Dungeon Crawler Operencia: The Stolen Sun Is Coming To VR

Operencia: The Stolen Sun launched on PC and consoles earlier this year in March, but now it’s coming to VR headsets as well.

As revealed in our UploadVR Showcase: Summer Edition, Zen Studio’s Operencia: The Stolen Sun is coming to virtual reality soon. Zen Studios describe the game as a “homage to classic first-person dungeon-crawler” that uses a turn-based combat system and is set in “a faraway land referenced in countless Central European folktales.” The world of Operencia features a mix of mythological and fantasical version of historical locations, and you can see some of those in the new trailer for the VR version, embedded below.

There’s some really stunning environments and the game has a beautiful art style that perfectly treads the line between a classic fantasy feel and a new modern take. You can see some of the enemies and bosses in the trailer as well, which also shows a bit of how the turn-based RPG combat system will play out. There will also be puzzles involved as well, ticking all those classic dungeon crawler boxes

In terms of platforms, the end of the trailer lists PlayStation VR and SteamVR, along with an Oculus logo. Whether this mean the game is also coming to Quest is unknown, but we hope so. Given the PSVR release, it seems that a Quest release would be possible as well, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

There’s no set release date yet either, except that the VR version is ‘coming soon’, so keep an ear out for more news on that front.

What do you think of Operencia: The Stolen Sun? Let us know in the comments.

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New Trailer For VR Noir The Rig Ahead Of Launch This Month

As part of our UploadVR Showcase: Summer Edition, we’ve just premiered a brand new trailer for sci-fi noir adventure game The Rig: A Starmap To Murder. It’s set to launch for PC VR before the end of this month.

The Rig: A Starmap To Murder, developed by Sunset Division, first came onto our radar earlier this month. It’s a point-and-click style adventure game for VR, in a sci-fi setting with a story inspired by classic detective tales like The Maltese Falcon and Touch of Evil. We also got a first look at the game with a trailer that laid out some of the game’s basic plot points — you’re boarding a remote mining rig and will be looking for clues that point to the whereabouts of your missing brother.

As you can see in that first trailer, you’ll complete a mix of different puzzles, built from the ground up for VR, as you run an original story that is fully voice-acted. In our Summer Showcase, we just debuted a brand new trailer, embedded above. It’s short but sweet, and gives us a peek at more of those fantastic voice overs and a better look at the awesome noir and sci-fi visual style.

The Rig: A Starmap To Murder is set to launch this month on SteamVR with support for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Valve Index. We haven’t got an exact date just yet, but until then the game is available to wishlist on Steam .

What do you think of the new trailer? Let us know in the comments below.

Check out every trailer, article, announcement, interview, and more from the UploadVR Showcase right here.

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The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners ‘Meatgrinder’ Update Adds Brutal Horde Mode Arenas

Today at the UploadVR Showcase: Summer Edition we revealed the announcement trailer for the Meatgrinder update in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners. This big new update will introduce brutal new horde mode-style battle arenas for a quicker and more replayable way of killing zombies.

Watch the first-ever footage of the new update right here:

This is a big feature that a lot of people were clamoring for even back when the game first came out. As great as Saints & Sinners is with its meaty campaign, massive maps, and reactive sandbox-style gameplay that adapts to your actions, it’s hard to replay a game like that. It just isn’t the same.

But people still wanted more of the experience, so Skydance Interactive are releasing the Meatgrinder update! This new update delivers a handful of maps, one of which is brand new, to let you fight through waves of zombies that get progressively harder as you craft weapons and fend them off for your own survival. There’s even a brand new katana added into the game for this too.

The Oculus Quest version of The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is still due out later this year, in Q4, but we don’t know anything else about that yet. For now, the Meatgrinder update is coming to both PC VR and PSVR along with all of its bloody, gory action, in July 2020.

For more on The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, make sure and read / watch our full review here.

Check out every trailer, article, announcement, interview, and more from the UploadVR Showcase right here.

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VR Stealth Game Panther VR Surprise Launches In Early Access Today

Here’s a sneaky surprise straight out of the Upload VR Showcase: Summer Edition – Panther VR hits Early Access today.

Developer Wolfdog Interactive announced the news with a new trailer. Panther VR was successfully crowd-funded last year and promised for a spring/summer 2020 Early Access release. In the game, you play as a member of a guild of master thieves that steals from elite corporations. Check out the trailer below.

