The Mage’s Tale Confirmed for February Launch on PlayStation VR

It was only yesterday that VRFocus reported on a new video by inXile Entertainment that confirmed work was still going ahead regarding the port of The Mage’s Tale coming to PlayStation VR. Whilst that video merely stated ‘coming soon’ a new ‘Accolades Trailer’ has now surfaced with an actual release date, and it’s only weeks away.

The Mages Tale screenshot 4

The Mage’s Tale was one of VRFocus’ favourite fantasy role-playing games (RPGs) of 2017 when it first arrived for Oculus Rift. With a decent 10 hours or more of gameplay, at the time it provided one of the biggest VR adventures available, hence when VRFocus gave it a full 5-stars in its review: “The Mage’s Tale is a really good magical adventure that really puts you into the heart of the experience. The story provides hours worth of gameplay and the potion creation side adds even more fun, mixing and matching various items to see what they do. If you’ve been looking for a decent fantasy RPG then you can’t go too far wrong with this.”

InXile Entertainment look to have done a straight port from PC to PlayStation VR, as the studio has made no mention of any new additions to the original version.

One of those titles that you can tell was made for VR, with its hands-on approach to gameplay, you find yourself in the role of a wizard’s apprentice. You serve under Mage Alguin but straight away he’s kidnapped by the evil wizard, Gaufroi. Like any good fantasy quest, you need to save him by completing a series of horrible dungeons. From the dark, dank, sewers of Skara Brae to the living tombs of evil Charm, each are filled with puzzles, traps and monsters galore that aim to do you harm.

The Mages Tale screenshot 3

The further you delve into the dungeons the more crafting materials you’ll collect, offering the ability to craft hundreds of spells, both defensive and offensive in your very own Mage’s Workshop. You’ll be able to sling gouts of flame, javelins of ice, and arcs of lightning.

The Mage’s Tale is now scheduled for release on PlayStation VR on 5th February 2019. For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

The Mage’s Tale PSVR Version Launches Early Next Month

mage's tale PSVR Rift Vive dungeon crawler VR

Earlier this week we reported on the launch of a new trailer for inXile Entertainment’s The Mage’s Tale PSVR port. The clip showed the first console gameplay from the title but didn’t say when it would arrive. Strangely enough, a new version of the same trailer just popped up online, confirming the date.

The below trailer confirms a February 5th launch date for the game. Note that this version of the trailer is from PlayStation’s US YouTube channel. The last was from the EU channel, which may suggest this is a US-only date. Either way, that’s earlier than we expected and a very welcome surprise. No word on price, though on Steam the game goes for $29.99.

Originally launched on the Oculus Rift in 2017, The Mage’s Tale is a VR dungeon crawler. It stays true to the types of games inXile is known for, with a high fantasy setting and role-playing elements. We were big fans of the original version, calling it “one of the best examples of how to take a tried-and-true existing gaming genre and adapt it for the new VR medium.” We’ll be very interested to see how the PSVR version holds up.

This is inXile’s first VR release since Xbox maker Microsoft acquired the studio last year. At the time the studio confirmed it was still working on both The Mage’s Tale PSVR and a new VR game, possibly set in its Wasteland series. We’re hoping to see more from that this year, though we wouldn’t hold our breath for a PSVR port this time around.

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The Mage’s Tale is ‘Coming Soon’ to PlayStation VR

One of the big Oculus Rift releases in 2017 came by way of inXile Entertainment and its fantasy role-playing game (RPG)  The Mage’s Tale. The studio followed this up with an HTC Vive launch in 2018 and has now reconfirmed the PlayStation VR version is still in development.

The Mages Tale screenshot 4

A new trailer has appeared on PlayStation’s YouTube channel, simply stating that The Mage’s Tale is ‘coming soon’ which is the most recent mention that work is still progressing since its last announcement in March 2018.

The Mage’s Tale casts players as a wizard’s apprentice. Their master Mage Alguin has been kidnapped by the evil wizard, Gaufroi, and to save him they need to complete a series of dungeons. From the sewers of Skara Brae to the living tombs of evil Charm, there are puzzles, traps and all manner monsters that aim to put an end to the quest.

Offering the ability to craft hundreds of spells, The Mage’s Tale should offer players around 10+ hours of gameplay, with a musical score produced and composed by Ged Grimes of Simple Minds. It also features some of the top Gaelic singers in the world such as the Elidh Mackenzie, Fiona Mackenzie, Kathleen MacInnes, and Peigi Barker (voice of Merida in the film Brave).

