Hands-On: Blood And Truth Is Starting To Feel A Bit Shallow

Hands-On: Blood And Truth Is Starting To Feel A Bit Shallow

Remember when The Prestige and The Illusionist, two movies about magicians, both released the same year? Or when EverQuest 2 foolishly released the same year as World of Warcraft? Or that other time Gearbox decided it made perfect logical sense to release Battleborn in literally the exact same month as Blizzard’s Overwatch?

Pop culture is full of weird situations like this where movies and games that seem too similar to be coincidences are developed and released alongside one another. I’ve got a feeling we might have another scenario just like that in the VR market right now with Blood and Truth versus Defector. Both games want to tap into that visceral excitement that’s all-too-often associated with spy action movies by making you feel like a James Bond-esque hero and both games are exclusives for their respective platforms.

The below video was captured at a demo event last October.

In the case of Defector on Oculus Rift, we’ve got something that features full locomotion via the Oculus Touch controllers, branching decisions and dialogue trees, as well as roomscale support with lots of set piece action scenes. PSVR’s Blood and Truth, by comparison, is starting to feel a bit anemic.

I got the chance to go hands-on with both last week almost back-to-back and it really drove the point home for me. In Defector I jumped out of an airplane, climbed on the side of a disintegrating jet, got in a fist fight, shot up a ton of thugs, and sweet-talked my way into a crime boss’ private vault. In Blood and Truth, I progressed from cover point to cover point shooting enemies and watched a few slo-mo explosions. That’s it.

Admittedly, my first demo with Blood and Truth several months ago was much more promising, but it’s a bit baffling that the new demo just a month away from E3 feels so bare bones and empty. Last time there was an exciting chase scene, a bunch of stealth, and a whole slew of environments as I scoured the floors of a casino. This time I just ducked behind boxes and air vents while waves of enemies attacked me.

After trying Firewall: Zero Hour at the same preview event on the other side of the room, Blood and Truth’s lack of locomotion really stood out. Given that this is basically an expanded version of The London Heist, you do have a bit more control here. During a level you can look around the environment and see pre-determined nodes pop up on the ground. With a press of a button your character will slowly slide over to those spots, as if he were walking, and you still get full control of your head and hands during this process.

This is a stark contrast to Bravo Team, a game in which you lose all control of your character when moving to a new node. During gameplay in Blood and Truth you’ll also have moments where you can strafe from side-to-side between cover points with the press of a button as well.

The game is played using two PS Move controllers so you don’t have an analog stick or d-pad of any kind. I’d love to see what a developer like Sony London Studio could have done with proper VR controllers like the Oculus Touch or Vive wands. I imagine we’d have gotten something similar to Defector as an end result.

It’s not fair to compare two unfinished games to one another that are on completely different platforms, but they feel like they were both based off of the same brainstorming session in which a wide-eyed game designer dreamed up what it would be like to play a Mission: Impossible VR game.

If I’m basing expectations off of my original Blood and Truth demo, I’m imagining a game full of varied missions that mix fast-paced action, stealth, hacking, and a litany of other game mechanics together to create something consistently interesting. But if I’m basing my expectations off of the most recent demo, I’m anticipating a wave shooter that’s wearing a very thin coat of spy-action paint on top.

Let’s hope the most recent demo I tried isn’t representative of the final game’s content focus because multiple hours of that would get very boring very fast.

During my demo a developer told me that at E3 they’ll have an even newer demo for Blood and Truth that lasts upwards of 25 minutes, which sounds quite extensive to show at an industry event. Hopefully that demo will leave me with a more promising impression.

Let us know what you think of Blood and Truth so far down in the comments below!

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PlayStation VR (PSVR): Erste Einblicke in den FPS Blood & Truth

Der Exklusivtitel Blood & Truth für PlayStation VR (PSVR) gilt als ausgereifter Nachfolger der Tech-Demo The London Heist, welcher auf der PlayStation VR Worlds zu finden war. Erstmals wurde der First-Person-Shooter Blood & Truth um die Londoner Unterwelt und den vorherrschenden kriminellen Machenschaften auf der Games Week 2017 in Paris vorgestellt. Nun gibt es neue Einblicke in die VR-Gangster-Erfahrung.

