The SoulKeeper: Chronicles Is A New Open-World Dark Fantasy VR RPG

The SoulKeeper game universe from Helm Systems [official website] is something we’ve been covering for over three and a half years and now, a new game is rising in the ashes of its predecessor as SoulKeeper VR is being retired in favor of The SoulKeeper: Chronicles, an open-world dark fantasy RPG playable in both VR and non-VR.

According to the President and Founder of Helm Systems, Myron Mortakis, The SoulKeeper VR is being “discontinued/retired” at the time while it’s still in Early Access. However, the team is building upon that foundation and taking its work into The SoulKeeper: Chronicles. If you already own the current VR version in its Early Access form you’ll receive a free copy of The SoulKeeper: Chronicles when it releases. Reportedly, it’s being planned as a “full game” that is “considerably larger than SoulKeeper VR was ever planned to be” and it will be playable both in third-person non-VR and first-person VR.

If all of this SoulKeeper talk is confusing to you, then I don’t blame you. I’ve re-read the email and press kit information a few times and it’s still a little baffling to me.

Basically, there were always plans for a non-VR SoulKeeper RPG with the VR edition functioning separately. Now, it seems they’ve decided to meld them together as the same game with two different ways of playing the same stories.

The SoulKeeper: Chronicles will feature three single player campaigns that each have a different protagonist with different gameplay and intertwining storylines in three large-scale open world areas. To be honest that format sounds strikingly similar to Asgard’s Wrath, the epic VR RPG from Sanzaru Games and Oculus Studios earlier this year.

Admittedly, this is a bit awkward. We featured The SoulKeeper VR in our E3 VR Showcase earlier this year, but it looks like that specific title is never seeing the light of day. Since it has been in Early Access limbo for so long and is now being discontinued it’s frankly a bit difficult to put faith into The SoulKeeper: Chronicles as something that will ever actually see the light of day — regardless of how impressive it looks visually.

Nevertheless, here’s a big gallery of new The SoulKeeper: Chronicles screenshots, some of which compare the VR and non-VR perspectives:

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There’s no release date yet for The SoulKeeper: Chronicles, so let’s hope they’re able to stay on track and bring this project across the finish line this time. It’s a PC-only release witch planned support for all SteamVR PC headsets. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

The post The SoulKeeper: Chronicles Is A New Open-World Dark Fantasy VR RPG appeared first on UploadVR.

VR RPG The SoulKeeper VR Will get a new Open World Campaign in 2019

HELM Systems’ virtual reality (VR) role-playing game (RPG) The SoulKeeper VR has had a bit of a mixed response since it launched into Early Access on Steam in 2017. Applauded for its visual quality, the title has suffered from numerous bugs, some of which have slowly been ironed out. Now, the studio has announced plans to release a second version onto Early Access during 2019.

The SoulKeeper VR

Essentially a major update for The SoulKeeper VR, its seems like HELM Systems is giving the title a major overhaul, adding a new open world campaign as well as new mechanics. While improvements are always expected in Early Access titles, the studio has created these new mechanics from scratch, essentially making The SoulKeeper VR almost a new videogame. Whether this will work in its favour remains to be seen, as the title could lose the fans it already has.

Detailing what to expect in a new synopsis, the studio states: “For this second major Early Access release, players will assume the role of Edwyn the  Nameless, member of the Nameless Order, a lone warrior on a quest to defend those who cannot defend themselves, venturing in a variety of environments, including towns, castles, dungeons and forests, all filled with exciting adventures.”

Being a VRRPG, The SoulKeeper VR will feature plenty of melee-based combat, with improved physics and AI enemies to deal with. As well as all the hardcore melee weapons you’ll also be able to engage enemies at range with crossbows and traditional bows. There will also be plenty of puzzles to wrap your brain around so that The SoulKeeper VR isn’t just about wanton carnage.

The SoulKeeper VR

HELM Systems hasn’t given a concrete date or launch window for version two to be released in 2019. When those details are released, VRFocus will let you know.

Gorgeous VR RPG The SoulKeeper Teases ‘Very Different’ v2.0

Gorgeous VR RPG The SoulKeeper Teases ‘Very Different’ v2.0

HELM Systems’ The SoulKeeper VR remains one of the best-looking VR games out there, but it’s been a while since we’ve heard about progress on its Early Access build. That changed this week.

The SoulKeeper’s Early Access 2.0 release is coming soon, the developer teased this week, and will include some huge updates for the game. Writing in an update on Steam, the studio noted that the update wouldn’t just include new content but also revisions to existing gameplay and entirely new features to boot.

“We have been hard at work, putting apart all the old mechanics, even features and content, creating new while redesigning and replacing the old, all in an effort to bring a very different version, not only of our game, but also with ground breaking features and mechanics that have not made an appearance to any other VR RPG to date,” the studio noted.

