Check out the Zombie, Dinosaur and Giant Bad Guys in New Time Carnage Screenshots

Wales Interactive’s reveal of the forthcoming Time Carnage for PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift was accompanied by a release date that is surprisingly soon. In order to get you prepared for the carnage that lies in wait, the developer has released a huge selection of screenshots from the title.

Time Carnage screenshot

Time Carnage will be Wales Interactive’s third foray into virtual reality (VR) videogames. Debuting in the medium in 2014, Infinity Runner was compatible with Oculus Rift development kits. Last year saw Don’t Knock Twice arrive on PlayStation VR and PC-based VR platforms, and also marked the beginning of the developer’s retail relationship with Perp Games. Time Carnage will be the next title delivered to consumers through this partnership.

In Time Carnage, players enter the role of a trophy hunter as they travel through time and wreak havoc in worlds swarming with zombies, monsters, robots and dinosaurs. Armed with an arsenal of over 25 spine-shattering guns, flamethrowers and time-stopping detonators, it’s time for the carnage to begin.

As players make their way through the videogame’s 16-tier campaign they’ll unlock weaponry ranging from the AM Rifle and double barrel Thump-Gun to the SOTA precision laser bow. As selection of additional gameplay modes, including Custom Arcade Mode, allow players to expand and upgrade their arsenal as they fight their way through post-apocalyptic worlds, prehistoric jungles and medieval ice lands.

Your rampage through time continues with a variety of challenge modes including Double Up Zombie, Russian Dolls, Pieminister and Mail Escort. Time Carnage features over 20 unique challenges to unlock a selection of cheats which greatly alter the way the videogame plays.

Time Carnage box art

As previously reported by VRFocus, Time Carnage is set for release on PlayStation VR next month with a retail package from Perp Games now available to pre-order at Play Asia and Amazon. The Oculus Rift and HTC Vive editions of Time Carnage will launch via Steam in April.

The huge selection of screenshots taken from the videogame are available in the gallery below and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on Time Carnage, in addition to other VR titles from Wales Interactive and Perp Games.

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Time Carnage screenshot

PSVR und SteamVR: Time Carnage erscheint im April

Der VR-Survival-Shooter Time Carnage von Entwicklerstudio Wale Interactive (bekannt für ihren VR-Titel Don’t Knock Twice) soll Mitte April für PlayStation VR (PSVR), Oculus Rift und HTC Vive erscheinen. Der actiongeladene Wave-Shooter lässt die Spieler durch die Zeit reisen, um in First-Person-Perspektive gegen das Best of aller Sci-Fi- und Horror-Monster auf Jagd zu gehen.

Time Carnage – Überlebenskampf durch die Zeit für PC und Konsole

Der VR-Shooter Time Carnage ist ein klassischer Wave Shooter mit Roomscale VR, der euch in die Rolle eines Elitesoldaten versetzt, um in einer futuristischen Sci-Fi-Welt durch die Zeit zu reisen.

Während eurer Zeitsprünge reist ihr in die unterschiedlichsten Umgebungen, die ihre ganz eigenen Bewohner beheimaten. So besucht ihr postapokalyptische Welten, futuristische Riesenmetropolen und prähistorische Dschungellandschaften, in denen ihr auf Horden von Feinden trefft. Diese könnten verschiedener nicht sein: Von Dinosauriern über Zombies bis hin zu Robotern begegnen euch so ziemlich alle bekannten Monstertypen aus diversen Genres. Für Abwechslung an Kugelfutter ist also gesorgt.


Damit ihr euch nicht unvorbereitet in die Schlachten stürzt, dürft ihr aus einem großen Waffenarsenal von rund 25 Varianten auswählen. Dabei sind allerlei Kombinationen aus Einhand- und Zweihandwaffen möglich, sodass für jeden Spielstil etwas dabei sein sollte. Zudem könnt ihr mit Fortschreiten des Spiels nützliche Upgrades finden, um eure Lieblingswaffen aufzuwerten und Spezialfähigkeiten freizuschalten.


Als Spielmodi dürft ihr zwischen der 16-stufigen Kampagne und einem Aracde-Modus wählen, der mit 20 verschiedenen Herausforderungen und Belohnungen winkt. Zur besonderen Würze gibt es während des Durchspielens diverse nützliche Zeitanomalien, die euch als Power-ups kurzzeitig Spezialfähigkeiten verleihen. Dadurch ist es beispielsweise möglich, die Zeit anzuhalten und euch somit einen strategischen Vorteil zu verschaffen.

Time Carnage soll am 16. April für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf Steam erscheinen. Zudem soll eine Retail-Version für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erhältlich sein.

Wir werden euch über ein genaues Veröffentlichungsdatum und weitere Meldungen zum VR-Shooter auf dem Laufenden halten.

