The Wizards: Enhanced Edition PSVR Review – Becoming A True Battlemage

wizards enhanced psvr gameplay

The Wizards, when it originally released on PC VR headsets like Rift and Vive almost a year ago exactly, delivered what few games had up to that point: a fully-fledged action-adventure set in a fantastical fantasy world build from the ground up for VR. This was a solid six or so hour game, plus a repeatable arena mode, that had a lot to offer. Now, with the Enhanced Edition version that launches today, you’re getting even more of that excellent formula plus improvements to the core game as a whole.

The Enhanced Edition’s improvements area also coming to the PC version of the game today as well, but this review is specifically of the PSVR edition. You can read our thoughts on the PC version, as well as skipping down to our thoughts on the new content here, to get a holistic idea of the enhancements.

The Wizards is split into two game modes: the single-player campaign and the Arena mode. For the campaign you play through a linear grouping of levels, one after another, as you progress through the game. While there is a good amount of level variety in terms of locations, the flow of gameplay isn’t very original.

Most levels devolve into the same exact rhythm: explore the area until you find enemies, kill all of the enemies, and advance to the next area that’s waiting to be explored. Every now and then there is a bit of variety in terms of secondary objectives to worry about, but that’s really pretty much the entire game for a few hours until you reach the end. Boss encounters shake things up enough to keep things interesting so it’s not entirely repetitive, but it’s not winning any awards for its story either — but the new cutscenes in the Enhanced Edition are nice.

There is some great voice work, good sound design, and entrancing music to keep your ears happy while your eyes take in the blasts of color that constantly assault you from all sides. Luckily the Enhanced Edition adds checkpoints throughout levels so you don’t have to replay them entirely if you die.

The biggest new feature Enhanced Edition adds is a whole new level that’s longer than any of the ones in the base game adding easily an hour our more of content, increasing its length by about 15-20%. That’s a pretty huge inclusion for what’s otherwise basically the same game. It’s probably the overall best level as well with a lot of impressive effects.

The best part of The Wizards though, just like any good sorcerer game, is the spell-casting. Instead of drawing annoyingly complex runes in the air or something it’s all simply gesture-based.

For example, to ready a fireball in my right hand I just hold my left hand steady, make a fist out in front of me with my right hand by holding the trigger, then sliding my right hand to the side quickly. Boom, fireball. Just throw and release like any other object to send it flying across the level. Slide my left hand to the right and a shield pops up on my wrist for blocking attacks. Move each hand towards my chest and an ice bow appears with a quiver of chilling white arrows on my back.

Movement options are varied, including your typical choices like teleportation and full locomotion. With PS Move full smooth movement feels similar to the likes of Skyrim VR or Borderlands 2 VR so it gets the job done but it’s far from precise or ideal. Since you’re often slinging spells with both hands, having to tilt one hand around while moving limits your options in combat a bit. Experienced PSVR Move controller users will feel relatively comfortable, but it’s a far cry from having an actual analog stick still and deserves mentioning.

And while the spell-casting is easily the best part, even that does start to grow old by the end of the journey. There just aren’t enough spells to really keep you engaged throughout. You’ll unlock enhancements over the course of the game and find collectible cards that can be used to alter missions for replaying, but there should have been more original, different spells to cast or at least added in the Enhanced Edition.

If I had to pick a favorite spell it’s absolutely the double-handed blast of lightning. You can really feel the power of magic coursing through your veins.

The Wizards’ Arena mode is a nice change of pace, but ultimately doesn’t shake up the formula anywhere near enough. There are three environments to pick from and the only way it really differs from the campaign, on a functional level, is that you exclusively fight waves of enemies instead of breaking up the fights with moments of exploration.

By the end I was left wanting more spells, more variety, and more game modes. For example, a multiplayer mode would have been amazing to see — either competitive or cooperative — or at least some other way to use the powerful magical spells I’d been given. The core mechanics and ideas at work were so fun, I wanted to see it live up to its full potential.

