The Wizards – Enhanced Edition Coming to Oculus Quest Tomorrow

The Oculus Quest has been out for a couple of weeks, receiving significant praise from most quarters (including VRFocus). While most owners hopefully haven’t got through the entire launch lineup just yet there are more videogames on the way. Today, Carbon Studio has announced that its popular sorcery experience The Wizards – Enhanced Edition will be coming to the standalone headset tomorrow.

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

The Wizards – Enhanced Edition is the same version as the one Carbon Studio debuted on PlayStation VR back in March. Having originally left Steam Early Access in March 2018 for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, the enhanced edition came with new content and mechanics to further improve the experience.

The main campaign was expanded by one additional level, new cutscenes were introduced, character customisation and a checkpoint system to make progression that bit easier. All of this will be included in the Oculus Quest version. It remains to be seen how well Carbon Studio have managed to squeeze all of this on the device, and what graphical changes have had to be made to ensure a smooth gameplay experience.

Gameplay inThe Wizards – Enhanced Edition is focused around creating gestures to unleash various magical attacks – there’s no pressing the A button to fire off some lightning bolts. Players have to learn (and remember) six elemental-based spells, each with their own hand gestures. Additionally, each spell can be upgraded as the single-player campaign progresses. Once that’s completed, the Arena mode offers endless battles that can challenge even the most hardened of wizards.

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

To help with the replay factor special Fate cards are available, altering the gameplay in new ways. Take the “Easy Prey” Fate Card for example which makes players start with 1HP, but dramatically increases the score multiplier.

VRFocus gave the original PC version of The Wizards a worthy four-star review in 2018, saying: “If you want to feel like an all-powerful sorcerer then The Wizards is up there with the best, an entertaining adventure that will make non-VR players jealous.”

Carbon Studio is releasing The Wizards – Enhanced Edition for Oculus Quest on 6th June. There’s been no mention of cross-buy support between Oculus Rift and Quest, when VRFocus finds out we’ll let you know.

Feel Like a Sorcerer as The Wizards – Enhanced Edition Appears on PlayStation VR

Today sees the launch of The Wizards – Enhanced Edition by Carbon Games, bringing the spell conjuring experience to PlayStation VR for the first time as well as updating the original PC version of the title.

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

Originally released for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive in March 2018, the new The Wizards – Enhanced Edition has been expanded upon, with the studio increasing the size of the campaign by adding an additional level and cutscene. Also included are checkpoints, character customisation, and other features and accessibility options which have been polished or added at the request of the PlayStation VR community.

So PlayStation VR players will now be able to enjoy an approximately six-hour single-player campaign, with online leaderboards adding a further competitive edge, while game modifiers called Fate Cards help to change the gameplay, even more, altering the difficulty and other rules like the “Easy Prey” Fate Card which makes players start with 1HP, but dramatically increases the score multiplier.

Checkpoints will certainly make things easier, with the glove customisation adding a little flair to proceedings. But just like before The Wizards – Enhanced Edition is still all about the magic, letting players learn and cast six elemental-based spells which can then be further upgraded.

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

And once the main campaign has been completed, there’s always the chance to test those skills in the Arena mode, offering endless battles that can challenge even the most hardened of wizards.

While the videogame is arriving today for PlayStation VR, Carbon Studio hasn’t forgotten its PC fans by making all of this content available for free if they already own the title.

VRFocus gave the original The Wizards a worthy four-star review last year, saying: “If you want to feel like an all-powerful sorcerer then The Wizards is up there with the best, an entertaining adventure that will make non-VR players jealous.”

The Wizards: Enhanced Edition is now on PlayStation Store, Steam, Oculus Store and Viveport retailing for $24.99 USD / €24.99 EUR/ £19.99 GBP, supporting English, German, French, Spanish and Russian, with Japanese and Chinese (simplified) also on the PC version. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Carbon Studio and The Wizards, reporting back with any further updates.

The Wizards – Enhanced Edition to get a Physical Release on PlayStation VR

After confirming development of a PlayStation VR version for The Wizards last summer, Carbon Studio revealed a couple of weeks ago that the videogame would be released in March. Today, Perp Games has now said that a physical version is also on its way, due a month later. 

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

Now called The Wizards – Enhanced Edition, this new version of the magical combat title sees several new enhancements over the original. The six-hour-long, single-player Story Campaign now includes a whole new level, never-before-seen map, battles, and expanded lore.  Another new addition is that of character customisation. Players will be able to change the colour of their magic gloves which has the added benefit of containing magical glyphs representing their health status. Plus there are checkpoints, improved hand tracking, accessibility and a whole bunch of other features to polish the experience.

The title still includes the Arena mode, where players can compete in never-ending battles, as well as the Fate Cards game modifier option that can change the videogame’s difficulty and rules. For example, players can highly increase their score multiplier by using a card that makes them start each level with only 1 HP.

“We’ve spent many months developing PlayStation VR version of The Wizards. This time was shared between polishing existing features, developing brand new content for the Enhanced Edition, and adding accessibility options based on the PS VR community feedback,” says Pawel Gajda of Carbon Studio in a statement. “We can’t wait for the release!”

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

“The magic of VR is the ability to transport you into new worlds and adventures. Carbon Studios use of VR and the PlayStation Move controllers to actually put you into the shoes of a young wizard, casting spells with your own hand actions, is truly outstanding,” Rob Edwards, Managing Director of Perp Games adds.