As you can see, Panther VR promises a stealth sandbox inspired by games like Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell. You can stick to the shadows, hiding bodies from view, but you’ll also have an expansive aresnal of tools and weapons like remote mines and high-powered rifles. How you get the job done is up to you. Don’t miss the ending for another excellent easter egg, too. This isn’t the only Solid surprise in the Showcase, either.

In Early Access, Panther VR offers a few maps to take out heists in, plus a hub world to hang out in. Over the course of Early Access, Wolfdog plans to add new levels, weapons and mechanics to the experience. The full version of the game is aiming for release sometime in 2021.

Panther VR is available on PC VR headsets via SteamVR. No word yet on possible ports to Oculus Quest and PSVR, though we’d imagine it will be some time before there’s any news to share there. We’ve got plenty more news to share during the Upload VR Showcase: Summer Edition, so stay tuned!

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Watch First Ever Solaris: Offworld Combat Gameplay Here

We’ve been following Solaris: Offworld Combat ever since we announced the game at our first-ever E3 Showcase last year. Now see the first-ever gameplay in this brand new reveal trailer we just debuted to open up our Summer Showcase!

The footage below is from the Oculus Rift version of the game:

In Solaris, players will engage in tense multiplayer PvP combat in virtual environments that look and feel like they’ve been ripped out of an esport from the future. In fact, that’s whole premise of the game. You take on the role of a futuristic cyber athlete that uses VR to compete in first-person shooter competitions, similar to Disc Battles from Tron, but with guns. It’s got a very meta atmosphere to it all.

This will be a very fast-paced experience with quick respawns, guns laying around arenas for quick picking up similar to old-school shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament, and should be a great option for easy and quick pick-up and play action.

This isn’t First Contact Entertainment’s first forray into VR, though. Their first attempt was a visually striking wave shooter named ROM: Extraction for PC VR and then a squad-based tactical shooter named Firewall Zero Hour for PSVR. This makes Solaris their third VR game and first release for Oculus Quest.

Solaris: Offworld Combat is releasing this August 2020 for Oculus Rift via Home and Oculus Quest, with crossplay and dedicated servers. First Contact Entertainment is also planning to release Solaris later this year for PSVR, but there’s no date on that version yet.

Check out every trailer, article, announcement, interview, and more from the UploadVR Showcase right here.

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Sun Shard Brings Monster Slashing Action To Quest

We’ve seen some huge strides in the physics-based combat department from PC VR titles like The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners and Boneworks, but Sun Shard is a new game aiming to bring some of that same style of combat to the standalone Oculus Quest system.

Developed by Soaring Roc Studio, Sun Shard is a physics-based monster slaying game that will launch this year for PC VR and Oculus Quest. It has been in development for a number of months now, but we just debuted a brand new trailer for the game in the UploadVR Showcase: Summer Edition, embedded below.

In Sun Shard, you’ll face off against a number of enemies and monsters, each of which use a physics-based system for interactions. Every part of each monster has its own weight, meaning that the model will move and be affected in different ways depending on how you approach and strike it with your weapon. You can view a demo of that system in a short video on Twitter from last year, which shows a werewolf-like (or goblin?) creature being held up by its arm with one weapon, allowing the player to decapitated with the other.

Getting this kind of physics-system to run on the Quest is an impressive feat. Initially the developers made a tech demo called Dawn just to act as a testbed for the system before it was integrated into Sun Shard, but now it’s full steam ahead on development of the main game.

We haven’t got an exact release date for Sun Shard just yet, but you can expect it to launch on the Oculus Quest and PC VR systems at some point later this year.

Check out every trailer, article, announcement, interview, and more from the UploadVR Showcase right here.

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Exclusive New Footage Of Naau: The Lost Eye Debuts Right Here

Launching later this year, Naau: The Lost Eye is a mystical VR title for PC VR and we just debuted some fantastic new footage in the pre-show of our UploadVR Showcase: Summer Edition.

Naau: The Lost Eye is an upcoming title by Studio Gambit, created exclusively for VR and launching into Early Access at some point later this year. It is an action, adventure and puzzle game set in the mystical world of Naau, where you’ll be able to design your own weapon and fight against some classic fantasy baddies like wizards, golems, giant trees and many more.