Final Score: 7.5/10 – Good

On the gamut of magic-based first-person action games, The Wizards: Enhanced Editions is definitely one of the better ones. Its spell-casting system is interactive without being too cumbersome and the campaign mode packs a solid amount of content. Plenty of collectibles, a replayable Arena mode, and lots of mission augmentations add up to this being a really fun journey. But some of the repetition, relatively short length, and recycled wave-shooter-style mission structures left us wanting a bit more creativity. I absolutely enjoyed my time with The Wizards, but with a few additions it could have been the definitive VR spell-casting game.

The Wizards: Enhanced Edition is available starting today on PSVR, Rift, and Vive across the PSN Store, Oculus Home, and Steam for $29.99. Read our Game Review Guidelines for more information on how we arrived at this score. 

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The Wizards: Enhanced Edition On PSVR Features A New Level, Releasing March 12th

The Wizards: Enhanced Edition On PSVR Features A New Level, Releasing March 12th

The Wizards finally has a firm release date for PSVR (not just a month) and it’s getting an upgrade. Now officially dubbed The Wizards: Enhanced Edition, Carbon Studios’ magical adventure is due out for PSVR utilizing two PS Move controllers on March 12th for $24.99 with a handful of improvements over its previously released PC VR version.

With the Enhanced Edition, players will be able to experience an “expanded” campaign by way of a brand new level, new mechanics, and a more optimized experience for PSVR users. In a PlayStation blog post, Carbon Studios Writer Anna Korczak Siwicka describes the new level as “the most expansive” one they’eve ever designed, which certainly bodes well for the quality of the new content.

Thankfully, the game will also feature checkpoints now rather than each level requiring you to play from start to finish. Oh and you can customize the color of your wizard gloves too, so there’s that.

Since fast-paced action games like The Wizards typically suffer a bit during the transition to PSVR (playing games like Skyrim VR, Borderlands 2 VR, and others is possible, but a bit of a chore) they’ve taken the time to implement a wide variety of control and comfort options too. You can do free movement or teleportation, adjust the speed, rotation, and comfort vignette, swap dominant hands, or even use aim assist.

We also got the chance to try out the game last year at Gamescom, with positive results, and even checked it out at CES using the 3DRudder foot controller which will be coming soon as well.

In the comment section of the PS Blog post, the developers also confirmed there will be PS4 Pro support in the form of increased resolution and antialiasing settings. You can check out The Wizards: Enhanced Edition on PSVR very soon on March 12th. Let us know what you think of the game down in the comments below!

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The Wizards – Enhanced Edition is Coming to PlayStation VR in March

Having originally released virtual reality (VR) spellcasting title The Wizards back in March 2018 for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, developer Carbon Studio has now confirmed a launch date for the PlayStation VR version, The Wizards – Enhanced Edition.

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

The Wizards – Enhanced Edition expands upon the original PC version which was all about exploring mystical realms and fighting off monsters with your spellcasting abilities. Immersion was key for Carbon Studio so there’s no HUD or other pop-ups where you have to choose a magical attack, with the gesture mechanic putting magic directly into your hands.

There are two modes in The Wizards – Enhanced Edition. The first is an approximately six-hour-long, single-player Story Campaign featuring a whole new level, never-before-seen map, battles, and expanded lore. The other is Arena, where you can compete in never-ending battles. Both modes include online scoreboards and a selection of game modifiers called Fate Cards that can change the game’s difficulty and rules.

Another additional feature is that of character customisation. You’ll now be able to change the colour of your magic gloves. But this isn’t purely cosmetic, the new glove design now also contains magical glyphs representing your health status. Plus there are checkpoints, improved hand tracking, accessibility and a whole bunch of other features to polish the experience.

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

When VRFocus reviewed The Wizards originally we gave it a solid four-stars, saying: “If you want to feel like an all-powerful sorcerer then The Wizards is up there with the best, an entertaining adventure that will make non-VR players jealous.”

The Wizards – Enhanced Edition is due to arrive for PlayStation VR on 12th March 2019, retailing for $24.99 USD / €24.99 EUR/ £19.99 GBP. Currently, PS Plus members can get a 20 percent discount if they pre-order. The PlayStation VR version will support English, German, French, Spanish and Russian languages, while the PC version also includes Japanese and Chinese (simplified).