The Wizards – Enhanced Edition will launch in retail stores on 26th April 2019, with the digital version due to arrive for PlayStation VR on 12th March 2019. When the digital release for PlayStation VR takes place, the PC version for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive will be updated. For any further updates regarding The Wizardskeep reading VRFocus.

The Wizards: Enhanced Edition erscheint am 12. März für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Entwicklerstudio Carbon Studio veröffentlicht neue Informationen zur kommenden PSVR-Version von The Wizards. So erwartet die Spieler nicht nur eine einfache Konsolenadaption, sondern eine erweiterte Variante mit mehr Inhalten und verbesserten Spielmechaniken. Der offizielle Release-Termin der neuen Enhanced-Version ist der 12. März.

The Wizards: Enhanced Edition – Release am 12. März für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

The Wizards: Enhanced Edition versetzt die Spieler in die Rolle eines mächtigen Magiers, welcher in der Welt von Meliora mit mächtigen Zaubersprüchen gegen zahlreiche Fantasy-Wesen antritt. Einen Monat vor offiziellem Release der Konsolenadaption des Spiels geben die verantwortlichen Devs einige Neuerungen zum VR-Abenteuer bekannt. Entsprechend dürfen sich PSVR-Besitzer über eine aufpolierte Version des magischen VR-Titels mit zusätzlichem Content und optimiertem Gameplay freuen.

Neben der bekannten sechs-stündigen Story-Kampagne, dem Arena-Modus und den Schicksalskarten zum Modifizieren von Spielabläufen gibt es weitere Inhalte zu erforschen. So wurde die Kampagne um ein Bonus-Level erweitert, welches zusätzliche Einblicke in die Hintergrundgeschichte bietet. Darin erwarten euch neue Gegner mit eigenen Kampfmechaniken und neue Herausforderungen. Laut Entwicklern handelt es sich dabei, um das weitläufigste Level, dass sie jemals designed haben. Ein Grund erstmals Checkpunkte zu integrieren, welche euch bei einem Game Over an einer freigeschalteten Stelle respawnen lassen. Dadurch soll Frust vermieden werden, indem man nicht jedes Mal von vorne beginnen muss.


Ein weiteres Goodie ist die neue Individualisierungsoption eures Hauptcharakters, die zeitgleich eine UI-Überarbeitung beinhaltet. So dürft ihr eure Handschuhe nach eigenen Wünschen anpassen und mit Glyphen versehen. Die magischen Symbole repräsentieren ab sofort eure Lebenspunkte und ersetzen dadurch die klassische Anzeige. Dies soll die Immersion zusätzlich verstärken. Zudem wurde auf das Feedback der Community gesetzt, um selbige noch mehr zu fördern und den Spielkomfort zu steigern.


Deshalb gibt es neue Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, welche den Spielern offen lässt, wie sie das Abenteuer erleben möchten. Entsprechend gibt es nun neue Kontrolloptionen zum Festlegen der Fortbewegung (frei oder Teleportation), der Art und Geschwindigkeit von Drehungen, der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit, der Intensität der Anzeige, eine Festlegung für Rechts- oder Linkshänder und die Intensität der Zielhilfe. Zur Steuerung kommen die PS-Move-Controller zum Einsatz.

The Wizards: Enhanced Edition erscheint offiziell am 12. März für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im PlayStation Store.

(Quelle: PlayStation Blog DE | Video: PlayStation Europe YouTube)

Der Beitrag The Wizards: Enhanced Edition erscheint am 12. März für PlayStation VR (PSVR) zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

The Wizards – Enhanced Edition is Coming to PlayStation VR in March

Having originally released virtual reality (VR) spellcasting title The Wizards back in March 2018 for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, developer Carbon Studio has now confirmed a launch date for the PlayStation VR version, The Wizards – Enhanced Edition.

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

The Wizards – Enhanced Edition expands upon the original PC version which was all about exploring mystical realms and fighting off monsters with your spellcasting abilities. Immersion was key for Carbon Studio so there’s no HUD or other pop-ups where you have to choose a magical attack, with the gesture mechanic putting magic directly into your hands.

There are two modes in The Wizards – Enhanced Edition. The first is an approximately six-hour-long, single-player Story Campaign featuring a whole new level, never-before-seen map, battles, and expanded lore. The other is Arena, where you can compete in never-ending battles. Both modes include online scoreboards and a selection of game modifiers called Fate Cards that can change the game’s difficulty and rules.

Another additional feature is that of character customisation. You’ll now be able to change the colour of your magic gloves. But this isn’t purely cosmetic, the new glove design now also contains magical glyphs representing your health status. Plus there are checkpoints, improved hand tracking, accessibility and a whole bunch of other features to polish the experience.

The Wizards Enhanced Edition

When VRFocus reviewed The Wizards originally we gave it a solid four-stars, saying: “If you want to feel like an all-powerful sorcerer then The Wizards is up there with the best, an entertaining adventure that will make non-VR players jealous.”

The Wizards – Enhanced Edition is due to arrive for PlayStation VR on 12th March 2019, retailing for $24.99 USD / €24.99 EUR/ £19.99 GBP. Currently, PS Plus members can get a 20 percent discount if they pre-order. The PlayStation VR version will support English, German, French, Spanish and Russian languages, while the PC version also includes Japanese and Chinese (simplified).

Additionally, Carbon Studio isn’t forgetting about all of its fans on PC who have supported the title over the past year. The PC version will also see all of the new updates for free on launch day. For any further updates regarding The Wizards, keep reading VRFocus.