The Exorcist: Legion VR für Oculus Quest angekündigt

Es gibt gute Nachrichten für Gruselfreunde, denn der Horrortitel The Exorcist: Legion VR erhält eine Adaption für die kommende Oculus Quest. So sollen alle fünf Kapitel der virtuellen Exorzistenreihe von Wolf & Wood für die neue VR-Brille erscheinen.

The Exorcist: Legion VR – VR-Horror-Titel erscheint für Oculus Quest

Der Release der autarken VR-Brille Oculus Quest rückt immer näher und entsprechend startet Oculus zur Feier der Veröffentlichung seinen eigenen Countdown mit zahlreichen Ankündigungen und Neuigkeiten. Besonders Freunde des gepflegten Gruselns kommen nun auf ihre Kosten, denn neben Face Your Fears 2 wurde nun die Adaption der VR-Exorzistenreihe The Exorcist: Legion VR für die Quest-Brille angekündigt.

Entwicklerstudio Wolf & Wood und Fun Train ermöglichen in der fünfteiligen Reihe das Eintauchen in fünf verschiedene Geschichten innerhalb des Horrorkosmos. So werden die Spieler unter anderem in eine uralte Kirche, eine verlassene Quarantänestation in Haiti bis hin zu einer verlassenen Untergrundhöhle in Obermesopotamien geführt. Die gottverlassenen Orte beheimaten gefährliche Dämonen, die dort ihr Unwesen treiben. So stellt ihr euch mit Kreuz und Weihwasser bewaffnet den gefährlichen Wesen entgegen und setzt auf einen Exorzismus zur Austreibung der höllischen Kreaturen.

Douglas Nabors, CEO von Fun Train, beschreibt die Umsetzung des Kultklassikers in VR:

Das Spannendste an VR ist die Möglichkeit, die rechteckigen Beschränkungen des Computerbildschirms oder Fernsehers zu beseitigen. Die Technologie erlaubt es den Spielern, die Vorbühne zu überwinden, eine Stufe weiterzugehen und in die Welt der Spiele direkt einzutreten. The Exorcist: Legion VR kann auf den Spielraum der Nutzer skaliert werden, unabhängig von der Größe. In größeren Räumen kann die virtuelle Umgebung von The Exorcist ohne die Hilfe von einem Computer oder Kabeln physisch erkundet werden, so als wäre sie tatsächlich vorhanden … aber nur wenn man mutig genug ist.”

Insgesamt fünf verschiedene Kapitel wurden mittlerweile für PC-Brillen und PlayStation VR (PSVR) veröffentlicht. Dazu zählen:

Ob die Version für Oculus Quest alle Kapitel in einem Titel vereint oder die Geschichten einzeln veröffentlicht werden, ist bisher noch nicht bekannt.

(Quelle: Oculus Blog | Video: Oculus YouTube)

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The Exorcist: Legion VR Is Coming To Oculus Quest

The Exorcist: Legion VR Is Coming To Oculus Quest

Oculus Quest’s 2019 line-up is looking stronger by the day, but one of VR’s most popular genres has been strangely subdued on the device thus far. Horror games, one of the most powerful VR experiences out there, have only been represented by Face Your Fears 2 thus far. Well good news, scare fans; Quest is getting one of VR’s most terrifying titles.

The Exorcist: Legion VR is heading to the standalone headset this year, Oculus has confirmed. The port should offer all five episodes of the original game that released every few months over the course of 2017 and 2018. It’s not clear if it will be released as one package or if you’ll be able to pick up episodes individually.

Interestingly, this version of the game will also support the ability to scale the environment to the physical space users have around them.

It’s another big get for Quest. We gave Legion VR a rare 9/10 in our review, calling it one of the best VR horror experiences yet made.

“The slow-building tension is expertly paced, each and every scare feels visceral and dangerous, and the sheer sense of terror you feel while methodically exploring the richly detailed environments is staggering,” David Jagneaux wrote. “It honestly felt like I could hear the voices inside my own head and I could feel the heat from my crucifix as I stared down the faces of demon and eradicated the evil within. The Exorcist: Legion VR will turn even the most hardened horror fans into whimpering piles of fear.”

Sounds perfectly scary, then. I’ll stick to Vacation Simulator, thanks.

