Twilight Pioneers Continues To Impress With Second Chapter

Twilight Pioneers Continues To Impress With Second Chapter

When I played the first chapter of Twilight Pioneers on Daydream late last year I was surprised by how not terrible it was. NetEase’s VR debut was a pretty competent first-person hack and slash game which made good use of the Wii-like motion controller. I just could have done with a little more of it.

Well, I got my wish this week as Chapter 2 hit, and Twilight Pioneers continues to impress me as an enjoyable sword combat game for a platform that’s almost completely devoid of them.

In the second installment you dive into a hellish dungeon to do battle with a massive demon god (I couldn’t tell for sure but I think I was fighting in a place called North Demondy, which I have all the time in the world for). You do battle with a huge Ox Tyrant, which looks a little like the elephant boss from the first chapter only, y’know, he’s now an Ox.

Before you get to a boss battle, though, this installment features a handful of minion battles. Giant rock monsters slowly advance towards you, threatening to squash you if you let them get too close. They’re pretty intimidating but easily bested; the game’s controls remain surprisingly intuitive, allowing you to alter between free locomotion and quick dashes by just tapping the remote’s touchpad, which works better than I’ve seen in even many Vive games.

The combat is set a fluid experience too; I really enjoyed switching between the four powers to balance bringing enemies down with no having any cool down time of my own. I just wish there were a little more challenge to it; I didn’t take a single chip to my health bar until I got to the chapter’s final boss, although he did admittedly pummel me the first time. This is one of the few Daydream games where I don’t find the controller a distraction, though, I feel more like it’s an extension of my body.

It’s worth mentioning that I ran through the first chapter again as a refresher before I tackled the second chapter, and by the time I reached the boss I’d managed to overheat my Pixel for the first time since getting Daydream all the way back in November. There’s not real way to pause the game to give it time to cool off, so I had to try and fight the boss with a terrible framerate the first time around. Plan your play sessions accordingly.

A lot of Daydream’s best content is getting sadly overlooked, and I don’t think Twilight Pioneers should suffer this fate. I’m more interested in seeing it rounded off as a full game than I am playing these small, 10 minute chapters every few months, but these first two installments suggest that the final product will be something well worth playing.

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Twilight Pioneers Chapter 2 Out Now

Chinese developer NetEase has announced the launch of the second chapter of sword-and-sorcery RPG videogame Twilight Pioneers for Google Daydream.

The new chapter of the game is titled The Evilgate and will be available as a free download from the Daydream app store. The new instalment features extended gameplay, added story development and new boss encounters.

The setting is inspired by Chinese architecture, culture and mythology. The Evilgate will introduce new companions Yunching and Longshar, who will join up with the player character as they battle to stop forces from the North Devil Sea and face new boss, the Ox Tyrant.

“Twilight Pioneers fans have been eagerly awaiting subsequent chapters,” said Yu Kai, Twilight Pioneers producer. “We’re grateful for their patience, and to thank them, we’re making The Evilgate free of charge. We’re proud to take a leadership position on Google’s Daydream VR platform and create high-quality content for players.”

Twilight Pioneers has been a consistently popular Google Daydream title, and won the Expert’s Choice Award at the Unity Vision VR/AR summit. Twilight Pioneers is free-to-play, and the download of Chapter 2: The Evilgate is available for free from the Google Daydream store now.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on Twilight Pioneers and other Google Daydream titles as they come in.

Watch Hack and Slash Action in Twilight Pioneers: Chapter 2 Trailer

Watch Hack and Slash Action in Twilight Pioneers: Chapter 2 Trailer

The VR ecosystem is jam-packed full of shooters, zombie games, escape the room puzzles, and dense horror fests, but it’s severely lacking in one of gaming’s greatest and most iconic genres: the hack and slash roleplaying game. Popularized by the likes of Diablo, Devil May Cry, God of War and other franchises with similar elements, these games are all about flashy combat, addictive combos, and tons of enemies. The first chapter of Twilight Pioneers by NetEase, originally released last year, is a fun romp that even echoes thoughts of The Legend of Zelda. By the looks of it, Chapter 2 is poised to pick up right where that one left off. You can see the first trailer for it at the top of this post.

Twilight Pioneers: Chapter 2 is releasing on March 30th exclusively for Google Daydream.

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Twilight Pioneers’ Kai Yu Talks To VRFocus About The Next Chapter

VRFocus correspondent Nina talks to Kai Yu, Product Designer at NetEase Games, creators of Google Daydream action RPG Twilight Pioneers about the upcoming second episode of Twilight Pioneers.

At the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2017, Nina spoke to Kai Yu about how Chapter 2 is coming along. Yu described the set-up for the second episode of the game. The player’s character is looking for the Dark Lord that they need to defeat when they encounter a new boss to vanquish in order to progress. In Chapter 2, the developer’s hope to encourage the player to try different combinations of new skills. NetEase also improved the graphics in the new chapter.

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Yu says that Chapter 2 of Twilight Pioneers will be out in 1-2 months. Work on polishing the game to make it as good as possible is still ongoing. NetEase has already announced the Twilight Pioneers Chapter 2 will be free to Google Daydream users.

You can watch the full interview below. VRFocus will bring you more information on Twilight Pioneers updates when it comes in.

Twilight Pioneers Chapter 2 To Be Free On Daydream

Twilight Pioneers developer NetEase have announced that the second episode of the Google Daydream-exclusive action role-playing game (ARPG) will be free.

The first episode of the game is already available for early adopters of the Google Daydream, and now Chinese developer NetEase have announced that Twilight Pioneers Chapter 2 will be made available for free when it is launched.

twilight pioneers 2

The gameplay of Twilight Pioneers involves the player taking on the role of the Chosen One and using a combination of sword and magic to defeat enemies, save the world from the evil Dark Lord.

Twilight Pioneers Chapter 2 was originally going to be $0.99 (USD) upon launch, but now fans of the series can get the next installment for free.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on Google Daydream games.