The Mages Tale screenshot 3

In VRFocus’ review of The Mage’s Tale in which he said: “The Mage’s Tale is a really good magical adventure that really puts you into the heart of the experience. The story provides hours worth of gameplay and the potion creation side adds even more fun, mixing and matching various items to see what they do. If you’ve been looking for a decent fantasy RPG then you can’t go too far wrong with this.”

The PlayStation VR version was slightly put in doubt when inXile Entertainment announced in November that it had been acquired by Microsoft to join a selection of other developers under the Microsoft Studios banner. This has turned out not to be the case, with inXile Entertainment still retaining its creative freedoms. The studio does also have an unannounced open-world VR survival RPG in development, so hopefully, more will be revealed this year. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

[Update]: The Mage’s Tale für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erschienen


The Mage’s Tale ist ab sofort für 29,99 Euro im offiziellen PlayStation Store erhältlich.

[Update vom 4. Januar 2019]:

In einem neuen Trailer von Sony wurde nun das offizielle Veröffentlichungsdatum von The Mage’s Tale für PlayStation VR (PSVR) bekannt gegeben. Demnach erscheint der VR-RPG-Dungeon-Crawler am 5. Februar 2019. Allerdings gilt dies bisher für die US-Version des Spiels. In Europa könnte sich der Release um einige Tage verzögern.

YouTube: Bitte gib die korrekte URL an.

(Video: PlayStation YouTube)

[Originalartikel vom 3. Januar 2019]:

Es gibt Neuigkeiten zu The Mage’s Tale für PlayStation VR (PSVR), denn Entwicklerstudio inXile Entertainment veröffentlichte einen neuen Trailer zur kommenden Konsolenadaption des VR-Dungeon-Crawlers. Innerhalb des neuen Videos wird ein baldiger Release der Konsolenversion versprochen.

The Mage’s Tale – Neuer Trailer für PSVR-Version veröffentlicht; Release soll in Kürze folgen

Entwicklerstudio inXile Entertainment gehört seit November letzten Jahres zu den Microsoft Studios, dennoch arbeiten die verantwortlichen Devs auch weiterhin an ihren VR-Projekten, um den eigenen Fans treu zu bleiben. So versprach Brian Frage, CEO von inXile Entertainment noch im November 2018 einen baldigen Release:

The Mage’s Tale für PSVR ist so gut wie fertig. Wir arbeiten derzeit mit Sony an einem Veröffentlichungsdatum.”

Und der CEO lässt seinen Worten nun Taten folgen, denn nun gibt es einen neuen Trailer zur kommenden PSVR-Version des VR-Titels:

Zwar wurde noch kein offizieller Veröffentlichungstermin bestätigt, dennoch heißt es innerhalb der Videobeschreibung, dass das Spiel in Kürze für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheinen soll.

Innerhalb des VR-Dungeon-Crawlers kämpft ihr euch mit Schwert und Magie durch mystische Ruinen und lootet dabei fleißig neue Ausrüstung ein. Nebenbei erweitert ihr euer Zauberrepertoire, während ihr Fantasy-Monster, wie Goblins und Skelette in die ewigen Jagdgründe schickt. Außerdem erwarten euch zahlreiche Endgegner und eine packende Atmosphäre.

Zauberer Oculus Touch Spiel

Neben The Mage’s Tale arbeitet das Entwicklerstudio auch weiterhin an einem zweiten Open-World-VR-Projekt. Genauere Informationen dazu wurden bisher jedoch leider noch nicht veröffentlicht.

(Quellen: Upload VR | Video: PlayStation YouTube)

Der Beitrag [Update]: The Mage’s Tale für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erschienen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Sword & Sorcery Dungeon Crawler ‘The Mage’s Tale’ Lands on PSVR Today

The Mage’s Tale (2018), the first-person sword & sorcery dungeon crawler from The Bard’s Tale series developers inXile Entertainment, has officially landed on PSVR today.

Update (February 5th, 2019): The Mage’s Tale is now available on the PlayStation Store, priced at $30. Since it’s a game heavy on object interaction, PS Moves are required. The original article announcing its PSVR release follows below.

Original Article (January 2nd, 2019): The Mage’s Tale puts you in the enchanted boots of an apprentice wizard on a quest to retrieve your recently kidnapped master, Mage Alguin. As a lowly novice spellcaster with only a few tricks up your sleeve, you take to the dungeons in search of his powerful fellow mages, a quest that takes you through ten dungeons where you’re confronted with various puzzles, traps, and monsters.

The trailer is light on new info sadly, saying simply in the description of the video that the game is “[c]oming soon to PlayStation VR.” (see update)

15 VR Games We Can't Wait to Play in 2019

Initially we were hoping The Mage’s Tale would make its way to PSVR in the summer of 2018, as inXile’s Brian Fargo noted in a tweet that it would be released on “more VR formats in 12 months.”