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Hotel R’n’R Is A Frantic New Smash ‘Em Up From The Creator Of Exorcist VR

Hotel R’n’R Is A Frantic New Smash ‘Em Up From The Creator Of Exorcist VR

Hotel R’n’R is a game where you smash up hotel rooms in service to the devil. You play as a failed musician that makes a desperate deal with Satan himself. If you rely on your fists too much, your hands will be pulverized into a deformed mess as bones start to break and blood starts to flow. Pretty twisted, no?

Actually, for developer Wolf & Wood, this is all remarkably light territory. “It’s a fun game,” says creative director Ryan Bousfield, “but you’re still doing it for the devil.”

Hotel R’n’R is the developer’s first VR game that isn’t a straight-up scare-fest. Wolf & Wood has become known for its tense, intelligent psychological horrors such as A Chair in a Room and The Exorcist: Legion VR. These are some of VR’s most terrifying games, but this is a chance for the developer to stretch its legs a little.

“It was a natural move,” Bousfield tells me over the phone. “Two horror titles back-to-back, by the end of the last one you feel like you’re running on the final bits.” After finishing up on The Exorcist, Wolf & Wood was looking for a way to recharge. It found its answer in an unlikely place.

“It’s all linked to watching people testing A Chair in a Room: Greenwater, back in the early days,” Bousfield says of the game’s origins. “Just watching people go into that initial room or the patient’s cell and then just start picking up balls and smashing them and throwing them about.” He recalls putting in breakable objects in the game, and how people engaged with it as they put on their Vives for the first time. Though it was supplementary to the larger horror game, it struck a chord with Bousfield.

Those observations gave birth to this frantic smash ’em up. You’ll tour hotels around the world and have to come up with inventive ways of tearing them to shreds. As you cause carnage hotel staff will try and barge in. You can stop them by barricading the door or pushing back. Eventually, when you’re time’s up, the police will come knocking.

By the looks of it, the game wants to be a physics funhouse. Bousfield is eager to talk about all the weird tools and power-ups you’ll be able to grab. A glue gun will let you stick objects together or to the environment (including, Bosfield teases, a ceiling fan). Power-ups, meanwhile, will augment the experience in trippy ways. You can attach a bouncy material to any object to make it spring off of every wall in the room. Bousfield even says that’s something similar to Far Cry 5’s ‘Oregano’ in there. The list goes on: a revolver has chaotic ricochet bullets, a spiked bat causes real damage and, yes, that is a fish you see in the images.

“I’ve been describing it as gonzo. There’s a lot of references to things like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” the developer adds. “The devil, he’s got pointy teeth, he can look scary, but he’s also got short-shorts on. It’s about having a bit of fun with the things we’ve been quiet serious about for the past four or five years.”

Bousfield is aware that this might all sound a little too light. There’s plenty of chaotic VR games out there, but many are only fun for a few rounds before they’re forgotten. Hotel R’n’R is hoping a mix of progression and variety will give it the sticking power of a game like Gorn. You’ll earn cash to buy new weapons, starting off with weaker objects (foam fingers) and building up to more destructive tools. Minigames based on the seven deadly sins will also change up the gameplay from time to time.

Hotel R’n’R is due to hit Early Access on Steam later this year with support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Bousfield says much of the single-player campaign will be present in the initial release. “We’re doing the things that we feel a bit more comfortable with initially. We’ve got narrative elements in there, a single-player game, progress right through five hotels. And we’ve got minigames and other elements.”

As for the future? Wolf & Wood says it will have a clear roadmap that’s influenced by the community. “I don’t want it to stay in Early Access forever,” Bousfield reassures.

Whatever comes of Hotel R’n’R, it definitely sounds like it’s given Bousfield a chance to recharge. “Ironically I’ve written like three ideas for new horror games in the time that we’ve been working on this one,” he says. “So I’ve actually probably written more horror in that last six months than I did in the months prior to that.”

Look out for more on Hotel R’n’R later in the year.

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The Best PlayStation VR Games of 2018

What a year it’s been for Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) and its virtual reality (VR) headset, PlayStation VR. During the summer SIE announced the major milestone of 3 million units sold since its launch in 2016, and an IDC report put the headset ahead in Q3 2018 shipments. The device has seen some big titles exclusively launch over the past 12 months, giving it one of the most unique libraries available for any headset.