According to the studio, areas like AI, combat, interaction, environment, NPCs and sound design have all been addressed. HELM also shared some new screenshots for the game, which prove the team hasn’t lost its penchant for amazing visuals.

What the team didn’t provide was a release date for the update, but they did promise plenty of updates going into more detail in the run-up to launch.

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[Update]: The SoulKeeper VR 2.0: Neuer Gameplay-Trailer der überarbeiteten Version veröffentlicht


Entwicklerstudio Helm Systems arbeitet derzeit an einer 2.0-Version vom Action-RPG The SoulKeeper. Erste Einblicke gibt es nun in Form eines ersten Trailers:

[Originalartikel vom 15. August 2017]:

Wir berichteten bereits im Juni vom spannenden VR-Titel The SoulKeeper VR von Helm Systems für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive. Heute am 15.August 2017 erscheint das vielversprechende Action-RPG nun offiziell im Early Access auf Steam. Hierfür veröffentlichten die Entwickler zum Start einen neuen Early-Access-Trailer, der weitere Einblicke in die Welt von Gerindak und das dazugehörige Gameplay offenbart.

The SoulKeeper VR: Early Access-Phase gestartet

Das Indie-RPG The SoulKeeper VR vom Entwicklerstudio Helm Systems erscheint am 15. August 2017 offiziell im Early Access auf Steam für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive.

Innerhalb des VR-RPGs taucht ihr in die dunkle Fantasy-Welt von Gerindak ein. Entsprechend erforscht ihr die Umgebung, stellt euch rollenspieltypischen Abenteuern und unterhaltet euch mit den verschiedenen Charakteren, die euch begegnen, um mehr über die Welt und ihre Bewohner zu erfahren. Während des Verlaufs des Spiels schlüpft ihr immer wieder in die Rollen verschiedener Protagonisten mit unterschiedlichen Geschichten und Charakterzügen.

The SoulKeeper VR

Dabei sollen  je nach spielbarem Charakter verschiedene Gameplay-Mechaniken zum Einsatz kommen, und auch rollenspieltypische Reittiere wie reitbare Drachen sind ein Teil des Spiels. Das Kampfsystem bietet ebenfalls viel Abwechslung, denn in Auseinandersetzungen mit Widersachern wechselt ihr zwischen Schwertern für den Nahkampf, Zauberstäben zum Schießen mächtiger Feuerbälle oder weiteren Fernkampfwaffen, wie zum Beispiel Bögen. Je nach bevorzugtem Spielstil kann man also Anpassungen treffen, um die anstehenden Herausforderungen zu bestehen.

The SoulKeeper VR verspricht viele interessante RPG-Elemente und abwechslungsreiche Storyverläufe. All dies wird in ein grafisch ansprechendes Gewand gepackt, wodurch der Indie-Titel ein hohes Potenzial aufweist. Wir sind gespannt, wie sich das Spiel während dem Early Access verändert und ob es die Erwartungen erfüllen kann. Das VR-RPG ist ab heute im Early Access auf Steam für [amazon_textlink asin=’B073X8N1YW’ text=’Oculus Rift’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’vrne-21′ marketplace=’DE’ link_id=’7fe45c41-8192-11e7-90ee-cfa1acdb5506′] und [amazon_textlink asin=’B01MA48Z63′ text=’HTC Vive’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’vrne-21′ marketplace=’DE’ link_id=’91a0016e-8192-11e7-bca9-cd6bf95157fd’] erhältlich. Wir sind gespannt darauf, das VR-Spiel zu testen, und halten euch weiterhin über The SoulKeeper VR informiert.

(Quellen: UploadVR | Steam | The SoulKeeper VR | Video: Helm Systems, LLC. Youtube)

Der Beitrag [Update]: The SoulKeeper VR 2.0: Neuer Gameplay-Trailer der überarbeiteten Version veröffentlicht zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

The SoulKeeper VR Prepares for Early Access Release With a New Trailer

Way back in 2015 HELM Systems released a very early demo for its fantasy virtual reality (VR) title The SoulKeeper VR for the Oculus Rift DK2 headset. Then last month the studio finally announced that the videogame would be seeing an Early Access release for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive next Tuesday, 15th August. Just to build anticipation even further, today it has now released a new trailer.

Featuring plenty of cinematic’s along with gameplay footage the video isn’t some teaser trailer. Coming in at over two minutes there’s plenty to see and get excited about. From colossal ruins with giant dragon like creatures to confined dungeons and castles with all sorts of magical enemies, The Soul Keeper VR has plenty going on for those who enjoy fantasy style role-playing games (RPGs).

