Cinequest Film & VR Festival Set to Feature 29 VR Experiences

Later this month Cinequest will roll out its annual film and virtual reality (VR) festival which is now in its 28th year. The 2018 event, based in San Jose and Redwood City, California, is set to be bigger and better than ever when it comes to immersive experiences, with 29 pieces of VR content on show.

The Humanity Bureau / Nicolas Cage

From 27th February through 11th March 2018, the festival’s 28th season has programmed 13 days of screenings and premieres, inspiring experiences with trailblazers in film and VR, and awards presentations with icons in entertainment. The actual VR segment of the festival runs from 1st – 4th March. The content will range from films and videogames, to augmented reality (AR) experiences and more, covering a swath of the immersive industry.

In the Cinequest VR Experience Lounge, experts in the field will lead interactive workshops. In recognition of his work in VR entertainment, Travis Cloyd will be honoured with this year’s VR Visionary Award. In addition to accepting this VR honour, Cloyd will present three VR experiences at the festival: the world premiere of The Humanity Bureau VRevolution, starring Maverick Spirit Award honoree, Nicolas Cage; Speed Kills VR Experience starring John Travolta; and The Recall VR, starring Wesley Snipes.

The Recall VR Abduction Starring Wesley Snipes

“We’ve seen the power of film to not only delight and entertain, but spark awareness, create connections and galvanize communities,” said Halfdan Hussey, co-founder of Cinequest in a statement. “Our theme for this year’s festival is ‘Impact’, reflected by the exceptional films, VR,  and interactions with the torchbearers in entertainment and technology–programmed to give our audience a venue for engagement and empowerment. We’re proud to spotlight the work of internationally celebrated and emerging artists, representing a spectrum of genres, genders, ethnicities, orientations, ages and perspectives, and to enable these creators to connect with audiences in the vibrant and cosmopolitan Silicon Valley – the world’s leader in innovation.”

For those interested in going to the festival passes come in three varieties: Film Lover, Mavericks and Cinequest All Access, priced at $165 USD, $299 and $500 respectively. While each will offer varying access to the event, if you want to see any of the VR related programmes or workshops you’ll need the All Access pass. For any further updates on the festival, keep reading VRFocus.

The Recall VR Abduction Starring Wesley Snipes Comes to Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift

This month Hollywood star Wesley Snipes released his latest movie, a sci-fi project called The Recall. With a growing trend towards creating virtual reality (VR) content as a form of promotion this week has seen the release of The Recall VR Abduction for Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR.

The Recall VR Abduction is a thirteen minute immersive companion film that lets viewers see through the eyes of Snipes’ co-star RJ Mitte’s (Breaking Bad) character Brendan, as they battle aliens and avoid being abducted.

“The world of entertainment consumption is rapidly changing, this is our contribution to provide fans more ways to view and experience content than ever before,” said Wesley Snipes, Producer of The Recall and The Recall VR Abduction. “This experience in VR makes you feel like you’re a part of the movie!”

The Recall VR Abduction poster

The Recall application is free to download for either headset with the VR experience available as an in-app purchase of $9.99 USD, or there’s a much better value bundle for $14.99 which includes the movie as well.

“Cinematic virtual reality storytelling allows the viewer to experience our films as if they are living and breathing within the world of the movie,” said Kevin DeWalt, CEO of Minds Eye Entertainment.  “With this new technology, we look forward to deepening our audience’s connections to our stories.”

The app is capable of streaming multi-format videos so users can watch The Recall in traditional 2D format, multi-screen and panoramic Barco Escape format of the movie. Additionally, the app also offers trailers in multiple formats, cast stills and exclusive behind the scenes video content in 2D.

“We wanted to push the boundaries of what was possible with VR, while condensing an hour and half feature film into a 13 min experience,” said Travis Cloyd, VR Producer. “The Recall VR app paves the way for film producers to monetize their multi-format content through virtual reality platforms.”

Checkout the trailer for The Recall VR Abduction below. For the latest VR news about Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR, keep reading VRFocus.

Wesley Snipes Is Latest Major Star Set To Appear In A VR Project

Transmedia: The telling of a story or narrative that crosses multiple forms, but that are to some degree parts of a bigger whole. Perhaps from another angle. It’s something we’re seeing more and more in entertainment as it adapts to our always-connected lives. It’s something that virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are both becoming more of a part of. We’ve seen it before on VRFocus of course, partner pieces for stage shows, television shows, and feature films. We’ll see it ever more in the months and years to come no doubt.

Wesley Snipes
Photo by Darren Hull

The latest big name set to step into the virtual world via one of these tie-ins in Wesley Snipes (Passenger 57, Blade, Demolition Man) who is set to rumble with some extra terrestrials threatening to invade the Earth in upcoming Mind’s Eye Entertainment feature film The Recall. The Recall VR Abduction, is a ten minute trip from the viewpoint of actor R.J. Mitte’s character as they interact with Snipes’ character and which involved the team from SkyVR in its creation. The team will also be bringing a number of behind the scenes items in VR and 360 degree videos for both YouTube and Facebook.

“This will change the way we hear about movies and rewrite the way we package content.” Commented Travis Cloyd, the VR production’s Producer. “Viewers today are smarter and have access to more content right at their fingertips not just to watch the movie, but live in the realm and watch the feature through this new medium.”

Snipes also explained his enthusiasm for the new medium and how it changes your thinking process working with it.

“The cool thing is that for theater actors, or thespians, this is a great format, because shooting in VR is similar to shooting a play, or performing a play. You don’t have the luxury of cuts, and short takes, and do overs. You have to be on your game, and since everything is in the shot, everyone else needs to be on their game at the same time.”

VRFocus will bring you additional updates on this project as they are revealed.