The Best PlayStation VR Games of 2018

Astro Bot Rescue Mission - Screenshot (E3 2018)

Astro Bot Rescue Mission – Sony Japan Studio

Let’s start with one of the biggest titles of the year for PlayStation VR, Astro Bot Rescue Mission from Sony Japan Studio. Proving that 3rd person platformers have a rightful place in VR, the lovably cute Astro Bot Rescue Mission spans 26 levels across five locations, with players in control of Astro who happens to be captain of a spaceship. An accident happens and Astro loses all the crew and now it’s up to players to find them all. Astro Bot Rescue Mission won the VR/AR category during the recent Game Awards 2018 and is one of the best introductions to VR gameplay on PlayStation VR.

Beat Saber Arcade Machine - Screenshot

Beat Saber – Beat Games

The rhythm action title featured on our Oculus Rift list and naturally found its way here. Having taken the industry by storm since its PC release earlier in the year, PlayStation VR owners got to see what all the fuss is about in November. With its simple but addictive gameplay, Beat Saber is great to play by yourself or with a few friends and family around.

Borderlands 2 VR

Borderlands 2 VR – Gearbox Software

It may have only launched this month but Gearbox Software’s VR version of its open-world adventure is one to pick up. Exclusive to PlayStation VR, VRFocus proclaimed in its 5-star review: “Borderlands 2 VR is most certainly a highlight of this year’s VR releases and one of the best titles yet to hit PlayStation VR. Its still Borderlands 2, sure, but you’ve never played Borderlands 2 like this before.”

Firewall Zero Hour - Screenshot (E3 2018)

Firewall Zero Hour – First Contact Entertainment

Proving that dedicated online multiplayer shooters can work in VR when done correctly, this PlayStation VR exclusive makes good use of the PlayStation Aim controller. Firewall Zero Hour is a team-based first-person shooter (FPS), four vs four player action where teamwork and communication is key to winning the multiplayer missions.

Moss Wallpaper 01

Moss – Polyarc

Much like Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Polyarc’s Moss is a third-person adventure. Featuring an adorable little mouse called Quill, Moss mixes up action sequences with puzzle platforming as she ventures away from her home to save her family and everyone else. Arriving at the beginning of the year, Moss is another 5-star experience in which VRFocus said: “Moss is a flawlessly crafted experience starring a character that absolutely deserves to be the face of modern VR. Every inch of the world shows attention to detail, and a story is woven that draws you in, making you truly invested in the world and in Quill as a person.”

Sprint Vector Final screenshot1

Sprint Vector – Survios

Beat Saber maybe energetic but if you really want to work up a sweat in VR then Survios’ Sprint Vector is the videogame of choice to burn those Christmas calories. Up to up to eight players can take part in this high-octane intergalactic game show which features both competitive multiplayer and customizable solo racing where movement is achieved by swinging your arms back and forth to build momentum.

Tetris Effect

Tetris Effect – Enhance Games

Bringing the classic puzzle videogame into the 21st century with an optional VR twist, Enhance Games has embued Tetris with some visual and audio flair as only it can. With 30-plus stages for players to experience, Tetris Effect also features the all-new “Zone” mechanic, where players can stop time (and Tetriminos falling) by entering “the Zone” and either get out of a sticky situation that could otherwise lead to “Game Over,” or rack up extra line clears for bonus rewards. One for those puzzle lovers out there.


Archangel: Hellfire – Skydance Interactive

Skydance Interactive originally launched single-player mech adventure Archangel back in 2017. The title has made it to this list thanks to the major update, Archangel: Hellfirewhich added a major change. Originally an on-rails shooter, the studio gave the gameplay an overhaul which added free-roaming multiplayer. This improved the entire experience massively, with nuanced combat in massive building-sized machines that can unleash devastating attacks.

The Exorcist: Legion VR screenshot 1

The Exorcist: Legion VR – Wolf & Wood

Now time for something scary. Wolf & Wood’s The Exorcist: Legion VR is an episodic horror series over five chapters. You step into the shoes of a Boston homicide detective tasked with investigating a series of ritualistic murders, including a priest at a local church. They have all the makings of a serial killer but it soon becomes apparent at the cause is far more demonic. With bags of creepy atmosphere, this is a proper alternative to the festive season.

Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner-MARS YEBIS image 1

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – Mars – Konami

Another big robot title, Konami’s Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – M∀RS is a PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR remake of the PlayStation 2 title. For the first time players can jump into the cockpit of these giant mechs – called Jehuty’s – and pilot them first-person – rather than first-person. Fans of the series should love it, but you don’t need to be to enjoy this quintessential Japanese title.

The Best Horror Games You Should Be Playing This Halloween

VRFocus has said it before and we’ll say it again, virtual reality (VR) headsets and horror content just seem to go hand-in-hand with each other, like fish and chips or having a lay-in on a Sunday. It may not be for everyone but VR horror has the unique ability to showcase how immersive the technology really can be, with the best content petrifying people more than any other entertainment medium. And with it being Halloween today VRFocus thought this would be the perfect time to highlight some of its favourites.

The Exorcist Legion VR screenshot 3

The Exorcist: Legion VR

Coming from one of the greatest horror franchises of all time, The Exorcist: Legion VR has been developed by Wolf & Wood – Don’t Knock Twice, A Chair in a Room – and comes in five episodes. Each is bite-sized around 30 mins in length and features a detective trying to solve various gruesome cases only to find demonic goings-on.

Supports: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR

In Death

For those who like their roguelike shooters, Solfar Studios’ latest title is a bow-wielding adventure that pulls no punches. In Death features a permadeath, procedurally generated system, so that players only have one life and each run through is different from the last. And there’s the little fact that you need to deal with demons and angels alike.

Supports: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive

Bring to light

Bring to Light

If there’s one thing a horror videogame needs its atmosphere, usually coupled with dimly lit surroundings, underground environments and a few monsters. Enter Bring to Light by Red Meat Games which has a nice helping of all these things to keep you on your toes. Oh, and then there’s the fact that if you have a compatible heart rate monitor you can make the whole experience even scarier!

Supports: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Killing Floor: Incursion screenshot

Killing Floor: Incursion

For those that like their horror a bit more action-oriented rather than suspenseful, one title that shouldn’t be overlooked is Killing Floor: Incursion. As an elite Horzine Security Forces soldier you to fend off the horrific Zed hordes using an array of weapons including pistols, shotguns, blades and more. Alongside the main campaign mode, there’s the Holdout Mode to battle against waves of monsters.

Supports: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR

Duck Season screenshot

Duck Season

One of the more unusual offerings on this list, Stress Level Zero’s Duck Season is a hearty mix of 80’s nostalgia with dark horror twist for good measure. A wave-based shooter featuring a shotgun and plenty of ducks, there’s much more going on here than simple poultry framing.

Supports: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

Resident Evil 7 - Family

Resident Evil 7 biohazard

It may have launched all the way back in January 2017 and it’s still exclusive to PlayStation VR, but Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 biohazard still deserves a place on this list. Resident Evil 7 biohazard goes back to its roots as a proper survival horror, rather than the more action-based experiences of the last couple of titles. Set in a seemingly abandoned farmhouse, in a creepy Louisiana plantation, it soon becomes clear that there’s a whole family living there, the Baker’s, and as you may expect they’re not exactly friendly to outsiders.

Supports: PlayStation VR

Paranormal Activity The Lost Soul - Kitchen

Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul

Another horror movie tie-in, Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul goes for the classic less is more approach putting you in a very scary house with little more than a flashlight. Before long, you’ll discover you’re not alone as you unravel the mystery of what’s gone on in this house; then it’s a struggle to survive the terror that begins to hunt you.

Supports: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR

Something for the Weekend: PSVR Halloween Hijinx (2018 Edition)

As we’re only a couple of days away from a major holiday – though how ‘major’ Halloween actually is probably depends more on where you live, than anything – you’d expect there’d be Halloween sales on all over the place. And you’d be right, as we’ve already featured several offers for suitably spooky virtual reality (VR) experiences on the site throughout October. Viveport being a recent example.

