Journey of the Gods: VR-Adventure von Turtle Rock Studios für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest enthüllt

Nate Mitchell kündigte bereits im Vorfeld zur GDC 2019 einen neuen VR-Titel von Entwicklerstudio Turtle Rock Studios an und zog dabei Paralellen zu den Kindheitserinnerungen der ersten Zelda-Teile. Nun ist die Katze aus dem Sack, das VR-Action-Adventure Journey of the Gods für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest wurde auf der GDC 2019 enthüllt und verspricht RPG- sowie Puzzle-Elemente in einer offenen Spielwelt.

Journey of the Gods – VR-Action-Adventure für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest

Entwicklerstudio Turtle Rock Studios (unter anderem bekannt für Face Your Fears) enthüllt sein neues VR-Action-Adventure Journey of the Gods für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest. Der VR-Titel versetzt die Spieler in die Rolle eines menschlichen Wesens mit göttlichen Fähigkeiten innerhalb einer fantastischen Welt, um gegen bösartige Mondbiester anzutreten und eine anstehende Apokalypse ausgelöst durch den schwarzen Mond zu verhindern.

Dabei kombiniert der VR-Titel das Gameplay eines Action-Adventures mit RPG- und Rätselelementen. So tretet ihr in den Nah- und Fernkampf gegen eine Vielzahl an Kreaturen, indem ihr auf Schwert und Schild oder eine einhändige Armbrust zurückgreift. Weitere Waffen sollen natürlich ebenso bereitstehen.


Während eurer Reise durch das weitläufige Land findet ihr zudem zahlreiche Gegenstände, die ihr zur Verbesserung eures Charakters nutzen könnt. So könnt ihr neue Fähigkeiten freischalten oder bestehende Skills erweitern. Dazu zählen neben Kampffähigkeiten auch Magie. Außerdem könnt ihr mit einem eulenartigen Begleiter interagieren, der euch auf eurem Weg zur Seite steht.


Neben Kampfsituationen ist außerdem eure Problemlösefähigkeit gefragt, denn in verschiedenen Dungeons und Orten rund um die Welt gilt es, diverse Rätsel zu lösen, um voranzuschreiten.

Ein genauer Veröffentlichungstermin wurde allerdings noch nicht bekannt gegeben. Journey of the Gods soll für Oculus Rift S (und ebenso Oculus Rift) sowie für Oculus Quest erscheinen.

(Quelle: VR Focus | Upload VR | Video: Oculus YouTube)

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Turtle Rock Studios Working on Journey of the Gods for Oculus Quest

Today Oculus stole the show at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2019 showcasing the new Oculus Rift S head-mounted display (HMD). In amongst all that excitement, there were several videogame reveals for upcoming standalone Oculus Quest, one of which was Shadow Point, while the other was Journey of the Gods.

Journey of the Gods

Journey of the Gods is the latest virtual reality (VR) title from the developer behind the Face Your Fear series, Turtle Rock Studios. A stylized action-adventure with role-playing game elements, Journey of the Gods pits players against enemies big and small, from attacking waves of Moonbeasts to the giant Kraken boss with its deadly tentacles, they’ll have to utilise all manner of weapons to the fullest to survive.

Mixing up both melee and ranged combat, players can choose a trusty sword and shield or rely on their aim and the ever dependable crossbow. As with any RPG journey players will need to collect useful items on route, earning upgrades the more they fight and survive.

But it’s not all just highly stylish combat and violence, there’s some thinking to do as well, with environment puzzles littered around the worlds that’ll also slow and impede progress.

Turtle Rock Studios has released a trailer showcasing some of the gameplay elements involved, but the team hasn’t yet revealed the story and why players are fighting these fantastical beasts.

Journey of the Gods

Supporting both Oculus Quest and Rift, no release window has been confirmed for Journey of the Gods, and whether it’ll be available for Quest’s launch this Spring.

The wireless standalone device is expected to launch very soon, retailing for £399 USD. Offering wireless gaming thanks to a built-in battery, Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC and the inside-out tracking technology called Oculus Insight, the headset comes supplied with new Oculus Touch controllers and built-in speakers like Oculus Go.

As GDC 2019 continues through the week, VRFocus will continue bringing you the latest VR news.

GDC 2019: Journey Of The Gods Is Left 4 Dead Dev’s New VR Adventure For Quest/Rift S

GDC 2019: Journey Of The Gods Is Left 4 Dead Dev’s New VR Adventure For Quest/Rift S

Turtle Rock Studios, the developer best known for its work on Left 4 Dead, today announced its new VR game, Journey of the Gods.