Additionally, Carbon Studio isn’t forgetting about all of its fans on PC who have supported the title over the past year. The PC version will also see all of the new updates for free on launch day. For any further updates regarding The Wizards, keep reading VRFocus.

The Wizards: PSVR-Version erscheint Anfang März 2019

Die Veröffentlichung der Konsolenversion des VR-Abenteuers The Wizards sollte nach letzten Meldungen von Entwickler Carbon Studio ursprünglich noch Ende 2018 für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheinen. Der Release verzögerte sich allerdings und wurde daraufhin auf Februar 2019 verschoben. Nun gibt es konkretere Informationen vonseiten der Verantwortlichen, wonach die lang versprochene PSVR-Version des VR-Titels Anfang März erscheinen soll.

The Wizards für PlayStation VR (PSVR) – VR-Abenteuer erscheint Anfang März 2019

Die Konsolenadaption des magischen Action-VR-Titels führt die Spieler in die Welt von Meliora, um die Rolle eines mächtigen Magiers zu übernehmen. Dieser wird Teil einer epischen Geschichte rund um Zeitreisen und heroischen Schlachten, während man in der Fantasy-Welt auf zahlreiche Kreaturen und Fabelwesen, wie uralte Drachen trifft.

Den Widersachern tritt man mit einer Vielzahl von Zaubersprüchen entgegen. So stehen sechs elementare Angriffsgruppen und arkane Künste bereit, welche zudem noch weiterentwickelt werden können. Zum Auslösen der Angriffe kommt eine immersive Gestenmechanik zum Einsatz. Mit den dazugehörigen PS Move Controllern werden die gewünschten Muster in die Luft gezeichnet, wodurch die Elemente ihre Wirkung entfalten. Dadurch entstehen unter anderem destruktive Blitze oder versengende Feuerbälle, welche auf die Feinde losgelassen werden können.


Zur Fortbewegung steht optional Teleportation oder eine freie Bewegungsvariante zur Auswahl. Neben den Action-Elementen gilt es zudem, gelegentliche Rätsel zu lösen und auch für einen Wiederspielwert ist dank Modifikationskarten gesorgt. Außerdem darf man sich in einem zusätzlichen Arena-Modus gegen zahlreiche Gegner ordentlich austoben.

Eine offizielle Demo-Version von The Wizard für PlayStation VR (PSVR) wurde bereits auf der Gamescom 2018 vorgeführt. Diese soll laut Testern vor Ort zwar im Vergleich zur PC-Version keinen Bonus-Content bereitstellen, dafür jedoch mit einer intuitiven Steuerung und einem gut umgesetzten Gameplay punkten. Auch grafisch wirkt das First-Person-Abenteuer durchaus gelungen, wie ein erstes Video beweist:

The Wizards soll Anfang März für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im PlayStation Store erscheinen. Ein genauer Release-Termin soll zeitnah folgen.

(Quellen: The Wizards Reddit | Video: PlayStation Europe YouTube)

Der Beitrag The Wizards: PSVR-Version erscheint Anfang März 2019 zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

The Wizards PSVR Edition Now Due In Early March

The Wizards PSVR Edition Now Due In Early March

Carbon Studio’s spell-casting VR adventure, The Wizards, should finally arrive on PSVR very soon.

The Wizards PSVR edition is aiming for launch in “early March”. The team said as much over on r/PSVR this week. Carbon had planned to get the game out in February but it’s apparently just shy of making that goal. That said, the game has passed submission and the team has the all-clear for release. Expect a more solid release date in the next few weeks.

To celebrate the news, Carbon released some new footage of the game running on PSVR below. Based on first impressions the visuals look rock solid. We can definitely see a little blurriness in the textures compared to the PC VR version but overall it looks like a job well done.

via Gfycat

We quite enjoyed The Wizards when it first hit Rift and Vive early last year. We thought the spell-casting battles were a lot of fun, though there were a few issues. “Plenty of collectibles, a replayable Arena mode, and lots of mission augmentations add up to this being one of the best ways to live out your most fantastical magical fantasies in VR,” we said in our review. “We just wanted more and preferably multiplayer of some kind.”