PlayStation VRHowever, this week’s scheduled platform for Something For The Weekend is PlayStation VR; and there hasn’t actually been anything much on the PlayStation Store expressly for VR.  That said there are still titles on sale, and ones that are a part of their own Halloween offer. So, let’s look at those titles and content packs that have made the (price) cut.

Please note: Deals are accurate as of the UK PlayStation Store and may not be available in all regions. Also, PS Plus membership may also result in additional money off on some titles.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

To quote VRFocus’ review on the title: “Until Dawn is a story driven horror videogame, with the player’s in-game decisions having a direct influence on the outcome for each of the characters involved. A convoluted journey through an unwelcoming world. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is a far more straight forward affair. It’s a shooting gallery, pure and simple, but when played in VR it’s far more appealing than could it could ever sound on paper.”

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is currently available for £7.99 (GBP), effectively half price from its usual mark of £15.99.

Kona VR Bundle

The first of several bundles featuring VR to get a price drop on the PlayStation Store this week, the Kona VR Bundle includes the full game Kona, plus the upgrade to VR DLC. Kona puts players in the role of a detective hired to investigate the vandalism of a businessman’s summer home. The local Canadian community is suspected of being behind things, but  the detective finds the area deserted. So, what is really going on?

The Kona VR Bundle is currently available for £7.99, half price from £15.99.

The Exorcist: Legion VR – Complete Series

To quote Rebecca when she recently reviewed chapter five of Wolf & Wood’s VR excursion into the greater world of The Exorcist: “NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!” If you want a good scare, this bundle of all five chapters is right up your street.

The compete series is 28% off currently on PlayStation Store, from £24.99 to £17.99.

The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 4 Samaritan

Oasis Games Shooter Bundle

Not everything with money off this week can be classified as a horror game.

While the VR releases from Oasis Games aren’t everyone’s cup of tea (see: Ace Banana) there are some that are worth a look (see: Pixel Gear). This bundle gives you the option to check out both ends of the spectrum, with the pair getting a hefty discount from £19.99 to a far more reasonable £6.19 – a 69% discount. You can find it on the PlayStation Store here.


DOOM VFR brings the fast-paced, brutal gameplay fans of the series love to virtual reality.” Says the PlayStation Store description. “Immerse yourself in the UAC facility on Mars and the depths of Hell, as your skills are put to the test through intense combat and challenging puzzle-solving. Play as a cybernetic survivor who is activated by the UAC to fight the demon invasion, maintain order, and prevent catastrophic failure at the Mars facility. ”

What more is there to say? Get ripping and tearing for £12.99, just over a third off the regular £19.99 price.

DOOM VFR screenshot

Killing Floor: Incursion

A standalone experience based on Tripwire Interactive’s Killing Floor franchise, Killing Floor: Incursion takes players into the world of the Horzine Security Forces as they team up with allies to fend off the horrific Zed hordes using pistols, shotguns, blades and more.

Save 36% on Killing Floor: Incursion now from £24.99 to £15.99.

Killing Floor: Incursion screenshot

Weeping Doll

Another Oasis Games title, Weeping Doll is only £2.49 for a short time. Playing as the maid of a Japanese family living in a very Victorian looking home, Weeping Doll has players exploring different environments to solve puzzles as a tortured girl’s doll takes revenge on her parents.

Weeping Doll title

Arizona Sunshine

Its Halloween, so of course Vertigo Games’ zombie shooter is in the deal. There’s a hefty 60% off the title, clocking in at £12.99 (down from £32.99) and it’s also one of those titles that has a possible PS Plus discount.

Find out why so many want to play it and why it’s one of the titles making the leap to becoming a location-based experience (LBE). Just try to keep your brains and blood inside yourself when you do.

Arizona Sunshine PlayStation VR screenshot

The Inpatient

“Discover true fear at the abandoned Blackwood Pines Sanatorium. Awaken into a living nightmare as a patient with no memory of who you are – in a spine-chilling mystery set 60 years before the events of PS4 hit Until Dawn. Live the horror through the immersion of VR as deep, personal fears, psychological terror and heart-shredding jump scares wait in the darkness.”

Get ready to wrestle with more than a few moral dilemmas as you figure out who you can trust in the PSVR title from Supermassive Games. Save £14 on the regular store price for a limited time, with the price at £15.99.