A more traditional teaser trailer had already released for Naau back in September 2019, but the new footage that debuted today is a bit different. It’s all one unedited sequence of footage taken from the game, showing some creepy Black Order-like villains come through a portal and extract something out of the chest of a floating, ethereal lady and/or spirit.

This new footage is absolutely beautiful and visually stunning. When you take the aforementioned teaser trailer into account, you start to get a better idea of how the game will play out. There’s some combat, some puzzles and also a clear story involving this ethereal spirit lady and the villains that take a spiritual or mystical element away from her. Could that element be the titular ‘Lost Eye’? We’re not sure, but we’re certainly intrigued.

The game will release into Early Access this year for PC VR, with no confirmation either way for other platforms like PSVR or Oculus Quest. It is available to wishlist on Steam.

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Panzer Dragoon VR Debuts Nostalgic Retrospective Trailer

We’re proud to reveal to the world for the first time ever, the teaser trailer for Panzer Dragoon VR, coming in 2021 to all major VR headsets. The nostalgic retrospective trailer debuted today during the pre-show of the UploadVR Showcase: Summer Edition 2020.

The fact that a Panzer Dragoon game is in development strictly for VR headsets was revealed a few months ago back in March, but Sega has been completely silent about the project ever since. Today, we’re finally able to see a tiny shred more about the upcoming game.

The full title for the VR entry is Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record — notice how those last two words are ‘VR’ when made into an acronym? Pretty clever.

As the name partially implies and the press release from March hinted, it does appear this game will serve as a sort of “greatest hits” of missions from the first three games (Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Panzer Dragoon Saga) all re-imagined for VR.

We still don’t really know very much about the game, but in the teaser trailer we get a flew glimpses of concept art, some 3D renders, and plenty of footage from the original games. If I had to guess, instead of being a third-person perspective, Panzer Dragoon VR will let players experience the game in first-person from the perspective of the rider.

From a gameplay angle, there is a VR game already that captures a very similar style named Dexed from Hellblade developer Ninja Theory.

We should learn more about the game in the coming months as it gears up for a 2021 release on PC VR, console VR, and standalone VR headsets. A crowdfunding campaign is planned for this year as well, to incorporate more content. You can follow the official Twitter account to stay in the loop.

Check out every trailer, article, announcement, interview, and more from the UploadVR Showcase right here.

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Community Download: What Are Your Predictions For Our Summer VR Showcase?

Community Download is a weekly discussion-focused articles series published (usually) every Monday in which we pose a single, core question to you all, our readers, in the spirit of fostering discussion and debate. For today’s Community Download, we want to know what you’re expecting to see during our UploadVR Summer Showcase 2020 tomorrow?

It’s finally (almost) time: The UploadVR Summer Showcase 2020 is happening on June 16th, 2020! Starting at 8:30AM PT with the pre-show (the full proper showcase is at 9AM PT) we will start unveiling a litany of brand new VR game trailers, announcements, reveals, and more. There’s a lot to celebrate from VR and a lot to look forward to.

Set the reminder on YouTube right here!

For a recap on what we’ve already teased, take a look:

What do you think we’ll have in store for the showcase? Give us your realistic expectations and then also give us your longshot predictions that would just make your entire year better. Let us know down in the comments below!

Check out every trailer, article, announcement, interview, and more from the UploadVR Showcase right here.

The post Community Download: What Are Your Predictions For Our Summer VR Showcase? appeared first on UploadVR.

See Early Development Footage Of Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife At The Upload VR Showcase

Well, the surprise may have gone live a little earlier than intended, but we still have some new goodness to share on Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife.

Fast Travel Games will debut exclusive early development footage of its next title at the Showcase on June 16th (starting 9am PT). We have to stress this will be a very early sneak peek; the full gameplay trailer isn’t set to debut until August.

Wraith is the first VR game set in the World of Darkness universe and, as the name suggests, focuses on the Wraith faction. Fast Travel is promising a full-on horror game akin to Amnesia: The Dark Descent or Alien: Isolation.


Wraith is just one of over 25 games joining us for the Showcase this Tuesday. We’ll be celebrating with new game reveals, brand new trailers and a heck of a lot more. You won’t want to miss it.

Let’s take a look at what else you can expect.

So we’ll see you back here on June 16th. Don’t forget we’ll have a pre-show kicking off at 8:30am PT with more to show!

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