As we wrote in January, the game will be one of the first to support the PSVR edition of the 3DRudder foot controller. That means you’ll be able to move around using the controller on your feet instead of trying to navigate with the Move controllers.

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CES 2019: 3dRudder Brings Its Foot-Based Motion Controller To PSVR

3dRudder PSVR motion controller

3dRudder thinks its foot-based motion controller is a perfect fit for PSVR. Meet the 3dRudder PSVR edition.

The company today announced a new version of its device designed specifically for Sony’s headset. 3dRudder consists of a circular platform players put their feet on whilst seated. They then tilt their feet in the direction they want to move in VR. The idea is to simulate movement in a more convincing and comfortable way. Check out the PSVR version in the new trailer below.

3dRudder says that over 20 games will support the kit, though right now just 7 are listed on its website. They include some well-known titles like Ultrawings, Sairento and the excellent Red Matter. The main attraction, though, is the upcoming PSVR port of Carbon Studios’ The Wizards. That support will be shown off at CES in Las Vegas this week.

We reviewed the original 3dRudder for PC VR back in 2017. We said it was ‘surprisingly accurate’ and could be of use to those that suffer from simulation sickness. The PSVR version will live and die by the kind of support it gets, though. The current list is a decent start but if games like Resident Evil 7, Firewall and Skyrim VR got support then this could be a winner.

It’s not cheap, though. 3dRudder PSVR costs $119 and is expected to arrive in April. Would you be willing to throw down the extra cash if it meant making VR a bit more immersive?

We’re at CES next week, so we’ll let you know if we get a chance to try it out.

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Viveport Offering Five Games for £1 Each to Subscription Members

From today things take a turn for the worst as retailers start to offer early Black Friday deals ahead of the supposed main discount day next week. Either online or instore there are going to be plenty of deals going on, all of which VRFocus will try to keep you updated on. For those virtual reality (VR) gamers who use Viveport and its subscription service, the platform has a limited time offer running where five big-name titles have been massively discounted.

Arizona Sunshine screenshot

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an existing subscriber or if you start a free trial today, from now until 19th November, subscribers will be able to purchase Arizona Sunshine, The Wizards, SUPERHOT VR, Accounting+ and Sairento VR for £1 GBP/$1 USD each.

If you buy all five then you’ll save yourself £120 on their normal total price. There is a small catch, however, and that is there’s only a limited number of every videogame available at this price, so its first come first served.

To add an additional enticement into the mix, if you do so happen to start a free trial or fully subscribe, all Viveport Subscription members will be given $10/£8 in Viveport Wallet credit on 20th November, sent via email.

The Wizards: Trials of Meliora

That’s all the deals Viveport has available for now, but that won’t be the end of them. Its official Black Friday sale starts on 20th November – yes that is a Tuesday – with plenty of discounts on videogames and apps expected. When those are revealed, VRFocus will let you know.

Viveport Is Offering Superhot VR, Arizona Sunshine, Accounting+, Sariento, and The Wizards For Just $1 Each

Viveport Is Offering Superhot VR, Arizona Sunshine, Accounting+, Sariento, and The Wizards For Just $1 Each

HTC’s Viveport PC VR app store is currently offering an incredible dealSuperhot VR, Arizona Sunshine, Accounting+, Sariento, and The Wizards for just $1 each.

Viveport is unique amongst VR app stores in that it offers a subscription option instead of just regular purchasing. For $8.99 per month, subscribers can play 5 games per month from a selection of hundreds of titles.

This offer is technically only for Viveport subscribers, but anyone can access it by signing up for the free 14 day trial.

Superhot VR – 96% Off

Superhot VR is a unique shooter experience where the faster you move, the faster time moves. If you keep completely still, time will freeze. It is a perfect blend of mental and physical challenge, and perhaps one of the best VR games ever made.