As teased ahead of GDC this week, Journey of the Gods is an action-adventure RPG. In the game, you go in search of the power of ancient gods, which will allow you to fight back evil. Oculus VP of Product Nate Mitchell previously said the game reminded him of Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda series. We can see why; you’ll fight monsters using a mix of sword and shield as well as crossbow combat. There will also be plenty of puzzles to test players with.

We’ll have full impressions of the game for you later on, but for now, you can enjoy these GIFs. They showcase some hallmarks of adventure gaming; lava-filled dungeons, magic powers and ancient weaponry. They also introduce us to your little companion, an owl that can take you between missions.

Journey of the Gods is coming to Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift S. The game will be a launch title for Quest when it arrives this spring, but it’s not clear when it will hit PC VR.

This isn’t Turtle Rock Studios’ first brush with VR. The studio is behind Face Your Fears, one of the most successful applications on Gear VR and Oculus Go. In fact, the team is also working on a sequel for Oculus Quest too. Elsewhere the team also worked on a Blade Runner VR game and a gorgeous RPG named The Well.

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GDC 2019: Left-4-Dead-Entwickler stellen VR-Adventure im Stil von “Zelda” vor

Die GDC 2019 steht bevor, um uns die neusten Trends und Innovationen der VR-Industrie zu präsentieren. So verspricht Nate Mitchell nicht nur einige Überraschungen, sondern spricht von einem vielversprechenden Jahr für die gesamte VR-Technologie. Neben Oculus Quest und anderen Hardware-Neuheiten steht allerdings ebenso die Software im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltung. In diesem Sinne teast uns der Co-Gründer von Oculus einen interessanten VR-Titel von Entwicklerstudio Turtle Rock Studios (bekannt für Left 4 Dead) an, denn das VR-Adventure soll an die frühen Zelda-Teile erinnern.

GDC 2019 – Turtle Rock Studios arbeiten an neuem VR-Adventure im Stil von “The Legend of Zelda”

Die Welt von The Legend of Zelda einmal immersiv in VR erleben und mit Link ein virtuelles Hyrule erkunden. Ein Wunsch, den viele Fans der Zelda-Reihe in ihrem Herzen hegen. Ob wir jemals in den Genuss einer VR-Adaption von Zelda kommen, steht offen, aber ein Ersatz dafür könnte uns schon bald zur kommenden GDC 2019 erwarten. Dort soll Entwicklerstudio Turtle Rock Studios nämlich ein neues VR-Adventure im Stil der ikonischen Videospielserie präsentieren.

Dies verkündet Nate Mitchell in einem Post auf dem offiziellen Oculus-Blog. Dort schreibt er über seine Erfahrungen mit den kommenden VR-Titeln, welche auf der Game Devoloper Conference im März vorgeführt werden. Der VR-Titel versetzt ihn nach eigenen Angaben nämlich in eine nostalgische Gefühlslage und weist starke Parallelen zu den ersten Zelda-Teilen auf:

Ich habe etwas Zeit mit den Spielen verbracht, die wir auf die GDC und PAX East bringen werden. Dazu zählt die neueste Veröffentlichung von Turtle Rock Studios. Es erinnert an meine Kindheit, als ich Zelda damals gespielt habe. Dabei überkam mich ein Gefühl von Ehrfurcht und Wunder, wie man es nur in einem derart gigantischen Abenteuer erleben kann.

Weitere Informationen zum kommenden VR-Abenteuer wurden bisher noch nicht veröffentlicht. Ebenso unbekannt ist, ob das Spiel für Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest oder beide Plattformen erscheinen soll.

Das Entwicklerstudio konnte neben Left 4 Dead bereits zahlreiche Erfahrungen in der Entwicklung von VR-Titeln sammeln. So veröffentlichen die Devs bereits unter anderem die VR-Erfahrungen Face Your Fears und Blade Runner: Replicant Pursuit. Der Nachfolger der Gruselerfahrung soll übrigens für die Oculus Quest erscheinen.

Die GDC 2019 findet vom 18. bis 23. März 2019 in San Francisco statt.

(Quellen: Oculus Blog | Upload VR)

Der Beitrag GDC 2019: Left-4-Dead-Entwickler stellen VR-Adventure im Stil von “Zelda” vor zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Oculus To Reveal Zelda-Esque VR Game From Left 4 Dead Dev At GDC

Oculus To Reveal Zelda-Esque VR Game From Left 4 Dead Dev At GDC

Left4Dead developer Turtle Rock Studios has yet another Oculus Rift game in development. This one sounds like it takes inspiration from one of gaming’s most beloved franchises.