The studio has stayed mum on its plans to bring The Mage’s Tale to PSVR since then, although they broke silence after a recent acquisition by Microsoft Studios, saying they will continue autonomously developing their own games, talent, and IP moving forward.

We already had a chance to put The Mage’s Tale through its paces back when it released on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in June 2017; you can check out why we gave it a respectable [7/10] in our full, spoiler-free review.

The post Sword & Sorcery Dungeon Crawler ‘The Mage’s Tale’ Lands on PSVR Today appeared first on Road to VR.

The Mage’s Tale’s New PSVR Trailer Pops Up Online

The Mage's Tale VR PSVR Rift Vive

inXile Entertainment is being true to its word. Back in November 2018 we reported that the developer was still working on a PSVR port of its excellent VR RPG, The Mage’s Tale, despite being bought by Xbox maker Microsoft earlier in the month. This week, the studio shared the first trailer for that port, seen below.

The video is comprised of a 45-second gameplay montage that popped up somewhat randomly. We could be wrong but it seems to be taken from the PSVR version of the game; the quality of textures seems to be just a touch blurrier than they were on PC. If it is the console version, though, it looks like a competent port. Most PC VR ports, including games like Arizona Sunshine and Superhot, take a hit in the visuals department in order to squeeze onto PS4.

The Mage’s Tale has you raiding dungeons, fighting mythical monsters and brewing your own potions. We loved it on Rift and Vive and can’t wait to see PSVR players get their hands on it.

Sadly the video doesn’t include a release date. Hopefully its arrival isn’t too far off; the first Rift version came out all the way back in 2017.

This isn’t the only thing inXile is working on in VR right now. We also know that the studio is developing a second, bigger VR project that’s set in an open world. Just like the PSVR version of The Mage’s Tale, we know that the game wasn’t canceled in the Microsoft deal. It also looks like it could be a Wasteland VR game. Here’s hoping we find out plenty more about it as the year rolls on.

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inXile Entertainment: Open-World-RPG und PSVR-Version von The Mage’s Tale sind immer noch in Arbeit

Erst gestern berichteten wir über die Übernahme von inXile Enteratinment durch die Microsoft Studios. Doch was bedeutet dieser Wechsel für die ausstehenden VR-Projekte des Entwicklerstudios? Bereits letztes Jahr kündigten die ambitionierten Devs ein VR-Open-World-RPG an, welches das Genre neu definieren könnte. Und auch die Konsolenadaption von The Mage’s Tale für PlayStation VR (PSVR) steht noch aus. Der CEO des Unternehmens gibt nun Auskunft über die Zukunft dieser VR-Titel.

inXile Entertainment – Geplante VR-Titel sollen auch zukünftig noch erscheinen

Erst letztes Jahr konnte sich das Entwicklerstudio aufgrund der zahlreichen positiven Kritik zum VR-Dungeon-Crawler The Mage’s Tale Investments in Höhe von rund 4,5 Millionen US-Dollar sichern. Die Finanzspritze sollte in die Entwicklung eines neuen Open-World-RPGs fließen und damit an den Erfolg der bisherigen Veröffentlichung anschließen. Zudem wartet die PSVR-Community sehnsüchtig auf eine Adaption von The Mage’s Tale, welche bisher leider noch ausblieb.

Zauberer Oculus Touch Spiel

Mit der Übernahme durch die Microsoft Studios, stellt sich nun die Frage, was aus den geplanten VR-Projekten werden soll. Brian Fargo, CEO von inXile Entertainment, gibt gegenüber Upload VR nun Entwarnung. Die versprochenen VR-Spiele sollen weiterhin erscheinen:

Unser großes VR-Spiel, auf welches ich bereits häufig hindeutete, wird auch weiterhin erscheinen. Also keine Sorge. Und The Mage’s Tale für PSVR ist so gut wie fertig. Wir arbeiten derzeit mit Sony an einem Veröffentlichungsdatum.”

Entsprechend könnten sich Besitzer und Besitzerinnen einer PlayStation VR (PSVR) vielleicht bereits zum Weihnachtsgeschäft über eine Konsolenversion des magischen Dungeon Crawlers freuen. Wir werden euch über entsprechende Neuigkeiten auf dem Laufenden halten. Was euch darin erwartet, könnt ihr hier nachlesen. Wir haben das Spiel damals mit einer Oculus Rift ausprobiert und waren durchaus positiv angetan von der PC-Fassung.