Blood & Truth für PlayStation VR (PSVR)

Die amerikanischen Journalisten von VR Focus konnten den PSVR-Titel in einem 10-minütigen Preview Build genauer unter die Lupe nehmen und berichten über ihre Erfahrungen mit dem First-Person-Shooter. Blood & Truth von den London Studios ist in der kriminellen Unterwelt des modernen Londons angesetzt. Dabei legten die Entwickler viel Wert darauf, die Atmosphäre klassischer London-East-End-Gangsterfilme aufzufangen und in ihrem Actiontitel umzusetzen. Dazu zählen ebenso dramatische wie auch filmreife und emotionsgeladene Szenen.

Im Spiels schlüpft ihr in die Rolle des Elitesoldaten Ryan Marks, um auf einer halsbrecherischen Mission eure Familie aus den Fängen eines bösartigen Overlords zu befreien. Dieser stößt während seiner Aufgabe auf allerlei Charaktere, mit denen er automatisch interagiert, um neue Hinweise zu erhalten und die Geschichte voranzutreiben – Flachwitze inklusive. Außerdem stehen euch bei manchen Begegnungen verschiedene Dialog-Optionen zur Auswahl, die eventuell Einfluss auf den späteren Spielverlauf haben könnten. Über die genauen Auswirkungen halten sich die Entwickler bisher jedoch bedeckt.


Das Spiel leitet euch während der Geschichte linear vorwärts, um zum nächsten wichtigen Punkt zu gelangen. Währenddessen gilt es stets interaktive Aufgaben zu erledigen, die sinnvoll mit der Story verknüpft sind. So muss man beispielsweise Videokameras nutzen, um einen unbeaufsichtigten Durchgang zu finden, oder Lüftungsschächte zur Infiltrierung eines Gebäudes zweckentfremden. Außerdem dürfen zahlreiche Feuergefechte mit den Handlangern des Oberbösewichts nicht fehlen.


Die Steuerung soll durchaus intuitiv und einfach gehalten sein. Dafür kommen zwei PlayStation-Move-Controller zum Einsatz, mit denen sich der Spieler per Knopfdruck auf den Move-Button vorwärts bewegt. Dank hervorgehobenen Objekten und einem Pfeil, der die Richtung weist, schreitet man so zu den festgelegten Positionen voran. Sobald man diese erreicht, kann man per Knopfdruck auf die Face-Buttons in Action-Sequenzen Deckung nehmen oder dank Bewegungserkennung mit den Objekten interagieren.

Trotz der linearen Vorgaben des Spiels soll also dank actionreichen Feuergefechten, abwechselnden Aufgaben und gut durchdachter Steuerung keine Langeweile auftreten. Die bisherigen Eindrücke wirken durchaus vielversprechend. Wir sind gespannt, wie sich der VR-Titel letztlich entwickelt und was uns zukünftig noch erwartet. Blood & Truth soll 2018 exklusiv für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheinen.

(Quellen: VR Focus | PlayStation Blog | Video: PlayStation EU Youtube)

Der Beitrag PlayStation VR (PSVR): Erste Einblicke in den FPS Blood & Truth zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Hands-On: Blood And Truth Is Like The London Heist On Steroids

Hands-On: Blood And Truth Is Like The London Heist On Steroids

Note: This is our preview of Blood & Truth from Paris Games Week. The same code is now on show at PlayStation Experience, so we thought we’d show you our impressions again.

It’s no secret that The London Heist is the highlight from PlayStation VR Worlds, a collection of small VR game concepts that released alongside the PSVR last year. The package was created by Sony’s London Studio and The London Heist, a short, interactive narrative experience about thieves and an epic car getaway, stole the show. Now a year later those same developers are working together again but this time they’re taking what they learned from working on PSVR Worlds and making a single, fully-developed game called Blood and Truth.

Blood and Truth was announced yesterday during Sony’s Paris Games Week presentation and is being billed as a modern day action game that puts you “in the shoes of an action hero” like never before according to the PlayStation blog post — it feels a bit like James Bond to me from an aesthetic perspective. They weren’t willing to tell me how long it will be, but they did say it’s much longer than a short demo-like experience.

At a private PlayStation press event yesterday I got the chance to go hands-on with the game and play through a brief section. My objective was to track a mobster guy in a hotel/casino and interrogate him to find out the location of his boss, the game’s main bad guy. I could reach down and pull out the silenced pistol on my chest with my right hand and grab an ammo clip from my hip using my left hand. Reloading was done by slamming the clip into the gun, just like in The London Heist.