Head of VR Nate Mitchell teased the game in an Oculus Blog post today. “I’ve been getting some time in with the games we’re bringing to GDC and PAX East, like the latest from Turtle Rock Studios,” Mitchell wrote. “It reminds me of playing Zelda back when I was a kid — that sense of awe and wonder and larger-than-life adventure.”

Over on another blog post, Oculus confirmed the project was an adventure game. Could Turtle Rock be working on a true Zelda VR competitor? Platforms weren’t announced, though we’d expect this to either be an Oculus Rift or Oculus Quest game if not both.

Turtle Rock has quite an extensive history with VR and Oculus at this point. The team developed Face Your Fears, which has proven to be one of the most popular apps on Gear VR and Oculus Go. It also developed a gorgeous dungeon crawling RPG named The Well. Right now the studio is working on a sequel to Face Your Fears on Quest, too.

GDC 2019 kicks off on March 18th and runs through to March 22nd. PAX East, meanwhile, runs from March 28th to March 31st. We’re expecting lots of news out of Oculus at upcoming shows like these considering Quest’s spring 2019 release window is starting to approach. We’re also expecting the announcement of the rumored Oculus Rift S upgrade in the near future.

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Run Screaming Through Your House Playing Face Your Fears 2 on Oculus Quest

There’s nothing like a good horror videogame to get the heart racing, especially when it comes to virtual reality (VR) content. Turtle Rock Studios released Face Yours Fears way back in 2016 for Samsung Gear VR, and with the official unveiling of Oculus Quest yesterday the studio is developing a sequel, Face Your Fears 2.

Face Your Fears 2

On display at this weeks Oculus Connect 5 (OC5) conference in California, Face Your Fears 2 goes straight for the jugular when it comes to scaring the life out of guests, by introducing lots and lots of spiders, from tiny creepy crawly eight legged horrors, to massive beasts trying to climb through windows. So if you’re even slightly arachnophobic then this is the title for you.

As VRFocus’ intrepid reporter Nina finds out in her preview there’s plenty to make you jump, with a dark and dingy atmosphere nicely setting the mood before all those spiders start jumping at your face – which is usually most people’s main fear when it comes to arachnids.

Of course there’s the added benefit that Face Your Fears 2 is on the very latest Oculus headset which features inside-out tracking. Before on the Gear VR version you could only look around and crumple to the floor screaming, much like Oculus Rift horror titles due to the cable. This time however you’ve got much more freedom to move around – depending on play area – and run in fright into a wall. Seriously, that probably won’t happen as Oculus Quest has the Guardian system but you never know.


Check out the video below of Nina talking about Face Your Fears 2 as well as playing the title in a suitably decked out location full of spider webs and such. VRFocus will be reporting from Oculus Connect 5 later today once the second day gets underway, so stay here for more VR news.

Preview: Face Your Fears 2 – Why’s it Always Spiders?

Every time a new piece of virtual reality (VR) technology is revealed, a horror experience is offered alongside it. As if the promise of heightened jump scares hasn’t waned over the last five years, Oculus Connect 5’s debut of the final Santa Cruz hardware – now known as Oculus Quest – comes complete with its own haunted house courtesy of Turtle Rock Studios.

The sequel to 2017’s ‘fear and phobia’ experience retreads familiar ground. The sequence available at Oculus Connect 5 begins with the player standing in a clearing by a wood, tasked with finding your missing younger sister. As you walk along a pathway and approach a house, a few simple clues tell you you’re heading in the right direction, while some boundaries trigger events that inform you it’s not going to be a simple case of hide-and-seek.

A later sequence has you explore a woodshed, in which nasty things and apparitions are designed to halt your progress. The phobia that this sequence is excited to push the boundaries of is arachnophobia: beginning with a small spider that jumps on to your hand there’s soon floods of them all over the floor, giant ones reaching through walls at you and swinging from the ceiling literally straight into your face. Yet all the while, all you want is to find a key.

The biggest issue here is that the design of the experience still relies on players moving beyond the boundaries of the demonstration area. Oculus Quest allows you to freely move and walk within an experience unlike any other VR device out there, so why are we still being constrained by analogue sticks for locomotion? While the demonstration build of Face Your Fears 2 was perfectly adequate for showcasing a lowbrow scare sequence in VR, it seems to somewhat fall short of expectations for a totally wireless 6 DoF head-mounted display (HMD).