(Quellen: Upload VR)

Der Beitrag inXile Entertainment: Open-World-RPG und PSVR-Version von The Mage’s Tale sind immer noch in Arbeit zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

inXile Is Still Working On It’s Big VR RPG and Mage’s Tale PSVR

inXile Is Still Working On It’s Big VR RPG and Mage’s Tale PSVR

Yesterday, we reported that The Mage’s Tale developer inXile Entertainment was set to be acquired by Microsoft, becoming a member of its Microsoft Studios family. Given that the Xbox-maker currently doesn’t have its own VR headset for consoles (and only partners with others on its PC devices), this threw into question the status of inXile’s upcoming VR projects. Well, worry no more.

Speaking to UploadVR, inXile CEO and founder Brian Fargo confirmed that both the company’s unrevealed open-world VR role-playing game (RPG) and the long-awaited PSVR port of The Mage’s Tale are still on the way. “We still have our big VR game coming that I’ve been hinting about so no worries there,” Fargo said. “And Mage’s Tale PSVR is wrapped up and we are working with Sony on a release date.”

Well that’s good news all round, then. Perhaps we could even see news on The Mage’s Tale PSVR before the year is out.

The Mage’s Tale was one of our favorite VR games of last year and we can’t wait to see how it shapes up on PSVR. As for that other game? We know it’s an open world survival RPG, but that’s all that’s been officially announced thus far. A recent financial report from inXile investor gumi does suggest that the game’s going to be a spin-off of the developer’s Wasteland franchise, though.

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The post inXile Is Still Working On It’s Big VR RPG and Mage’s Tale PSVR appeared first on UploadVR.

The Mage’s Tale Dev inXile Entertainment Acquired by Microsoft

Over the weekend Microsoft announced the purchase of two new videogame studios, Obsidian Entertainment (Fallout: New VegasSouth Park: The Stick of Truth) and inXile Entertainment, makers of Bard’s Tale IV, Wasteland 2 and virtual reality (VR) title The Mage’s Tale. 

The studios will join a selection of other developers brought under the Microsoft Studios banner “As part of our commitment to bringing a steady stream of new, exclusive games to our fans,” states the company in a blog posting.

While this will mean more security for these smaller studios when it comes to inXile Entertainment there’s now a question over its continued commitment to VR development, as the team had previously planned on porting The Mage’s Tale to PlayStation VR.

Back July 2017 the studio secured $4.5 million USD for equity and project investment from gumi VR Inc, revealing at the time planned work on an unannounced open-world VR survival role-playing game (RPG) which has yet to be announced.

This may still be going ahead, with Microsoft noting that: “They will continue to operate autonomously with their unique talents, IP and expertise. As part of Microsoft Studios, Obsidian and inXile will have the support and freedom to fully realize their creative ambitions on both existing franchises and new RPG projects.”

The Mages Tale screenshot 1

inXile Entertainment specialises in RPG’s, with 2017’s The Mage’s Tale being one of the standout adventures of the year for VR fans. VRFocus reviewed the title, giving it a full five-stars, remarking: “The Mage’s Tale is a really good magical adventure that really puts you into the heart of the experience. The story provides hours worth of gameplay and the potion creation side adds even more fun, mixing and matching various items to see what they do. If you’ve been looking for a decent fantasy RPG then you can’t go too far wrong with this.”

The studio released a short video (seen below) detailing what the new acquisition will mean to the company as a whole, stopping short of mentioning any VR plans. Hopefully, the studio will still be able to continue in the field of VR, when VRFocus has further information we’ll let you know.

Microsoft Acquires ‘The Mage’s Tale’ Studio inXile Entertainment

The studio behind first-person VR dungeon crawler The Mage’s Tale (2017), inXile Entertainment, has been acquired by Microsoft Studios.

Microsoft also acquired Obsidian Entertainment, the studio behind Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2005)Fallout New Vegas (2010), South Park: The Stick of Truth (2014) and the Pillars of Eternity series.

Both studios will continue on autonomously developing their own games, talent, and IP.

The announcement was made via Xbox’s blog, and while inXile Entertainment isn’t exclusively a VR studio, having developed several PC and console games in The Bard’s Tale series, Microsoft says the studio “will have the support and freedom to fully realize their creative ambitions on both existing franchises and new RPG projects.”

Microsoft Acquires 'The Mage's Tale' Studio inXile Entertainment

“It was important for us to find studio partners who have strong creative visions, a mastery of their medium and are expert world-builders. Obsidian and inXile embody all of these qualities while also bringing expertise on the PC platform and a unique RPG focus to the table,” says Matt Booty, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Studios.

Microsoft now counts a total of 13 development teams, which the company says are focused on providing content for new Microsoft technologies and new platforms.

The company has affirmed in the past that it has no specific plans for VR on Xbox One.

The post Microsoft Acquires ‘The Mage’s Tale’ Studio inXile Entertainment appeared first on Road to VR.