Review: Trains VR

Model trains maybe a hobby associated with young lads growing up, creating evermore elaborate track designs in their bedrooms but it’s not the cheapest of past times. An then there’s the space needed, you don’t exactly want to spend hours setting up an intricate design that needs to be demolished because half the living room is now a train track. That’s where virtual reality (VR) can come in to solve all those woes, with The House of Fables creating Trains VR for some miniature railway gameplay.

Trains VR

Trains VR isn’t quite what you’d expect if you’re after complete freedom, as the title is built around a puzzle dynamic that sees players having to complete 40 levels of logic puzzles. These a setup like any classic model railway design, on a table-top board with rolling fields and hills and various obstacles like fences to deal with.

Puzzles revolve around you collecting stars, each one has a specific colour to match a train and only that train can collect the star(s). This is achieved by building track using a pointer from the controller. You can only build straight and curved pieces with Train VR adding other variations as needed. Should you create an intersection with a couple of curved pieces and a straight piece of track, then a switch will appear allowing the direction of the train to be altered.

As the levels progress more items are introduced to up the complexity, with pads that’ll turn the train completely around or crossed intersections that must be used. The actual build areas themselves are fairly compact and while the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive release has seen improvements, it’s still easy to tell Trains VR is a mobile port.

Trains VR

The actual placement of track is so quick and easy that it’s quite simple to breeze through the first 10 levels or so, building up that child-like fascination with trains that you just want to create ever bigger and more elaborate designs. Yet that becomes one of the main sticking points with Trains VR. This is a puzzle experience that almost wants to become a creative build-your-own videogame, where the constraints of collecting stars is removed for a freer more open design.

One annoying aspect of Trains VR design is the map. Unless you’re in full room-scale mode then the map movement is clunky at best.  The main hub map can be moved up and down with a physical movement of the controller but there’s no zoom or twist function – something quite common and found in titles like Brass Tactics. When in a level you do then have the option to spin the table-top left and right in fixed increments, but it’s not the most fluid of actions.

Yet there is a certain cheeky charm to Trains VR, especially when you consider the option of being able to jump into one of the toy trains and control its speed or toot the whistle. It has a way of engrossing you in the task at hand as you try to design a multipath system for several trains to complete their goals without crashing into one another. There are flaws but there’s a decent amount of content for a puzzle title and it’ll make a few train aficionados smile.



  • Verdict

Trains VR Builds Up a Head of Steam

Independent developer House of Fables released its model railway-themed puzzle title Trains VR on the Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Go earlier this year, now the company has announced that Trains VR is heading, very appropriately, to Steam for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

Trains VR uses the immersion of virtual reality (VR) to allow users to recreate the childhood joy of playing with toy trains and building railways while solving logistical puzzles.

Trains VR

House of Fables describe Trains VR as ‘A Beautiful, unique, casual model railway-themed puzzle game.’ The title allows users to build complex routes for models railways without worrying about space limitations, storage or losing the various essential bits.

The developers encourage players to share the title with family and friends, perhaps to introduce the next generation to a virtual version of a favourite hobby, or just share a fascination with trains and model railways with other like-minded friends.

The puzzles in the title come in the form of logistical challenges, such as having to get cargo from one place to another using the correct combination of switches, tunnels and turntables. Each levels has a number of stars available, and correct railroad placement helps you collect them all. In addition to the puzzle solving, users will be able to build their own complex railways routes, then virtually climb aboard and drive a train down the route they created.

According to House of Fables, the Steam version has had its visuals upgraded to match the better technology available on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift machines, and the positional tracking has also undergone an overhaul to make it a better experience.

Trains VR - Screenshot

The title is out now on Steam, priced at £11.39 (GBP) and the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift launch trailer can be viewed below. Further information and updates can be found on the Steam store page. As usual, new and upcoming VR titles will be covered here on VRFocus.

Trains VR Chugs On To Oculus Go

Who doesn’t love playing with model trains? Developer House of Fables are certainly fans of this hobby, so much so that they brought it in to virtual reality (VR) for the Samsung Gear VR and are now bringing the experience to the newly released Oculus Go with Trains VR.