(Quellen: Upload VR | Wales Interactive | Video: Wales Interactive Youtube)

Der Beitrag PSVR und SteamVR: Time Carnage erscheint im April zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

VR Shooter Time Carnage Headed To PSVR And PC VR In April

VR Shooter Time Carnage Headed To PSVR And PC VR In April

Time Carnage is a history-hopping VR game that isn’t interested in education so much as blowing stuff up, and it’s coming very soon.

Don’t Knock Twice developer Wale Interactive announced today that its latest VR project would be arriving on PlayStation VR (PSVR), Oculus Rift and HTC Vive this April. In the game, you play as an elite soldier that jumps to different periods in both history and the future to take out waves of incoming threats. You’ll do battle with dinosaurs, robots, zombies and monsters with over 25 different types of weapons.

The game offers a 16-tier campaign along with a Custom Arcade Mode and a set of 20 challenges to unlock cheats and weapon perks.

Look for Time Carnage to launch on all platforms in Europe this April with a retail launch for the PSVR version coming too.

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Wreak Havoc through the Ages as Time Carnage Heads to PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift & HTC Vive

After the company’s 2014 debut with Infinity Runner, Wales Interactive has been making waves in virtual reality (VR). Last year’s Don’t Knock Twice was well received by many, and now the developer has revealed its next title, Time Carnage, will be heading to PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive next month.

Time Carnage screenshot

Time Carnage is billed as a ‘frantic VR survival wave shooter’, wherein players travel through time and wreak havoc through worlds swarming with dinosaurs, monsters, robots and zombies. Players can choose their loadout from 25 different weapons, including guns, flamethrowers and time-stopping grenades, as they are tasked with swapping out active guns on the fly to get ahead of the enemy swarms. A timed-reload system and Time Paradox ability might well give you an additional advantage.

The videogame will feature a 16-tier Campaign in addition to a Custom Arcade Mode complete with perks, challenges and mystery items. Additional gameplay modes include Double Up Zombie, Russian Dolls, Pieminister and Mail Escort, however details of what these entail are still under wraps, as well as over 20 unique challenges to unlock weird, wonderful and downright bizarre cheats for your VR shooter entertainment.

In an unusual turn of events, the PlayStation VR edition of Time Carnage is currently expected to launch first, including a physical retail edition courtesy of Perp Games. Available to pre-order now via Play Asia and Amazon, Time Carnage will launch for PlayStation VR on 16th March 2018. This will be followed by a Steam release with both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift compatibility on 16th April 2018.

Time Carnage box art

Perp Games has seen success with the PlayStation VR retail catalogue, including titles such as Radial-G: Racing Revolved, VR Karts and a double pack of nDreams’ The Assembly and Perfect, in addition to the previously mentioned Don’t Knock Twice from Wales Interactive. Breaking from tradition however, it appears that Time Carnage will launch at retail for PlayStation VR day-and-date with its digital package via the PlayStation Store. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on Time Carnage and other forthcoming VR titles from Wales Interactive and Perp Games.

Time Carnage Revealed as Wales Interactive’s Next VR Title

UK-based developer Wales Interactive is due to launch its first virtual reality (VR) title, Don’t Knock Twice, a horror movie spin-off in September. That’s not all the studio is working on with the company also revealing a new project in the form of a survival shooter called Time Carnage.

You play a time travelling trophy hunter armed to the teeth with a collection of 25+ guns to use, finding worlds filled with dinosaurs, robots and even a few zombies.

Time Carnage screenshot 2

The studio has unveiled an extensive list of armaments which include: Baseball Bat, Chainsaw, Bowie Knife, Desert Eagle Pistol, Pulser Laser Pistol, 5” Revolver, Vector SMG, Magpul PDR, M4 Carbine, Kalashnikov Rifle, Auto Bullpup Rifle, Double Barrel Thump-Gun, Pump Action Shotgun, Street Sweeper Auto Shotgun, Anti-Material Rifle, QBU-88 Sniper Rifle, Hip Fired HMG, Six-Barrel Minigun, Flamethrower, Slugger Explosive Rifle, RPG-7, SOTA Precision Bow, Medieval Crossbow, Frag Grenade, Time Grenade.

There are a bunch of different modes to play through, with the main ones being a Campaign Mode or Custom Arcade Mode to expand and upgrade your arsenal. Then there’s 20 unique challenges such as Double Up Zombie, Russian Dolls, Pieminister and Mail Escort, to unlock some weird and wonderful cheats,

Time Carnage will support Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR when it launches on 27th November, 2017.

As for Don’t Knock Twice, the first-person horror title is based on the movie Don’t Knock Twice which arrived in cinemas earlier this year, starring Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galatica).It involves a guilt-ridden mother who must save her estranged daughter from a vengeful, demonic witch. That’s due to launch on the same VR platforms on 5th September.

For further Wales Interactive updates, keep reading VRFocus.