Buying it at $1 saves $24 over the regular Viveport price. When we reviewed the game, we gave it 9/10, concluding:

SUPERHOT VR is a pure, distilled, injection of unadulterated adrenaline that will get your blood pumping just as quickly as time stops in the game itself. With every movement you make, time creeps forward ever so slightly, and everything from the level design to the way it feels to dodge a series of bullets in slow-motion is orchestrated to reinforce the core ideals of the experience. From start to finish it plays out like a fantasy ripped from the screen of every action movie; an indulgent cacophony of visual and gameplay excitement.

Arizona Sunshine – 97% Off

Arizona Sunshine is a zombie FPS with a full voice acted singleplayer campaign and co-op multiplayer. Buying it at $1 saves $39 – this is a staggeringly good deal. When we reviewed the game, we gave it 8.5/10, concluding:

Vertigo Games proved that even in the most saturated genre we’ve seen for VR games this year — shooters with zombies — there was still room for something fresh. Arizona Sunshine combines the narrative power of a fully-featured 4+ hour campaign mode, with the intensity of a wave-based horde mode, and then adds multiplayer to both experiences. The protagonist’s witty humor make it worth recommending on his charming personality alone, with enough depth and variety to keep people coming back for several hours. By doing so many things so well, Arizona Sunshine quickly rose to the top of the pack as the best overall zombie shooter we’ve seen yet in VR.

Accounting+ – 92% Off

Accounting+ is a unique comedy game with the voice acting of Rick and Morty star Justin Roiland. Buying it at $1 means saving $11. When we reviewed the game, we loved it, concluding:

I wish there were more VR experiences like Accounting+. I’d sooner take another 20 rides on its unpredictable emotional rollercoaster than suffer another wave shooter. But its individuality is ultimately what makes it so memorable, and I believe that as developers gain a tighter grasp on what really makes VR tick, this will be seen as a key cornerstone of what helped us get there.

Sariento – 97% Off

Sariento at $1 means saving $29. While we haven’t yet formally reviewed the game, it currently sits at 90% positive reviews on Steam, and is a frequently recommended buy in the VR community.

The Wizards – 95% Off

The Wizards at $1 means saving $19. When we reviewed the game, we gave it 7/10, concluding:

On the gamut of magic-based first-person action games, The Wizards is definitely one of the better ones. Its spell-casting system is interactive without being too cumbersome and the campaign mode packs a decent amount of content. Plenty of collectibles, a replayable Arena mode, and lots of mission augmentations add up to this being one of the best ways to live out your most fantastical magical fantasies in VR. We just wanted more and preferably multiplayer of some kind.

Viveport Is Hitting Its Stride

Viveport originally only (officially) supported the HTC Vive, but in September the company added support for the Oculus Rift. HTC has been enticing developers to its store by providing them with 100% net revenue share for Q4 2018.

While some may prefer to have all their VR games on Steam, this deal is simply too good to avoid no matter what your store preferences. We highly recommend snagging these prices while you can – HTC may have just launched the best offer in VR gaming history.

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Something For The Weekend: SteamVR Deals On A Mid-September Afternoon

Time for another entry of Something for the Weekend, the weekly series where VRFocus bring you a number of deals on virtual reality (VR) titles. As the month of September continues it’s time once again to check out the Steam store and find the latest deals on all things VR. This week you’ll find a range of unique experiences that let you explore a space station, enjoy an idol show and even direct traffic. As always, be sure to check back every weekend for even more deals right here on VRFocus.

Downward Spiral Horus Station - Title

Downward Spiral: Horus Station

Downward Spiral: Horus Station does exactly what it needed to, presenting a far grander and more engaging instalment to the VR series. It’s not perfect, with some annoying glitches that really do need to be ironed out. However, the core experience is thoroughly enjoyable and more importantly massive. With eight acts to play through, and each one taking around an hour – depending on how long you search for collectables – there’s a solid amount of content to get engrossed in. For players that enjoy floating around in space, Downward Spiral: Horus Station is a great all-rounder.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of Downward Spiral: Horus Station.

Downward Spiral: Horus Station is available now for £8.99 (GBP) down from the usual £14.99 for the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality.