Movement is a bit unique in Blood and Truth. In the trailer (embedded below) it seems like the developers included smooth, free locomotion as a movement option but that’s not the case based on what I’ve seen. Instead, there are pre-defined waypoints spread throughout the game that you select and your character will automatically slide across the level towards them.

You could also strafe from side-to-side between movement nodes as well. It feels less like you’re walking and more like the experience is on rails of some kind or you have on rollerskates. I didn’t notice any discomfort, but the lack of control was a bit odd.


The content of my demo was promising and makes me feel like the finished product will feature a lot of gameplay variety. Things start out nice and slow as I’m slowly sneaking into the facility and have to monitor my target’s movements across the casino using security cameras. Eventually I’m discovered and a security guard opens fire, forcing me to creep down the hallway.

On the ground floor of the building I start setting C4 charges on slot machines to rig the place to blow up. Taking my time not to get caught, it was satisfying to focus on VR’s interactive potential. Instead of just tapping a button like you would in a non-VR game, I had to open the pouch, remove the C4, attach it to the surface, and press the red button to arm it. This series of actions coupled with the intensity of enemies searching for me, dramatically enhanced the atmosphere.


Gunplay felt great once the shootout commenced and I was able to easily move between cover even though it was just node-based sliding movement. When the bullets started firing I didn’t care much about the lack of free locomotion because I was so focused on not getting killed, but I could definitely imagine the absence of freedom to explore will get frustrating as the game goes on.

My demo concluded in a foot race as my target tried to flee that was entirely on rails, moving me through the halls completely automatically. Since I needed information I couldn’t shoot my target due to the risk of him dying, so I had to shoot all of the enemies that popped up in my path during the chase, but take care not to hit him in the back. The best moment in the whole demo happened when I shot a fire extinguisher that exploded and resulted in a super slow-motion bullet-time sequence that earned me several headshots. Watching enemy corpses sink lifelessly to the ground is super satisfying, if a bit jarring, due to the game’s relative realism.

Blood and Truth is shaping up to be the game that everyone wanted The London Heist to be in the first place. We look forward to learning more about the game in anticipation of its release for PSVR in 2018.

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Blood & Truth für PSVR: Infos, Trailer und Interview mit den Entwicklern

Das interne Sony-Studio in London hinter Blood & Truth hat bereits die Virtual-Reality-Demo PlayStation VR Worlds entwickelt. Besonders The London Heist konnte Spieler überzeugen. Nun hat Sony in Paris ein neues Spiel aus dem Studio angekündigt: In Blood & Truth taucht man in die Londoner Unterwelt ab und muss sich als Elite-Soldat Ryan Marks mit kriminellen Kräften auseinandersetzen. In einem Blogbeitrag sowie im Video erklären die Entwickler die Hintergründe.

Blood & Truth: Blockbuster-Action für PSVR

Das Spiel Blood & Truth ist praktisch der Nachfolger von The London Heist, soll aber ein vollwertiges Spiel werden und legt den Fokus etwas anders. Für die Entwickler war die Demo ein Liebesbrief an die klassischen London-East-End-Gangster-Filme, während Blood & Truth sich am Action-Genre orientiert. Es soll große dramatische Momente geben und ein Setting, das an Blockbuster-Filme erinnert.

Besonders stolz ist der ehemalige Entwickler im Lionhead Studio Stuart Whyte auf den Soundtrack des Spiels. Dieser fühlt sich in Klassik und dem Genre Grime zu Hause – der Musikstil Grime enstand im Londoner Eastend und mischt elektronische Musik, Hip-Hop und DubStep. Wie The London Heist spielt auch Blood & Truth in Englands Hauptstadt. Als Soldat Ryan Marks begebt ihr euch auf eine gefährliche Mission, um die Familie vor einem rücksichtslosen Bandenchef zu retten. Neben der Action spielen Dialog-Auswahlen eine große Rolle, mit der man den Charakter des Protagonisten formen kann. Einen genauen Veröffentlichungstermin nennen die Entwickler noch nicht, versprechen aber in den nächsten Monaten viele Neuigkeiten zu dem Spiel.

(Quelle: Sony PlayStation Blog)

Der Beitrag Blood & Truth für PSVR: Infos, Trailer und Interview mit den Entwicklern zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Sony Offers More ‘London Heist’-style Cockney Carnage in ‘Blood & Truth’, Teaser Trailer Here

Paris Games Week hasn’t officially started yet, but Sony’s pre-PGW keynote saw a number of announcements including Sony London Studio’s spiritual continuation of the highly popular (and all too short) The London Heist, a demo in the VR Worlds demo disc that came along with many PSVR headsets.