Trains VR puts the players in command of a miniature model railway in VR. Layers can plan, build and play with model railways tracks and then let the train run down the tracks.

Trains VR

Players can create their perfect track layout and add in multiple tiny details like trees, fences and houses. Once the track layout has completed to your satisfaction, you can shrink yourself down to become a train driver and take control of one of the model trains. As a driver, you can drive down the tracks, pick up cargo, use switches, tunnels and turntables and solve a few logistical puzzles.

Trains VR is described by the developers as a beautiful, unique, casual model railway-themed puzzle game. Trains VR gives the benefits and pleasure of playing with model railways without the expense of buying the myriad pieces and without the problems of the amount of space it takes up or looking for tiny pieces that fall off the table.

Adam Robaszyński-Janiec, CEO at The House of Fables said: “We’re constantly fascinated by VR technology and the possibilities it offers. So we keep looking for interesting ideas and trying to explore the areas where we believe we can get the most out of virtual reality. That’s how we came up with Trains VR.”

The development team say that Trains VR is suitable for all ages with its simple and intuitive controls and gameplay and charming toy-like graphical style. Families can play together in order to introduce children to the world of railways and pass on their favourite hobby to the next generation.

Trains VR - Screenshot

Trains VR is available for Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Go through the Oculus Store, both priced at $4.99 (USD). News on other new and upcoming VR titles will be reported on here at VRFocus.

Hands-on: Trains VR für Oculus Go und Gear VR

Das Puzzlespiel Trains VR ist für die Samsung Gear VR und die frische Oculus Go erschienen, die Umsetzung für PC-Brillen lässt noch auf sich warten. Aber lohnt sich der Titel mit der virtuellen Modelleisenbahn? Wir haben getüftelt, Strecken zusammengesetzt und haben uns hinter den Dampfkessel begeben.

Trains VR für mobile Brillen im Hands-on

Trains VR bildet auf liebevolle Weise eine einfache Spielzeug-Modelleisenbahn nach. Dabei kann und muss man nicht nur Gleise verlegen, sondern auch Weichen und beispielsweise Umkehrpunkte stellen. Wer möchte, kann nach dem Startschuss auch direkt auf den Zug springen und die Modelllandschaft somit im doppelten Sinne erfahren. Allerdings sitzt der riesige Dampfkessel direkt vor einem, was die Immersion erheblich beeinträchtigt. In den ersten Leveln spielt er zudem keine Rolle.

Trains VR

Hinter Trains VR versteckt sich ein klassisches Rätselspiel, das laut dem Entwickler The House of Fables rund 40 Level enthalten soll. Dabei gibt es Level, die man erledigen muss um weiterzukommen, andere sind optional. Die Aufgabe des Spielers ist es nun, Gleise zu verlegen und Sterne einzusammeln. Diese gibt es in unterschiedlichen Farben, die mit den Loks korrespondieren. Zu Beginn ist es noch eine, später erweitert sich der Fuhrpark und man muss aufpassen, dass die Loks nicht zusammenstoßen.

Der Schwierigkeitsgrad von Trains VR ist moderat und steigt nur langsam an, was Erfolgserlebnisse provoziert. Zur zusätzlichen Motivation schaltet man Achievements frei, die in einem Trophäen-Regal gesammelt werden. Das mit der Motivation klappt – zumindest bei mir – wirklich gut, auch wenn Trains VR ein typisches mobiles Spiel ist. Dazu Teil tragen auch die gute und einfache Bedienung sowie die zwar nicht besonders detaillierte, aber teilweise liebevolle Grafik bei.


Trains VR kostet für die Oculus Go/Samsung Gear VR knapp 5 Euro. Für einen kurzweiligen Ausflug und das Anregen der grauen Gehirnzellen sind die gut angelegt. Verbesserungswünsche gibt es wenige, das Spiel ist letztlich nicht mehr als ein Puzzle, wie man es auch in 2D kennt. Die VR-Umgebung verleiht dem Titel aber einen eigenen Charme. Zumindest für mobile Headsets kann Trains VR im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten überzeugen.

