The University Of Liverpool Have Developed A VR Experience To Help Prevent Dog Bites

In 2013 there were a recorded 6,740 hospital admissions for dog bites and strikes which has inspired a team at the University of Liverpool to create a new virtual reality (VR) experience to educate the public on this matter. Designed and developed to be used as an educational tool to help prevent dog bites, the experience provides adults and children with information to help them recognise specific behaviors that are displayed by dogs which could result in bites.

VR Dog

Developed by animal behavior researchers from the University of Liverpool in the UK, the VR experience has users approach and interact with dogs that are displaying signs of aggression in a safe and controlled way. Thanks to the high quality environments and believable behavior of the dogs within the experience, users will feel as though they are really there and become truly immersed within the setting.

As users approach the VR dog, its behavior and body language gradually change and it begins to display signs of aggression, including licking its lips, lowering its head and body, growling and showing teeth. These behaviors show when a dog may not want to be approached and as a result, users should not engage with the dog as this will lower the chance of it biting them.

VR Dog

“This proof of concept tool has already demonstrated that immersive experiences can be used by organisations such as Dogs Trust as an educational tool which can be conducted in a safe environment and that there is value in developing tools of this nature further.” Reads the statement from the University of Liverpool’s Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC).

“Next steps will look to enhance the detail within the immersive environment, in partnership with animal behavioural specialists and psychologists to ensure the simulation is as realistic and provides the highest level of immersive experience as possible.”

By placing users in a safe virtual environment to learn how to handle a dog that is displaying aggressive behavior, the research team is hoping to educate people as to lower the number of biting incidents. The applications of the experience could be expanded to help with other dog related matters as well but for now the team are keen to build on their current focus. You can see a short video of the experience below.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the project in the future so keep reading to stay up to date on any developments.

Autonomous Cars Given VR Driving Lessons

There has been much debate on autonomous or ‘self-driving’ cars and how they will impact society. One of the concerns is over how well the computer controlling them will cope with changing conditions on the roads. A team at the University of Liverpool believe they have a solution – a VR training system for autonomous vehicles.

The ALEAD system was devised by a team from Future Coders, CGA and the University of Liverpool, who received a grant of £1 million (GBP) from the The Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) to create the technology.

Liverpool University

The system uses information gathered from Liverpool’s road, including vehicle density, hazards, road layout and junctions. It then uses machine learning to predict typical driving scenarios to give self-driving car systems a save environment to learn in.

The technology makes it both cheaper and safer to train self-driving cars, and can be used to simulate a variety of events or extreme weather conditions, such as snow, fog, debris in the road or vehicles moving erratically or unpredictably.

Jon Wetherall, Managing Director of CGA Simulation, explains how Space Ribbon, an intergalactic racing car game, helped inspire them: “Our team at CGA has many years’ experience working in the creative and innovative world of games development. The console and virtual reality games we’ve created, like Space Ribbon, helped us visualise how we could take emerging technologies and apply them to autonomous vehicle technologies” He added: “We hope that by combining our love of gaming, with our skills in simulation and futuristic technologies, we’ll help make autonomous vehicles a reality on Liverpool’s roads.”

Max Zadow, CEO of Future Coders said: “We are very proud to be working as partners on the exciting and groundbreaking ALEAD project, as it highlights the cutting edge tech work that’s coming out of Liverpool now.”

Liverpool University ALEAD

The team say they will be exploring commercial applications for the technology once the project is complete. VRFocus will brig you further news on ALEAD and other VR projects as it becomes available.