Called Blood & Truth, not much is known about the game besides what we’ve seen in the trailer. Like The London Heist, it looks to be heavy on the gunplay, a bit lighter on elements like lock-picking, setting time bombs, and engaging in quick narrative elements like smack talking a sleazy club owner—all of course with the Guy Ritchie-style Cockney swagger that fans have craved ever since playing The London Heist the first time around.

According to the developers, the game will be far beyond the length of a demo. In the game, you can move, dual-wield, reload, plant C4, crawl through vents, and do almost anything you would in an action movie, says Design Director Iain Wright.

There’s only one location for now, although Director Stuart Whyte say there’s “a load more levels to showcase the glamour and grit of modern day London. We’re just scratching the surface of what we’ve got and what we’re working on behind the scenes, and there’s definitely more to come in the future.”

There’s still no release date yet, but we’ll be following Blood & Truth closely in the coming months to see if it truly holds up to the promise of The London Heist, or becomes a glorified shooting gallery like so many others.

The post Sony Offers More ‘London Heist’-style Cockney Carnage in ‘Blood & Truth’, Teaser Trailer Here appeared first on Road to VR.

PlayStation VR Worlds Releases Soundtrack on Spotify

It was this time last week when we were all gearing up for the launch of the PlayStation VR head-mounted display (HMD), and along with the launch of the HMD came a bunch of experiences and videogames that really brought it to life – this included the likes of PlayStation VR Worlds, which is a collection of five mini games. Today it has been said that if you have enjoyed the title, there is the official soundtrack posted on Spotify.

The tracks include the official opening to the game with Welcome to VR Worlds, and then moves onto each title starting with Ocean Descent whose main track is of the same name, followed by Manta Ray Moment, Jellyfish Cave, Submarine Reveal, Shark Attack. Scavengers Odyssey is next with the same track as its title, as well as Asteroid Hopping, Hatchlings, Scuttler Ambush, The Elevator, Exploring the Forbidden Belt, Sentinel Battle, and Coming Home. VR Luge features Mountain of Percussion and Desperate For The Luge.


The London Heist‘s tacks begin with To Be Frank, followed by Exploring Victor’s Drawers, Shooting Up Victor’s Office, The Getaway, and Frank & Mickies Fisticuffs. The last two on the soundtrack is Dangerball‘s own track, and the track for the VR Worlds Trailer.

These are all of course free to listen to on Spotify under PlayStation VR Worlds (Original Score), and there is a guarentee that if you have already played the title that you will be transported straight back to those exact moments.

For more on the latest in the world of VR, including all the news, updates, and features, make sure to check back with VRFocus.

PlayStation VR Live The Game Video Showcases Top First Person Titles at Launch

There are plenty of trailers to watch as the launch of the PlayStation VR head-mounted display (HMD) took place yesterday, with an incredible number of titles that accompanied it. If you can’t get through them all, then PlayStation has put together a combination of titles in on video where you take on certain personas.

Concentrating on the face of one player, many different characters are taken on, featuring Farpoint, Gran Turismo, The London Heist, and Batman Arkham VR. All of these titles are seamlessly put together in the video below, and it gives a pretty great idea of what you can become when using the PlayStation VR.


For more on the latest videos and trailers surrounding the launch of the PlayStation VR HMD, as well as all the news, updates, and features in the world of VR, make sure to check back with VRFocus.

Choose Your Destiny With PlayStation VR Worlds Launch Trailer

PlayStation VR Worlds is one of the most talked about titles by PlayStation itself, and for good reason with the amount of variety you can experience in this packed title. The official launch trailer has been released ahead of the big day, and you can get a real idea of what you can become.

The five titles that make up PlayStation VR Worlds is The London Heist, Danger Ball, VR Luge, Scavengers Odyssey and Ocean Descent, but none of these names were included in the launch trailer below. Instead, the trailer asks you whether or not you want to be a gangster, sports star, street racer, treasure hunter, or a deep sea explorer, which certainly puts you in the right mindset of what PlayStation VR will really make you feel.

psvr worlds logo

For more on the latest launch trailers in the wake of the release of PlayStation VR, as well as all of the news, updates, and features in the world of VR, make sure to check back with VRFocus.