Random Note of Appreciation: Whoever changed the “Key Features” on the standard store description to “Key Symptoms”? Well done. We loved that little detail even if no one else noticed it.

Check out more titles on next week’s edition of Something for the Weekend as we head into November.

GIVEAWAY: Win A Free Copy Of The Exorcist: Legion VR On PSVR

GIVEAWAY: Win A Free Copy Of The Exorcist: Legion VR On PSVR

The Exorcist: Legion VR is a very, very good VR horror game. It’s one of the best we’ve played hands-down and now as of this week all five chapters are finally out on PSVR. The whole experience lasts about three hours in total and it balances an excellent mixture of jump scare, slow-building tension, and downright horrifying imagery. You can watch us play through the whole thing on HTC Vive in our two-part livestream of The Exorcist: Legion VR (Part 1 and Part 2) to get a taste.

We’re giving away five codes for The Exorcist: Legion VR on PSVR. Winners will be randomly selected. All of our keys are PSVR Season Pass keys, which means they will unlock all five chapters of the game completely for the whole experience.

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win right here.

For more on what we think of the game, here is an excerpt from our full review:

The Exorcist: Legion VR is without a doubt one of the best VR horror experiences available. The slow-building tension is expertly paced, each and every scare feels visceral and dangerous, and the sheer sense of terror you feel while methodically exploring the richly detailed environments is staggering. It honestly felt like I could hear the voices inside my own head and I could feel the heat from my crucifix as I stared down the faces of demon and eradicated the evil within. The Exorcist: Legion VR will turn even the most hardened horror fans into whimpering piles of fear.

Winners will be selected at approximately 4PM PT on Monday, October 15th, 2018. If you’d rather not click the link above, here is the embedded contest widget:.

GIVEAWAY: Win A Free Copy Of The Exorcist: Legion VR On PSVR

Good luck!

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Review: The Exorcist: Legion VR

Horror is a deeply subjective thing. What one person might find terrifying, another may find laughable, or even cute and indeed, vice-versa. It is therefore uncommon to find something that is nigh-universally regarded as terrifying, and this is the accolade was awarded to The Exorcist when the move was released 1974. It is difficult to imagine anything successfully capturing the spirit of that production, but The Exorcist: Legion VR does its level best.

One of the most vital things to establish in any horror title is atmosphere. This is not as tangible as remarking on the graphics and story, but nonetheless essential. The Exorcist: Legion VR establishes quickly the feel of bleak, stripped-down horror.

The Exorcist: Legion VR

You begin in a homicide department, with half-finished cups of coffee scattered on desks, while files detailing various types of tragedy and disaster are available to sift through. The subdued colours give a hint of what is to come as you get a call about a ‘weird one’ at a church.

From there you head to your first location, a small church where a priest has gone missing. There is a lot of blood, as well as insects, and clues as to what has occurred scattered around. In some ways the game play feels familiar as you slowly assemble tools to help you out in certain situations – including a Crucifix.

The Exorcist: Legion VR doesn’t rely much on jump scares, which is just as well, as its largely a cheap way to get a fright out of your audiences. Instead, it slowly unnerves you, with clever sound design causing whispers in your ear and good usage of darkness and hidden corners where you never know what will be lurking when you turn around.

After the church, you travel to a secure psychiatric ward, a creepy house, a morgue and then an ancient tomb. Each chapter has its own feel, but the overall atmosphere of something waiting, lingering remains consistent. Chapter 3 is probably the most intense, with Chapter 5 largely feeling like a denouement, which works as a way to slowly lower your pulse rate.

The Exorcist Legion VR screenshot 3

Graphically, it looks great, or as great as blood, carnage and death can look, anyway. The locations are detailed, and it isn’t shy about throwing everything in the book at you, with things like moving mannequins, creepy dollhouses and creepy-crawlies all doing the part to scare the pants off you.

The voice acting is also excellent, going for an everyday delivery which contrasts sharply and effectively with the horrible things going on all around you.

In gameplay terms, none of the puzzles are particularly complex, and it is not conventionally difficult, most of the difficulty lies in facing the unknown and accepting whatever is going to come next to attempt to scare you – in a sense, using your own dread as a difficulty curve.

