Something for the Weekend: PSVR Halloween Hijinx (2018 Edition)

As we’re only a couple of days away from a major holiday – though how ‘major’ Halloween actually is probably depends more on where you live, than anything – you’d expect there’d be Halloween sales on all over the place. And you’d be right, as we’ve already featured several offers for suitably spooky virtual reality (VR) experiences on the site throughout October. Viveport being a recent example.

PlayStation VRHowever, this week’s scheduled platform for Something For The Weekend is PlayStation VR; and there hasn’t actually been anything much on the PlayStation Store expressly for VR.  That said there are still titles on sale, and ones that are a part of their own Halloween offer. So, let’s look at those titles and content packs that have made the (price) cut.

Please note: Deals are accurate as of the UK PlayStation Store and may not be available in all regions. Also, PS Plus membership may also result in additional money off on some titles.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

To quote VRFocus’ review on the title: “Until Dawn is a story driven horror videogame, with the player’s in-game decisions having a direct influence on the outcome for each of the characters involved. A convoluted journey through an unwelcoming world. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is a far more straight forward affair. It’s a shooting gallery, pure and simple, but when played in VR it’s far more appealing than could it could ever sound on paper.”

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is currently available for £7.99 (GBP), effectively half price from its usual mark of £15.99.

Kona VR Bundle

The first of several bundles featuring VR to get a price drop on the PlayStation Store this week, the Kona VR Bundle includes the full game Kona, plus the upgrade to VR DLC. Kona puts players in the role of a detective hired to investigate the vandalism of a businessman’s summer home. The local Canadian community is suspected of being behind things, but  the detective finds the area deserted. So, what is really going on?

The Kona VR Bundle is currently available for £7.99, half price from £15.99.

The Exorcist: Legion VR – Complete Series

To quote Rebecca when she recently reviewed chapter five of Wolf & Wood’s VR excursion into the greater world of The Exorcist: “NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!” If you want a good scare, this bundle of all five chapters is right up your street.

The compete series is 28% off currently on PlayStation Store, from £24.99 to £17.99.

The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 4 Samaritan

Oasis Games Shooter Bundle

Not everything with money off this week can be classified as a horror game.

While the VR releases from Oasis Games aren’t everyone’s cup of tea (see: Ace Banana) there are some that are worth a look (see: Pixel Gear). This bundle gives you the option to check out both ends of the spectrum, with the pair getting a hefty discount from £19.99 to a far more reasonable £6.19 – a 69% discount. You can find it on the PlayStation Store here.


DOOM VFR brings the fast-paced, brutal gameplay fans of the series love to virtual reality.” Says the PlayStation Store description. “Immerse yourself in the UAC facility on Mars and the depths of Hell, as your skills are put to the test through intense combat and challenging puzzle-solving. Play as a cybernetic survivor who is activated by the UAC to fight the demon invasion, maintain order, and prevent catastrophic failure at the Mars facility. ”

What more is there to say? Get ripping and tearing for £12.99, just over a third off the regular £19.99 price.

DOOM VFR screenshot

Killing Floor: Incursion

A standalone experience based on Tripwire Interactive’s Killing Floor franchise, Killing Floor: Incursion takes players into the world of the Horzine Security Forces as they team up with allies to fend off the horrific Zed hordes using pistols, shotguns, blades and more.

Save 36% on Killing Floor: Incursion now from £24.99 to £15.99.

Killing Floor: Incursion screenshot

Weeping Doll

Another Oasis Games title, Weeping Doll is only £2.49 for a short time. Playing as the maid of a Japanese family living in a very Victorian looking home, Weeping Doll has players exploring different environments to solve puzzles as a tortured girl’s doll takes revenge on her parents.

Weeping Doll title

Arizona Sunshine

Its Halloween, so of course Vertigo Games’ zombie shooter is in the deal. There’s a hefty 60% off the title, clocking in at £12.99 (down from £32.99) and it’s also one of those titles that has a possible PS Plus discount.

Find out why so many want to play it and why it’s one of the titles making the leap to becoming a location-based experience (LBE). Just try to keep your brains and blood inside yourself when you do.