Hop Step Sing! Nozokanaide Naked Heart (HQ Edition)

Hop Step Sing! Nozokanaide Naked Heart (HQ Edition)

Step into a virtual world and enjoy the songs and performance of this VR idol group. This time, players are heading to a magic factory where the wounded hearts of the world go to be healed. As the girls’ leader, it’s your job to bring a smile back to the world through the power of song and dance. More of a music video than the videogame, this title has a lot of colour and style that is sure to put a smile on your face.

Hop Step Sing! Nozokanaide Naked Heart (HQ Edition) is available now for only £4.15 (GBP) down from £5.19 for the HTC Vive.


Catan VR

The ever popular and best-selling board game has made it’s way to VR in this immersive and exciting installment. Now with online multiplayer making it easier than ever to play against others and friends alike, you’ll never be without someone to play against. Featuring AI personalities as well, you’ll be able to play offline and enjoy the same experience as the table top version.

Catan VR is available now for £7.51 (GBP) down from £11.39 for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality.

Walk On Arrow

Walk on Arrow

“Walk on Arrow is an innovative hybrid of archery and complete freedom of movement only possible in VR! Hide, trace and fight! Using your bow and arrow to beat all of your opponents and become the one stand at last.”

Walk on Arrow is available now for £6.63 (GBP) down from £8.29 for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality.

Traffic Cop VR

Traffic Cop

Welcome to the 1950s where you are starting your job as a traffic cop smack dab in the middle of a busy intersection. You’ll need to direct traffic, dodge flying food, fight off alien attacks and hunt birds. With 20 different levels of traffic to direct and a number of different difficulty levels, players will find plenty to do and enjoy as a traffic cop.

Traffic Cop is available now for £4.67 (GBP) down from £5.19 for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

Frankenstein: Beyond the Time

Frankenstein: Beyond the Time

“Now everyone can go on a discovery quest taking place in a Victorian mansion, where the task is to solve the greatest mystery of Dr. Frankenstein. The game makes innovative use of Virtual Reality with a well-known hidden object model and crafting simulations combined with the fight against time. Placing these mechanisms in a world inspired by the novels about Dr. Frankenstein provides a unique gameplay in a dynamic world full of adventures. The more we learn about the mad scientist’s experiment, the more frightening and mysterious the story becomes.”

Frankenstein: Beyond the Time is available now for £7.74 (GBP) down from £15.49 for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

Carly and the Reaperman

Carly and the Reaperman – Escape from the Underworld

Work together with a friend to master platforming, solve puzzles and build your way through the underworld in this unique asymmetrical cooperative game. One player in VR will be able to control the platforms and make changes to the world while another player uses a controller to navigate each level and overcome the challenges. The title even now supports the option to play in single player as well but make sure to try it with a friend to have the full experience.

Carly and the Reaperman – Escape from the Underworld is on sale now for £15.19 (GBP) down from £18.99 for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality.

Worlds at War

Worlds At War

Worlds At War thrusts the player into the aftermath of an alien invasion. A small multi-national ragtag group of surviving fighter pilots and crew man a small carrier-group, roaming the oceans and trying to survive against all odds. The game features diverse fully pilotable aircraft, helicopters and boats, and players must learn to master them in order to defend the carrier-group from a relentless onslaught of alien attack-waves in a unique combination of some of mankinds best military equipment facing off with alien space-ships.”

Worlds At War is available now for £8.09 (GBP) down from £13.49 for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality.

VRobot: VR Giant Robot Destruction Simulator

VRobot: VR Giant Robot Destruction Simulator

Jump into a giant robot and start smashing cities using all sorts of unique weapons. Featuring multiplayer, a lighting hammer, a transformer sword, a tornado gun and even a tractor beam. Players will find plenty to do in this title as you’ll be kicking, punching and smashing your way through the different stages. You’ll even able to destroy a building, pick up that building, and then start smashing buildings with that building. It’s a great stress reliever.

VRobot: VR Giant Robot Destruction Simulator is on sale now for £9.34 (GBP) down from the usual £10.99 for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality.