Its the presentation where The Exorcist: Legion VR shines. It is not long or complex, but it has bags of atmosphere and says what it needs to say with panache. The sense of presence is used effectively to give you a properly immersive horror experience. As Halloween approaches, it is definitely one to look into for fans of horror.

The Exorcist: Legion VR: Episode 4 & 5 erscheinen nächste Woche für PSVR

Nach dem Release für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf Steam erscheinen die letzten beiden Episoden Kapitel 4 – Samaritan und Kapitel 5 – The Tomb von The Exorcist: Legion nächste Woche am 9. Oktober für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im PlayStation Store.

The Exorcist: Legion VR – Episode 4 & 5 ab nächster Woche für PlayStation VR (PSVR) erhältlich

Entwicklerstudio Wolf & Wood veröffentlicht nächste Woche die letzten beiden Episoden des VR-Horror-Spiels The Exorcist: Legion VR für PlayStation VR (PSVR), um die gruselige The-Exorcist-Reihe auch auf Konsole zum Abschluss zu bringen. Ein letztes Mal dürfen sich die Spieler/innen auf die düstere Reise begeben, um den fiesen Dämonen mit heiligen Exorzismen an den Kragen zu gehen. In der Rolle des mittlerweile bekannten Detektivs erwarten euch erneut unzählige Horror-Elemente, Jump Scares und Gänsehaut erzeugende Furchtmomente.

The Exorcist

Im vierten Kapitel Samaritan begebt ihr euch in eine verlassene Quarantänestation in Haiti, um den gruseligen Geschehnissen rund um eine ausbrechende Seuche auf den Grund zu gehen. Im Herzen der Hilfestation erwartet euch der manipulative Dämon Baal, der für Pestilenz und Krankheit steht.

Dagegen taucht ihr im fünften und abschließenden Kapitel The Tomb in ein dunkles Grab in Obermesopotamien ab. Dort stellt ihr euch dem teuflischen Oberdämon Paszuzu persönlich entgegen und setzt auf Kreuz und Weihwasser im Kampf gegen das personifizierte Böse. Innerhalb des letzten Exorzismus müsst ihr auf euer gesammeltes Wissen aus den vorherigen Episoden zurückgreifen. Nur dadurch könnt ihr die finale Herausforderung bestehen. Auch die Entwickler/innen selbst beschreiben ihr abschließendes Kapitel als würdiges Ende der Reihe. Besonders hervorgehoben wird hierbei das starke Level-Design, die Atmosphäre sowie Sound und Voice-Acting.

Neben dem Release der Episoden integrieren die Devs zeitgleich ein Update, um einige Komforteinstellungen ins Spiel zu integrieren. Dazu zählen Fehlerbehebungen sowie Spieloptimierungen. Zudem werden zusätzlicher Sprach-Support sowie weitere Errungenschaften hinzugefügt.

Die letzten beiden Kapitel 4 & 5 von The Exorcist: Legion VR sind ab 9. Oktober für PlayStation VR (PSVR) im PlayStation Store erhältlich. Die komplette Serie findet ihr hier.

(Quellen: Exorcist Legion | Upload VR | Video: The Exorcist: Legion VR YouTube)

Der Beitrag The Exorcist: Legion VR: Episode 4 & 5 erscheinen nächste Woche für PSVR zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Exorcist VR’s Remaining Chapters Hit PSVR Next Week

Exorcist VR’s Remaining Chapters Hit PSVR Next Week

Good news for PSVR games that like to scare the bejesus out of themselves; the final installments of The Exorcist: Legion VR arrive on the headset next week.

Episode 4 and 5 of the horror series, which originally launched on PC VR headsets earlier this year, will land on Sony’s headset on October 9th. The fourth chapter, Samaritan, has you exploring a failed quarantine zone in Haiti, while the last, The Tomb, puts you in a final showdown with the demon Paszuzu.

Since the final episode’s launch on PC a few months back we’ve gone on to review the full five-part series and we think it’s one of the best horror VR experiences going. “The slow-building tension is expertly paced, each and every scare feels visceral and dangerous, and the sheer sense of terror you feel while methodically exploring the richly detailed environments is staggering,” David Jagneaux said in our review.

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