Arizona Sunshine PlayStation VR screenshot

The Inpatient

“Discover true fear at the abandoned Blackwood Pines Sanatorium. Awaken into a living nightmare as a patient with no memory of who you are – in a spine-chilling mystery set 60 years before the events of PS4 hit Until Dawn. Live the horror through the immersion of VR as deep, personal fears, psychological terror and heart-shredding jump scares wait in the darkness.”

Get ready to wrestle with more than a few moral dilemmas as you figure out who you can trust in the PSVR title from Supermassive Games. Save £14 on the regular store price for a limited time, with the price at £15.99.

Random Note of Appreciation: Whoever changed the “Key Features” on the standard store description to “Key Symptoms”? Well done. We loved that little detail even if no one else noticed it.

Check out more titles on next week’s edition of Something for the Weekend as we head into November.

Firewall Zero Hour is PlayStation VR’s Top Game in August

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has now released the top downloaded videogames for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR, revealing to probably no one’s surprise that First Contact Entertainment’s tactical first-person shooter Firewall Zero Hour  has clinched the top spot.

Firewall Zero Hour - Screenshot (E3 2018)

As usual no figures have been mentioned with the title knocking top ten regular Job Simulator from the number one spot it quite often achieves even after launching almost two years ago.

The rest of the PlayStation VR top ten for August is as follows:

  1. Firewall Zero Hour
  2. Job Simulator
  3. Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality
  5. Killing Floor: Incursion
  6. Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality
  7. Arizona Sunshine
  8. Electronauts
  9. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
  10. PlayStation VR Worlds

Firewall Zero Hour - Screenshot (E3 2018)

It’s easy to understand why Firewall Zero Hour achieved the number one position. The FPS has received rave reviews with even VRFocus giving the PlayStation VR exclusive a full five-stars, saying: “Firewall Zero Hour has managed to avoid many of the common pitfalls of VR online multiplayers and add its own interesting twist to the military FPS genre. The lobby system could use some improvements, but otherwise its a finely crafted title that will be of great interest to FPS fans.”

If you own a PlayStation VR and have so far resisted the temptation to purchase Firewall Zero Hour then you’re missing out on four vs four player action where teamwork and communication is key to winning the multiplayer missions. Players take on the role of a mercenary contractor, charged with protecting sensitive data in a laptop. There are nine map locations spread across Russia, the Middle East and the UK. Players will be able to use in-game currency to upgrade and customise their character.

While the videogame does support PlayStation’s DualShock 4 controller, and PlayStation Move (kind of), First Contact Entertainment has designed the gameplay to ultimately use the PlayStation Aim controller.

For any further updates on Firewall Zero Hour, keep reading VRFocus.

Until Dawn ab November kostenlos spielbar für PlayStation Plus-Abonnenten

Die Abonennten von PlayStation Plus dürfen sich freuen, denn dieser Monat bietet eine gute Auswahl an neuen kostenlosen Spielen. Eines der Spiele ist der VR-Titel Until Dawn: Rush of Blood für PlayStation VR (PSVR) von Supermassive Games – ein Entwicklerstudio, das bereits weitere VR-Titel in Planung hat.

PlayStation Plus – Until Dawn: Rush of Blood als PSVR-Titel kostenlos erhältlich

Die PlayStation-Plus-Mitglieder dürfen sich mit ihrem Abo über regelmäßige Informationen, Angebote und kostenlose monatliche Spiele freuen. Ab dem 7. November stehen die folgenden Spiele kostenlos zum Download zur Verfügung:

  • Worms Battlegrounds (PS4)
  • Bound (PS4)
  • Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)
  • That’s You (PS4)
  • R-Type Dimensions (PS3)
  • Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic (PS3)
  • Dungeon Punks (PS 4 & PS Vita)
  • Broken Sword: The Serpent’s Curse (PS Vita)

Der Haupttitel für den Zeitraum ist zwar Worms Battlegrounds, doch mit Until Dawn: Rush of Blood reiht sich ein spannendes VR-Spiel in die Rotation ein. Im Horror-Titel fahrt ihr durch eine Geisterbahn und feuert mit euren Waffen auf Objekte und Gegner, die während des Spiels stärker und anspruchsvoller werden. Zudem müsst ihr Projektilen und Hindernissen ausweichen und am Ende jedes Levels gegen einen Endboss antreten.

