Umfrage: Ein Drittel der Spieleentwickler zeigen Interesse an VR

Der Veranstalter der Game Developers Conference (GDC) veröffentlicht erneut seine jährliche Umfrage, die herausfinden will, woran Spieleentwickler gerade arbeiten oder gearbeitet haben. Für VR gibt es demnach eine positive Nachricht: 33 Prozent bekunden ihr Interesse an Virtua-Reality-Titeln. Damit schlägt VR sogar mobile Anwendungen und Entwicklungen für die Xbox One (X).

Ein Drittel der Spieleentwickler interessiert an VR-Entwicklung

Die Game Developer Conference 2018 in San Francisco findet in diesem Jahr vom 19. bis zum 23. März statt. Im Vorfeld startete der Veranstalter UBM eine Umfrage unter den Entwicklerstudios, für welche Plattformen man Projekte entwickelt oder entwickeln will. Bei den zuletzt abgeschlossenen Projekten stehen demnach VR-Headsets mit 15 Prozent relativ weit oben auf dem fünften Platz der Liste der unterstützten Systeme. Führend mit 50 Prozent ist der PC-Bereich, anschließend folgen mobile Systeme, PlayStation sowie Xbox mit 19 Prozent. Wie bei allen Fragen sind Mehrfachnennungen möglich, weshalb das Gesamtergebnis über 100 Prozent liegt.

Bei den Angaben, für welche Systeme man im Augenblick aktiv entwickelt, kann der PC sogar auf 60 Prozent zulegen. Für VR steigt der Prozentsatz auf 19 Prozent, allerdings kann sich der Mac mit 20 Prozent knapp davor schieben und verweist die virtuelle Realität damit auf den sechsten Platz. Interessant ist noch, dass immerhin 7 Prozent der Entwickler an AR-Projekten arbeiten. Sieben Prozent der Spieleentwickler erwarten auch, dass einer der nächsten Titel auf der Plattform erscheint. Bei VR sind es 17 Prozent – also zwei Prozent weniger als der in Entwicklung befindlichen Titel. Das könnte bedeuten, dass beispielsweise die Entwicklungzeit für diese VR-Spiele einfach länger dauern wird und andere Spiele näher an der Veröffentlichung sind.

Bilden die Zahlen den augenblicklichen Stand ab, richtet sich die nächste Frage in die Zukunft. Für welche der Plattformen interessieren sich die Befragten am meisten, Spiele für sie zu entwickeln? Hier erreicht VR einen hervorragenden vierten Platz nach PC, PlayStation und Nintendo Switch. Den ganzen Bericht findet man unter diesem Link, allerdings muss man kurz mehrere Angaben ausfüllen – eine Registrierung ist nicht notwendig.

(Quelle: Road to VR)

Der Beitrag Umfrage: Ein Drittel der Spieleentwickler zeigen Interesse an VR zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

VRDC Asia Announced for 2018

UBM, organiser of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and Virtual Reality Developers Conference (VRDC), has announced an expansion into Asia is planned for 2018. VRDC Asia 2018 will take place in Shanghai, 16th – 17th May 2018.

The virtual reality (VR) boom in China has increased demand for vendor-neutral education and exploration into the latest platforms, technologies and applications. With a focus on quality content for professionals and showcasing the latest augmented reality (AR) and VR experiences, in addition to mixed reality (MR) experiences from different industries, UBM is expanding its portfolio to include VRDC Asia 2018.

VRDC Asia aims to become the premier event for creators of immersive experiences for industries beyond gaming and entertainment, including film, education, healthcare, travel, real estate and more. VRDC Asia will offer the opportunity for western develop studios to build foreign partnerships that can facilitate entry into China’s high-growth VR market.

“We invite leaders and emerging players in the industry to share best practices, demo new technology and help drive VR/AR innovation,” reads an official statement from UBM.

VRDC began as an expansion of the GDC schedule, with UBM clearly noting a growing passion for VR within the videogame development community. Last year VRDC become its own event, and was held as an independent conference in San Francisco for a second time last month. VRDC continues to be part of the GDC line-up, which is typically held in March annually.

Last month’s VRDC’s highlights include numerous HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality hands-on opportunities as well as playable builds of DOOM VFR and Fallout 4 VR from Bethesda Softworks. Speaker sessions included First Contact Entertainment’s Adam Orth, Trevor Blom of Vertigo Games and Survios hosting a talk entitled ‘Dev Hacks & New Analytics from Raw Data’.