Der Beitrag Hands-on: Trains VR für Oculus Go und Gear VR zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Trains VR: Virtuelle Modellbausimulation für alle Altersstufen

Die Modelleisenbahnsimulation Trains VR von Entwicklerstudio The House of Fables lässt Kindheitsträume in immersiver Form wahr werden, denn es erlaubt Spielern nicht nur ihre eigenen virtuellen Bahnstrecken zu errichten, sondern diese auch als Lokführer selbst zu befahren. Zusätzlich gibt es verschiedene Rätselelemente, um für mehr Tiefgang und Herausforderungen zu sorgen. Die VR-Eisenbahnsimulation soll für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf SteamVR erscheinen sowie am 1. Mai für die Samsung Gear VR.

TrainsVRZurück in die Kindheit mit virtuellen Modelleisenbahnen

In Trains VR können Freunde des Modellbahnbaus in einer virtuellen Umgebung ihre persönlichen Strecken errichten und diese nach eigenem Belieben individualisieren. Entwickler The House of Fables lässt Kindheitsträume wahr werden, indem sie eifrige Modellbauer selbst in die virtuelle Fahrerkabine eines Zuges setzen, um ihre Kreationen in voller Fahrt zu begutachten. Was früher nur mit viel Fantasie möglich wahr, wird nun in der VR möglich.

Um mehr Tiefgang im VR-Titel zu erzeugen, könnt ihr verschiedene Sterne sammeln, die sich überall in der Welt der Eisenbahnen verteilen. Um an die Sterne zu gelangen, erfordert es eine Menge Vorausplanung eurer Bahnstrecken und Fahrtrichtung. Zusätzlich enthält das Spiel eine weitere Rätselkomponente, die eure logischen und architektonischen Fähigkeiten in mehr als 40 Leveln auf die Probe stellen. Die gestellten Aufgaben können mit unterschiedlichen Lösungswegen bewältigt werden. Grafisch setzt die Eisenbahnsimulation auf nostalgische Gefühle, indem sie sich in einem klassischen Spielzeugdesign präsentiert.


Trains VR soll schon am 1. Mai für die Samsung Gear VR erscheinen, wie der Trailer verrät. Ein Veröffentlichungsdatum für die Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf SteamVR steht noch nicht fest.

Wer von der Idee des virtuellen Modellbaus begeistert ist, kann auf das bereits veröffentlichte TrainerVR von Entwicklerstudio Sumalab mit eigener Physik-Engine zurückgreifen. Der VR-Titel ist für 14,99 Euro für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und Windows VR-Brillen auf Steam erhältlich.

(Quellen: Trains VR | Video: The House of Fables Youtube)

Der Beitrag Trains VR: Virtuelle Modellbausimulation für alle Altersstufen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Become the Ultimate Train Conductor With Trains VR

For those who are fans of model railways, whether children or adults, one of the joys is carefully planning and creating the track, adding myriad small details before letting the train cheerfully run rapidly over the track. If you have never had the space or money to properly indulge your hobby, however, Trains VR offers new potential.

Developers at The House of Fables have created a virtual reality (VR) experience that re-creates the satisfaction of building model railways, and then letting you drive those tiny trains around the tracks you have devised.

Trains VR

Trains VR is designed as a casual puzzle title that lets players plan, build and experiment with model railways tracks, solving puzzles to create the best layout, featuring stylised graphics inspired by toys to provide creative entertainment to players of all ages, without the space, expense or hassle of finding tiny lost pieces.

We’re constantly fascinated by VR technology and the possibilities it offers. So we keep looking for interesting ideas and trying to explore the areas where we believe we can get the most out of virtual reality. That’s how we came up with Trains VR. The level of immersion we’ve already been able to create with the game is incredible, and we’re sure lovers of model railways and casual puzzle game fans will have tons of fun playing the game said Adam Robaszyński-Janiec, CEO at The House of Fables.

Players will be able to create an intricate layout, then transport themselves inside the world they have created to take control of one of the model trains in an effort to fulfill multiple childhood ambitions at once. Players can drive along the tracks, pick up cargo, use switches, tunnels and turntables and solve logistical problems.

Trains VR

Trains VR will be available on the Samsung Gear VR from 1st May, 2018. Further information can be found on the official Trains VR website and the announcement trailer can be viewed below. Further news on Trains VR and other new and upcoming VR titles will be covered here on VRFocus.