Wie das Spiel aussieht, kann man sich im folgenden Trailer anschauen:

Die Spiele sind vom 7. November 2017 – 2. Januar 2018 kostenlos mit den entsprechenden Konsolen spielbar. Eine 14-tägige Testversion bei PlayStation Plus ist hier möglich. Die weiteren Bezahlmodelle sind wie folgt:

Das 12-monatige Abo ist für 59,99 Euro pro Jahr erhältlich. Für drei Monate Mitgliedschaft muss man 24,99 Euro bezahlen, während ein Monat 7,99 Euro kostet. Wer Until Dawn: Rush of Blood lieber ohne Abo kaufen möchte, zahlt im PlayStation Store derzeit knapp 20 Euro.

(Quellen: PlayStation Plus | Videos: PlayStation EU Youtube)

Der Beitrag Until Dawn ab November kostenlos spielbar für PlayStation Plus-Abonnenten zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood Free With PlayStation Plus Next Week

If you own a PlayStation VR – or are thinking about buying one – there’s plenty to be excited about right now. Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) showcased a bunch of new titles on Monday for Paris Games Week (PGW) and now it’s been announced that Supermassive Games’ launch title Until Dawn: Rush of Blood will be free in the next round of PlayStation Plus deals.

So from 7th November through 2nd January, PlayStation Plus members will be able to download Until Dawn: Rush of Blood as a bonus game alongside the two main titles for PlayStation 4, Worms Battlegrounds and Bound.

The videogame was Supermassive Games’ first foray into virtual reality (VR), bringing the teams previous title Until Dawn to PlayStation VR. Featuring plenty of scares and heart-pounding horror with a creepy circus theme, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood puts players on a creepy fairground ride, creating an on-rails shooter that reduces or negates simulator sickness.

As for the rest of the PlayStation Plus lineup there’s: R-Type Dimensions for PS3; Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, PS3; Dungeon Punks, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4) and Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse (Episodes 1 & 2), PS Vita.

That deal is a week away. In the meantime, if you’ve not yet picked up RIGS: Mechanised Combat League – another PlayStation VR launch title – that’s still available for free until next week.

If you’ve not kept up with VRFocuscoverage of PGW news the new videogames that featured included Fast Travel Games’ Apex ConstructSurvios’ Sprint VectorBlood & Truth by Sony London Studio, Megalith and Bow to Blood. While further details were revealed for MossDead Hungry and League of War: VR Arenaand Star ChildUltrawingsSmash Hit Plunder and Resident Evil VII biohazard DLC Not a Hero also made an appearance.

For all the latest PlayStation VR offers, keep reading VRFocus.

Get A Ten Title Bundle of PlayStation VR Exclusives On The PlayStation Store For Under $120

It’s a good time of the year to be picking up videogames at a discount, and thankfully that includes those that are for virtual reality (VR) headsets. If you are a PlayStation 4 owner however you’d be forgiven for thinking you’re not getting as many opportunities to save cash as owners of the PC based head mountned displays (HMDs), specifically the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Luckily there is indeed a very good value deal happening on the PlayStation Store at present for PlayStation VR owners. The bundle, first spied by TheNerdMag, is called the Worldwide Studios Selected PS VR Titles Mega Pack and features ten PlayStation VR titles on sale, all of which are PlayStation VR exlusives.

There is however one slight snag – it appears that it is only in Malaysia where the bundle is being sold. Of the course the setting up of an account of a different region is a familiar task for many PlayStation 4 owners and for those without the knowledge there are plenty of guides out there explaining how to make it happen.  Additionally the pack contains language support for English, Chinese and Korean.

The price works out to be 480 Malaysian Ringgits (MYR), the equivilent of approximately £88 (GBP), €100 (EUR), or $116 (USD). The ten PlayStation VR titles are below, with extracts from VRFocus‘ previous previews, reviews and stories regarding each where applicable:

BOUND: Shattered Kingdom

“Bound casts the player as an ever-moving character in an aesthetically unique world, similar in intent to the GameCube’s P.N.03 but very different in resulting gameplay. The dancer that represents the player on-screen will use a variety of leaps and twirls to overcome the pitfalls of a chaotic level design, crossing bridges, bounding across gaps and solving switch puzzles all while visually impacting the world. The latter is an impressive visual treat in VR, but it’s actually the puzzling gameplay that makes Bound worthy of the transition to the new medium.”