Set in the magical world of Gerindak, players aren’t just one character, playing through the intertwining stories of various characters. They start off as Isoropos, a member of an ancient monastic order called the Lavordians, who must embark on a dangerous quest to investigate rumors surrounding the Mardonians, their hated rivals.

Players will be able to engage in melee combat, cast spells, or shoot arrows, as they try to survive towering beasts and deadly traps. There’s even a chance to get some dragon riding in.

Checkout the trailer below. As for further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

‘The SoulKeeper VR’ Gets August 15th Early Access Release Date, New Trailer

Since our preview with the graphically impressive VR RPG The SoulKeeper VR back in April, we’ve been looking forward to the launch of the game. Developer HELM Systems has finally announced that the game will launch in Early Access on August 15th, and have a new trailer to accompany the announcement (heading this article).

Preview: Visually Dazzling VR RPG ‘The SoulKeeper VR’ Plans For a Full Story With Deep Lore

While our experience with the old demo months ago revealed a somewhat rough implementation, we hope to see more polish resulting from continued development over the last few months. If the developers follow up on their claims of fleshing things out, The SoulKeeper VR could be one of the first VR RPG games that heavily pushes the graphics as well as gameplay and story. The demo didn’t have any story elements, but the trailer hints at some of what we may see in the full game with characters and voice acting.

Photo courtesy HELM Systems

While the graphics and universe HELM Systems is crafting might be the most exciting, a game needs good gameplay. The game’s sword & spells combat was interesting upon our play of the older build—especially with the ability to cast spells by drawing symbols in the air—but unfortunately felt to be lacking quite a bit of polish in mechanics. Since it’ll release in Early Access, we expect to see see an experiences that’s rough around the edges, but hope that feedback from early-adopters will lead to further improvements.

While we wait excitedly for The SoulKeeper VR, another notable VR RPG, The Mage’s Talelaunched this week for the Oculus Rift.

The post ‘The SoulKeeper VR’ Gets August 15th Early Access Release Date, New Trailer appeared first on Road to VR.

The SoulKeeper VR Gets Early Access Release Date

Much-anticipated action RPG title The SoulKeeper VR has finally announced when it will be released on Steam Early Access for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift owners to experience.

Fans of RPGs have been waiting for the title to become available since the first demo back in 2015. Now developers HELM Systems have announced that the title will be launched on Steam Early Access on 15th August, 2017.

Previously honoured by being presented with an Unreal Developer Grant from Epic Games back in May, The SoulKeeper VR is an action RPG inspired by titles such as The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. Set in a dark fantasy world called Garindak, the player must engage in combat using either melee weapons or spells, solve puzzles, take on powerful boss monsters and explore dungeons, avoiding traps along the way.

There has been some debate in virtual reality (VR) circles recently over the merits of various systems of locomotion in VR titles. Wishing to present players with more choice and offer player comfort to those more sensitive to motion sickness, the developers are planning to include multiple locomotion methods, including controller-based movement, room-scale movement and teleportation, all of which will be available as options so the player can pick whichever suits their preferences.

The Early Access version is planned to contain three large areas, each with 2-3 levels within for a total of eight levels. The Early Access version is planned to be available until Q3 of 2017 so the developers can collect feedback and ideas from the community before turning attention towards the full version.

A release date for the full version of the title is currently uncertain, and a price-point has not yet been set. The developers have indicated, however, that the full version of the title will contain considerably more content, and will therefore have a slightly higher price point that the Early Access version.

An announcement trailer for The SoulKeeper VR is available to view below. Further information can be found on the official Steam page.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on The SoulKeeper VR once is becomes available.

Epic Games’ Latest Unreal Dev Grants Include 7 VR Studios

Epic Games’ Unreal Dev Grants began back in 2016 as a $5 million USD initiative awarding developers with funding for contributions to the Unreal Engine community. In this latest round, 17 projects have received a total of $275,000, seven of which are virtual reality (VR) related.

The projects cover a range of genres – mostly videogames – with film and community support also included. Ape Law’s psychological horror title Albino Lullaby is the first on the list. The first episode arrived for HTC Vive last year, with Oculus Rift support added afterwards. Episode two is scheduled to release later this year.

The Soulkeeper VR


Cooperative Innovations’ Raiders of Erda is a VR role-playing game (RPG) experience that was announced earlier this year. The videogame features a complex combat system and an alpha is expected in 2017.

The Soulkeeper VR by Helm Systems is an episodic dark fantasy RPG that’s due to arrive on Steam Early Access. It will offer a variety of combat styles and mechanics, including melee, spell casting, combat with staff and ranged.

From New Reality Co comes Tree, a VR experience shown at VRLA, the Tribeca Film Festival, and Cannes that uses sight, sound, touch and smell to explore the lifecycle of a rainforest tree from a seedling to full-grown state to unfortunate human consumption.