The Wizards: Trials of Meliora

The Wizards

“Carbon Studio has also ensured there’s some longevity and a keen eye needed to get the most out of the whole experience. There are collectibles to find that’ll upgrade your spells, Fate Cards to locate which will modify the gameplay settings in future play throughs, plus an Arena mode for those interested in continual battles.What Carbon Studio has done is combine its knowledge from debut VR title Alice VR and the months of Early Access development and distilled it into The Wizards. If you want to feel like an all-powerful sorcerer then The Wizards is up there with the best, an entertaining adventure that will make non-VR players jealous.” – Read VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham’s review of The Wizards.

The Wizards is available now for £6.00 (GBP) down from £14.99 for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

That is all for this week but remember that VRFocus gathers all the best sales and deals every week, so check back next weekend at the same time to discover more.

The Wizards erscheint Ende 2018 für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Das zauberhafte The Wizards verlies im März 2018 die Early-Access-Phase und ist seitdem für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und Windows-VR-Brillen auf Steam sowie im Oculus Store erhältlich. Freudige Nachrichten gibt es nun auch für Konsolenbesitzer/innen, denn das VR-Abenteuer von Entwicklerstudio Carbon Studio soll noch vor Ende des Jahres für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheinen. Auf der Gamescom 2018 führten die Entwickler/innen die PSVR-Version bereits vor.

The Wizards für PlayStation VR (PSVR) – Demo auf der Gamescom 2018 vorgeführt

In The Wizards erwartet die Spieler/innen ein VR-Abenteuer in der Welt von Meliora – eine mystische Fantasiewelt voller Fabelwesen und Magie. Der VR-Zaubertitel schafft nun den Sprung auf die Konsole und lässt bald auch Besitzer/innen einer PlayStation-VR-Brille zum Zauberstab greifen.

Die Spieler/innen übernehmen die Rolle eines Zauberers, welcher seine Feinde mit mächtigen Zaubersprüchen bezwingt. So stellt ihr euch Drachen und anderen gefährlichen Kreaturen und erledigt diese mit Feuerbällen, Blitzen und arkanen Geschossen.


Das Gameplay setzt auf eine immersive Gesten-Mechanik, wodurch ihr eure Zaubersprüche durch spezielle Handbewegungen und Zeichnen von Mustern ausführt. In der kommenden PSVR-Version kommen entsprechend die Move-Controller der PlayStation VR (PSVR) zum Einsatz, um das Steuerungssystem umzusetzen.

Neben den Action-Elementen erwarten euch während des Spielverlaufs diverse Rätsel, die es zu lösen gilt. Ein erneutes Durchspielen der jeweiligen Level ist jederzeit möglich und dank sammelbaren Gameplay-Modifikatoren werden zudem die entsprechenden Belohnungen angepasst. Ein Leaderboard sorgt außerdem für einen Vergleich mit anderen Mitspieler/innen.


Mit den Fate Cards könnt ihr eure Erfahrung sowie Belohnungen anpassen.

Zur Steuerung kommt Teleportation, freie Fortbewegung per Knopfdruck oder eine Mischung aus beidem zum Einsatz. Als Spielmodi stehen der Story- sowie Arena-Modus zur Verfügung.

Laut Demo-Testern auf der Gamescom 2018 soll die Konsolenadaption sich zwar nicht sonderlich von der PC-Version unterscheiden, dafür soll sie allerdings extrem intuitiv umgesetzt worden sein. Auch grafisch hat der PSVR-Port einiges zu bieten und fährt detaillierte Umgebungsdetails auf. Die Entwickler/innen selbst kündigen dagegen an, dass die Enhanced Edition einige brandneue Inhalte verspricht, die exklusiv für den PlayStation-Release entwickelt wurden.

In einer kommenden Ankündigung sollen diese Neuerungen sowie ein genauer Release-Termin veröffentlicht werden.

(Quellen: PlayStation Blog | Upload VR | Video: PlayStation Europe YouTube)

Der Beitrag The Wizards erscheint Ende 2018 für PlayStation VR (PSVR) zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!