Oculus Quest - BackEssentially, Face Your Fears 2 is hamstrung by the last two years of VR design. It’s built for a VR device that’s more limited than Oculus Quest, and uses the benefits that the new hardware adds in a purely superficial way: you can move freely, but the design if the videogame completely ignores that possibility. The additional comfort Oculus Quests offers is still welcome of course, but whether that alone is worth a $399 (USD) upgrade is definitely a matter for debate.

The demonstration build ends once you’ve faced the seemingly-endless aggression of spiders and manager to unlock the door to the house with the key you acquired along the way. So while Face Your Fears 2 presents a haunted house experience for Oculus Quest, we haven’t yet been given the chance to step inside. That, it seems, will have to wait until the device launches in Spring 2019.

The VR Job Hub: Oculus, Facebook, Touch Surgery & More

Another Sunday and another edition of The VR Job Hub – and it seems I’m on for a hat trick with my third week in a row. As usual a return to The VR Job Hub means yet another selection of employment opportunities for you to peruse. All of which relate, in some way at least, to the fields of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and/or mixed reality (MR). After last week’s round the world trip we’re keeping things simple today with whatever the fates throw at us. Including roles at Oculus, Facebook and three recent roles from AR start-up Touch Surgery, which featured on VRFocus earlier this week.

Check out the list below to see if there’s something that sparks your interest.

Location Company Role Link
Lake Forest, CA, US Turtle Rock Studios Gameplay Programmer for VR Click here to apply
Raleigh, NC, US Downpour Interactive Game Designer Click here to apply
London, UK Touch Surgery QA Engineer (Platform) Click here to apply
London, UK Touch Surgery Senior QA Engineer (Mobile)  Click here to apply
London, UK Touch Surgery Senior QA Engineer with Performance Testing Experience (Platform)  Click here to apply
Gothenburg, Sweden EON Reality Software Engineer – Augmented and Virtual Reality  Click here to apply
Taipei, Taiwan HP Virtual Reality Solution Program Manager Click here to apply
Greater Memphis Area, TN, US St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital – ALSAC Virtual Reality GUI Development & Design Click here to apply
Menlo Park, CA, US Oculus VR Automation Engineering Manager Click here to apply
Amsterdam, Netherlands Qualcomm Senior Computer Vision Engineer Click here to apply
Menlo Park, CA, US Facebook Data Scientist Intern, Oculus Click here to apply


If the above didn’t tickle your fancy remember you can always check out last week’s edition of The VR Job Hub which last week featured ten different jobs from ten different countries. Showing that no matter where you live there’s something in VR, AR or MR just around the corner. Likewise, don’t forget that if you are an employer looking for someone to fill an immersive technology related role – regardless of the industry – and you want that position to be featured on next week’s VR Job Hub, then please send details to myself via and also

Check back with VRFocus next Sunday at 3PM GMT and every Sunday for the latest roles in the immersive technology industry.

Face Your Fears Stranger Things DLC Available Now

Stranger Things has been a smash hit for Netflix, reveling in the 80s setting to weave in multiple familiar 80s pop culture references whilst simultaneously weaving a compelling story that has captured the imagination of audiences. Developer Turtle Rock are trying to tap into the popularity with the release of free Stranger Things themed DLC for Samsung Gear VR title Face Your Fears.

Announced at the Oculus Connect event, Turtle Rock have partnered with Netflix and Oculus to bring a taste of the uncanny world of Stranger Things to the Samsung Gear VR. The DLC is free to download for users who already have a copy of Face Your Fears, and features an original story based on the hit Netflix show.

Tying into the seconds season of Stranger Things, as well as drawing on all the spookiness that is traditional at Halloween, the DLC lets players travel to the sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana to encounter some strange events, eventually encountering the dark, twisted other dimension of Stranger Things known as ‘the Upside Down’.

Face your Fears was originally released on Samsung Gear VR on Halloween 2016, and put players in situations where many common phobias would be brought to life. Several scenarios are featured in the title, such as Skyscraper, where the user is atop a very high building. If you peer over the site, you will see a deadly killer robot slowly ascending towards you. Or Haunting, where the player is a small child surrounded by creaks and groans and bumps in the night. Is just the ordinary sounds of a old house, or something far more dangerous?

Face Your Fears and the Stranger Things DLC are both available for free download. Further details can be found on the Oculus Store.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Face Your Fears and other new VR content as it becomes available.