DriveclubVR image 2“While still insisting that the PlayStation VR version of Driveclub is still a technical demonstration and nothing more, the experience feels as though a lot of work has gone into getting it just right. The handling is tight and responsive, the car feels weighty and collisions are given just enough oomph that they’ll interrupt your driving line but fall short of sending you spinning. It’s a very different way of playing Driveclub, and it arguably is what Evolution Studios’ racing experience needed to separate it from the pack all along.”


Farpoint screenshotFarpoint has become a key example for the success of modern VR, having surpassed all expectations for commercial value upon release.”

Here They Lie

Here They Lie_2

Here They Lie is a surreal, psychological horror that put players in a nightmarish world that doesn’t go for jump scares, rather a slower more methodical build up of fear and dread. The Tangentlemen achieve this not only through the visual art style, but also with spatial audio and lighting to increase the suspense.”

PlayStation VR Worlds

Every early adopter of the head-mounted display (HMD) should consider a purchase of PlayStation VR Worlds. A selection of mini-games both family friendly and more maturely themedPlayStation VR Worlds offers a taste of the potential of VR without daunting newcomers with the possibility of a ten hour experience; or even just an hour, for that matter. Once that initial boundary has fallen what else can PlayStation VR offer to get the party swinging?”

RIGS Mechanized Combat League

“Depicting a new form of sports entertainment that takes place 50 years in the future, RIGS: Mechanised Combat League aims to be a fast-paced FPS, the kind that might have required a few nearby sick bags on lesser VR hardware. ”

Star Strike Ultra VR

StarBlood Arena

StarBlood Arena new screenshotStarblood Arena, the unique arena shooter that sees players piloting individualised space ships all with their own unique weapons and attributes, such as soldier Elsa in her versatile ship Mandible, or fast but fragile assassin Blade and his ship Raptor. ”

Tumble VR

tumble_content“A first-person test of mental and physical dexterity as players complete a series of tasks to solve increasingly challenging puzzles. These challenges can range from building towers to creating bridges, working out mind melting puzzles, and blowing up enormous towers of blocks. Puzzle titles tend to be single-player affairs but Supermassive Games has incorporated PlayStation VR’s Social Screen feature, allowing a second player to use the connected TV, creating a much more social experience.”

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Until Dawn is a story driven horror videogame, with the player’s in-game decisions having a direct influence on the outcome for each of the characters involved. A convoluted journey through an unwelcoming world. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is a far more straight forward affair. It’s a shooting gallery, pure and simple, but when played in VR it’s far more appealing than could it could ever sound on paper.”

VRFocus will bring you more news on VR bundles and offers throughout the week to come, and as we end Friday be sure to look out for this week’s edition of ‘Something For The Weekend’ hitting this Sunday.


New PlayStation VR Bundles Confirmed for February

When Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) launched pre-orders for PlayStation VR, depending on the territory, some countries featured bundle deals while others didn’t. The US had the biggest selection, but since launch supplies have been somewhat limited. Today SIE America has announced two incoming bundles are to arrive this month. 

The first PlayStation VR Bundle is the same as previously available. For $499 USD / $699 CAD (MSRP) customers get the headset, PlayStation Camera, two PlayStation Move motion controllers, the PlayStation VR demo disc and PlayStation VR Worlds.

PlayStation VR Rush of Blood Bundle

The second bundle includes all of the same hardware and demo disc but swaps out PlayStation VR Worlds for Supermassive Games’ Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. This bundle will become available later this month for $499 USD / $699 CAD, exclusively from GameStop and EB Games.

Currently there’s no news on these bundles being made available outside of the US, so PlayStation 4 users wishing to get into virtual reality (VR) in any other country still have to buy everything separately.

For anyone into their horror video games PlayStation VR currently has an ace up its sleeve with the VR exclusive of Resident Evil 7 biohazard. The latest instalment launched just over a week ago with 88,000 users having tried the VR mode at the time – its now up to 95,000.

And there’s plenty more coming in 2017, with titles such as Farpoint, Golem, Gran Turismo Sport, Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin and Star Trek: Bridge Crew just a few of them. For all of the latest PlayStation VR news, keep reading VRFocus.