few people in this world I would feel comfortable handing the keys of UploadVR over to, this is my baby, but Tal is one of them. He’s a genuine, honest, brilliant thoughtful human being and I think he will take careful custody of our industry going forward.”

As president, Will is going to focus on strategic vision for Upload Inc. alongside business development and partnerships. The next big project for him and the Upload Inc. team will be launching UploadLA: a massive, 20,000 square foot co-working space for VR/AR companies in Los Angeles. The space opens this April in Marina Del Ray and signups are open now.


A very sincere thanks is owed to all of you that have helped us grow to this point. We can’t wait to build something even better together in the years to come!

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