DOOM VFR screenshotNo information on the line-up for the newly announced VRDC Asia 2018 – whether it be speakers, exhibitors or even sponsors – has yet been announced. VRDC Asia 2018 will be held from 16th – 17th May 2018, Shanghai, and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest news regarding the event.

VRDC Asia Announced for 2018

UBM, organiser of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and Virtual Reality Developers Conference (VRDC), has announced an expansion into Asia is planned for 2018. VRDC Asia 2018 will take place in Shanghai, 16th – 17th May 2018.

The virtual reality (VR) boom in China has increased demand for vendor-neutral education and exploration into the latest platforms, technologies and applications. With a focus on quality content for professionals and showcasing the latest augmented reality (AR) and VR experiences, in addition to mixed reality (MR) experiences from different industries, UBM is expanding its portfolio to include VRDC Asia 2018.

VRDC Asia aims to become the premier event for creators of immersive experiences for industries beyond gaming and entertainment, including film, education, healthcare, travel, real estate and more. VRDC Asia will offer the opportunity for western develop studios to build foreign partnerships that can facilitate entry into China’s high-growth VR market.

“We invite leaders and emerging players in the industry to share best practices, demo new technology and help drive VR/AR innovation,” reads an official statement from UBM.

VRDC began as an expansion of the GDC schedule, with UBM clearly noting a growing passion for VR within the videogame development community. Last year VRDC become its own event, and was held as an independent conference in San Francisco for a second time last month. VRDC continues to be part of the GDC line-up, which is typically held in March annually.

Last month’s VRDC’s highlights include numerous HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality hands-on opportunities as well as playable builds of DOOM VFR and Fallout 4 VR from Bethesda Softworks. Speaker sessions included First Contact Entertainment’s Adam Orth, Trevor Blom of Vertigo Games and Survios hosting a talk entitled ‘Dev Hacks & New Analytics from Raw Data’.

DOOM VFR screenshotNo information on the line-up for the newly announced VRDC Asia 2018 – whether it be speakers, exhibitors or even sponsors – has yet been announced. VRDC Asia 2018 will be held from 16th – 17th May 2018, Shanghai, and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest news regarding the event.

Report: 39% of Game Developers Working on AR/VR Headsets

A survey of game developers attending the annual GDC conference suggests major growth in the number of developers building games for AR and VR headsets.

The 2017 GDC State of the Game Industry report, which gathered data from 4,500 attendees of the annual GDC conference, has been published. Among the insights from the report is that a healthy 39% of respondents are developing titles for AR and VR headsets.

Present AR/VR Focus

With 2016 being the year that major headsets have finally hit store shelves, there’s been major growth in the number of developers focusing on immersive platforms. According to the report, the HTC Vive (25% of respondents) and the Oculus Rift (24%) are leading the pack by a significant margin in terms of which headsets developers are currently developing for, followed by PlayStation VR (13%), right on par with Samsung’s Gear VR (13%).


Future AR/VR Focus

As for the future, development interest in the HTC Vive seems to be growing the most compared to other platforms. 40% of respondents said they expected their next VR/AR project (after the current project) to target the Vive while 37% said the Rift and 26% said PlayStation VR, according to the report.


Among 11% of respondents who said they were working on an AR/VR game that would be exclusive to a single platform, the gap between Vive (33%) and Rift (24%) widened, with PlayStation VR coming in at 15%.

gdc-survey-vr-3Developer Interest in AR/VR Platforms

Actual present or future projects aside, the survey also asked developers what VR/AR headsets interested them most; here the Vive took an even stronger lead, with 45% of developers interested in the Vive, 30% in the Rift, and 29% in PlayStation VR. Interestingly, in terms of interest, Google’s Daydream at 17% of interested respondents, beat out Gear VR at 13%.

gdc-survey-vr-2Great Majority of Developers See AR/VR as a Sustaining Long-term Business

When it comes to AR/VR as a sustainable business, confidence is high among game developers, with 75% believing that it will be a long-term success as a gaming platform, the figure as last year’s GDC State of the Industry report.

You can download a copy of the full 2017 GDC State of the Game Industry report here, which includes additional AR/VR insights alongside broader games industry.

The post Report: 39% of Game Developers Working on AR/VR Headsets appeared first on Road to VR.