The Nun Uses VR To Scare Viewers In A Twisted Prank

The upcoming horror film The Nun is continuing to leverage immersive technology to help promote the film with a new virtual reality (VR) experience which was not quite what it seemed. Fans were invited to try out a new VR application ahead of the films release where they would then give their opinion and feedback. Of course, much like horror films, this was not just a simple user testing experience.

The Nun VR Prank

With the tagline of ‘there is nothing virtual about this horror film’ the video aims to reinforce the message that the film is making use of transitional film making methods to deliver its scaring experience. Those lucky few who had the chance to try out this new experience were treated to sit down in a room and put on a HTC Vive Pro head-mounted display (HMD) where a digital recreation of one of the films locations was viewable in 360-degree field of view. Shortly after putting on the headset though, the room in the real-world was then filled with actors all dressed for the part, waiting to scare the user.

After a short moment of being in the virtual world a member of staff would kill the connection leaving the wearer in a state of confusion. Once aware that no one was answering their calls for help the users removed their headset only to be greeted by The Nun herself resulting in most screaming and running for their life.

The Nun VR Prank

Though VR Prank as it is titled only uses the technology for a short amount of the time, it is still an interesting way to prepare viewers for the film. As mentioned, we do get a quick look at the virtual world and there is a completely digital recreation of a location complete with actors present meaning that a truly immersive VR experience does exist. Still, seeing people get scared is rather enjoyable and you can view it for yourself below.

It was only last week that a 360-degree video for The Nun was released as well. Titled Escape The Abbey, the short video invites viewers to follow The Nun deeper into the depths of the The Abbey and the darkness that awaits within. This looks to have been filmed on site as well making it a truly immersive and terrifying experience.

The Nun is set to hit the big screen on September 7th, 2018 and you can view the VR Prank below. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on all things VR in the future so make sure to stay tuned for more.

New Escape The Abbey VR Experience Released For Upcoming Horror Film, The Nun

The upcoming horror film The Nun has released a new virtual reality (VR) 360-degree video as part of its marketing campaign to prepare viewers for the films release. The release will allow viewers the chance to actually step into the world of the film and experience the horror that awaits them from an immersive view point.

The Nun Escape The Abbey

The release of the 360-degree video comes following one of the film’s video adverts was removed from YouTube for being “too scary and violating the site’s policies”, reports fanfast. The new release is entitled Escape The Abbey and will put viewers right in the middle of the action. With the freedom to look around you in a full 360-degree field of view, the viewer will be following The Nun as she leads them deeper into the abbey and the darkness that awaits below.

Available to watch on your computer screen or a mobile device, the truly immersive way to experience the video will be to wear a VR headset. If you are able to keep your wits about you throughout the three and a half minute video, then perhaps you will be able to handle the full film when it releases September 7th, 2018.

The Nun Escape The Abbey

The Nun is being directed by Corin Hardy and is co-writting by The Conjuring’s James Wan and Gary Dauberman. Featuring Oscar-nominated Demian Bichir as Father Burke, Taissa Farmiga as Sister Irene, Jonas Bloquet as local villager Frenchie, Charlotte Hope Sister Victoria, Ingrid Bisu as Sister Oana, and Bonnie Aarons as The Nun, reprising her role from The Conjuring 2. The film’s synopsis describes the film as:

“When a young nun at a cloistered abbey in Romania takes her own life, and a priest (Damian Bichir) with a haunted past and a novitiate (Taissa Farmiga) on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate. Together they uncover the order’s unholy secret. Risking not only their lives but their faith and their very souls, they confront a malevolent force as the abbey becomes a horrific battleground between the living and the damned.”

The Escape The Abbey experience is available to watch now from the videos website. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on all things VR in the future so make sure to keep reading to stay up to date.

The Nun’s Terrifying Escape The Abbey 3D 360 Video Is Guaranteed To Make You Jump

The Nun’s Terrifying Escape The Abbey 3D 360 Video Is Guaranteed To Make You Jump

I’ve ended up pushing my heart rate to the absolute limit this week. After livestreaming The Exorcist VR not once, but twice, then reviewing the game, I then decided to close out the week by watching The Nun: Escape the Abbey, a terrifying 3D 360-video that’s basically just three straight minutes of suspenseful atmosphere building up to a massive jump scare at the end. It’s a promotional video for The Nun, which hits theaters on September 7th.

We went ahead and embedded the full 3D 360-video right here (rendered in 8K!) but we recommend watching it in a headset and not just on your phone or PC screen:

The Nun is an upcoming horror film set in the same universe as Annabelle and The Conjuring, the series is often lauded as the modern-day Exorcist in terms of tone and setting and I definitely agree. I’m absolutely planning on going to see the film in theaters as an adrenaline junkie and this 360-video got my blood-pumping big time.

If you’d rather watch it some other way then you can find a full list of formats over the on the 360-videos official website. I just watched it on the Oculus Go using the internal browser via YouTube. Honestly, it’s my go-to headset for any type of 360 video because of the accessibility and wireless nature.

Typically I’m not a big fan of 360-video, but when watched inside of a headset it’s better. And when the content is horror-themed, it feels like the best use of the medium.

Let us know what you think if you give the full video a watch!

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