A studio to be directly award is New Zealand-based The company specialises in new media, including drone UAV cinematography and VR, with its most recent project MANA VR currently touring several events.

Lastly there’s MGS Studios, a developer behind the creation of several Robo Recall mods, such as a locomotion mod that changes how the game is played and a Star Wars mod.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of the Unreal Dev Grants, reporting back with the latest VR recipients.

Preview: Visually Dazzling VR RPG ‘The SoulKeeper VR’ Plans For a Full Story With Deep Lore

VR gamers have longed heavily for deeper titles that go beyond the surface-level experiences that make up a large portion of today’s VR content. They’ve longed for games with depth and complexity; developer HELM Systems plan to offer exactly that with The SoulKeeper VR, a forthcoming action adventure VR RPG for Vive and Rift with spell casting. The developers have shared new details with Road to VR leading up to the game’s release in Early Access on SteamVR this Spring.

I got my hands on the latest build of the The SoulKeeper VR (teaser video heading this article) which was frankly still a little rough around the edges, though Helm Systems tells us that their new workforce is progressing steadily with improvements on the path to the launch.

After experiencing the latest build on the Vive, I was most impressed with how much the studio is pushing the graphics, as you can see from the pictures. Even with a rather high-end GTX 980 Ti, the lowest settings gave me some stutters in a few places, and the highest settings gave me an almost unplayable framerate. But what I did see on the high graphics was some of the most awe-inspiring medieval fantasy visuals I’ve seen in a VR game.

This is thanks to both their talented artists as well as the underlying UE4 engine. However, I did see notable aliasing because of the low resolution needed to maintain performance. To address both visual and performance issues, Helm Systems tells us they’re experimenting with forward rendering, redone lighting from scratch, and anti-aliasing techniques. Still, this seems to be a title that will satisfyingly push graphics cards to their limits.

Combined with great music, they’ve crafted a very atmospheric setting, which is what I’m most looking forward to. What I didn’t see in the demo was much story-related elements, and this, they’ve told us, will be one thing they concentrate on for the full game.

References like text in the game will give us a deeper look into the lore of the SoulKeeper world which they’ve been crafting for a long time, and the story itself will follow the tale of Isoropos, a member of a brotherhood meant to maintain balance between good and evil. If they can really execute a well-craft, polished narrative in VR as they hope to, this will be quite an impressive gem. We’ll also apparently be able to play as other characters who could have their own stories, but Helm Systems says that the initial Early Access release will be more limited and additional content will be added over time.

Despite the rich graphics, what didn’t quite impress me was the gameplay, at least in this unpolished alpha state. Despite looking quite interesting with a combination of melee and magic casting, some issues kept me from enjoying it.

Photo courtesy HELM Systems
Photo courtesy HELM Systems

Sometimes it would be inaccurate detection of the gesture-based symbols you draw in the air to use a spell. Sometimes it would be weird AI/ragdoll behavior where they flop all over the place when hit. There were quite a few small things like that, as well as a bug which impeded progression in my first playthrough. In addition, the actual firing of a spell felt underwhelming as after you’ve drawn a spell with your hand, you see a laser pointing where you’ll shoot, and you press the trigger to fire the spell rather than throwing or ‘casting’ it into the world. The button-to-cast-spell meant it didn’t feel like a real magic spell anymore. It would have been better if it had at least some sort of special animation, but instead it’s just a fireball spawning out of your hand. There was also a lack of animation on the hand for doing many other things, including opening doors and levers.

Photo courtesy HELM Systems
Photo courtesy HELM Systems

Granted, this is a pre-Early Access build of the game; I’ve been told that many of those issues I saw in the demo are either already fixed or being fixed rapidly. Looking past the present state, the gameplay holds a lot of potential. You have a magical staff, a sword, and your gesture-based hand magic with different abilities. There will also be a variety of enemies, Helm Systems has revealed to us, from simple swordsmen, mages, and necromancers. And course there’ll be big bosses and dragons.

Other than combat, there will also be puzzles, and I got a taste of one in the demo, where I had to redirect light using crystals. It was easy since the game essentially guided me, but it added a lot to the feeling of adventure in the game.

In terms of locomotion, SoulKeeper VR gives you the option to both walk around freely with the trackpad on the Vive controller and to teleport.

With a newly expanded dev team, the studio says they’ll be able to do a lot to polish the game for the Early Access release this Spring. We’re already excited by the visuals and atmosphere, with gameplay currently rough but holding promise, and the hope of a full narrative in VR. Other magic/combat based games (like Mage’s Tale) are indeed in the works, but The SoulKeeper VR is looking to be a very high value and unique entry.

The post Preview: Visually Dazzling VR RPG ‘The SoulKeeper VR’ Plans For a Full Story With Deep Lore appeared first on Road to VR.